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HAILEY DUNN, 13, missing/killed --Texas
Hailey's grandmother did a radio interview last night, it's just awful the things that both Hailey and David were subjected to and the enviroment they lived in. Here's the link if you want to listen, it's kind of long. The grandmothers interview starts about 52 mins into the interview.

"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed."

- Albert Einstein
(02-26-2011, 03:19 PM)Red_velvet71 Wrote: Hailey's grandmother did a radio interview last night, it's just awful the things that both Hailey and David were subjected to and the enviroment they lived in. Here's the link if you want to listen, it's kind of long. The grandmothers interview starts about 52 mins into the interview.

wow, I haven't listened to blogtalkradio since Haleigh Cummings ... thanks for posting this. Might take a listen afterwhile!


above is an interview Billie gave, regarding the porn found on a computer, & memory stick. I'd like to slap the shit out of her! "I've only talked to him a little bit" ....WTF???? a LITTLE BIT???
Offender ID:
Date of Birth:

Custody Status:
Out of Custody
Bonded out


[Image: r_913.gif]

I never thought I'd say this but.... atleast this granny isn't paying hommage to the dead by posing in a tank top & panties, sucking on a baby bottle full of the purple drank. It could always be worse right? Smiley_emoticons_smile
it seems the county is on fire. if Hailey's body is hidden there somewhere, she may be burned and never found.

Sunday, 8:55 p.m. Update:
Authorities did not have to evacuate Mitchell County Hospital due to a wind change.

The Colorado City Civic Center will be opened as a shelter.

Sunday, 8:25 p.m. Update: crews on the scene report the Days Inn motel in Colorado City is now on fire.

I-20 appears to be reopen to westbound traffic. However, drivers are unable to exit and enter Colorado City.

Sunday, 8:05 p.m. Update:
Texas DPS just released the following statement concerning the closure of Interstate 20:

Interstate 20 is closed at this time at mile post 219, Colorado City in Mitchell County because of the heavy amount of smoke crossing the interstate. The smoke has caused several crashes in that area.

At present, there are several fires located around the Big Country. The most problematic area for travelers is the one located in Mitchell County near Colorado City, Texas.

Sunday, 7:40 p.m. Update:
The Texas Forest Service says there are two fires in Mitchell County. The one threatening Colorado City has burned 2,500 acres. The other one, labeled below by the Forest Service as the "821" Fire, burned 2,500 acres on the edge of Mitchell and Howard Counties.

Mitchell County Hospital in Colorado City is currently preparing to evacuate residents as needed.

The fire threatening the town is not contained.

(02-27-2011, 01:57 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I never thought I'd say this but.... atleast this granny isn't paying hommage to the dead by posing in a tank top & panties, sucking on a baby bottle full of the purple drank. It could always be worse right? Smiley_emoticons_smile

No, she just had a computer in home that was seized for containing 108,000 pornographic images, including child porn...idk, she takes the bait for me...
(02-27-2011, 11:06 PM)curious Wrote:
(02-27-2011, 01:57 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I never thought I'd say this but.... atleast this granny isn't paying hommage to the dead by posing in a tank top & panties, sucking on a baby bottle full of the purple drank. It could always be worse right? Smiley_emoticons_smile

No, she just had a computer in home that was seized for containing 108,000 pornographic images, including child porn...idk, she takes the bait for me...

that was shawn adkin's mother. billie dunn's mother was the one arrested.

MANSFIELD -- The father of a teenager reported missing Dec. 28 said he will never look at another missing child depicted on a poster in a grocery store in the same way.

Hailey Dunn's father, Clinton Dunn, made the 225-mile trip east to Mansfield from Colorado City to tell supporters of an anti-human-trafficking group that authorities wasted a week while they investigated his daughter's disappearance as if she had run away.

Traffick911 held the anti-trafficking rally Sunday after postponing an event the day before Super Bowl XLV.

Billie Dunn, the missing 13-year-old girl's mother, was also scheduled to speak at the rally. But she canceled after reports that more than 100,000 pornographic images had been found on a computer seized by Mitchell County sheriff's officers at her ex-boyfriend's mother's house; hundreds more were on a memory stick found at the Dunn home.

The former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, is the only suspect authorities have named, according to the Abilene Reporter-News. Some of the images that law enforcement personnel confiscated depict bestiality and child pornography, the newspaper reported.

"He was the last one to see my daughter alive, and that's why I think the police are spotlighting him," Clinton Dunn said. "I don't want to think he's guilty. If he's guilty, that means my daughter is probably dead, and I don't want to think like that." IN OTHERWORDS, MY STONED HEAD IS UP MY ASS

Dunn said he traveled to Mansfield to raise awareness about human trafficking and missing-children cases. Precious time was wasted as officers inexperienced in tracking missing children worked on his daughter's case, he said.

