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Sinister is the spelling police
Middle Finger Wrote:Sounds like time for a staff-only-knocker pic contest. Just sayin.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
[user=4]Overlord[/user] wrote:
Quote:I'm sure they compliment your sausage wallet very well.
Yeah...that'd be "complement", not "compliment"...

Just sayin'.

And it IS the theme of the thread, after all.

And speaking of which....I thought I put in for the "Spelling Nazi" position before this place was even open. I remember it distinctly. So wtf gives, here, MF??? This was supposed to be MY job. Get with it already, willya?
Duchess Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Sounds like time for a staff-only-knocker pic contest. Just sayin.
You say that like it's a bad thing or something....
i can think of one person in particular in another forum who made a huge point to say how she uses spellcheck all the time. clearly however, her spellcheck is disabled. oh, and it's also 'typos'. HA! she makes the same 'typos' all the time. dumb twat.

And the initial cap retard makes fun of the spelling retard. Unbelievable.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Un.fucking.believable.
jackboots Wrote:i can think of one person in particular in another forum who made a huge point to say how she uses spellcheck all the time. clearly however, her spellcheck is disabled. oh, and it's also 'typos'. HA! she makes the same 'typos' all the time. dumb twat.
I even checked that shit out to be certain. Alot DOES show as a typo so that fucking moron does not use spellcheck. If she uses spellcheck, then I'm going to make a career out of singing opera.

Poor Sphincter, can't raise a pecker or ire.
I am going to try to not spell any words wrong because sinister will kick my ass because she hates people who spell words wrong and does not like to come into a thread and kick their asses so i will not put any commas or anything else in this sentence with the hope that she runs out of breath and keels over from reading this without taking a breath i know that some people have a hard time reading and breathing at the same time so if you hear sirens getting louder you will know they are comming for you thatisallfornowbutiwillbeback
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
coming only has one m. Smiley_emoticons_razz


Maggot the champ.
jackboots Wrote:coming only has one m.
In that run on train wreck it hardly matters you know ...
jackboots Wrote:coming only has one m. Smiley_emoticons_razz
Not another spell checker! Your lucky I'm to sick to grace this with a comeback.::showass::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I know, these bitches want to turn the place into mock spelling forums ...
86 112
Maggot Wrote:I am going to try to not spell any words wrong because sinister will kick my ass because she hates people who spell words wrong
Incorrect. I hate everyone. (Yes, that means you, too.) I don't give a fuck how accurately they spell or don't; I hate the population of the entire planet.

Spelling correctly is over fucking rated.::sly::
SATAN Wrote:Spelling correctly is over fucking rated.::sly::

Yet you still felt the need to edit your post.

Personally, I think Satan is over-fucking-rated. And an egomaniac.
Hey how about another picture and this time show us your nipples?::bigg::
SATAN Wrote:Hey how about another picture and this time show us your nipples?::bigg::
Heh. No dice, pal. Hubby has those locked up somewhere even I can't get to them.
My pipples are nerky now.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.