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Woman lifts 14kg with her Cunt.
Russian lifts 14kg with vagina, sets record
Thursday, July 9, 2009[Image: WeightsFree_175x125.jpg]
Well how would you illustrate this story?

A Russian woman has set a new world record in the competitive world of vagina lifting by raising 14kg using her ... hmmm ... well you know.
Tatiata Kozhevnikova of Novosibirsk, aged 42, has been in training for 15 years and has finally won the bragging rights after lifting a 14kg glass ball.
This topic is quite frankly too weird and icky for us to attempt to explain so we'll leave it to Tatiata to tell you in her own words.

if "You insert one of the balls in your vagina, and it has a string attached to it with a little hook at the very end. You fix a second ball onto this hook."
Thanks Tatiata. As for how she got into the sport, here she is again.
"After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learned that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls.
"I looked around, saw a Murano glass ball and inserted it in my vagina. It took me ages to get it out!
"It's enough to exercise your vagina five minutes a day, ladies, and in just one week you'll be able to give yourself and your man unforgettable pleasure in bed."
An excellent explanation - we're off to have a wash.
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

There's a video of her somewhere but I was too freaked out to watch it.

I bet this is what Frank would call a high class vagina.
I hate the "c" word too. I find it to be crude and low-class.
86 112
Nothing's more amusing than some middle class, middle aged man putting on airs.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Nothing's more amusing than some middle class, middle aged man putting on airs.
I'm so disappointed that you think of me that way. Wait, I'm over it! It's not an "air" to think "cunt" is a crude word, dope. It is crude, which is why normal adults won't say it in mixed company, or even in person at all, generally.
86 112
This is a mock forum, dummy. The same rules don't apply, so lay off with your holier than thou bullshit about 'low class' word usage.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:This is a mock forum, dummy. The same rules don't apply, so lay off with your holier than thou bullshit about 'low class' word usage.

I didn't say it shouldn't be used here, I am expressing my feelings and preferences, dumb ass. What, now I have to have the same view as you about every word? It's not holier than thou, it's called not being low class.
86 112
Well, I do find you to be a low class cunt, Frank...

Borndragon ~ so you're right on track.
[Image: borndragon.gif]
stupid red X

[Image: others-161.gif]
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I found it!!!!

[img]'s-strongest-vagina.jpg[/img] ::doh::Now how do I un-find?:Blush:
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Wow, I really wish I hadn't seen that... especially while I was eating.
Be the ball, be the ball, be the ball, be the ball.....BE....The..ball...
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
But...But...But...Why would she want to do that ?...Jesus
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]

WTF!!!.........................seriously..............WHAT THE FUCK???

What the hell goes through some peoples minds? I swear, just when you thought you'd seen it all. So what, was this bitch just sitting home bored one night and the thought popped into her head of lifting weights with her pussy?

I actually felt instant pain in my lady bits when I saw that picture. I'm not even sure if I believe it's real or not.
She is a master-kegler. I guess she holds a ball that is hooked to a chain that is hooked to a weight. More weight is added until it pop's out.....I wonder what ........Oh! nevermind.:Blush:
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Reminds me of a story my roommate told me about meeting Honeysuckle Divine in the mid 70s. (He's an old fart, and knows lots of famous people. He's a contractor that has worked for the likes of Bob Seger, Ted Nugent, and more) She fired ping pong balls out of her extremely muscular snatch. As far as 40 feet. Nuts or what? Still, a chick that has THAT much control of her pussy muscles, and that much strength, would probably be amazing in bed. And besides, what this russian chick was doing is just exercise... but of a muscle group often ignored. Big deal.
Bruno vs. the Russian chick..........coming to a 7-11 soon........::blink::......with chips.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
D Wrote:what this russian chick was doing is just exercise... but of a muscle group often ignored. Big deal.
Exercising those muscles is great, everyone loves a tight twat...It's the fact that she choose to share it with the world that left me wondering why.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
She's claiming her spot in history, her 15 minutes of fame. That's important nowadays... forget about having any dignity.
Is it any wonder that I think most women are as stupid as the day is long...With joyful glee she announces that her pussy is strong enough to pick up a boulder...WooHoo. ::doh::

A bit of exaggeration but, you get my drift.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]