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(02-25-2011, 08:55 AM)notsure Wrote: (02-25-2011, 12:50 AM)pspence Wrote: none of her brushes with the law (Tiffany's) were in recent years...she truly seemed distraught to me...
TIFF was just charged with false info to LE in oct! Yes after looking at her mom I'm sure her childhood was hell, but that doesn't mean we can just ignore her current behavior and blindly believe what she says is fact. I don't know if she is involved or not, but b/c of her current behavior (current being 5 years to now) I have to at least question everything she says.
Part of what storm is getting at I think is that society must stop the pity party. It must stop saying "we will ignore your current behavior and give you the benefit of the doubt because your childhood made you like this. you get extra special treatment b/c we failed you in the past, even though you on your own are a drag on society now as an adult" I hate to be a prick, but to fuckin' bad. Adult, is the key here. responsible for your own actions. we all had something in our childhood that was fucked up. they need to shut the fuck up and get over it and get themselves and decide to do something with themselves. Yea, it will be hard, and yea, they will have to work to make it happen. thats real life. just part of the social contract. The easiest first step is stay away from the shit bags that are not going any where.
BTW I find it very scary that iraq vet didn't get the gansta slapped out of him when he served. usually the military really sets people straight. hence the boot camp style of juvi reform camps.
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(02-25-2011, 06:39 PM)concerned Wrote: For all posting that Toledo is a "shithole" and such. I am curious to know where your city is that has no crime or druguser gang members and so forth. Toledo is a city that was once prosperous and people could make a decent living and raise a family in a nice middle class home but unfortunatly alot of the good factory jobs closed down and the businesses that relied on the factories all the way down the line.... It could happen to any city and is happening to alot of cities all over the US as I type this. I went to Toledo Public Schools and had a good education. A nice house with working parents. I took advantage of the education that was put in front of me.
Me too. I have wonderful loving memories of my Toledo public grade school, the no-nonsense but warm-hearted teachers and principal, my playmates on the street and their hard-working parents, my own hard-working and loving parents, etc.
We walked to grade school and high school. The high school population was 1⁄ 3 Afro-American and 2⁄ 3 Caucasian. We were all close and knew each other.
I grew up in the old west end on a street where the horse-chestnut trees lined the curb and the bus came right down the street every eleven minutes. We didn't know it at the time but it was heaven. It was a couple blocks from Rosary Cathedral. I was not Catholic and the neighborhood was a mix of religions and ethnic backgrounds.
We used to walk home from movies downtown, in the dark, at midnight as teenagers, so that we could instead spend the 17 cents on candy.
Our only fear was that an older kid might jump out from behind a tree some of the time to tease us.
Murders were rare and when they occurred they were front page news in the Blade from the day the body was discovered, through the arrest, the trial, the conviction and the execution.
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WOW!! Can't wait fot that party on Cape Cod....Hope you both can attend. I won't miss it now. 
Haha. Just came home from Cape Cod and left my best whip there.
I guess I can borrow it for the party. LOL
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(02-25-2011, 06:51 PM)shitstorm Wrote: @ ZEROSPHERES
Can't you see that whip in Duchess' other hand, in her AV?
The one getting spanked is anyone quoting long posts. That's Duchess doing the spanking.
I just know these things. Maytee isn't the only psychic around here.
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(02-25-2011, 07:17 PM)Methusala Wrote: (02-25-2011, 06:39 PM)concerned Wrote: For all posting that Toledo is a "shithole" and such. I am curious to know where your city is that has no crime or druguser gang members and so forth. Toledo is a city that was once prosperous and people could make a decent living and raise a family in a nice middle class home but unfortunatly alot of the good factory jobs closed down and the businesses that relied on the factories all the way down the line.... It could happen to any city and is happening to alot of cities all over the US as I type this. I went to Toledo Public Schools and had a good education. A nice house with working parents. I took advantage of the education that was put in front of me.
Me too. I have wonderful loving memories of my Toledo public grade school, the no-nonsense but warm-hearted teachers and principal, my playmates on the street and their hard-working parents, my own hard-working and loving parents, etc.
We walked to grade school and high school. The high school population was 1⁄3 Afro-American and 2⁄3 Caucasian. We were all close and knew each other.
I grew up in the old west end on a street where the horse-chestnut trees lined the curb and the bus came right down the street every eleven minutes. We didn't know it at the time but it was heaven. It was a couple blocks from Rosary Cathedral. I was not Catholic and the neighborhood was a mix of religions and ethnic backgrounds.
