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OK, any locals out there ??? Has there really been rumor, an arrest has been made ???
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(02-15-2011, 12:13 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:46 AM)curious Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:28 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: "central security documents were found"
Are these documents to the home security system? Or some other type of securities? Sorry if it was asked...
I've been wondering the same thing and the central security documents are somehow linked to the DVD. Also curious about the cardboard boxes and foreign currency seized...might these items all be related somehow? Has there been any mention of LS parents' occupation? And lastly, is anyone else suspicious of the pink/black interband pants found under LS neck... I found this on the Toledo Central Security website, under the residential:
"We also offer video surveillance systems for the home. Once the system is installed, if you have a DSL or Cable internet connection, we can setup your Digital Video Recorder on your existing home computer network so you can monitor your cameras from an off-site location(i.e. from work or on vacation) for no additional monthly cost to you."
So maybe there was some type of video surveillance, and the perps got the manual out and checked how the system was set up and where the DVD recorder was?? I know that doesn't mean it was on, but maybe the perps didn't know that? And it was black duct tape, I don't know about anyone else but at my house we have a lot of duct tape laying around the basement and the garage but not black (old silver type), is black relatively new?
If the key is related to the security system, like Lady Cop said she read somewhere,I think the key was to a DVD recorder box, sometimes those boxes are hidden and locked.
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(02-19-2011, 09:01 AM)LoserCity Wrote: (02-19-2011, 01:04 AM)JustSayin... Wrote: (02-18-2011, 11:12 PM)LoserCity Wrote: I don't think she was smart enough to text and call, but I think her friends who are all robbery experts (according to their rap sheets) have been around the block enough to know what needs to happen to establish an alilbi. She was coached. A willing participant, but coached (IMHO).
Bottom line is that if TW is innocent of any involvement, she needs to stop playing games and state the REAL reason she was meeting/hanging out/talking to JC that night. She makes no quams about posting things like "Let him flip a lil money first" on her FB page, and making it very well known that she's ready to "get down" and "beat dat ass" even at 4 months prego. She is thug enough to put her business out there on FB, so why not here. Its not like they can take her kids away or anything. IMO TW was there to buy or sell from JC. If it was a mere business transaction and nothing more, than say so! It will end a lot of confustion and maybe give her a little more credibility since she won't be so worried about trying to fill in the gaps of her story.
I do not think we can blame TW for the way she acts. She is a product of her environment. Of a crappy city that is one of the "most miserable places to live" according to a recent survey.
Just for the record. Toledo is not the horrible city it is portrayed as in the media. There are rough neighborhoods, and great neighborhoods. Some of the nicest areas are in the South End. Plenty of families are raising good, intelligent, law abiding citizens in Toledo. There is no excuse for B&E and armed robbery!!!
I don't want to make this an arguing point, but I will respectfully disagree. I know from experience - growing up in a "REALLY great neighborhood" that was still plagued with drugs and crime. The crime to pay for the drugs mainly. But the lack of oppportunity - jobs and REAL services to help people who are doing drugs, or need work, is what makes Toledo dismal at best. "Little Detroit" is exactly that. I am sorry if that is offensive to people who still live there.
You are right, there is no excuse for armed robbery. It happens everywhere, and it is very sad that it happens every day.
I'm not offended. I just don't think it's an accurate description of Toledo. Poor Detroit is a mess. I just think it's silly people acting either like they are bad asses because they live in big bad Toledo, or using it for an excuse. There are more nice neighborhoods in Toledo than not.
I understand that it puts a kid at a disadvantage if his/her parents are criminals, but you can rise above if you want to. There are plenty of successful young men and women coming from the neighborhood these kids live in, but if you choose a dangerous lifestyle.............
