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Sylar Newton. toddler missing from AZ campground
this has a bad smell to it. i wonder if there are dingos in the area.

Search resumes for missing boy in Arizona
July 26, 2010
Authorities in northern Arizona said Monday they had resumed the search for a 2-year-old boy who disappeared from a campground.

Syler Newton of Flagstaff was last seen wearing only a diaper. He was discovered missing by family members Sunday morning.

About 50 searchers fanned out in hot, humid weather around the Beaver Creek Campground in the Sedona area.

KOLD-TV in Tucson said bloodhounds were sniffing around the area, and Yavapai County sheriff's deputies towed two vehicles from the campground for a detailed inspection.

Investigators told the Arizona Republic that homicide investigators were involved in the search, but called it a routine procedure in a missing-persons case.
Authorities are looking into custodial issues involving the boy, his adoptive family and the boy's biological mother.

Authorities want to know the relationship between the biological mother and the custodial mother.

Syler is described as about 3 feet tall and weighs about 20 pounds.


Authorities had two vehicles towed from the campsite for a further inspection.

more information. baby that age did not get far at night by himself.

According to Yavapai County Sheriff's Office Media/Crime Prevention Coordinator Dwight D'Evelyn, the investigation into the disappearance of 2-year-old Syler Newton continues today.

D'Evelyn held a press conference last night around 6:30 pm, and explained what steps are being taken to locate the child.

"I went to the briefing involving the search team crews," D'Evelyn reported. "One thing they've done, and they did this earlier today, is they constructed a search model. 'What can a 2-year-old possibly do as far as wandering off from a campsite based on terrain and so forth.' They determined that a 2-year-old, based on his age and build, could wander up to a mile from a campsite. Generally if they're found within a mile, they're found safe. That's just based on statistics."

All non-family campers have been removed from the area after being interviewed.

Newton was in the care of a custodian family, which was in the process of adopting him. They have all been interviewed, and a search warrant for the campsite was obtained.

"We have apparently identified the biological mother of the child," D'Evelyn said. "We're working on trying to locate her as soon as possible to find out what this relationship was, and how the child ended up in the custody of this custodian who was camping out with the child last night. This is a matter of routine for us, we're doing a search warrant, which we will have a judge sign to allow us to completely go through that campsite and look for any evidence or information that might help lead us to locating that young boy."

"It's fairly obvious that as we go further into this, and we don't have success in finding the child, there is a concern of foul play," D'Evelyn stated. "That's why detectives are here and doing the work they're doing.

D'Evelyn also indicated that they have a diver on hand looking into a nearby creek. D'Evelyn said there are quite a few murky pools and ponds, although not much running water at this time.

D'Evelyn put out a new press release this morning, stating:

"I was just briefed by the Search and Rescue Incident Commander – No significant update at this time. Detectives spent the night searching the campsite and all its contents. 2 Vehicles were towed from the site for further inspection. This part of the investigation is ongoing and I will attempt further information from detectives later today.

"Searchers remained on scene throughout the night. This morning, specially trained bloodhounds continue a grid search of the area hoping to pick of any scent of Syler and this will be the focus throughout the day.

"The SAR Incident Commander has requested that press helicopters stay out of the general area this morning as the chopper noise is distracting the bloodhounds on the ground and delaying their tracking efforts. Your cooperation is appreciated.

"Further updates will be provided throughout the day as they develop. I do not plan to be on scene this morning so I can access my news email alert system to bring all media groups the latest. If this changes, I will let you know."

i am NOT buying that a baby went off in rough terrain in the middle of the night barefooted and made any distance. unless he's in a body of water. dogs tracked him a short way and then lost scent. not good.
i saw news report with the "mother" (woman who is trying to adopt Syler.) she made my BS detector itchy.

prospective adoptive mother's record.

court records ranging from disorderly conduct, prescription drug violation, multiple speeding tickets, multiple lack of auto insurance, failure to restrain a child.
one of her charges is FILING A FALSE POLICE REPORT! and HER mother, who was camping with them, has a record also. so does the bio-mom.

