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(02-18-2011, 02:29 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:16 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-18-2011, 10:15 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: The following is Tiffanys part of a converstaion she was having on Wednesday evening at, or around the same time, she was on this thread answering questions (Notice the time stamp)
Tiffany Williams wth is jxxxx talking about.axxx i dont think your slow because i dont understand either.and i kno i aint slow so it must b
Wednesday at 5:29pm.
Tiffany Williams bytch dont get fuked up again..wyt ur smart ass mouth.u aint gonna tell me u got brain damage like u did cxxxxxx when she was gonna beat ur ass cuz i dont care trick..u betta reconize who ur talkin to.i aint no bytch...
Wednesday at 5:47pm.
Tiffany Williams shyt not this bytch foreal...shyt u betta ask jxxxx bout me n mine foreal..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!period..!!!!
Wednesday at 6:04pm.
Tiffany Williams shyt aint no scare dis way...bytch u beeta keep ur ass on da east side riverratt.....i aint pressed bout u or da next...@ rxxxx...u kno me..i aint pressed..!
Wednesday at 6:07pm.
Tiffany Williams idc where ur from ...shyt....jus ask bout me ma 4real..ill get down wyt u or da next....
Wednesday at 6:11pm.
WEIRD! She forgot to end the converstaion with a blessing from God! lol
I was dying on here the other night when the majority of the posters were telling her to write a book & do a book tour & take care of her precious babibois all the while knowing this converstaion was going on lol
Two things about Tiffany, One I believe the true Tiffany is the one on FB where she's comfortable. It's the difference between how you act at home (FB) & how you act in public around people you don't know (Mock) So the act the other night didn't fool me. 2nd, as far as Tiffanys story goes, I put more weight on the 911 call & her part with all of the Ummms. That story was in the midst of what was happening where she didn't have much time to think. The story 2 weeks later has changed as Kat pointed out. Did she immediatly call right back? (911 story) or did she wait an hour (current story) As a couple others have pointed out, it would make sense for her to now say that she waited an hour because JC told her he'd call her back, as to take the glaring eye off of her & why she waited so long. I'd also like to remind everyone that the perps took some time to do this. If the perps walked up on JC, on the phone, with no knowledge of who he was talking to, don't you think that they would have been concerned that the unknown person JC was talking to may come by or call someone else (authorities) to come by & check things out? That bothers me.
ok, all good points, FB. I've gotten a lot of 'food for thought' with your posts, from the beginning. (not to say I haven't with others) I just posted a response to someone else, about JC being on the phone, when the perps showed up. I can't make heads nor tails of this. Unless, Johnny was heading out the garage door, from the kitchen, while on the phone, & the perps were just THERE, in his face, as he walked out the door. I just don't know. IF the perps were already in the home, hiding, it would seem to me, they'd be crazy to show themselves while JC was on the phone. Right?
Exactly right. It would make no sense to confront JC while they hear him on the phone. If they did confront him as he was walking out the door, my whole point is, that they most likely would not want to be taking their good ole sweet time in the home. Ransacking, punching holes in walls, removing pictures from walls, struggling in the downstairs part of the house, tieing up, taping, asphxiating with plastic bags etc & so forth... How much time did ALL of that take & did they want to risk being walked in on someone who was concerned by that last phone call? For all the perps knew (if there was actually that last phone) JC could have been talking to anyone. What if it had been his mother/grandmother/Aunt etc on the phone? Someone who would have taken what he said (reportedly) & been concerned with what was going on?
got to agree with you. For everything that was done, it had to take some time. I just don't know. Now it could be, there were more than two, maybe three perps? Get JC subdued; it wouldn't take long to subdue LS, IMO. Then you have one, or two heading upstairs to look for a safe.
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(02-18-2011, 02:54 PM)Jane Wrote: I'm guessing most people won't say they don't love their relatives. It's something that's been branded in our brains, we're suppose to love them. It doesn't mean everyone does. They just don't come out & say it.
Most people who don't love their mothers don't pose for pictures demonstrating a bond and/or have their Mom's name tatt'd on their upper arm, either.
