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Have you ever joined a forum pretending to be someone else?
It is killing me not to let on that I know it is her but it is fun playing along.
oh, she knows. i am certain she has read this thread. she also knows the parameters of behavior at 24 and has to comply.

Somebody hand me the remote......this show is getting boring. [Image: 10_7_5.gif]
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think so Lumps, since it doesn't look like you got admitted.

I give up. You all can think what you want. Believe me or don't. It doesn't really matter.
Well, you're pretty worked up about it, reading meaning into a simple troll on the domestic side. ::dunno::
A simple troll on the domestic side? haahahaa yea that's what it was.
Are you calling me a liar, asshole?
Well gee asshole, you just happen to join THE forum I mentioned to troll? That doesn't strike you as odd?
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
sally Wrote:So Sinister is now posing as a guy named Sean over at 24 ::laugh::. If thats true then she really is fucking insane. I would have never known this if Ramsey wasn't such a gossiping newsmonger.
I didn't know it either Sallly until these guys said it. If it's even true. How do they know for sure it's her?? They say because he lives in Mt. Clemmens. Yea, that's proof. Whatever. Not problem as I had nothing to do with it and didn't know about it.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
The Antagonist Wrote:Hey ramseycunt - please re-read again where I said I don't hate Sinister and that I only mocked her on a MOCK site. Oh, and re-read again where I said I don't give a rats ass what she does on 24 - hang on - you're too stupid to do that so I'll quote it here for your lazy, dumb, poor reading comprehension skilled ass:

Quote:.....I never said I hated her, that's YOUR words in my mouth. All I did was mock her on a mock site.

Quote:I knew it was her when she posted as Skeptic but I didn't give a shit. I would have been more than happy to let it go and let her go on pretending she's "getting over" on all of us there but as usual, you had to put your big fat foot in your big blabber mouth with this topic. She feels the need to belong and participate on 24 bad enough to pose as a man and post, fine by me. Pathetic, but fine. I got no reason to call her out on her lameness there. What I'm saying about this topic being about her is YOUR fault and because of YOU. I'm replying to YOU.

Again it's because of YOU this is brought up.

Quote:YOU made it so obvious and blatant and when you realized you were not coy enough or vague enough you tried some lame ass back-pedal about how it's someone on your mommy board.

Becuase THIS from YOU reeks of what's going on at 24.

Quote:Have you ever joined a forum where you already know the people there but you pretend to be someone totally different? You say you are a man instead of a women or vice versa; you are from a different town; act totally different than your normal personality?

I never have but I recently came across someone doing exactly that. I think I am the only one that knows what this person is up too. I don't have proof though. Just a feeling.

What would you do if you knew someone doing this?

And yes cunt, I am now low class. You made fun of Frank when he saying how it's low class but when I call you it I'm low class?

There you have folks - RamseyLogicTM as Frank coined it!

Trust me dopey cunt, Sinister is not in my every thought, and does not occupy my brian the way you think. It was nice not talking about her around here until YOU, yes YOU brought it up again. *(see last quoted box above that are YOUR words)

Just shut the fuck up and wake up to the fact that you're not very good at being coy.
I never made fun of Frank for saying it's low class. I agreed with him. Once again, you are an uninformed idiot who couldn't buy class if it were on sale at Walmart.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
QueenBee Wrote:It is killing me not to let on that I know it is her but it is fun playing along.

Ok, so Sin really is doing that over on 24? How do you know for sure it's her? I am asking you seriously since you seem to be the only rationale one here.

And you're right - I am from the 'burbs. I don't think I even know where Gratiot is. LOL I know it's in the city somewhere but I couldn't find it to save my life. If we went to Detroit, it was to Tiger Stadium or the RenCen. And I never drove.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
How cute are you borrowing insults from Sinister!? Adorable. Should I cry now?

Ramsey, stop asking Marie for the proof that was already said by several members here.

IP addresses. She was caught with her IP address. IP addresses are unique computer identifiers. When a moderator looks at an IP address on a forum it tells you who posted with that very IP address.

It's funny how this new person has the same IP address as Smooth, Rooster and the new member midnight.

Skeptic and midnight joined within hours of each other with Smooth and Rooster's IP address.

talk about dumb.
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think so Lumps, since it doesn't look like you got admitted.

I give up. You all can think what you want. Believe me or don't. It doesn't really matter.
Well, you're pretty worked up about it, reading meaning into a simple troll on the domestic side. ::dunno::
A simple troll on the domestic side? haahahaa yea that's what it was.
Are you calling me a liar, asshole?
Well gee asshole, you just happen to join THE forum I mentioned to troll? That doesn't strike you as odd?

Oh for god's sake, just how fucking thick are you? I decided to troll it BECAUSE you mentioned it. This had nothing to do with this intense hatred of Sinister you claim clouds my thinking, you mental midget... I was going to fuck with YOU.

ARGH!!!! ::doh::
Incredible isn't it?

Have you ever run across anyone who is this thick and stupid?
The Antagonist Wrote:Incredible isn't it?