Case Number Name Party Type Birth Date Address Court
M-0341-CR-2003000706 CHRISTINA PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 Flagstaff Municipal
J-0301-CV-2005001791 CHRISTINA PRIEM DEFENDANT FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 Flagstaff Justice
M-0341-CR-2009002673 CHRISTINA PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86004 Flagstaff Municipal
J-0901-TR-200100573 CHRISTINA KAY PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 Holbrook Justice
M-0341-TR-2006004181 CHRISTINA KAY PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86004 Flagstaff Municipal
M-0341-CR-2007003411 CHRISTINA KAY PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 Flagstaff Municipal
M-0341-TR-2009001614 CHRISTINA KAY PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 Flagstaff Municipal
M-0341-TR-2009009894 CHRISTINA KAY PRIEM DEFENDANT 091974 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86004 Flagstaff Municipal

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here comes the night...that baby is SOMEWHERE!
a child that small will go into shock from dehydration quickly.

the FBI just entered the case, and family members will take polygraphs, which is routine.

sister of foster/adoptive mother said they are preparing for the worst. that was only a few hours after child missing. not a comment i would expect.

here is a video of interview with the putative 'mother'. what is your opinion? is she related to susan smith?

how convenient in AZ, she says a mexican man had watched them all day. right.

click for vid:

then this:

No Sign Of Missing 2-Year-Old Boy

it's been very difficult to find any video of her.

another nightfall approaches.

Birth Mom: No Custody Battle over Missing 2-Year-Old
No developments as search continues.
Tuesday, 27 Jul 2010, 5:08 PM

RIMROCK - Tuesday is day 3 on the search for 2-year-old Syler Newton, and as the search widens, it has not revealed any significant developments.

Yavapai County Sheriff's Office Detectives spent the night searching the Beaver Creek Campground for any trace of Syler, but have not recovered anything. They're also combing the interiors and exteriors of two vehicles that were towed from the campsite.

Syler Newton disappeared early Sunday morning from his tent, wearing only a diaper, while camping with a family who was planning to adopt him.

Now the biological mother of the boy, who lives in Indiana, is speaking out. She told us by phone that she's planning to come to Arizona to search for her son.

"Please return him to the people that he knows, that he loves that love him, that's where he needs to be... we miss him very much, we're all very very worried about him," says Charity Newton. "If he's out there, I dont want them to stop looking for him, if there's a chance that he could be found alive I don't want them to stop."

Syler was camping with his custodial mother, Christina Priem, when he vanished. Priem was in the process of adopting Syler -- Newton says she thought Priem would give him a better life.

"This is nothing to do with a custody battle, I do believe that this is just an unfortunate accident... just because my life is messed up and I felt like I wasn't going to be a very good provider for my son, doesn't mean that I didn't love or care for him," says Newton.

Investigators are looking at several different scenarios -- they're not sure if Syler wandered off, fell into a nearby creek, or was abducted. On Monday, Priem was given a polygraph test.

"I don't think that she would do anything to hurt my son. I wouldn't want to adopt my son out to someone that I feel would have hurt him."

Investigators haven't released the results of the polygraph test yet, but they have said Priem is being cooperative.

looking bad. looked bad from the start. just did not ring true.

BEAVER CREEK - The search continues for 2-year-old Sylar Newton, who disappeared from a campsite at Beaver Creek Campground July 25. Last week, investigators combed through trash at the Gray Wolf Landfill in hopes of uncovering clues.

Yavapai County Sheriff's Office detectives contacted nearby trash-dumping facilities to have them contain any materials removed from the campground. The major receiver of that trash is Gray Wolf, which is located on State Route 169 near Dewey.

According to YCSO spokesman Dwight D'Evelyn, the managers of the landfill were able to identify and isolate several waste loads from Beaver Creek Campground.

YCSO personnel, assisted by FBI agents and forensic specialists, searched through more than 200 tons of garbage at the landfill looking for any evidence that could help in the investigation.

D'Evelyn said no critical information was immediately discovered, but those efforts will continue.

no stranger went into that tent during the night and took that child. no fucking way.

CAMP VERDE - A 2-year-old boy reported missing from Beaver Creek Campground late last month is presumed dead, and the case has now turned into a criminal investigation, the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office said Monday.

The Sheriff's Office announced at a Monday news conference that investigators do not believe the boy, Sylar Newton, wandered off of his own volition.

The tot was last seen the night of Saturday, July 24, at the campground near Rimrock, where he was camping with his custodial mother and her family. His disappearance has stumped searchers.

"It's heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking," said Jeff Newnum, the sergeant in charge of the Sheriff's search-and-rescue team.

Though the Sheriff's Office scaled back some of its search operations Saturday, it is still conducting a "limited continuous search" and will pursue any leads from the public about the boy's fate.

Based on evidence at the scene, Sheriff's investigators believe he was taken from the campsite, but they are uncertain whether he was dead or alive when taken, officials said.

However, they made clear that they believe the boy is now dead because they couldn't find any trace of him near the campsite, and if he wandered away, statistics suggest someone that age has a slim chance of surviving past the first 96 hours.