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(02-19-2011, 01:31 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-19-2011, 01:06 PM)Countryside_Belle Wrote: [quote='Momforlife' pid='130663' dateline='1298118930']
First time posting... So bear with me... I live in the area of these murders... And I am surprised how little news we are hearing. Word is there has been an arrest, but I am unable to verify that right now. I don't want to post anything that has not been substantiated. But, will as soon as I hear factual information, I will. I have an opinion on this, as you all do too... But am not comfortable posting it yet...
Hey Momforlife: Without naming your source entirely, from where did you hear of an arrest? Talk of the town? Co-worker?Friend? Neighbor?
Just curious.
[/font] Understand if you don't want to answer.
You don't need to name a source, I am just interested in who, if they named anyone, can you tell us the initials of the alleged suspect that may have been named?
(02-19-2011, 02:58 PM)Jane Wrote: OK, any locals out there ??? Has there really been rumor, an arrest has been made ??? Jane the above post is the only one I could find.
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(02-19-2011, 02:58 PM)Jane Wrote: OK, any locals out there ??? Has there really been rumor, an arrest has been made ???
thanks Jane, I've asked this a couple times no avail
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(02-19-2011, 02:49 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:40 PM)Methusala Wrote: (02-19-2011, 01:18 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote: If I thought I was going to steal something I would not take a briefcase.
I would not take a wheel borrow. I would not take a rolling garbage can
to put in my car. I would not take a suitcase. I would take bags which I could secure well with tape, sling over my shoulder and effect an easy 'get away." That is my thought about the bags. They would easily carry drugs, bricks of..... money, supplies, cash. 'Cause that is what I
was looking for. I am good at it and have done it before and I will not
take a gun because should the people come home I don't want them
hurt, UNLESS I get orders to ice them once I am in there. Orders would
come because my informant gave me bogus information about this
scene. They ow me big, They wasted my time. They will pay. So simple.
And the informants had the security system cut off by the way.
Bags? What bags? I thought all they found where pieces of little "baggies" like the kind used for pot and drugs.
I believe TC is talking about bags being brought into the home, to use in taking stolen stuff out ?
The bags would carry out stash - or absent of that - they could go over
the heads of the people who are there. Boss wants the shit or revenge.
In this case it is revenge.
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(02-19-2011, 12:57 PM)sharit Wrote: (02-19-2011, 12:53 PM)sharit Wrote: i own a cleaning service and most all place that i clean have alarms. i have never seen 1 which uses a key, never. yes they do have logs and if wire were cut the security service would know this and send LE.once you enter building you have 45 seconds to disarm, or le will be on there way. think about, what would the purpose be to have an alarm if all you have to do is cut the wires.
Cutting the wires that allow a system to communicate would not set off the alarm. Systems send "check in" signals periodically to the monitoring dispatch to let it know all is ok. We are assuming that monthly monitoring is up and running, some people have alarms and dont pay a monthly monitoring fee. Some just have signs claiming that the property is being monitored. Taking the precaution of cutting the wires a day or 2 in advance could be a way of checking to see how extensively the place was protected. If you cut the wire and no there is no response then your research has rewarded you with the knowledge that the alarm was just for show. Just part of casing a joint. Prep work to make sure the crime can be successfully executed. That same prep work may have included being there days before as an invited guest at a party....see what the access to the home might be and what the interior layout may be like. The key could just be to the Main Panel box that has a backup battery or the papers you want to take a look at to make sure there are no cameras or recorders in any of the protected zones. When you feel comfortable that you cased the place well, and got to commit the crime, then you just take an extra minute to make sure you will get away with it. The alarm system in thas case is the third witness, John and Lisa being the other 2.
