(12-12-2009, 07:33 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: Right ... a living thing being able to do things on their own and go hurt someone is different than an inanimate object (gun) that can't. That difference is not the same as suggesting an animal will wake up one day and say to itself "Hey, I think I want to go maul some kid today and fuck it all."
Unless, of course, you want to be stupid.
Unlike you, that can't help being stupid.
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(12-12-2009, 07:38 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: (12-12-2009, 07:33 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: Right ... a living thing being able to do things on their own and go hurt someone is different than an inanimate object (gun) that can't. That difference is not the same as suggesting an animal will wake up one day and say to itself "Hey, I think I want to go maul some kid today and fuck it all."
Unless, of course, you want to be stupid.
Unlike you, that can't help being stupid. 
Right - similar to the gun.
The Antagonist
Your comment. Your words. The way you worded it says the same thing. I do not understand how you can possibly think any animal can reason to that capacity and DECIDE on its own to go out and cause harm for the sake of it. Even comparing it to a gun is a ridiculous comparison.
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(12-12-2009, 07:44 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: Your comment. Your words. The way you worded it says the same thing. I do not understand how you can possibly think any animal can reason to that capacity and DECIDE on its own to go out and cause harm for the sake of it. Even comparing it to a gun is a ridiculous comparison.
I didn't say it wakes up and decides to go do it, I said "animals can and do get up on their own to go hurt people."
They do. Unlike guns, they can get up on their own, without the help of a person, and go hurt people.
You lose. I win. Next.
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Their bite is not the problem, Frank. Akitas, german shepards, mastiffs, and several other dogs have just as powerful of a bite and can be equally dangerous. The problem is over breeding them and stupid owners. My pitbull is no more dangerous than my other 3 dogs. My basset hound kicks her ass.
(12-12-2009, 07:44 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: Your comment. Your words. The way you worded it says the same thing. I do not understand how you can possibly think any animal can reason to that capacity and DECIDE on its own to go out and cause harm for the sake of it. Even comparing it to a gun is a ridiculous comparison.
Ridiculous and STUPID.
The Antagonist
It's amazing how Frank does not understand his own words. Simply amazing.
ON THEIR OWN - do you not get that Frank?
Animals do not have that capacity to make that complicated of a decision. PERIOD.
Now if you said, "any animal can get loose and harm someone because of a number of reasons to provoke an attack." then there wouldn't be an issue in what you said. But your wording clearly says you believe animals can make complex decisions to go out and hurt humans.
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(12-12-2009, 08:39 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: It's amazing how Frank does not understand his own words. Simply amazing.
ON THEIR OWN - do you not get that Frank?
Animals do not have that capacity to make that complicated of a decision. PERIOD.
I didn't say they make a complicated decision. ON THEIR OWN they can go hurt someone. Just like I said. Keep trying.
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Dogs bite people all the time, it is not a complex decision for a dog to bite someone, it is nor more complex a decision than a dog having a shit or eating from the trash.
Complex decision my ass.
A dog could without your knowledge go outside and bite someone without you knowing about it or having any control over it unlike a gun. In the crime bureau we would record at least a dozen dog attacks every week, some of these dogs were even on a lead when making these attacks.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Antagonist
Careful Frank.... your greyhound has been known to get up and chase a running kid thinking it was prey. Why do you think I told you to make sure you got one that wasn't trained on live prey? But the possiblilty is still there and it's been known to happen. Those serrated canines can do some serious damage.
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Hey, comparing notoriously gentle greyhounds that don't even register on the kid-killing statistics, to it taking three adults to pry pitbulls off of kids' heads, just convinced me how right you have been in this whole debate.
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Dogs are like guns in this one small way, they can be loaded and ready to take action based on the way they are raised/trained.
although they do not think in high level thought they can be trained to react to certian things that would make it seem they think for themselves.
The safest way to train dogs which have a natural instinct to protect is to train them in a reverse situational reaction.
instead of training them to not allow intruders , they welcome them are friendly to the point of the intruder wanting to leave, then they react and do not allow them to go without escort.