Investigators have not found any credible leads after a nine-day search of landfills and dumpsters around the campsite. Even bloodhounds were used to search the campground to no avail.

Investigators continue to interview people, including family members, about the boy's disappearance, but say they have not yet identified any suspects in the case.

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That barracuda, Nancy Grace is probably all over this story.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
don't even get me started on that shrill shrieking harridan.
but i listen to the program because it follows cases i am watching.


another barefoot 2-year-old in diapers missing from same area. (not sure of distance) police do not think it's connected, but this is weird or a copycat family murder. i know, it sounds farfetched.

DEWEY - News 4 has learned authorities are searching for a 2-year-old boy who vanished from his northern Arizona home Monday night.

Emmett Trapp's mother called police around 8 p.m. Monday night to report the boy missing.

We understand Emmett was discovered missing after his mother woke up from a nap.

The family dog reportedly wandered off with Emmett, but returned after being called.

There is no evidence of foul play according to investigators.

Case Type: Endangered Missing
Missing Date: Monday 02nd August 2010
Missing From: Dewey Humboldt Arizona
Missing Country: USA
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/Dec/2007
Age Now: 2 Emmett Cole Trapp
Specific Details:
Hair: Blonde/Brown Eye Color: Blue
Height: 3'0" (91 cm) Weight: 26 lbs (12 kg)
Race: White language: n/a
Special Facts: Emmett was last seen wearing a green pajama top with dinosaurs and a diaper and no shoes.

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another candidate for ovary removal, Parents who sleep through their childs disappearance should never be parents again.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

any mom can fall asleep, tired, sick, whatever. it seems there were 4 other children. i don't know the ages. details are scarce right now. but he has already been missing one entire night and another night approaches, very bad situation. can't live long alone out there at that age.

On a nearby hill, the Buetzow family has been keeping a close eye on the search. They live down the street and have a boy similar in age to Emmett.. But they also know the surrounding land. They know the harsh reality of what lurks out there, and fear the worst.

“Little two-year-old like that, little poopy diapers, that’s candy to mountain lions and,. I’m sorry, and coyotes,” said Bob Buetzow.

Bob gave CBS5 News a ride through the search area on his four-wheeler, to show us what little Emmett would be facing. He pointed out Oak brush so thick, it's hard to walk through, but it could easily hide a boy from view.

“You can’t see anybody unless you are right on top of them. This terrain is so thick and rough that it don’t look good,” said Buetzow.

To make matters worse, there are several abandoned mines and wells in the area. Searchers dropped cameras down them to see if Emmett might have fallen in, but that stopped when the sun went down and won’t pick up until Wednesday morning. They said they hope to use infrared cameras on a DPS helicopter to search for Emmett’s body heat, but if he crawled under a bush, he can’t be seen.

edit to add: a woman CNN reporter called the mother and she said do not cover this! WHAT THE FUCK?? the media is your best friend when a child is missing.

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i hate to be flippant about missing children. but right now with these 2 cases, i am ready to consider the abducted by aliens theory. :sad:

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just breaking, Trapp boy has been found dead. no details available yet.

edit to add...
A shoeless toddler wearing only a shirt and a diaper wandered for miles in rugged Arizona terrain as temperatures ranged from 61 to 90 before collapsing and dying, officials said today.

The toddler's lifeless body was discovered a mile from his home in Wednesday, two days after disappearing from his home in the Dewey-Humbolt area while his mother napped.

But his trail led searchers for several miles as the boy apparently became lost and was unable to find his way home.

"He went over hills, washes, and thickets. He went through a lot," Search and Rescue spokesman Jeff Newnum told ABC News affiliate ABC 15.

"All together, Emmett probably walked close to three or four miles," Newnum said.

Sylar Newton case criminal investigation, say custodial mom had pot in his backpack

As the search for Sylar Newton continues, disturbing information regarding his custodial mother, Christina Priem has been released. Sylar Newton is 2-years-old and disappeared while camping with Christian Prime at the Beaver Creek campground in Arizona on July 25, 2010. Reports say that Priem and Sylar’s birth mother, Charity Newton, had a verbal agreement where they shared custody six months out of the year. The new information says that back in January, Sylar Newton went to a babysitter who found a marijuana pipe in his backpack. Sheriff’s with the Coconino County Sheriff’s Department said that there was marijuana found on the pipe.

According to reports by KFYI, the babysitter went to change Sylar’s diaper and took a diaper out of the backpack and found the pipe. She notified the sheriff who approached Christina Priem who is Sylar’s custodial mother. She is also the woman who was in charge of Sylar when he disappeared from the campground and says she was sleeping in the same tent with him when he vanished.