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(02-19-2011, 02:54 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:42 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:08 PM)Wish.I.was.a.P.I Wrote: The problem is (IMO) there are so many FB friends of friends of friends that are connected that there is no way you can determine anything going off who's friends with who. Believe me, I have creeped on so many of this one and that one that I could fill up a flow chart the size of Ohio with connections. What I have observed is this, at one point in time, the friends that TW had while she was with/around Donald aren't too close to her anymore. She admits that after Donald died she had an addiction to percocets but was planning to get her life back together again. She has 3 kids, not living with her, all from different dads, 2 of which she had very young and one as you all know is Donalds and is currently prego with AP/AG's. She seems to have ok correspondence with the other daddys. I don't see anything proving that she was friends/close or even knew Johnny and/or back when she was with Donald but I'm sure they were aware of each other as both crowds know one or more friends of friends but clearly TW's crowd is tough/gang related/bad guys. They may have been bloods but I've seen alot of "goon" there a gang named goons? or is that a gang member term?
Interesting is that Lisa's co-workers hardly knew Johnny..they loved her, thought she was happy but "didn't know her BF". Unfortuantely, I have not been able to find anything about RR, Johnny's best friend other than his family loved Johnny like another son. Also, some of the FB people you guys have mentioned on here (475 entertainment) have their own problems with other people it seems so just beaware that even though they have all the right info in their profiles doesn't mean they have anything to do with this case..not that I know for sure but according to the info I found they have enough problems elsewhere.
couple notes, ZB (if it's even the right ZB) works very close to the area, TGIF is (according to google) approximately 10 min, maybe 20 with traffic (someone familiar with the area would know better )away from Lisa's if she got off at 10:00, and was still in her uniform at 11:00 (according to TW being on the phone with Johnny), that's an interesting timeline.
I have so much more to write but don't have time. I'm hoping there really was an husband can't take me on this case much more. haha. I look forward to posts later this afternoon when I get home.
(02-19-2011, 02:19 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 12:49 PM)Adub Wrote: (02-19-2011, 12:30 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: TW met them through the minor, ZB, who allegedly was into percocets heavily. JC was friends with the minor. I believe TW said that was how she met them, she met JC first and then met LS through, ZB and JC, at ZB's house.
I think the relationship runs deeper than ZB. I may be wrong. But one of Corrigans best buddies who has a RIP Corrigan pic as his fb photo (R.i.p. Donald 50 ckal) is closely tied in with Johnny's neighborhood friend that Johnny watched the ProBowl with on the Jan 30th. And the photo for R.i.p. ckal includes all the "bros" posing gangster style. All the "bros" includes Johnny's old neighborhood friend that he watched the Pro Bowl with. So I do not think Tiffany needed ZB to meet anyone. Tiffany has been around for awile. And imo, ZB is a minor player.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Z is a minor player, in all of this.
A junkie punk in withdrawals, hmmmmm who was at the house the night before with TW and was going back the very night they are murdered? I would't exactly rule him out or who he may have told about that house and it might have a safe, a safe, money and JC might have drugs....nope wouldn't be ruling out MR.Z at all.
See, the thing is, I'm not giving a whole lot of credit to anyone that posted anything about Z, to be honest, lol ... Didn't we hear him first mentioned by 'grieving friend' or ugh, I forgot the other name now. ?? Anyone could come on here, & trash any of the characters, simply because they don't like them, or they've heard thru the grapevine.. Z may very well be involved, but delving into his life, only gets me confused. For the time being anyway.
TW said she went there with the minor, here on the board, and that was how she met LS hanging out with JC and the minor. I believe the person who told me, because a whole lot of what they said about TW, JC and the minor turned out to be verified by TW. So, I'm going to buy what this person said...I just believe it.TW verified verything but the drug part that is!
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(02-19-2011, 03:01 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 12:13 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:46 AM)curious Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:28 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: "central security documents were found"
Are these documents to the home security system? Or some other type of securities? Sorry if it was asked...
I've been wondering the same thing and the central security documents are somehow linked to the DVD. Also curious about the cardboard boxes and foreign currency seized...might these items all be related somehow? Has there been any mention of LS parents' occupation? And lastly, is anyone else suspicious of the pink/black interband pants found under LS neck... I found this on the Toledo Central Security website, under the residential:
"We also offer video surveillance systems for the home. Once the system is installed, if you have a DSL or Cable internet connection, we can setup your Digital Video Recorder on your existing home computer network so you can monitor your cameras from an off-site location(i.e. from work or on vacation) for no additional monthly cost to you."