My rotties are trained this way it makes life much easier and a whole lot less stressful liability wise.
My gun however is not trained and is subject only to my own personal reaction based on the situation.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
The Antagonist
(12-13-2009, 10:16 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Dogs bite people all the time, it is not a complex decision for a dog to bite someone, it is nor more complex a decision than a dog having a shit or eating from the trash.
Complex decision my ass.
A dog could without your knowledge go outside and bite someone without you knowing about it or having any control over it unlike a gun. In the crime bureau we would record at least a dozen dog attacks every week, some of these dogs were even on a lead when making these attacks.
Yes you're right. Frank is arguing for the sake of arguing right now. I never said dogs do not attack. I only said his wording made it look like he thinks [specific breeds of] dogs get up on their own and decide to attack. His wording makes it look like he thinks its a conscious decision on the dogs part to bite anyone and everything in it's path if it happens to get loose.
Frank's an egotistical bitch that refuses to admit he could've worded it better... control freak = always correct.
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Frank is just responding to erroneous and wishful interpretations of what he said. Frank is also responding to the blatant sidestepping of common sense. If both would stop and the retard pitbull defense crew would shut up, Frank would not have to argue. It's very simple.
The Antagonist
Yes, you and all the others who fell into the fear mongering about the breed know so much more than experts who know better.
Just admit you worded your dopey thought incorrectly.
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Ant, if there is some favorite way you like to hear it expressed that, unlike inanimate objects, animals can go out and hurt people on their own ... feel free to fucking type it, print it, and hang it on your wall.
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If a dog bites you unprovoked..........just shoot the fucker. Toot-fini.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
The Antagonist
(12-13-2009, 02:08 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: Ant, if there is some favorite way you like to hear it expressed that, unlike inanimate objects, animals can go out and hurt people on their own ... feel free to fucking type it, print it, and hang it on your wall.
I already did - You don't need to use the exact wording but you should most certainly have gotten the idea. See the quote of myself below.
(12-12-2009, 08:39 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: It's amazing how Frank does not understand his own words. Simply amazing.
ON THEIR OWN - do you not get that Frank?
Animals do not have that capacity to make that complicated of a decision. PERIOD.
Now if you said, "any animal can get loose and harm someone because of a number of reasons to provoke an attack." then there wouldn't be an issue in what you said. But your wording clearly says you believe animals can make complex decisions to go out and hurt humans.
(12-13-2009, 02:09 PM)Maggot Wrote: If a dog bites you unprovoked..........just shoot the fucker. Toot-fini.
You are 100% right Maggot. Any animal that attacks unprovoked has probably been poorly bred, untrained, not socialized and allowed to roam free as if it's a wild dog and is dangerous. It is rare when it happens but unfortunately it does and not with only pit bulls or other "dangerous" breeds. More dog bites happen from small "innocuous" breeds to small children than the percentage of 'dangerous dogs' mauling people. 'Innocuous' breeds have killed as well and plenty.
But the concept of provocation has it's own meaning to everyone as I've found out in these same discussions long ago on 24. OP was the first one to twist my words when I described that dogs will not attack unless provoked in some way. He decided that I think dangerous animals should run free and never be put down when I said no such thing.
I was only explaining there is rarely a case of unprovoked acts and that IN A DOG's EYES/MIND what looks like unprovoked to a human is not to them.
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Quote:Now if you said, "any animal can get loose and harm someone because of a number of reasons to provoke an attack." then there wouldn't be an issue in what you said. But your wording clearly says you believe animals can make complex decisions to go out and hurt humans.
But that was not quite the point I wanted to make. My point as not about how or why an attack comes about (i.e. provoked or not). It was not about getting loose necessarily or reasons. Your sentence above is a point YOU may have preferred to hear but that is just for your own satisfaction, not mine. My point and wording was to note the difference between an inanimate object and an animal with free will able to kill children easily. It was in the context of a previous discussion about gun control concepts applying to pitbulls.
When you are done trying to change my point, or trying to invalidate it, let me know. :  :