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Sinister is the spelling police
Seems obvious. 75
86 112
Yeah, and? I am sick of looking at the illiterate fucks in the other place and not being able to say anything to them..... ::batguy:: ::sly::
Sinister Wrote:Yeah, and? I am sick of looking at the illiterate fucks in the other place and not being able to say anything to them..... ::batguy:: ::sly::
Maybe if they were a LITTLE smarter they would at least download FireFox and have a fighting chance of spelling words correctly.

Granted, it won't correct their grammar, but it's a start. Smiley_emoticons_wink


I know, at least have the sense to get a spellchecker that fixes most of your lameness with a click or two.
86 112
Speaking of FireFox, I just downloaded 3.0 RC2. Good stuff!!!

I hate speaking nicely about our feminine moderator but the spell checker is missing a lot of common words. I could really use her help adding to it.

Overlord Wrote:Speaking of FireFox, I just downloaded 3.0 RC2. Good stuff!!!

I hate speaking nicely about our feminine moderator but the spell checker is missing a lot of common words. I could really use her help adding to it.

Female, NOT "feminine". Nothing "girly" or "frilly" about me at all, thankyouverymuch. ::haha::'Cept maybe my huge knockers.

Anyhoo....what words would you like to know how to spell? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a champ. If I can't get one, I know someone here who can.
Sounds like time for a staff-only-knocker pic contest. Just sayin.
86 112
Sinister Wrote:
Overlord Wrote:Speaking of FireFox, I just downloaded 3.0 RC2. Good stuff!!!

I hate speaking nicely about our feminine moderator but the spell checker is missing a lot of common words. I could really use her help adding to it.

Female, NOT "feminine". Nothing "girly" or "frilly" about me at all, thankyouverymuch. ::haha::'Cept maybe my huge knockers.

Anyhoo....what words would you like to know how to spell? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a champ. If I can't get one, I know someone here who can.
Knockers sure are feminine. So is the vag unless you have a 4 inch clitoris like Chyna. Smiley_emoticons_wink

Simple words like idealistic and moderator weren't even listed.

Quote:Sounds like time for a staff-only-knocker pic contest. Just sayin.

Well, this is the last pic taken of them, (about 3 years ago)but they have grown. The shit to make me sleep also gives me the fucking munchies, and I have been measured now at a 38DD. Pisses me off, too. I hate these fucking things....

Looks like someone lost their balls after seeing those funbags.
Overlord Wrote:Looks like someone lost their balls after seeing those funbags.
FUNBAGS!!!! I've only seen one other person use that word to describe tits. ::lmao::
Sinister Wrote:
Overlord Wrote:Looks like someone lost their balls after seeing those funbags.
FUNBAGS!!!! I've only seen one other person use that word to describe tits. ::lmao::

I'm sure they compliment your sausage wallet very well.

Sinister Wrote:
FUNBAGS!!!! I've only seen one other person use that word to describe tits.
Who was it, Ford Fairlane ?
STFU Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
FUNBAGS!!!! I've only seen one other person use that word to describe tits.
Who was it, Ford Fairlane ?
No, fuckwit, it was my husband. Is that okay with you??? ::karate::
*Not even worth a fucking response ...
STFU Wrote:[color="#d0d0d0"]*Not even worth a fucking response ...[/color]
In other words, you don't want to get your teeth knocked out......
STFU Wrote:*Not even worth a fucking response ...
And yet....there is a response. You're getting more stupid as time passes. Is it time for your meds?
Overlord Wrote:
STFU Wrote:*Not even worth a fucking response ...
In other words, you don't want to get your teeth knocked out......

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery ...

*But, you didn't have to steal my fucking font and the size, did you ?
You can keep your Tahoma. I'll switch to Verdana as it is more forum like anyway.

Font size? I am just returning it to the size a forum font should be.

Nice tits, Sinister. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
86 112