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(02-18-2011, 03:01 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-18-2011, 08:18 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: we, the public, are starved for some news on this case. i am pro-LE all the way strangely enough, heh, and i do understand the news blackout from authorities. but i think they REALLY REALLY NEED TO SAY SOMETHING. this is not their garden-variety drug thug case, it has clearly captured the attention and imagination of people everywhere. the Dept. probably is very conscious of that. and we also need to bear in mind, the less public info given out, the less likely some sleazy defense attny. will be able to declare massive pre-trial publicity has been prejudicial against the poor client(s) who were badly potty trained and not responsible for being depraved, then whine for a change of venue. they could also sit in jail awaiting trial for years. and i want to see this trial!
and consider this prospect...what if there is never an arrest? (not likely, but anything is possible). you don't take a capital murder case to trial w/o all the evidence you need to win at trial. even then you could get o.j.'s jury.
Have you ever seen an instance like this where a dept has given nothing in such a shocking case?
Hopefully it's a cards close to the vest vs. a we haven't a frikkin clue thing?
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(02-18-2011, 02:40 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:16 PM)netsleuth Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:06 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: Gee Whiz!!...this is the second time i see a reference to "she left for 5 years"..I am intrigued and I gotta ask again.....WHERE DID SHE GO?
Did she do time?
Don't Know....Maybe she was a missionary in the deepest reaches of Asia or Africa, attending to the needs of the down trodden needing salvation or just a piece of her mind. Spreading blessed mysticism to those who don't "have the gift"....
 yeah, that's it!
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(02-18-2011, 02:59 PM)jash Wrote: Hey...a NEW website for justice just went I seeing this correctly?? IT links to here...
Someone needs to change the name to include the names of the victims. JC and LS are cryptic. JMHO of course.
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(02-18-2011, 02:59 PM)jash Wrote: Hey...a NEW website for justice just went I seeing this correctly?? IT links to here...
Forgot to say HA!
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Sorry if I missed it, but does anyone know what Johnny was doing, and where he was while Lisa was working that night?
"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed."
- Albert Einstein
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(02-18-2011, 02:49 PM)trixie Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:44 PM)netsleuth Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:39 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: She did say HE didn't have a shirt on. I transcribed that last 911 phone call shortly after it was released. Which is why I called bullshit on him reportedly walking out the door on the phone. It was bitterly cold that night I remember it clearly because I had class that night & when I got home I told my Mom who was babysitting for me that "It was so cold it hurt" & then I heard the news of this story the next morning.
Begs the question(s) who picked Lisa up from work? Did Johnny do so, or did a friend who was coming over for the night, offer? Did Lisa drive herself and happen upon a crime in progress? Was she home earlier than intended?
From what I've heard Johnny went and picked her up from work.
right, that's something that's stayed constant, throughout all this.
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(02-18-2011, 02:54 PM)jash Wrote: Quote:Freshbait78 Wrote:
She did say HE didn't have a shirt on. I transcribed that last 911 phone call shortly after it was released. Which is why I called bullshit on him reportedly walking out the door on the phone. It was bitterly cold that night I remember it clearly because I had class that night & when I got home I told my Mom who was babysitting for me that "It was so cold it hurt" & then I heard the news of this story the next morning
Here is the CNN transcription of phone call. They have transcribed it as "SHE" 2 seperate times...It's so frustrating that everything is up for interpretation...
If it really is "HE" I support your call bullshit that he was walking out the door with no shirt. But, if HE was found shirtless, that could have easily been ripped off in the ensuing struggle. Same with Lisa's shirt actually.
Thanks for the link. I found the 3 seperate calls on page 9 post #113 in this thread. I listened to the 3 rd again & it sounds to me like she says HE. You can also hear a female in the background relaying this information to her. I assume that was the military cousin.
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(02-18-2011, 09:03 AM)Duchess Wrote:
Regarding TW and the way she speaks, I think some are putting too much stock in how she speaks to her peers compared with how she posted in here the other night. I don't see that as meaning a damn thing, I just don't. I know young people who use that slang online & in texting yet are perfectly capable of using great language skills in real life. I think it's irrelevant.