So maybe there was some type of video surveillance, and the perps got the manual out and checked how the system was set up and where the DVD recorder was?? I know that doesn't mean it was on, but maybe the perps didn't know that? And it was black duct tape, I don't know about anyone else but at my house we have a lot of duct tape laying around the basement and the garage but not black (old silver type), is black relatively new?
If the key is related to the security system, like Lady Cop said she read somewhere,I think the key was to a DVD recorder box, sometimes those boxes are hidden and locked.
aaah, ok. I didn't read that, sorry. So we know the house was set up with video cameras too? It's sure possible, hmmm
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thanks Belle & EastCoast! If that rumor was really 'out there' you'd think someone would be here posting more about it. Wish momof1 would elaborate, atlhough maybe that's all she's heard. Just the rumor.
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(02-19-2011, 03:10 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 03:01 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 12:13 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:46 AM)curious Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:28 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: "central security documents were found"
Are these documents to the home security system? Or some other type of securities? Sorry if it was asked...
I've been wondering the same thing and the central security documents are somehow linked to the DVD. Also curious about the cardboard boxes and foreign currency seized...might these items all be related somehow? Has there been any mention of LS parents' occupation? And lastly, is anyone else suspicious of the pink/black interband pants found under LS neck... I found this on the Toledo Central Security website, under the residential:
"We also offer video surveillance systems for the home. Once the system is installed, if you have a DSL or Cable internet connection, we can setup your Digital Video Recorder on your existing home computer network so you can monitor your cameras from an off-site location(i.e. from work or on vacation) for no additional monthly cost to you."
So maybe there was some type of video surveillance, and the perps got the manual out and checked how the system was set up and where the DVD recorder was?? I know that doesn't mean it was on, but maybe the perps didn't know that? And it was black duct tape, I don't know about anyone else but at my house we have a lot of duct tape laying around the basement and the garage but not black (old silver type), is black relatively new?
If the key is related to the security system, like Lady Cop said she read somewhere,I think the key was to a DVD recorder box, sometimes those boxes are hidden and locked.
aaah, ok. I didn't read that, sorry. So we know the house was set up with video cameras too? It's sure possible, hmmm
The Central Securities Documents may have highlighted all the major
spots in the house that were protected. If they looked at these,
perhaps they would see where the 'phantom safe' was. Once
they realize there is not wiring to a safe, they may have made a
phone call to someone who said......dont waste any moe time.
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(02-19-2011, 03:05 PM)Countryside_Belle Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:58 PM)Jane Wrote: OK, any locals out there ??? Has there really been rumor, an arrest has been made ???
thanks Jane, I've asked this a couple times no avail
They haven't announced anything on TV...keeping my fingers crossed though!!
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(02-19-2011, 03:14 PM)Jane Wrote: thanks Belle & EastCoast! If that rumor was really 'out there' you'd think someone would be here posting more about it. Wish momof1 would elaborate, atlhough maybe that's all she's heard. Just the rumor.
I know, I just wish LE would say something, imagine how the family feels if we are frustrated with LE...uggghhhh
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(02-19-2011, 02:58 PM)Jane Wrote: OK, any locals out there ??? Has there really been rumor, an arrest has been made ???
well I'm a local and extended family and this is news to me???????
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(02-19-2011, 01:54 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote: If I thought I was going to steal something I would not take a briefcase.
I would not take a wheel borrow. I would not take a rolling garbage can
to put in my car. I would not take a suitcase. I would take bags which
I could secure well with tape, sling over my shoulder and effect an
easy 'get away." That is my thought about the bags. They would easily
carry drugs, bricks of..... money, supplies, cash.
Pan to normal looking guy....
'Cause that is what I was looking for.