We used to walk home from movies downtown, in the dark, at midnight as teenagers, so that we could instead spend the 17 cents on candy.
Our only fear was that an older kid might jump out from behind a tree some of the time to tease us.
Murders were rare and when they occurred they were front page news in the Blade from the day the body was discovered, through the arrest, the trial, the conviction and the execution.
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M P Y too, because of the sadistic mode of killing. My husband told me that a lot of gang members that do military, come back into the neighborhoods and teach the other gang members techniques they learned in the war zones, something I was unaware of...
My son had decided to go into the Marines at one point. He had to do ALL kinds of paperwork explaining his tattoos and they had to be approved by higher ranking officials in order to get waivers. They are weeding out those that have gang related tatts and wont take them anymore because of how they retrain their gang buddies with what theyve learned in their own military training.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-25-2011, 11:36 AM)toledoarea Wrote: I'm starting to think Lisa started hanging with the wrong crowd, "the southside boys" and then met Johnny. I don't think Johnny met Lisa and then introduced Lisa to the crowd. Which makes a little bit of difference. Right now I'm thinking Lisa's family wish she'd never met Johnny, when really they should be wishing Lisa never got involved with the crowd that hangs around Johnny.
Excellent point.
Choices have consequences.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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Spriggs said DNA testing isn’t an automatic process because the lab must first receive crime scene materials from law enforcement. Then a screening process takes place in which technicians have to determine whether there are any traces of DNA on the materials.
Screening for semen, blood or saliva from one bed sheet takes about eight hours, Spriggs said.
Spriggs said before it can be tested, DNA is removed from the crime-scene material.
“You have to extract the DNA first, which can take two days to get it out of the sample,” she said.
Then technicians research how much DNA is available, make copies of it and put it through an instrument for genetic profiling, which can take up to a week, Spriggs said.
After that, technicians study the data, write reports that are technically and administratively reviewed and send the report to the requesting law enforcement agency or district attorney’s office, Spriggs said.
Spriggs said just the screening process of a homicide case could take a few days to two months just for notes, photographs and measurements of evidence on crime-scene materials.
“You want to make sure you cover everything,” she said.
Spriggs said certain cases, including those without suspects and those already taken to court, have priority in DNA processing.
“It depends on what kind of case it is,” she said. “Homicide, rape all get priority before burglary, robbery. When you only have four people doing DNA … you have to triage your cases and do the suspectless ones first and (the ones with) court dates.”
( Auburn Journal)
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Toledo......Fond Memories.
I remember Prom night, we saw how many times we could drive over
the High Level Bridge. The Cops just waved and laughed at us. Don't
ask me why we did that. No drugs and nylons with garters and high
heels. How life has changed.
We also had picnics at Ft. Meigs which was picnic friendly then. We
ran around pretending to be Indians. (Always Indians.)
I saw my first fetus' in jars at the museum when I was 9. I have
never seen such a display since.
My brother owns the Santa Claus from Tiedtkes Department Store -
the one that was always in the window year after year -
and displays it in his home front window at Christmas. What
a thrill to see it. (I guess you just have to have been a kid
going to see Santa at Tiedtkes every year, a great memory.)
My parents first date was at Tony Pacos. Their products are
always on my Christmas Wish List.
There was this amazing theater with real box seats where we
went on special dates. Valentine? Not sure.
I hope some of this still is there as they all were amazing memories.
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(02-25-2011, 07:37 PM)concerned Wrote: Spriggs said DNA testing isn’t an automatic process because the lab must first receive crime scene materials from law enforcement. Then a screening process takes place in which technicians have to determine whether there are any traces of DNA on the materials.
Screening for semen, blood or saliva from one bed sheet takes about eight hours, Spriggs said.
Spriggs said before it can be tested, DNA is removed from the crime-scene material.
“You have to extract the DNA first, which can take two days to get it out of the sample,” she said.
Then technicians research how much DNA is available, make copies of it and put it through an instrument for genetic profiling, which can take up to a week, Spriggs said.
After that, technicians study the data, write reports that are technically and administratively reviewed and send the report to the requesting law enforcement agency or district attorney’s office, Spriggs said.
Spriggs said just the screening process of a homicide case could take a few days to two months just for notes, photographs and measurements of evidence on crime-scene materials.
