I've always had some around but I started burning one all the time in my apartment lately. I bought a soy candle off ebay and although the price was fantastic and it smells wonderful while it's burning, the damn wick keeps smouldering after it's blown out and stinks the place up.
Is anyone familiar with soy candles? Is this common? Any recommendations for brands of other candles, soy or otherwise?
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I burn candles or potpourri every single day...Ima big fan of Yankee Candle & I recently discovered candles at Kohls that are called, "For Every Body" that are VERY fragrant...When you blow your candle out, immediately put the lid back on, that seems to really cut down on that awful stench that is left behind.
I've always liked the smell of a blown out candle, at least the wax kind... it reminds me of church when I was little, oddly enough. But these soy candles! And the fucker just keeps smoking.
Okay, thanks for the lid idea.
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My wife always seems to have some scented candles going ... I like them. Never tried soy ones, though.
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i love Yankee Candles also...the Christmas scents are really beautiful, balsam and pine as well as others.
you may want to try their tarts...you melt them in a tart burner and one tart will scent the house all day. no wicks to deal with.
Yankee® Jar Candle Sale
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I love Yankee candles. I bought a generic currant and acai soy candle from the grocery store that smells really good and it doesn't smoulder after I blow it out. I've had that happen with other candles though, I don't know if it was because they were soy or the wicks are just cheaply made.
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I like Yankee Candles as well. I also used to buy a lot from this home sales/catalog thing called Home Interiors. I loved their Strawberries and Cream.
Lumpy...I seem to remember reading something a while back about soy candles. I will see if I can find the info again and see if it said anything about the wicks.
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I love love love candles and burn them all the time. Not as much in the summer as in the fall and winter though. My favorites are Yankee Candles but the Fabreze and Glade candels are good as well and much cheaper. I will pick them up at the grocery store. I have never tried soy candles before.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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Claire Burke candles are also wonderful! :
Claire Burke Home Fragrance | Potpourri and Scented Candle Catalog ...
Claire Burke Web site offers a full home fragrance gift collection.