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Girl age 10 missing in MO.
this is new, looking for more info./details.

MOSCOW MILLS, MO (KTVI) - A command post has been set up on Gravens Road in Moscow Mills, Missouri to search for Rachel Wilkerson, 10, who has been missing since 8:00am Friday. Rachel was last seen walking on Gravens Road wearing a pink flowered dress and a purple jacket. Rachel is blond. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Department is searching for Rachel using helicopters and ground crews on foot and ATVs.

We (news channel) do not know the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

The Sheriff's department will be holding a press conference at 2:30 pm.

Please call the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department if you have any information: (636) 528-6100.

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Ten year-old Rachel Wilkerson was out walking her German Shepherd this morning at approximately 8 a.m. when she disappeared. The family pet returned home without Rachel. (WHAT TIME?) Lincoln County authorities are conducting an intensive search for the missing girl.

At approximately 2:45 p.m., local authorities gave a press conference in which they stated they do not believe foul play to be involved in the Wilkerson disappearance. The police believe she may have gotten lost.

IN HER OWN NEIGHBORHOOD? and her GS dog left her?? uh uh.

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one breaking report says she has been found safe. i hope so!

“There have been some fairly recent sightings and I think she is still in the area,” Rachel’s father Tom Wilkerson told News 4 in a live interview.

“One of my neighbors thought they saw her run into a field and didn’t think much of it until they came back and saw police.”

Wilkerson told News 4 that there have been two sightings since and he thinks his adopted daughter is just scared.

“I don’t think she has been grabbed. She left on her own accord with the dog I don’t think there is any foul play unless someone picked her up while she was out there.”

Wilkerson said that he and his wife adopted Rachel and her brothers three years ago. Rachel has challenges related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and he feels her actions could be related to her condition.

At first, Tom Wilkerson says he thought that Rachel might be hiding, possibly upset that her brother had ridden her new pony.

“We were looking for her down in the woods, we have four acres, and we thought she was playing a joke on her brothers,” Wilkerson said. “When the dog came home without her that is when I got really scared and called police.”

edit...i'm glad this was a short thread.
A missing 10-year-old girl who disappeared while walking her dog this morning, has been found and is OK.