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if anyone is interested in watching billie dunn tell lies (unless of course she backs out or is in jail)---->, in association with KTAB-TV and KRBC-TV, will present a live web chat with the mother of missing 13-year-old Hailey Dunn in an effort to raise awareness about the Colorado City teen’s disappearance.

The web chat with Billie Dunn will take place live on this evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The chat marks two months since Hailey went missing.

Dunn has agreed to take questions via chat room on Dunn will respond to the questions via live video stream. The live question and answer event will be moderated by’s Maria Oliver.

Individual posts in the chat room will be moderated by staff to prevent obscene or offensive questions from appearing.

For the first month of this case, Dunn was regularly interviewed by numerous news outlets across the region and nation. During that time period, people across the country gained interest in the case and have been following developments on As coverage and attention began to slow, remained committed to providing continuing coverage of this case.
At 5 p.m. the live picture will appear and the chat room will be open here------>

Seems to me that LE is putting a bit more pressure on these idiots. The timing of releasing the info on the porn couldn't have been better... she being all set to sashay off to the big city on someone else's dime. Then arresting her mama had to be adding insult to injury!

I thought the same thing when I saw the news about the fires around Colorado City. But then again, the burn may get rid of some of the ground cover and expose things that couldn't be seen before. I have seen that happen a lot when we have wildfires here. With as much wind as there was pushing it yesterday, the fires sear the tops but leave what's underneath. It's a long shot, but I don't think chances of finding her are any better or worse than before.
boy, they are ripping billie a new one. and she isn't even online yet.

hahhahhah what a fucking surprise!

Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Update:
Billie Dunn, the mother of missing 13-year-old Hailey Dunn, says she will not be able to participate in a previously scheduled live web event with viewers.

The question and answer session was to take place from 5 to 7 p.m. tonight live from Colorado City.

Dunn said she is very sorry and that she knows people are waiting for answers, but she is trying to go out of town with relatives and doesn't want them to wait on her.


No, she just had a computer in home that was seized for containing 108,000 pornographic images, including child porn...idk, she takes the bait for me...

[b]that was shawn adkin's mother. billie dunn's mother was the one arrested.


Thanks, totally misread reports and would have continued to think otherwise...

Posted by Austin Kellerman
Billie Dunn Backs Out of Web Chat
There was no web chat with the mother of Hailey Dunn Monday evening as previously advertised. Thirty minutes before the web chat was set to begin, Billie Dunn backed out.

I think we’d all admit the move isn’t exactly shocking. It may be a little disappointing – but not entirely all that surprising.

When we originally planned this concept, we thought it would be a great way for many of the Dunn case followers from across the nation to conveniently get their questions answered by Hailey’s mother. The idea had harmless intentions.

Just a few days after announcing the chat, Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs released the information that child pornography and images depicting bestiality were found in the Dunn home. Billie accepted our request for an interview that day regarding the discovery. At the time, she discussed Monday’s web chat and seemed to indicate she was looking forward to it.

Hours later, she turned down HLN’s Nancy Grace – something that she’s never done before.

At some point thereafter, we found out was no longer appearing at Sunday’s rally in Mansfield.

It didn’t look like Billie Dunn was going to be the open book she once was….

However, she confirmed to KTAB’s Priscilla Luong on Monday afternoon that she was still on board for the web chat. Priscilla described her as tentative if not scared. Still, Priscilla reminded her that we had promoted the event and people were counting on it to happen.

Hours before the event was set to take place, hundreds of people were already in the chat room asking questions and throwing around theories. Admittedly, there were things in there that a grieving mother didn’t need to see. I took a call from a woman who asked how we planned to moderate the room. I told her we’d be removing comments and deleting users that didn’t remain respectful of the situation. Her response: so you’re going to kick everyone out?

At that point, we decided Billie didn’t need to look at the chat room during the course of the event. Maria Oliver, who you might remember from KRBC, would view all the questions and ask the relevant ones. Maria is very familiar with the case and would’ve done a good job. But, we wouldn’t get that far…

Maria stopped by the Dunn homes shortly after 4 p.m. to go over some ground rules for the chat and discuss exactly how things would take place. She tells me Billie came to the door and said she wasn’t going to take part in the chat. Billie said she was going out of town with relatives and she didn’t want them to have to wait on her. Billie quickly closed the door and went back inside the home.

Maria returned shortly thereafter in an attempt to get Billie to explain, on camera, why she pulled out of the event. This time, Billie didn’t come to the door.

I know people have already read into this – what does it mean? why did she really back out? what is she hiding? I can’t really blame her for backing out. If I were in her shoes, I might have done the same thing. However, I don’t think I would’ve agreed to it in the first place.

In the end, this doesn’t hold any significance in the much bigger picture of safely bringing Hailey home. You can label it another small surprise in what has been a case loaded with twists, turns, and sometimes stunning developments.