Agree. And, if people went back and looked at her posts they would see they wouldn't pass a junior high english class.
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(02-18-2011, 02:57 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:27 PM)netsleuth Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:23 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I posted a comment earlier this morning, page 287 #4009. It's been quoted a few times throughout the day. A converstaion that Tiffany had the same night she was here answering questions & some of my thoughts.
I multitask all the time. I generally have about three conversations going at once. In some conversations, I'm polite. Others, not so much. 
ok, this is another reason I find it hard to believe TW's involved. She's going on about life, as usual. She's not crying on FB, over-doing the 'sad person' stuff. I can't word, properly, what I mean, ugh..
I think carrying on as if nothing happened makes her look guilty, especially coming so soon after 2 of her friends that she says she'd spent the previous evening with were savagely murdered such a short time before she says they were going to get together!
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(02-18-2011, 02:54 PM)jash Wrote: Quote:Freshbait78 Wrote:
She did say HE didn't have a shirt on. I transcribed that last 911 phone call shortly after it was released. Which is why I called bullshit on him reportedly walking out the door on the phone. It was bitterly cold that night I remember it clearly because I had class that night & when I got home I told my Mom who was babysitting for me that "It was so cold it hurt" & then I heard the news of this story the next morning
Here is the CNN transcription of phone call. They have transcribed it as "SHE" 2 seperate times...It's so frustrating that everything is up for interpretation...
If it really is "HE" I support your call bullshit that he was walking out the door with no shirt. But, if HE was found shirtless, that could have easily been ripped off in the ensuing struggle. Same with Lisa's shirt actually.
that's what I think, if JC was shirtless. During the struggle he tried to get away from them, pulling himself out of his shirt. Makes sense to me.
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As an alibi, maybe he was already tied up and they took his phone and dialed her number, wonder if pings from a phone show if JC's phone and Tw's phone were in the same location, and on a phone check wouldn't it show how many each if ever called each other?
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(02-18-2011, 03:11 PM)onefortheroad Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:57 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:27 PM)netsleuth Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:23 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I posted a comment earlier this morning, page 287 #4009. It's been quoted a few times throughout the day. A converstaion that Tiffany had the same night she was here answering questions & some of my thoughts.
I multitask all the time. I generally have about three conversations going at once. In some conversations, I'm polite. Others, not so much. 
ok, this is another reason I find it hard to believe TW's involved. She's going on about life, as usual. She's not crying on FB, over-doing the 'sad person' stuff. I can't word, properly, what I mean, ugh..
I think carrying on as if nothing happened makes her look guilty, especially coming so soon after 2 of her friends that she says she'd spent the previous evening with were savagely murdered such a short time before she says they were going to get together!
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(02-18-2011, 02:56 PM)JustSayin... Wrote: SM is a dear friend who is devastated by the loss of her friend. The message you are referring to told SM that LS missed her and wanted to get together soon. SM is a nice girl, and college student. I think she would have avoided the crowd JC had brought into her friends life.
if this comment was directed at my question earlier... i was never insinuating that SM was involved. i agree that from what i read and saw of her in the news she seemed like a nice girl and truly grieving the loss of her friend. i just thought that if what i had read early in the case was accurate that it could help add to the possible timeline of what went down the night of the murder. from what i read, it sounded like the FB message was possible sent the night everything happened. it would be interesting to me to know if that's true and if so, what time was it sent... it could give us a little more insight into some of the timing details.
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(02-18-2011, 02:59 PM)jash Wrote: Hey...a NEW website for justice just went I seeing this correctly?? IT links to here...
LOL it sure does!! I see LC's beautiful avatar  Welcome new people
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(02-18-2011, 03:04 PM)netsleuth Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:54 PM)Jane Wrote: I'm guessing most people won't say they don't love their relatives. It's something that's been branded in our brains, we're suppose to love them. It doesn't mean everyone does. They just don't come out & say it.
Most people who don't love their mothers don't pose for pictures demonstrating a bond and/or have their Mom's name tatt'd on their upper arm, either.