“You want to make sure you cover everything,” she said.
Spriggs said certain cases, including those without suspects and those already taken to court, have priority in DNA processing.
“It depends on what kind of case it is,” she said. “Homicide, rape all get priority before burglary, robbery. When you only have four people doing DNA … you have to triage your cases and do the suspectless ones first and (the ones with) court dates.”
( Auburn Journal)
Which confirms my regret that the home was cleaned so soon, giving detectives and personnel only one day to see and remove samples.
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Jane: it's small, but that's Betty Page, right?
looks like her.
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(02-25-2011, 07:35 PM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (02-25-2011, 11:36 AM)toledoarea Wrote: I'm starting to think Lisa started hanging with the wrong crowd, "the southside boys" and then met Johnny. I don't think Johnny met Lisa and then introduced Lisa to the crowd. Which makes a little bit of difference. Right now I'm thinking Lisa's family wish she'd never met Johnny, when really they should be wishing Lisa never got involved with the crowd that hangs around Johnny.
Excellent point.
Choices have consequences.
I beg to differ about choices. Sometimes Random Acts of Hate just
happen. My daughter went to college at a Top School - was abducted
from campus on a Sunday afternoon. 17 people watched, thinking
it was 'a white girl and her pimp' as he put his arm around her shoulder
and slit her neck. (But he was clever, no one saw that. They just saw
a guy walk up behind a girl an put his arm around her and pull her
to him.) Was it the wrong choice to send her to that university?
Was it wrong for her to be walking on Campus qt 3:00 on a Sunday
We can kill ourselves if we start second guessing 'choices.'
Of course Lisa's parents 'wish.' They probably wish they had not
taken the cruise. They probably wish they had not bought that
house. They probably wish they had asked her to go with them.
They probably wish they had sent her to Europe to study.
THEY WISH....WE ALL WISH....alot of things. Hindsight has
20-20 vision.
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 (02-25-2011, 05:00 PM)Duchess Wrote: (02-25-2011, 04:52 PM)kitty1 Wrote: thank you! [size=medium][i]
You did not quote that entire lengthy mess just to say thank you! Are you oblivious to the comments that LC & others have been saying regarding that? Trim the fucking posts, you did not need all that just to thank someone.
Don't take this personally, I could be commenting to anyone of you who do the same damn thing...and I will if I see it again.
Yes, Duchess is a bitch.
sorry! It's a bad habit that many of of need to break!!! we can be irritating as fuck!
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(02-25-2011, 05:13 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: He left but what I realized after is that when I was walking behind him to the front door, my front door was closed & when he got to the front door it was also locked, he had to unlock it to get out. Then walking back to my room I realized that my daughters bedroom door had been opened, when the night before when I went to bed, I closed her door. She had a hamster that drove me nuts at night lol
I truly believe that he came in to rape me. He was a neighbor in the building & he knew I lived alone. I think he didn't expect my daughter to be there or be in the same room with me.
THAT's creepy as hell!!
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(02-25-2011, 07:29 PM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: M P Y too, because of the sadistic mode of killing. My husband told me that a lot of gang members that do military, come back into the neighborhoods and teach the other gang members techniques they learned in the war zones, something I was unaware of...
My son had decided to go into the Marines at one point. He had to do ALL kinds of paperwork explaining his tattoos and they had to be approved by higher ranking officials in order to get waivers. They are weeding out those that have gang related tatts and wont take them anymore because of how they retrain their gang buddies with what theyve learned in their own military training.
yopu got that right!
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No one ever said that Lisa was addicted to anything?
Do you think she was not into pills? I noted that this was my opinion only. Whatever she was into or not into she did not deserve this and neither did JC. I hope they find who did and I believe they will.
i agree with u about the pills. i just know that some people(not you necessarily don't know the difference between use, abuse and addiction. that's all. i failed to see the part about it being your own opinion.
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(02-25-2011, 07:44 PM)kitty1 Wrote: sorry! It's a bad habit that many of of need to break!!! we can be irritating as fuck!
I did the same thing ... you weren't alone, lol
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ok i am getting ruthless. i have made 3 people newbies again. sorry to embarrass you Kitty, but LEARN TO USE QUOTE FUNCTION correctly. the topic is in HQ. as i have pointed out repeatedly.
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I know a guy who was in the Ohio National Guard Im trying to find out if he knew M*Y*