I am good at it and have done it before. No one is gonna get
hurt, UNLESS we get orders to ice them once we are in there. Orders would
come because the informant gave bogus information about this
scene. They owe him big now, if nothing is here, They wasted his time.
If they have lied, they will pay.
And the informants had the security system cut off by the way.
We go in following the kids through the door. "Hey kid, where is
the safe, where is the shit? Shit - that is nothing what we were
expecting. This is sixth grade party shit. Your relative said you have it.
Where is it - the real stuff we were told you were carrying?" Boom
Crash Boom. "Tie him up." "Who is this pretty lady? Tie her up."
"Where is the safe?" Informant said there is big shit here. Where
is it? Boom boom. Secure them more so we can hunt.'
Upstairs: Drawers yanked, room trashed, holes punched. Tempers
flare. Shhh. Someone is knocking on the door. Good they are gone.
More trashing. Tempers steam. Call to Boss. "Nothing. absolutely
nothing." " Yeah the kid is here and he has baby shit. Got a girl with
him." Ok. Ok.
To the boy " Sorry jerk. Here is your phone - Call Relative and
ask them where the shit is. Tell them we have you naked in the basement
and tied with towels and are gonna OFF you if they dont tell us where
the money is. " "They are not cooperative eh??" Calls boss. OK man.
Grabs phone from boy - tosses it to the floor and it shatters .
"They lied to X. He says go ahead with the revenge. Make it clean/
No mess. You know what that means. OK. "
"Do it. And let's get the hell out of here. What a F..K.UP assignment.
"That member really musta did our man bad.
I think this sums it up quite well.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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(02-19-2011, 03:10 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:54 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:42 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-19-2011, 02:08 PM)Wish.I.was.a.P.I Wrote: The problem is (IMO) there are so many FB friends of friends of friends that are connected that there is no way you can determine anything going off who's friends with who. Believe me, I have creeped on so many of this one and that one that I could fill up a flow chart the size of Ohio with connections. What I have observed is this, at one point in time, the friends that TW had while she was with/around Donald aren't too close to her anymore. She admits that after Donald died she had an addiction to percocets but was planning to get her life back together again. She has 3 kids, not living with her, all from different dads, 2 of which she had very young and one as you all know is Donalds and is currently prego with AP/AG's. She seems to have ok correspondence with the other daddys. I don't see anything proving that she was friends/close or even knew Johnny and/or back when she was with Donald but I'm sure they were aware of each other as both crowds know one or more friends of friends but clearly TW's crowd is tough/gang related/bad guys. They may have been bloods but I've seen alot of "goon" there a gang named goons? or is that a gang member term?
Interesting is that Lisa's co-workers hardly knew Johnny..they loved her, thought she was happy but "didn't know her BF". Unfortuantely, I have not been able to find anything about RR, Johnny's best friend other than his family loved Johnny like another son. Also, some of the FB people you guys have mentioned on here (475 entertainment) have their own problems with other people it seems so just beaware that even though they have all the right info in their profiles doesn't mean they have anything to do with this case..not that I know for sure but according to the info I found they have enough problems elsewhere.
couple notes, ZB (if it's even the right ZB) works very close to the area, TGIF is (according to google) approximately 10 min, maybe 20 with traffic (someone familiar with the area would know better )away from Lisa's if she got off at 10:00, and was still in her uniform at 11:00 (according to TW being on the phone with Johnny), that's an interesting timeline.
I have so much more to write but don't have time. I'm hoping there really was an husband can't take me on this case much more. haha. I look forward to posts later this afternoon when I get home.
(02-19-2011, 02:19 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 12:49 PM)Adub Wrote: I think the relationship runs deeper than ZB. I may be wrong. But one of Corrigans best buddies who has a RIP Corrigan pic as his fb photo (R.i.p. Donald 50 ckal) is closely tied in with Johnny's neighborhood friend that Johnny watched the ProBowl with on the Jan 30th. And the photo for R.i.p. ckal includes all the "bros" posing gangster style. All the "bros" includes Johnny's old neighborhood friend that he watched the Pro Bowl with. So I do not think Tiffany needed ZB to meet anyone. Tiffany has been around for awile. And imo, ZB is a minor player.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Z is a minor player, in all of this.