LOL, ok, I'm not going back & forth with you on this. It's petty.
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I find it a little strange that the only thing TW said on F.B. in reference to the murder of her friends was a simple R.I.P. message that morning. How do you not at least mention that you were at the scene or on the phone with JC? I.E. The friend JC was with before he left to pick LS up mentions her shock, and that she never thought when he walked out she would never see him again.
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(02-18-2011, 03:11 PM)onefortheroad Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:57 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:27 PM)netsleuth Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:23 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I posted a comment earlier this morning, page 287 #4009. It's been quoted a few times throughout the day. A converstaion that Tiffany had the same night she was here answering questions & some of my thoughts.
I multitask all the time. I generally have about three conversations going at once. In some conversations, I'm polite. Others, not so much. 
ok, this is another reason I find it hard to believe TW's involved. She's going on about life, as usual. She's not crying on FB, over-doing the 'sad person' stuff. I can't word, properly, what I mean, ugh..
I think carrying on as if nothing happened makes her look guilty, especially coming so soon after 2 of her friends that she says she'd spent the previous evening with were savagely murdered such a short time before she says they were going to get together!
I agree. The one RIP post about people that she was supposed to be hanging out with, and someone she "was on the phone with" during the beginning of the attack. I would be a little more upset. I wouldn't be on fb like nothing ever happened, and starting fights with people. Seems that girls is surrounded by drama.
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(02-18-2011, 10:12 AM)kitty1 Wrote: (02-18-2011, 05:21 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-18-2011, 03:00 AM)kitty1 Wrote: (02-18-2011, 02:04 AM)jash Wrote: Quote:kitty1 Wrote:
(Today 12:00 AM)kfran Wrote:
(Yesterday 11:53 PM)Jane Wrote:
(Yesterday 11:50 PM)kfran Wrote:
(Yesterday 11:46 PM)shitstorm Wrote:
No. Nothing has been confirmed beyond what was released right at the beginning. Cause of death - asphyxiation.
So we don't know for sure if LS died from the plastic bag over her head. It could have been that she was choked to death, possibly using the pants.
the coroner stated death by asphyixiation (sp?)
Jane, yes that is what the coroner stated. But asphyxiation is lack of oxygen, it can be from smothering or choking or strangulation. I'm trying to find a reason for the damn pants being under her head.
she was found with only her work pants on. i think that she was planning on changing into those pants to go out when she heard commotion and ran out to see what was going on.
makes sense to me.
We have to put several things to rest and not keep bringing up things that are false.
Death was due to asphyxiation due to bags over head per coroner. If she was strangled, death would have been asphyxiation due to strangulation of something like that. Strangulation would have ligature marks, bruising around throat, or the telltale hyoid bone being broken. Coroner definitely said she was asphyxiationwith bag, which could be used interchangeably with the work smothered.
Lisa's uncle has stated bluntly that Lisa was still wearing her uniform. he did not say just her pants. Or that her top was off. Her uniform consisted of a TGIF polo (I think they are red and black here, or red or black striped. Pants are black I believe. Lisa's uncle made a point of saying that she was still wearing her uniform and that's why he thinks they were killed shortly after arriving home cuz she didn't have time to change out of it. He didn't say she was in the process of changing, he said she was wearing her uniform..not half her uniform. I think we can take that as fact and stop all this supposition that MAYTEE brought into the mix by saying she didn't have a top on. Her uncle (who would know) says she was clothed.
personally, I think the guys walked right in behind them when they got home...or were already in the house waiting. do u think that her uncle is gonna announce on national tv that she was half dressed. he says that she was still in her uniform. you can't assume that to mean her entire uniform. the point he was trying to make was that she wasnt home very long because she always changes out of her uniform right away. She didn't get that far.
Okay, you two have been going back and forth on this point. kitty, do you know, FOR A FACT, that Lisa was partially dressed? Did you get that from a family member?
i am family. i was told that she had no shirt on. maybe i misunderstood or they were referring to johnny. i will try to ask again, but some questions are just too sensitive or inappropriate to ask