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(02-27-2011, 11:44 PM)notsure Wrote: I'm going to go off topic and ask a question regarding the homicide of Straub and Clark : ) How big was the party saturday night prior to the murders. If memory serves tiff said on this site that it was only her, z, johnny, and lisa at the straub house that saturday night. later someone mentioned that the neighbors to straubs were talking about that there was a "party" there saturday night. How big a party? I can't imagine 4 people total would raise the neighbors "party" radar. was there a ton of people there? Someone that knows please chime in. Also I can't remember who said they were told who did it, it had to do with JC, and that someone previously on the forum had recently guessed what happened. (recently to his post). Someone with more motivation than me go back to that post and work backward, taking all the JC involved theorys. one of them will be the answer. that means no cuban mafia, or lisa boyfriend. My guess it means, either 1. johnny snitched, 2. johnny owed money, or maybe even 3. johnny talked about a safe or a new load of product, the crew went to rob him (note grabbing the safe may have not been seen as robbing johnny, but instead robbing lisa's parents who they thought could afford it, b/c everyone in the burbs has their stash of $100k in cash, right?), johnny fucked some up and the nastiest of the bunch counter attacked. I;m personally not buying #3 robbery gone bad, but it still is an available theory that doesn't involve aliens, santa, easter bunny, or whatever. Am I missing a theory?
sounds like you're on the right track with your theories in my opinion, i happen to think that he either snitched, or he owed someone some money and when they heard about the alleged safe, they decided it was time to collect. any one of these theories could explain why LS was apparently tortured, and i think this was either because someone was trying to punish him for being a snitch so they went after the girl he loved. if johnny owed someone a bunch of money, maybe they were trying to beat her in hopes that JC would tell the perps where the safe was hidden. if this was strictly over drugs, i don't think that the parents bedroom would have been ransacked in the manner that it was, who would be looking for drugs in her parents bedroom? i believe someone went to that house with the intent of stealing a safe, got pissed when they couldn't find it, and took off with whatever cash and drugs they could find.
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(02-27-2011, 11:45 PM)pspence Wrote: I'm you really believe 150% that there is no possible way Tiffany was involved in the crime in any way? As in you have NO DOUBTS?
I am a very inteligent person thank you very much...
I became educated, quite drugs, grew up and have been married for over 36 years to a good man. My kids are an accountant, a therapist and a teacher. So yes, she could be guilty but until I hear it from the LE, I'm going to believe in her and keep communication lines open.
Good! You turned your life around. That is very respectable and commendable. And now your kids have good lives, too. You did something right.
Tiffany keeps posting pics of her pregnant, drinking, being around drugs and drug dealers, gangs and gang signs, baby bottles filled with purple cough syrup, etc. This is not speculation. There are pictures as evidence.
She has another baby the way. I fear for these children. Don't you??
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That is very interesting about the vent covers off... looking for $$$ or drugs scared those kids must have been...can't get it out of my mind what they went through...guess could have been a robbery and Johnny (built like a brick sh--house) went down fighting trying to protect his girl...bags over their heads so they wouldn't have to look at them...
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(02-27-2011, 11:41 PM)kitty1 Wrote: Hey everyone! I've been pretty quiet on this forum. Just reading everyone else's posts. I'm going nuts because I could answer some of the questions some have asked. I don't want to saboutage the investigation and out of respect for the family I have kept my mouth shut. Someone mentioned that Lisa's facebook has been removed. The Straubs moved back home so they probably discontinued it. I can't even imagine going back there. Regarding the house being ransacked a family member went with the crime scene clean-up people and stated that the whole house was ransacked. Things were broken and thrown about. The perps even took the heater/air conditioning vents off? (I do know someone who didn't believe in banks so that is where he hid his money). And like I've said before Maytee was strange and DANGEROUS before any of this happened! Sorry that's all I can say for now. And yes I'm still very new so you can take it with a grain of salt if you must!