Have you ever run across anyone who is this thick and stupid?
Forum Garden is filled with people like this. That's why "words that start with a letter" threads are so popular.
It's a wonder she remembers to breathe.

How many times have we explained to her every question she's asked in this topic in such a plain language there is no mistake in it's answer and yet she still asks as if it were never answered?

I'll tell you - every time.

Poor thing, and she's raising children too.
The Antagonist Wrote:How cute are you borrowing insults from Sinister!? Adorable. Should I cry now?

Ramsey, stop asking Marie for the proof that was already said by several members here.

IP addresses. She was caught with her IP address. IP addresses are unique computer identifiers. When a moderator looks at an IP address on a forum it tells you who posted with that very IP address.

It's funny how this new person has the same IP address as Smooth, Rooster and the new member midnight.

Skeptic and midnight joined within hours of each other with Smooth and Rooster's IP address.

talk about dumb.

I didn't know you could check IP's. I thought only Frank could do that as the adminstrator. Ok, so you have proof. The fact remains the same. I had nothing to do with it. I didn't know about it. And I was not talking about either of them when I started this thread. Believe or not.

As for my insult, that is MY insult and I have used it for years. I actually got it from my sister. Again, believe it or not. Makes no difference to me.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think so Lumps, since it doesn't look like you got admitted.

I give up. You all can think what you want. Believe me or don't. It doesn't really matter.
Well, you're pretty worked up about it, reading meaning into a simple troll on the domestic side. ::dunno::
A simple troll on the domestic side? haahahaa yea that's what it was.
Are you calling me a liar, asshole?
Well gee asshole, you just happen to join THE forum I mentioned to troll? That doesn't strike you as odd?

Oh for god's sake, just how fucking thick are you? I decided to troll it BECAUSE you mentioned it. This had nothing to do with this intense hatred of Sinister you claim clouds my thinking, you mental midget... I was going to fuck with YOU.

ARGH!!!! ::doh::
EXAXCTLY! It was not a simple troll on the domestic side. It was a deliberate troll because you know I am there. Duh? You are the idiot here not me.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think so Lumps, since it doesn't look like you got admitted.

I give up. You all can think what you want. Believe me or don't. It doesn't really matter.
Well, you're pretty worked up about it, reading meaning into a simple troll on the domestic side. ::dunno::
A simple troll on the domestic side? haahahaa yea that's what it was.
Are you calling me a liar, asshole?
Well gee asshole, you just happen to join THE forum I mentioned to troll? That doesn't strike you as odd?

Oh for god's sake, just how fucking thick are you? I decided to troll it BECAUSE you mentioned it. This had nothing to do with this intense hatred of Sinister you claim clouds my thinking, you mental midget... I was going to fuck with YOU.

ARGH!!!! ::doh::
EXAXCTLY! It was not a simple troll on the domestic side. It was a deliberate troll because you know I am there. Duh? You are the idiot here not me.

::aww::You poor thing.... all of page 7 and some of 6 of this topic is about your suspicions of one of us joining because we hate Sinister.

Lumpy already and outright said she joined to irk you and not have anything to do with Sinister. You were the one associating Sinister and someone's hate for her with that move.
ramseycat Wrote:
sally Wrote:So Sinister is now posing as a guy named Sean over at 24 ::laugh::. If thats true then she really is fucking insane. I would have never known this if Ramsey wasn't such a gossiping newsmonger.
I didn't know it either Sallly until these guys said it. If it's even true. How do they know for sure it's her?? They say because he lives in Mt. Clemmens. Yea, that's proof. Whatever. Not problem as I had nothing to do with it and didn't know about it.

You are so fucking boring. Reading your commentary and analysis of anything drama-related is sickening.
86 112
Ant, i must be on ignore. because i also very clearly discussed checking the IPs. ::gahh::then again, a lot of people have selective comprehension.

The Antagonist Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think so Lumps, since it doesn't look like you got admitted.

I give up. You all can think what you want. Believe me or don't. It doesn't really matter.
Well, you're pretty worked up about it, reading meaning into a simple troll on the domestic side. ::dunno::
A simple troll on the domestic side? haahahaa yea that's what it was.
Are you calling me a liar, asshole?
Well gee asshole, you just happen to join THE forum I mentioned to troll? That doesn't strike you as odd?

Oh for god's sake, just how fucking thick are you? I decided to troll it BECAUSE you mentioned it. This had nothing to do with this intense hatred of Sinister you claim clouds my thinking, you mental midget... I was going to fuck with YOU.

ARGH!!!! ::doh::
EXAXCTLY! It was not a simple troll on the domestic side. It was a deliberate troll because you know I am there. Duh? You are the idiot here not me.

::aww::You poor thing.... all of page 7 and some of 6 of this topic is about your suspicions of one of us joining because we hate Sinister.

Lumpy already and outright said she joined to irk you and not have anything to do with Sinister. You were the one associating Sinister and someone's hate for her with that move.
She's very tedious isn't she?
The Antagonist Wrote:She's very tedious isn't she?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]