(12-07-2009, 02:06 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I'd love to have blizzard like conditions *sigh*...I have a horse sleigh in the garage that I've never been able to use & I've had it for YEARS !
I really need to move closer to your location.
I never once complained about lack of snow in CA. We had a light dusting one year and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
(12-07-2009, 02:14 PM)Duchess Wrote:
That looks lovely !...I have everything I need except for the main ingredient.
Are your horses trained for harness?
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(12-07-2009, 10:22 PM)Maggot Wrote: we do not even consider Canada a foreign country around here.
I spent the first half of my life living less than 2 miles from Canada, we would travel back & forth by car, boat & snowmobile...Ah, the good ol' days, now, one needs a damn passport.
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(12-07-2009, 11:47 PM)SyberBitch Wrote: Are your horses trained for harness?
The horses I would be using are standardbreds, retired harness horses so, the answer to your question is yes.
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(12-07-2009, 02:28 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: (12-07-2009, 01:25 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Why is the weather in America so extreme a lot of the time?
Well, if we were a defeated fuck of an island like you, we might experience less volatility.
I think Sirelamre put it best over at 24, and I quote......
"99% of the population of the Colonies in 1770 was ENGLISH.
Not any other country --- not YET separate Americans.
Whether we in our American-Idolized redneck pride care to admit it,
the British ARE the reason we don't speak French now.
There's this little matter of the French and Indian War, which the British Army won, with assistance from the colonists --- a war that in NO WAY would have been winnable by the colonists alone - ask EVERY historian of that time -
We may have disagreed with the English government and monarchy ---
but we owed our very defining characteristics as a nation to the Magna Charta and other English ideas.....
....not in any way to the rest of the European cultures and nations."
And your still welcome, even an ungrateful Yankee prick like you.
Without my "defeated fuck of an island" your country as you know it wouldn't exist.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-07-2009, 07:54 PM)D Wrote: (12-07-2009, 02:14 PM)Duchess Wrote:
That looks lovely !...I have everything I need except for the main ingredient.
You and your sleigh can come visit me Duchess. I have PLENTY of white fluffy stuff to share.
I doubt Duchess wants to visit your dump and get hooked on cocaine.
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That's great OP, but I don't even have to tear your bullshit apart. You're still an island- a much smaller land mass, which was my point. I think you get dumber each year, I'm serious ...
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(12-08-2009, 11:41 AM)Middle Finger Wrote: That's great OP, but I don't even have to tear your bullshit apart.
You can't because its the truth and you know it greaseball, it's not that you don't have to tear it apart you CAN'T tear it apart because it's true!
If your point was only about the size of the landmass of Great Britain why bother with all the "defeated fuck" bullshit you fucking liar?
We saved your ass from the indians and were fundamental in the creation of your country.
Once again even an ungrateful prick like you is welcome.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Try harder, you can do it:
Weather, less, volatile, for, you, in, part, due, to, your, smaller, island, status.
Defeated ex-empire medieval royal fuck type material was for flavor. Now you can shut the fuck up, defeated prick.
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We can make May the 16th, my birthday, the day all you yanks can thank Great Britain for saving your colonist asses from the Indians and the French and giving you the blueprint for the creation of your country.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-08-2009, 11:56 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: We can make May the 16th, my birthday, the day all you yanks can thank Great Britain for saving your colonist asses from the Indians and the French and giving you the blueprint for the creation of your country.
I see you are still trying to minimize how we said a giant FUCK YOU to your royal bullshit and achieved our freedom from the medieval grip of your shameful empire. THEN, we saved your ass a few times, including relatively recently in WW2 from yet another shameful empire. Please say thank you in German, your almost native tongue. Send the thank you note to the most famous Nation of empire ass-kickers and the beacon of freedom England could never be - America.
Get rid of your Queen and focus on helping England be a real world leader instead of it being a cesspool of expense for us and a place we still have to protect. Thank you.
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Without the British army you would currently be speaking French fuckhole, no founding fathers (who were all English), no constitution (created using English lawbooks as a blueprint) no stars and motherfucking stripes.
Face it, without Great Britain the country you now know as America would NOT exist.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Right. We didn't have a revolution to break free from England and then we didn't save your ass from Hitler. Got it.
Go back to giving handjobs to shadow friends.
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Yes the British guys fought against the other British guys and won - Huzzah!
Then the British guys formed their country using Great Britain as its legal and constitutional blueprint.
Hitler's chances of invading Britain ended when a handful of RAF pilots destroyed the Luftwaffe in 1940, and despite suffering the equivilent of a 9⁄11 everyday for months and months we refused to back down.
That's because we are British and we will NEVER surrender.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Antagonist
Face it OP - we slapped you and the French were HAPPY to help slap England with us. They joined in for the fun of it because they too despised your country's bullying ways.
It does not matter that our founding fathers were English (weren't most of them born here? YES) we said FUCK YOU to England and called ourselves Americans. They were Americans of English descent, not Englishmen.
We paid the French tenfold by kicking out the Germans and saved your sorry ass in the process. I think that kind of neutralizes your point. We're never going to thank England for allowing some of their citizens to live here and rebel. We'll thank the founders instead, which we do every July 4th.
(12-08-2009, 11:34 AM)sally Wrote: I doubt Duchess wants to visit your dump and get hooked on cocaine.
Sorry Sally, you must have me confused with IMaDick.... The only "Coke" I use is Coca-Cola. Though I used to use another kind too... the kind that is a type of Coal
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OP you dumb ass, it doesn't matter which Nations formed the original source of Americans or what percentage came from England. America was formed as a totally different culture - no royal bullshit and as a place free from your kind of tyranny.
The bottom line is AMERICANS were successful is giving the finger to your royal ass and then it was America that saved your whole region from Hitler. Again, please spend your time fashioning a proper thank you note instead of minimizing and making excuses. I realize the note will now have to pass Muslim standards before it is released, but do what you can.
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Britains bullying ways?, you are aware that France had an Empire as well at the time? oh then there was this guy called Napoleon? I hear he was a bit of a bully. The French (who we saved you from in the French and Indian war) merely switched sides when the tide of battle turned (typical French).
Up until the official creation of America, most people, including the founding fathers were English, FACT.
You did not save out asses from the Germans, we did that at the Battle of Britain in 1940.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Oh please, if you study England's attempt at ruling the world it's clear that their royal tyrannical ass had to be slapped into place. India had to do it. America did it.
England has been a royal disappointment and foe to freedom. It doesn't know what the fuck to do, so now their PC socialistic ways are taking its toll.
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(12-08-2009, 01:10 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: OP you dumb ass, it doesn't matter which Nations formed the original source of Americans or what percentage came from England. America was formed as a totally different culture - no royal bullshit and as a place free from your kind of tyranny.
The bottom line is AMERICANS were successful is giving the finger to your royal ass and then it was America that saved your whole region from Hitler. Again, please spend your time fashioning a proper thank you note instead of minimizing and making excuses. I realize the note will now have to pass Muslim standards before it is released, but do what you can.
None of that dribble changes the fact thought without Great Britain your country as you know it would not exist.
And once again, you're welcome.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.