Thank you, kitty.
God, I feel so sorry for those people having to live in that house. My guess is that they don't have the kind of money that would allow them to let it sit empty and live elsewhere.
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(02-27-2011, 11:45 PM)seasontickets Wrote: So no news yet about this case. I was hoping we would hear something, atleast a press conference by LE saying they are working hard on the case etc, etc. Does it really take this long for DNA evidence to come back?
I'm finding this to quite troubling. DNA may take a while but fingerprints don't. I don't believe anyone wore gloves while taping, so that means there had to be prints. Who did they belong to???
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(02-27-2011, 11:31 PM)pspence Wrote: Sounds like you two have a decent relationship. Have you thought about giving her some coaching regarding how to raise children? Or about fetal alcohol syndrome?
For all I know she loves her children just as much as you or I and until I am faced with facts that are different, I will stay with my nonjudgemental attitudes. Regarding "fetal alcohol syndrome"...her other children look just fine and I don't go out of my way in judging people unless I have concrete proof.
I was a Social Worker for many years and if there is one thing I know is that you need to meet people "where they are"...she has been very respectful to me in all of our correspondence and until that changes I will show her the same respect.
I live close to the Straubs. I work in the South end. Everyday I drive to work and see the children, Tiff and her clan are bringing into this world. You are not meeting her where she is. You are meeting her on the internet. You said the other night "she was just having a little fun, do some percs drink some booze". This woman is pregnant. It's very easy for her to be respectful and god bless on the internet. If you pm me your address, I will gladly pay to move her there. I'm sure she'd love your weather. I am not bashing you, but even if she had nothing to do with the killings, she is still hurting people. You seem very nice. I'll send you Maytee too.
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(02-28-2011, 12:03 AM)pspence Wrote: That is very interesting about the vent covers off... looking for $$$ or drugs scared those kids must have been...can't get it out of my mind what they went through...guess could have been a robbery and Johnny (built like a brick sh--house) went down fighting trying to protect his girl...bags over their heads so they wouldn't have to look at them...
I keep seeing people on here saying that the bags could be used so the intruders didn't have to see their faces. To me, it seems that would be the perspective of an intruder who cared. I don't take it that way. To me it seems like the bags were a way to inflict a slow, painful, torturous death?
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She has another baby the way. I fear for these children. Don't you??
Of course I have concerns about that and all children in that lifestyle ...however...I am not in her living room...I do not know how she is around them...for all I know when her children are around she doesn't do those things you mentioned. I've scrolled through all of her pictures...I have never once seen her children around when partying like that...the pictures of her children are ones at the beach, outside playing eating popcycles...I'm not saying I think it's Peter Pan land - I'm not stupid...of course great concerns...but I also know people who have never done drugs, have what to the outside world looks like a Ozzie and Harriett lifestyle for their children and behind closed doors it was a nightmare of control and verbal abuse. I would have to see her and observe her with her be honest, I dont' consider that any of my business (unless signs of abuse) and my interest lies in her actions "only on the night in question" as related to Johnny and Lisa.
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Thank you, kitty.
God, I feel so sorry for those people having to live in that house. My guess is that they don't have the kind of money that would allow them to let it sit empty and live elsewhere.
Nice innuendo
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(02-28-2011, 12:12 AM)curious Wrote: Thank you, kitty.
God, I feel so sorry for those people having to live in that house. My guess is that they don't have the kind of money that would allow them to let it sit empty and live elsewhere.
Nice innuendo
What do you mean, "innuendo"? I'm assuming they aren't wealthy and able to afford leaving their house. I can't imagine how horrible that would be. Who wants to live where someone has been murdered - especially your child!!!
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God, I feel so sorry for those people having to live in that house. My guess is that they don't have the kind of money that would allow them to let it sit empty and live elsewhere.