To those of you hoping to take part, our apologies for the inconvenience.

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this was pathetic. she's pissed because adkins was screwing off on her all over the place, and filmed it. hah
she also admits some of the porn was her and adkins going at it. but of course knows nothing about kiddie porn/bestiality.

Just two days after the mother of missing Colorado City teen, Hailey Dunn, canceled a live web chat, she agreed to speak on an internet radio show about her daughter.

For well over an hour, Billie talked with Rachel Englehart and Bee Herz, hosts of a group called "Bring Them Home Now." She answered questions about former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, child pornography, and most importantly about Hailey.
"Do you think Hailey is buried," asked the host.

"No, I hope she's not," responded Dunn.

Billie spoke candidly on Blog Talk Radio about nearly everything surrounding her daughter's disappearance on December 27, 2010.

In an interview with KTAB last week, Dunn said she didn't know much about the pornography discovered on a jump drive and computer from Adkins' mother's home. This time around, she revealed investigators had showed her images of bestiality and child pornography that were discovered. Dunn said she had never seen images like that in her home.

Although she paused at times before answering tough questions about her past relationship with Adkins-the last person to have seen Hailey alive and the only person law enforcement have named as a person of interest in the case.

In previous interviews with KTAB, Billie said Hailey and Shawn had had their disagreements but to her knowledge there was no reason why she should feel uncomfortable being alone with Shawn in the house.

Billie continued to say although she's still not 100% sure nothing happened between Shawn and Hailey the day she went missing, she is still in contact with him.

"I still love him right now," said Dunn. "I can't turn off my feelings."



What the hell is wrong with her? Her lover is a suspect in her daughter's disappearance & she's still running around saying she loves him. That's insane. All needy women should be beat with a stick.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
well now shawn adkins is scheduled for the talk radio show

A. his lawyer is a buffoon of the same caliber as jose baez (bozo of casey anthony case)


B. he is brain dead. LE is loving this shit the two of them are doing. blab blab blab.

this is supposedly one of adkins' sucky-fucky 46 friends---->

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right in the middle of the radio show, adkins hung up the phone and never came back.
The only named suspect in the disappearance of missing Colorado City 13-year-old Hailey Dunn appeared on an internet radio show Thursday evening to discuss the case and recent discovery of child pornography and bestiality.

Shawn Adkins spoke out about the developments on the "Bring Them Home Now" radio show with hosts Rachel Englehart and Bee Herz. This was the first time Adkins addressed a media agency since an exclusive interview with KTAB's Tiffany Tatro last month.

Adkins said he was told that child pornography and bestiality were found on a computer in his mother's home. He said this came as a shock to him and he's still trying to deal with it. Adkins said as many as a dozen people have access to that device.

"There's a possibility that I might be going to jail for something I never did," said Adkins. "I just pray to God that he watches over me."

Adkins noted the case will likely go to a grand jury and their decision could result in time behind bars. When asked whether he expects to be arrested, Adkins says he honestly doesn't know.

"I have faith in the grand jury," said Adkins. "I have faith that they'll do the right thing."

Adkins also said he was told there was no child porn or bestiality discovered on the jump drive taken from Billie Dunn's home. Adkins says Billie informed him of the development. He admitted there may have been illicit images of he and Billie on the memory stick.

Adkins said he's seen Billie as recently as this morning and that he still loves her. He also noted that Billie cheated on him in the past but that the pair had "worked through it."

When asked if he was aware of Hailey's whereabouts, Adkins said he did not. He went on to describe Hailey as someone who will get very far in life and be successful.

Early in the interview, Adkins discussed his childhood, family and greatest fears in life.

"I'm afraid of failing," said Adkins. "I'm just scared of everything falling apart."


COLORADO CITY, Texas -- The cousin of Shawn Adkins, the only named suspect in the case of missing Colorado City teen Hailey Dunn, spoke out Tuesday declaring Adkins' innocence.
Over the phone, Corey Norwood told KTXS, "If the justice system works and cops do what they're supposed to and find her, then he'll be fine because I know he didn't do it. They just need to find her."
Hailey Dunn has been missing since Dec. 27.
Adkins is the only suspect named by law enforcement; however, authorities tell us they do have other persons of interest.
Norwood also said Tuesday he's upset that videos and pictures, which he says he made for school, have been aired both on the web and by local and national media.
The videos show him and Shawn in masks and with weapons.
KTXS has chosen not to air the content.
Norwood says his name is now being dragged into the case. "It's getting frustrating; people are starting to look at me different."
Norwood says he's been following the case and is shocked by the latest revelation about child porn being found at both the missing teen's home in Colorado City and at Adkins' mother's house in Big Spring.
Authorities say a grand jury will decide if any arrests will follow the discovery of the child pornography.


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"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed."

- Albert Einstein