When Christina Priem was questioned she denied knowledge regarding the pipe and said her sister was involved. The case was dropped and Christina Priem wasn’t charged with a crime. She could have faced a possession charge or contributing to the deprivation of a minor child, but the case was closed.

it's another white trash soap opera like the cummings case.

FLAGSTAFF - The world may never learn what became of Sylar Newton or understand the chaotic life of the 2-year-old Flagstaff boy who disappeared from a northern Arizona campground last month.

Family members have said little about the mystery, even less about Sylar's life story.

Yavapai County Sheriff Steve Waugh says only that the missing child is presumed dead and that his disappearance is the subject of a criminal investigation. Waugh has not divulged why investigators believe the boy is a victim of foul play.

Flagstaff court records and police reports suggest that, in his short life, Sylar had moved from one troubled home to the next, sometimes caught in a custodial tug-of-war.

The dysfunctional background has generated a whirlwind of speculation on Internet sites and blogs about missing children, including a Facebook page dedicated to Sylar. But investigators have disclosed no evidence that the boy's home life had any bearing on his disappearance.

According to the Sheriff's Office, Sylar is the birth son of Charity Newton, a Flagstaff woman who voluntarily gave custody of the child to an acquaintance, Christina "Tina" Priem, a single mother with two other children. Priem told investigators that she was in the process of adopting the boy.

During a July 24 outing with the Priem family at Beaver Creek Campground near Rimrock, Sylar went to sleep in a tent about 9:30 p.m. and was discovered missing shortly after midnight. Over the next 10 days, deputies and FBI agents, as well as hundreds of searchers using bloodhounds, helicopters, sonar and scuba equipment, could not find the boy.

As the search subsided, a criminal investigation developed. Family members were interviewed and, in some cases, given polygraph exams. Warrants were obtained to check vehicles driven by Priem and her mother, Nancy Collins, who also was on the camping trip. Detectives have not divulged any criminal evidence, nor have they discussed the troubled family history revealed in public records.

"I just want the little guy found," said Carroll Newton, Sylar's great-grandmother. "It's been two weeks from hell. It just has torn us all up."

This week, another 2-year-old boy, Emmett Trapp, disappeared from his home in Yavapai County and was later found dead near Dewey-Humboldt.

Adults have run-ins with police

In June 2008, Sylar's birth mother, Charity Newton, 26, was arrested after a domestic incident involving Priem's sister, Sandra Shoemake. According to a police report, a fight "started over a custody issue - suspect gave custody of her son to RP (reporting party, Shoemake). Suspect is now saying RP is trying to kidnap the child."

The report says a teenage girl at the apartment tried to protect the baby while the two women struggled. Flagstaff Municipal Court records show Charity Newton pleaded guilty to five counts of disorderly conduct and fighting.

Priem, 35, has had about a half-dozen contacts with Flagstaff police during the past decade involving misdemeanor offenses and traffic violations, according to the court.

In 2007, she was found guilty of making false statements about a domestic dispute between her roommates.

In June 2009, police records say, Priem got into an altercation with her sister, Shoemake. Priem was arrested during a subsequent traffic stop with her two children in the vehicle and was accused of resisting arrest when an officer attempted to place her in handcuffs. A similar incident occurred when she was arrested a second time for failure to appear in court. The disorderly conduct/fighting charge ultimately was dismissed, according to court files.

Shoemake also has an extensive court record that includes convictions for forgery, custodial interference and theft. An arrest tied to narcotics possession was dismissed.

State wasn't involved in custody

Carroll Newton, Sylar's great-grandmother, said Charity has given birth to four children in the past six years, each of them adopted out. Carroll said she last saw the boy at Christmas and was told he was living with Charity in Texas, even though that apparently was not true.

"She bald-faced lied to me," Carroll said of her granddaughter. "I'm so angry. If you don't want children, don't have them."

Carroll said that she was contacted by the FBI and provided a DNA sample but that she has no idea what became of Sylar.

just breaking, no details yet.
the body of a child has been found about 2 miles from campsite.

RIMROCK, Ariz. — Authorities believe skeletal remains found Tuesday are that of an Arizona toddler missing since last month.

Yavapai County sheriff's spokesman Dwight D'Evelyn says the remains were found at the bottom of a wash less than 2 miles from the central Arizona campground where 2-year-old Sylar Newton was last seen.

He says the body likely came to a rest there because of recent flash flooding, but he had no further details.