A junkie punk in withdrawals, hmmmmm who was at the house the night before with TW and was going back the very night they are murdered? I would't exactly rule him out or who he may have told about that house and it might have a safe, a safe, money and JC might have drugs....nope wouldn't be ruling out MR.Z at all.
See, the thing is, I'm not giving a whole lot of credit to anyone that posted anything about Z, to be honest, lol ... Didn't we hear him first mentioned by 'grieving friend' or ugh, I forgot the other name now. ?? Anyone could come on here, & trash any of the characters, simply because they don't like them, or they've heard thru the grapevine.. Z may very well be involved, but delving into his life, only gets me confused. For the time being anyway.
TW said she went there with the minor, here on the board, and that was how she met LS hanging out with JC and the minor. I believe the person who told me, because a whole lot of what they said about TW, JC and the minor turned out to be verified by TW. So, I'm going to buy what this person said...I just believe it.TW verified verything but the drug part that is!
Maybe it's true, I don't know. Maybe JC got hold of some prescription pills, along with weed, & was going to take both to Tiffany? If Tiffany & Z are both waiting for JC to show up, it would make sense, they'd try to call Johnny back, more than once. I think Tiffany was worried about Johnny, but I also think she was getting antsy about not being able to hook up with Johnny.
edited to add - this would also make perfect sense as to why Tiffany didn't call 911 herself. She was strictly trying to get dope from Johnny that night. Why would she call LE so fast, especially knowing Johnny had dope on him? She may have been thinking she didn't want to get him in trouble ??
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(02-19-2011, 03:15 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote: (02-19-2011, 03:10 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-19-2011, 03:01 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 12:13 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:46 AM)curious Wrote: I've been wondering the same thing and the central security documents are somehow linked to the DVD. Also curious about the cardboard boxes and foreign currency seized...might these items all be related somehow? Has there been any mention of LS parents' occupation? And lastly, is anyone else suspicious of the pink/black interband pants found under LS neck... I found this on the Toledo Central Security website, under the residential:
"We also offer video surveillance systems for the home. Once the system is installed, if you have a DSL or Cable internet connection, we can setup your Digital Video Recorder on your existing home computer network so you can monitor your cameras from an off-site location(i.e. from work or on vacation) for no additional monthly cost to you."
So maybe there was some type of video surveillance, and the perps got the manual out and checked how the system was set up and where the DVD recorder was?? I know that doesn't mean it was on, but maybe the perps didn't know that? And it was black duct tape, I don't know about anyone else but at my house we have a lot of duct tape laying around the basement and the garage but not black (old silver type), is black relatively new?
If the key is related to the security system, like Lady Cop said she read somewhere,I think the key was to a DVD recorder box, sometimes those boxes are hidden and locked.
aaah, ok. I didn't read that, sorry. So we know the house was set up with video cameras too? It's sure possible, hmmm
The Central Securities Documents may have highlighted all the major
spots in the house that were protected. If they looked at these,
perhaps they would see where the 'phantom safe' was. Once
they realize there is not wiring to a safe, they may have made a
phone call to someone who said......dont waste any moe time.
Wow, Curious that could be...why else would the security documents be strew around? Somebody was trying to figure something out!
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I feel like I'm at a Murder Mystery Theater...without the food.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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(02-19-2011, 03:19 PM)kfran Wrote: I feel like I'm at a Murder Mystery Theater...without the food.
You took the words right outta my mouth.
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(02-19-2011, 02:58 PM)Jane Wrote: OK, any locals out there ??? Has there really been rumor, an arrest has been made ???
I'm local , and haven't heard anything about arrests being made.