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more animal cuteness!
There is no point in arguing with an idiot when it comes to horses, Duchess and Crash.

Horses today are fenced in to keep them SAFE from the dangers of cars and hunters, city streets, open holes MAN made etc.

Horses are only 'twitchy and nervous' around YOU, OP because they are sensitive to things around them that are 'not right' - YOU are "not right" on so many different levels they probably think you're something evil come to harm them.

A horse that has gained your trust will indeed allow a human to ride them, I've NEVER had to 'break' a horse that I bred or owned because they trusted me that I wouldn't harm them. I also NEVER rode any of my animals with a bit in it's mouth. Many horses do need a bit, but those with kind and gentle hands don't use it to hurt and many times the horse is simply playing with it more than it is a tool.

Race horses continue to run because horses are herd animals. When theherd is running, even after the jockey is dumped, he WILL by the nature of his flight for survival mechanism, continue on with his herd.

Horses are one of the very few domesticated animals that if turned out to live in the wild can easily survive provided he's not turned out into the city but in a suitable environment.

STFU - your ignorance is overwhelming.
Duchess Wrote:Everyone that has a complaint about the level of activity in Mock should consider posting instead of bitching...{Take a note, Ramsey.}
No shit. The assholes that only occasionally show up are the ones bitching about lack of activity.
since horsemanship is an integral part of British culture... Ascot, the Derby, Cheltenham, i am interested in your opinion of the Hunt OP. (is it still illegal?) i DO feel for the fox ripped to pieces, but my question is do you feel the inborn British admiration for fine horses? or is itstrictly a function of the aristocracy?

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I don't know anything about horses, but weren't they bred to ride and pull carriages? I would think it's similar to a working breed dog, they actually enjoy doing what they were bred to do.
jackboots Wrote:since horsemanship is an integral part of British culture... Ascot, the Derby, Cheltenham, i am interested in your opinion of the Hunt OP. (is it still illegal?) i DO feel for the fox ripped to pieces, but my question is do you feel the inborn British admiration for fine horses? or is itstrictly a function of the aristocracy?

Fox hunting in Britain is still illegal or they are trying to make it so. I don't know the law there.

They could have kept it legal and simply banned the use of live game hunting and made it like us civilized people in America do, drag hunt.

Drag hunting is when someone goes out with a heavily scented rag and drags along the course the hunt is going to take place. The rag is left at the end of the course.

Dogs are trained to hunt whateve scent is used on the rag. They hunt the rag instead of live game now.

I'm sure there are still live hunts that happen here but more and more drag hunting is used.

I also don't think the dogs are supposed to shred the fox when they get it, I always thought that was for the huntmaster to do. Dogs were simply supposed to corner it until the master arrives.

I never fox hunted, never got into learning all the details of it so I can only comment on what I do know, or think I know.
The Antagonist Wrote:There is no point in arguing with an idiot when it comes to horses, Duchess and Crash.

Horses today are fenced in to keep them SAFE from the dangers of cars and hunters, city streets, open holes MAN made etc.

Horses are only 'twitchy and nervous' around YOU, OP because they are sensitive to things around them that are 'not right' - YOU are "not right" on so many different levels they probably think you're something evil come to harm them.

A horse that has gained your trust will indeed allow a human to ride them, I've NEVER had to 'break' a horse that I bred or owned because they trusted me that I wouldn't harm them. I also NEVER rode any of my animals with a bit in it's mouth. Many horses do need a bit, but those with kind and gentle hands don't use it to hurt and many times the horse is simply playing with it more than it is a tool.

Race horses continue to run because horses are herd animals. When theherd is running, even after the jockey is dumped, he WILL by the nature of his flight for survival mechanism, continue on with his herd.

Horses are one of the very few domesticated animals that if turned out to live in the wild can easily survive provided he's not turned out into the city but in a suitable environment.

STFU - your ignorance is overwhelming.

Fuck you.

Your pussy gets wet at the thought of horsiesyou fuckingfreak.

I personally have never had a problem with horses, I have fed them, stroked them and even ridden them on several occasions and never had any problems them. I feel sorry for them still being used as beasts of burden though thats the only point I was trying to make you horse fucking bitches.

Wind your fucking necks in before I behead you with my words.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Fuck off - don't deny animals of all species freak out in your presence.

