correct me if i am confused. they have $5000. for a raffle prize. when is the drawing?
they have to pay their own salaries/living expenses from someplace.
greeson has to pay his monthly probation.
it seems they are eating.
there is $627. in the fund and that amount has remained static.
there is no doubt Zahra's grandmother would be provided with funds in her town in Australia if she wanted to come over.
Zahra's mother, according to reports, has had NOTHING to do with the child since she was 8 months old. has she expressed an interest in coming to America? not that i have read anywhere yet.
didn't the funders initially say funds would go to pray for Zahra on Oct. 24? today. do you need money to pray? where is that being spent?
where is the cred?
the rent must be due.
facebook: "We can raise 10,000 today God in your name with your help. In the name of Jesus we pray! Amen."
the following was posted one hour ago. somehow i don't think they made their monetary goal of $10,000. today.
"Zahra Baker Fund would like to thank everyone who has called or emailed to offer their support for the Fund. We continue to press forward to help find Zahra. Others may be focused on dividing our mission, they may sling mud or make false acquisitions about us. But, our goal is finding Zahra and giving her a legacy she deserves."
"false acquisitions" --- you would think 'doctors' could spell 'accusations'.
perhaps they should address the SPECIFIC accusations and questions directed to them. instead of nebulous general and sweeping pontificating and denials. what about credentials, educations, backgrounds, income, criminality, disbursements? specifically. not wishy-washy evasions and platitudes. hiding behind a missing child or worse, using a missing child. it insults almost everyone's intelligence. if they want to collect funds, (or acquisitions) they should expect to be scrutinized, and be forthcoming in their responses.
well i'm sure plenty of our members belong to facebook and can mention anything worthwhile. but it's a rather censored page. no criticism allowed!!
i wonder if he changed 'acquisitions' to 'accusations'?
No actually, they are correct with "acquisitions" the Funds are acquisitions! Yesterday was Sunday... what holy thing did they do besides collect money off a probably dead child's name? I want to know how they are helping to find her??? Have they disbursed ANY funds???? There is no true way to get an accounting of monies.
(10-24-2010, 08:48 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: Others may be focused on dividing our mission, they may sling mud or make false acquisitions about us. But, our goal is finding Zahra and giving her a legacy she deserves."
They meant "accusations" . . . Sorry to have not quoted the post causing me such frivolity!
Who is their Bored of Elders? Pretty invisible.... They have been too busy in web design and aquisitional fund raising to really help find Zahra. They are neither physically qualified or professionally trained to search. Heck they aren't even professionally trained to be ministers unless writing a 32.00 or so check is qualifications. I guess that qualifies them to be money handlers! Where is my mind. All the service they are giving is lip service and finger service (typing). I believe that they know this is not putting their so called ministry in the right light. If they did this without thinking about it and saw the negative reactions, one would think they would gracefully stop and apologize and immediately turn over all funds (who'd trust them) But they haven't they are changing things to cover their asses and taking advantage of this missing, endanged and presumably deceased child. What scumbags. Where is the daily posting of their rude and callous and chicanerous collection plate?
hey is there a button on this forum to edit posts.. I don't like my correlative conjunctions not agreeing i wanted to say neither and NOR above? If there is a way to edit please inform me... TIA.
a general caveat:
someone here asked me to delete all their posts. it's a big hassle for me, decimates thread flow and integrity, and i will not do it again. in fact, i deleted the member. so if you have doubts about what you are posting, whether you think it might fall under the heading of slander or libel, think twice. Mock is not going to be your protector. if i get a subpoena for something someone else posted, they are on their own. some people just run their mouth w/o thinking, blah blah blah ~
that being said, i am not worried in the slightest about cease and desist letters. (see post #73)
and if someone wanted that member's comments to "sue them", they already printed out the thread long before i deleted the posts. duh.