I thought about that too...I read somewhere Mrs. Straub is a nurse and the Mr. Straub a truck driver...two hard working folks that probably have their life savings in that creepy to have to live there but like you said not financially able to have the luxury to say "I'm never going back there" sad so sad...
I'm wondering if maybe LE has shared info with the Straubs to keep them up to date but maybe not with the Maytee group because not as mentally healthy to handle it...
No thanks...appreciate the offer but you don't need to send me Maytee to live here with me...thanks all the same...
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
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(02-27-2011, 11:44 PM)notsure Wrote: I'm going to go off topic and ask a question regarding the homicide of Straub and Clark : ) How big was the party saturday night prior to the murders. If memory serves tiff said on this site that it was only her, z, johnny, and lisa at the straub house that saturday night. later someone mentioned that the neighbors to straubs were talking about that there was a "party" there saturday night. How big a party? I can't imagine 4 people total would raise the neighbors "party" radar. was there a ton of people there? Someone that knows please chime in. Also I can't remember who said they were told who did it, it had to do with JC, and that someone previously on the forum had recently guessed what happened. (recently to his post). Someone with more motivation than me go back to that post and work backward, taking all the JC involved theorys. one of them will be the answer. that means no cuban mafia, or lisa boyfriend. My guess it means, either 1. johnny snitched, 2. johnny owed money, or maybe even 3. johnny talked about a safe or a new load of product, the crew went to rob him (note grabbing the safe may have not been seen as robbing johnny, but instead robbing lisa's parents who they thought could afford it, b/c everyone in the burbs has their stash of $100k in cash, right?), johnny fucked some up and the nastiest of the bunch counter attacked. I;m personally not buying #3 robbery gone bad, but it still is an available theory that doesn't involve aliens, santa, easter bunny, or whatever. Am I missing a theory?
It was Lisa's Uncle I believe that first brought up this non-existant safe so how could Johnny rant and rave on to all his friends about it - Johnny
loved Lisa he wouldn't ramble on about her home to people - so I rule robbery out - I do rule vengeance in definately - it's all a bit too far out for the average robber to haul in his bags and duct tape. Who had a grudge against Johnny or Lisa?
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I keep seeing people on here saying that the bags could be used so the intruders didn't have to see their faces. To me, it seems that would be the perspective of an intruder who cared. I don't take it that way. To me it seems like the bags were a way to inflict a slow, painful, torturous death?
agreed. This was a "fuck you!" move by the killer(s). especially couple that with the possibility of rape, the tongue cut, the ball bat. My gut reaction was this was the nastiest way to kill them that someone could envision. maybe not a last minute idea, but for sure not a "I can't look at their faces" move. And I'm sticking to that.
Also I know I've asked this b4 and got shit for it but what time did she leave work? people guessed 10:00pm but that was a guess. a good time line would be nice and might as well start from the begining, " the last time they were seen alive, (other than the tiff call) was at ??:??." if it is 10 then tiff's story is bs. lisa was killed when she walked in the door, but tiff said the call with johnny where she heard the yelling was at 11:00pm. so either johnny and lisa did something for an hour, lisa still in her smelly uniform, and then went home, called tiff to come over, and were killed; or they walked in at 10 were killed shortly and the tiff call at 11 is ?
Last has any one watched the movie from my avitar? if not check it out. it is a comic take on a lot of what we have talked about. I think shitty (love the name) would really find it funny.
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(02-28-2011, 12:09 AM)wanttoknow Wrote: (02-27-2011, 11:31 PM)pspence Wrote: Sounds like you two have a decent relationship. Have you thought about giving her some coaching regarding how to raise children? Or about fetal alcohol syndrome?
For all I know she loves her children just as much as you or I and until I am faced with facts that are different, I will stay with my nonjudgemental attitudes. Regarding "fetal alcohol syndrome"...her other children look just fine and I don't go out of my way in judging people unless I have concrete proof.
I was a Social Worker for many years and if there is one thing I know is that you need to meet people "where they are"...she has been very respectful to me in all of our correspondence and until that changes I will show her the same respect.