And quit stroking the horses, one day that stallion will make you regret that.
The Antagonist Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:since horsemanship is an integral part of British culture... Ascot, the Derby, Cheltenham, i am interested in your opinion of the Hunt OP. (is it still illegal?) i DO feel for the fox ripped to pieces, but my question is do you feel the inborn British admiration for fine horses? or is itstrictly a function of the aristocracy?

Fox hunting in Britain is still illegal or they are trying to make it so. I don't know the law there.

They could have kept it legal and simply banned the use of live game hunting and made it like us civilized people in America do, drag hunt.

Drag hunting is when someone goes out with a heavily scented rag and drags along the course the hunt is going to take place. The rag is left at the end of the course.

Dogs are trained to hunt whateve scent is used on the rag. They hunt the rag instead of live game now.

I'm sure there are still live hunts that happen here but more and more drag hunting is used.

I also don't think the dogs are supposed to shred the fox when they get it, I always thought that was for the huntmaster to do. Dogs were simply supposed to corner it until the master arrives.

I never fox hunted, never got into learning all the details of it so I can only comment on what I do know, or think I know.

Fox huntinghas been illegal for two years, the police have made it clearthey will enforce this law and there are no illegal foxhunts taking place in the UK as a result.

As for you being "civilised" in the UK we don't have a national culture of shooting anything that fucking walks or crawls like you yanks do so shut the fuck up about being "civilised" okay?

Thehounds in foxhunting have 2 functions tracking the fox then ripping it limb from limb.

When the fox is cornered the lead huntsman throws the still alive often wounded fox to the dogs where it is ripped to shreds, this happened in every single fox hunt in history when a fox was caught.

The violent death of the fox is the focal point of thehunt just goes to show what a bloodthirsty set of cunts the toffs are, and why the fox hunting industry has died on its arse without the blood.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
As for you being "civilised" in the UK we don't have a national culture of shooting anything that fucking walks or crawls like you yanks do so shut the fuck up about being "civilised" okay?

I guess all that trophy hunting you Brits did in Africa was a figment of the imagination?

Face it, you hunted long before the tree huggers told you it wasn't allowed. I'll even go so far as to guess it's illegal because being on an island you hunted so much that you put all the natural wildlife in danger of extinction so it had to be stopped.
The Antagonist Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
As for you being "civilised" in the UK we don't have a national culture of shooting anything that fucking walks or crawls like you yanks do so shut the fuck up about being "civilised" okay?

I guess all that trophy hunting you Brits did in Africa was a figment of the imagination?

Face it, you hunted long before the tree huggers told you it wasn't allowed. I'll even go so far as to guess it's illegal because being on an island you hunted so much that you put all the natural wildlife in danger of extinction so it had to be stopped.

Only a handful of toffs hunted wildgame in Africa you stupid bitch, and somehow that is my fault? Your whole fucking culture is based on still shooting anything that moves while waddling through the forest with a fucking beer belly.

That is your culture right now, not mine, cunt.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Where did I put the blame of British hunting on you? You're a fucking idiot.

American culture is not all about hunting. Again, you spew ignorance only because you like to hear yourself babble.

Care to comment on anything besides hunting, fox or otherwise? How about how wrong you are about horses in general and why they're kept in fences?

Come on, please show us all your expertise in horsemanship, husbandry, care and maintenance etc of the equine species.
The Antagonist Wrote:American culture is not all about hunting.
No its also about jingoistic patriotism, gun related homicide, morbid obesity, incest, arrogance and general boorishness.

Ain't dat roight asswhoip?

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
You know, you might want to go buy yourself a new book of stupidity to repeat. Your nonsense is old and repetitive and laughable.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:American culture is not all about hunting.
No its also about jingoistic patriotism, gun related homicide, morbid obesity, incest, arrogance and general boorishness.

Ain't dat roight asswhoip?
I'll admit to being occasionally arrogant but the rest is bunk.
toffs. ::lmao::

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Dontcha just love a know-it-all, that knows nothing at all about what the fuckhe's talking about?

Hey Duchess & Ant.......Have you learned anything new about horsesfrom our resident expert douchebag OP? ::rollseyes::
back to cuteness

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Unfortunately, that beautiful little deer died shortly after its birth. :(
Hey, OP...I'm gettin' ready to go for a ride, it's a crying shame you couldn't be here to witness my fav horse run away in terror as I walk up to his gate.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Somebody's a little antsy...
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