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Does anyone here believe that pic of him is not photoshopped? The bastard is close to 60 years old for fucks sake. Can you still be in the reserves at that age. AND..........if the twit has 3 or 4 fucking jobs, where in the hell does he have time to post all night long. I hate liars. And MF, since his PM is what gave me the white screen and I can't reply to him, I will be replying to him on the public forum, sooooo, get ready to ban me cause I'm gonna tell that fucker what I really think of him.
Hey, it's funny NOW but having to read that shit the first and seeing him preen in front of all the gullible fools that treated him like any of this could possibly be true was annoying as hell. Even then, I could've ignored him if he didn't constantly pop into threads acting morally and intellectually superior. This is the man that announced he had won some big, important teacher of the year award when a simple google search proved the award didn't even exist... but he had dozens of fans congratulating him and showering him with accolades.
This obviously fucked up little man works with children! No wonder this country is filled with illiterates.
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i do not believe he actually just posted this to someone at 24! the nervy fucker! he's mentally ill, he has to be!
1. You just showed you are profane and without tact.
2. You also showed you can't be trusted.
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He sounds like he needs to take a ride over to the Bellevue insane asylum.
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(11-16-2009, 07:37 PM)sally Wrote: He sounds like he needs to take a ride over to the Bellevue insane asylum. but....he is a world-renowned holistic medical man who actually baffled the many doctors who have tried unsuccessfully to treat his wife's life-threatening leg tumors/varicose veins, she was near death! it was hopeless! ...HE CURED HER WITH EPSOM SALTS! the world of science and medicine was stunned into reverence! Bellevue could never contain his genius!
The guy calls himself a polymath, for fuck's sake, it's even in his title at 24... or was, I haven't bothered to look lately. Have you ever looked up the meaning? Take a peek:
Quote:A polymath (Greek polymathes, p???µa???, "having learned much")[1] is a person, with superior intelligence, whose expertise spans a significant number of subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply refer to someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today's standards.[2]
The terms Renaissance man and, less commonly, homo universalis (Latin for "universal man" or "man of the world") are related and used to describe a person who is well educated or who excels in a wide variety of subjects or fields.[3] The idea developed in Renaissance Italy from the notion expressed by one of its most accomplished representatives, Leon Battista Alberti (1404–72): that “a man can do all things if he will.” It embodied the basic tenets of Renaissance Humanism which considered humans empowered, limitless in their capacities for development, and led to the notion that people should embrace all knowledge and develop their capacities as fully as possible. Thus the gifted humans of the Renaissance sought to develop skills in all areas of knowledge, in physical development, in social accomplishments and in the arts.
What kind of a pompous asshole would call himself that? Certainly not someone that actually IS a polymath.
By the way, JB, you seem sympathetic to Far for standing up and taking all the crap about the Gin Blossoms, but were you aware he threatened to KILL whoever had told that GB forum about Jives? Yes, kill. I don't know about you, but that's Bellevue material as well.
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no, i did NOT know about far making threats. i always considered him a drooling imbecile on a par with brother. but i did know he defended and actually SALUTED as jives flew off into to the sunset in his cropduster. ::rotf::
(11-16-2009, 08:06 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: The guy calls himself a polymath, for fuck's sake, it's even in his title at 24...

A narcissistic personality disorder does not a 'Renaissance Man' make
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Here you go, Lumpy.
I'm not sure what prompted that personal attack. You brave enough to explain yourself?
Well, since your poisoned PM gave me the white screen of death. I guess I can answer it here in the open.
You, MR. Teacher of the year are the biggest liar I have ever come across in real life or on the net. I will make fun of your RR photoshopped pic until the cows come home. You look nothing like him , never have, never will, so get over it. You set yourself up on these forums to get bitch slapped all over the place because of the nasty way you post and you compulsion to lie about everything under the sun. You even admit that you lie and you admit that you are not really YOU when you get on a forum. And then, you expect everyone to believe anything you have to say, when in reality, it is all taken with LESS than a grain of salt. If anything you have to say is true, then you would be pushing 60 and the pic you post is clearly not the real you and you think we are all THAT stupid.
You are the king of personal attacks on this site, and you are nasty in all of your replies if someone doesn't agree with you. The perfect example of that is the replies you have given to a certain poster with you calling her nasty names when she CLEARLY caught you in another lie. You are constantly borderline threatening people here in a 12 year old kind of way that makes YOU look like the idiot you are. Asking me if I'm "brave" enough to explain myself with a smiley holding a baseball bat. Do you seriously think that you intimidate anybody on here. The only thing you do is get on here and make an ass out of yourself.
Anyone can get on here and look at my few POTD and clearly see that I have kicked your ass to next Tuesday and back and will continue to do so whenever I feel the need to so.
You know, you could make much better use of your time if you were away from here and working one of your 4 jobs, saving your wife's life with a box of Epsom salt, going on tour with the Gin Blossoms or riding your fighter jet off into the wild blue yonder. Or you could always come to the dark side and join Mock, but we all know you don't have the balls for that, so, carry on with all your lies and bullshit. We ALL got your number.
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The first sentence was the PM he sent me, with a smiley holding a baseball bat.
I'm fucking scared...........somebody hold me.
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Well done! I bet if it's still there, it won't be for long. Frank loves him some little Jivesy-wivesy.
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I couldn't get it to come up on recent, But it was off to the left.
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typical...he logged out after your post. he NEVER has the balls to answer anything unless he thinks it's a woman he can intimidate!
i loved Lumpy's comment about pimping his book at fg. ::lol::
(11-16-2009, 09:53 PM)jackboots Wrote: typical...he logged out after your post. he NEVER has the balls to answer anything unless he thinks it's a woman he can intimidate!
i loved Lumpy's comment about pimping his book at fg. ::lol::
His book? What 'famous author in disguise' is he, I wonder?!?
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(11-16-2009, 11:26 PM)SyberBitch Wrote: (11-16-2009, 09:53 PM)jackboots Wrote: typical...he logged out after your post. he NEVER has the balls to answer anything unless he thinks it's a woman he can intimidate!
i loved Lumpy's comment about pimping his book at fg. ::lol::
His book? What 'famous author in disguise' is he, I wonder?!?
you didn't know he authored WAR AND PEACE??
he compiled some of his sci-fi stories and self-published i think. it's an $8.95 paperback. don't bother checking the NY Times bestseller list.
I'm assuming this is it. Self published?
(11-16-2009, 11:33 PM)jackboots Wrote: he compiled some of his sci-fi stories and self-published i think. it's an $8.95 paperback
oooh sci-fi not good enough to warrant a real publisher... sounds hot! ::lol::
"And now for something completely... boring..." bahah