I live close to the Straubs. I work in the South end. Everyday I drive to work and see the children, Tiff and her clan are bringing into this world. You are not meeting her where she is. You are meeting her on the internet. You said the other night "she was just having a little fun, do some percs drink some booze". This woman is pregnant. It's very easy for her to be respectful and god bless on the internet. If you pm me your address, I will gladly pay to move her there. I'm sure she'd love your weather. I am not bashing you, but even if she had nothing to do with the killings, she is still hurting people. You seem very nice. I'll send you Maytee too.
I'm nice too but I don't want u to send tiff or maytee to my neck of the woods. We have enough crooked politicians here !
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(02-27-2011, 11:40 PM)jenjen Wrote: (02-27-2011, 11:37 PM)ToledoNative Wrote: (02-27-2011, 11:34 PM)jenjen Wrote: (02-27-2011, 11:04 PM)ToledoNative Wrote: [quote='jenjen' pid='137649' dateline='1298861842']
John P Clarke-Middle name is Pete
DOB-7/16/69 (He will be 42)
There is one arrest with the same DOB under the name Jovanny.
AKAs, I guess.
I believe I saw that listed somewhere as the name of one of Johnny's younger brothers.
Yes, Johnny's teenage (15?) brother is J. Please tell me he hasn't been in trouble with the law already?
My guess is that dad used his kids name when he got arrested.
I know someone who did that to their brother. When they got pulled over by police, they showed the brother's drivers license and it worked. Let's just say, the brother wasn't too happy. Happens all the time.
I was referring to actually being arrested.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(02-28-2011, 12:20 AM)pspence Wrote: No thanks...appreciate the offer but you don't need to send me Maytee to live here with me...thanks all the same...
What about Tiffany? I live in Toledo & I'd be more than happy to ship her ass off somewhere. I don't really like having to share my space & air with the likes of her & her kind. What do ya say?
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(02-28-2011, 12:26 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-28-2011, 12:20 AM)pspence Wrote: No thanks...appreciate the offer but you don't need to send me Maytee to live here with me...thanks all the same...
What about Tiffany? I live in Toledo & I'd be more than happy to ship her ass off somewhere. I don't really like having to share my space & air with the likes of her & her kind. What do ya say?
We can get two moving trucks and move the whole damn crew.
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(02-28-2011, 12:32 AM)wanttoknow Wrote: (02-28-2011, 12:26 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-28-2011, 12:20 AM)pspence Wrote: No thanks...appreciate the offer but you don't need to send me Maytee to live here with me...thanks all the same...
What about Tiffany? I live in Toledo & I'd be more than happy to ship her ass off somewhere. I don't really like having to share my space & air with the likes of her & her kind. What do ya say?
We can get two moving trucks and move the whole damn crew.
Hey I bet Tiff knows someone who has some duct tape and bags for packing !
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(02-28-2011, 12:32 AM)wanttoknow Wrote: (02-28-2011, 12:26 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-28-2011, 12:20 AM)pspence Wrote: No thanks...appreciate the offer but you don't need to send me Maytee to live here with me...thanks all the same...
What about Tiffany? I live in Toledo & I'd be more than happy to ship her ass off somewhere. I don't really like having to share my space & air with the likes of her & her kind. What do ya say?
We can get two moving trucks and move the whole damn crew.
MORE than happy to chip in  It's real easy for people to say "Awww give her pregnant drunkin ass a break she's just tryin to have a little fuuuun!!!!" when they aren't your neighbor... when you aren't standing next to them in the grocery line.... Move her innocent ass in, I'm sure she's dying to get outta town at this point  Once again... not one iota of sympathy. I only care for & help people who care for & want to help themselves. Her "I'll fuck you up you betta ask somebody" bullshit she pulled on FB the SAME night she was blessing people on Mock only proves to me she is a thug... a knocked up thug.