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Johnny S. Clarke & Lisa Straub- young Ohio couple murdered
Hi Mockers: I got this response from AG after I asked him about Maytee's accusations and asked him again if he and T had anything to do with it...

"yea she is madly in love with me...and it isnt too hard for someone to trash my name for being so young i've been through what it took some older people 20 years to do witht he law....ive got a horrible record and i am far from an angel and i will be the first to admit it buyt i am no killer....i do not have to kill in order to get money...and believe me that whole safe shit i have been thinkin about LOT...AND THEY SAY THERE WAS A SAFE THATS WHY THE HOLES WERE PUNCHED IN THE WALL...I AM FAR FROM AN IDIOT and whoever punched them holes in the wall lookin for a safe was a complete would the parents putmoney in a safe ifthe wal was over the safe? do they punch halls in their walla everytime they want to take or put somethin g in their safe?....when i was 18 i was inmdicted along with 28 other people in a safe crackin sting throughout toledo and me and one other person were the only ones not to tell on i believe whoever did this was somewhat slow because like i said earlier i know about safes and i definately would not be runnin around punchin holes in walls...and i am not ashamed of my past because it made me the personm i am today but Maytee has her nerve speakin on my past when she snitched on people in order for her to get a lesser punishment from the law...i am a real person and never would i tell on the next person because i was caught doing something wrong, so she has no right to talk about me when she cannot even own up to her own wrong doings....."
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
pspence, Congratulations on this interview! only on MOCK! Yes I think they are madly in Love - and they have a much better picture up there on facebook - its a sweet picture of the couple! There then once again he repeats what he said before to Maytee he is no killer so people can think over his statement - I agree the punched holes in the wall are faked! I hope you will be able to keep in touch with AG & TW. Let us hope their lives will turn around for the new baby coming - a baby never needs to have a daddy in prison. Only my opinion here.
did AG know his comments would be published here/made public? because i am sure many of the associates read here. if not, they may not be willing to comment again. but if they like, they can mail me and join here with their comments. if they just tell me who they are, i will let them in right away.

LC, I dont think AP will join here. IMO he knows what the Mockers will ask and although he can talk the talk on facebook pages he cant handle "the truth" that need to be said. I dont think he is man enough. His girl came on here what, one or two times and never again ? IMO
Great job pspence!!! Get him on Mock and you will be our hero !! At least mine
(04-12-2011, 08:44 PM)NightOwl Wrote: [color=#32CD32]pspence, Congratulations on this interview! only on MOCK! Yes I think they are madly in Love - and they have a much better picture up there on facebook - its a sweet picture of the couple! ]

Yes and all their remarks on FB are SWEET too IMO of course
It seems like the pressure is really on now. I have a feeling someone is getting ready to roll on someone. This wont be snitching this will be someones revenge. Oh what a tangles web they weave. Enemies are a bitch. IMO
That's why they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer!
I have talked to AG and I will ask his permission to post it here but only if he says yes and I will ask him if he wants to join but im sure he wont want to it...
Hello Mockers I have been reading this thread since early on and I have reflected on my childhood more than I have my entire life since I started following this story. I grew up in a home with a father that was a criminal I know of 2 people that lived in our home that murdered more than one person & both spent over 20 years in jail & that doesnt count my father that did 9 years in prison. I never felt unsafe or afraid of these people. I spoke with my sister the other day & asked her how we knew not to say anything about the activities going on inside our home to people outside of our family & we both honestly dont know. I was never told not to say anything. I guess we were programmed early. All this snitch talk is laughable. Do you think these people are really dangerous? They rob people that they know. They may be dangerous to their friends because that is who they are robbing. The reason being is that they know what to expect. They dont have the balls to approach a stranger on the streets or go into a situation that they dont feel comfortable in. What I am getting at is these people are wanta be gangsta's. All of their "gangsta" talk & threats are a joke. The people that you should be afraid of are the ones that are not on facebook making threats. IMO AG had nothing to do with this. IMO I think TW set this up not for murder but robbery & I dont even think she ever spoke with JC I think she probally spoke with whoever was in the house commiting the crime. Whoever IMO did this is not from the alphabet crew. I always tell people that you dont have to worry about who you tell its who the people you tell tell. If JC told someone there was a safe who did they tell. I have been around people that did alot of bad things & let me tell you they dont talk, they dont threaten they just take care of the problem. If Maytee & her family are as crazy as alot of people think TW wouldnt have made it thru that night & definately would not be walking around running her trashy lips right now. I pray for this family & I just to let you know I am not trying to glamorize the life style I was raised around. I made better decisions for my life. I believe everyone has free will & can break the cycle.
I agree with a lot you say, IMO I totally agree about robbery is the motive of this crime. Also I agree with TW might have set this up, with someone from her so called blood gang. Which I seen her myspace page and seen a picture with $M.O.E$ on the picture, which means Money Over Everything, that says it all right there.
She is trash & hopefully they tie her tubes or burn them once she has this kid. Some people should not reproduce.
I Seen on Google that a Texas priest was killed by way of plastic bag suffocation, and it was done with money as motive. It's a pretty interesting story, the killers which are caught now, killed the pastor and beat his assistant damn near to death, which was a woman.
I dont know if I am reading into something but sure seems like it is gonna get interesting
Like I said earlier I spoke to Ag and I wont post the whole convo because he hasnt given me permission to but I will say he said him and Tw have been cooperating with police and that tw was just trying to be a good friend to johnny and lisa by checking on them that night after hearing what she heard when talking to johnny... He said hes going to defend him and his girlfriend because of what all is being said..
(04-12-2011, 11:09 PM)pplrcrazy Wrote: Like I said earlier I spoke to Ag and I wont post the whole convo because he hasnt given me permission to but I will say he said him and Tw have been cooperating with police and that tw was just trying to be a good friend to johnny and lisa by checking on them that night after hearing what she heard when talking to johnny... He said hes going to defend him and his girlfriend because of what all is being said..

pplrcrazy, Maybe you can get his permission from time to time or email Lady Cop as she stated above - if these people are innocent they should be able to voice an opinion - their lifestyle isn't the issue here to me - I sure don't want to see innocent people going to prison. Thanks!
I feel the same way, I dont wanna see innocent people have to go through this but like I told him, I dont know if he is innocent but things arent looking good but I always give the benefit of the doubt because we are only hearing ONE side.. Just because they argue with ppl over the internet and say some crazy stuff doesnt mean they are murderes but you never know.. I will leave it at that.. I will wait and see when someone is arrested and the evidence that is presented..
(04-12-2011, 11:00 PM)Sonny223 Wrote: I Seen on Google that a Texas priest was killed by way of plastic bag suffocation, and it was done with money as motive. It's a pretty interesting story, the killers which are caught now, killed the pastor and beat his assistant damn near to death, which was a woman.

Sonny223, I thought it was a Minister! Then the dirty filthy EVIL brutes took the Credit Cards and went on a bloody shopping spree just like that! Sick SOB's Thank God the Police got them!!

Wow...seems the "shyt" is really rolling right now.
Guess it goes to prove that people that live in glass houses...
should never throw stones.
Looks like theres gonna be alot of broken glass when this clears.
I for one, am glad to see it. Once someone starts talking, then
others will talk. Its only a matter of time.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
(04-13-2011, 12:03 AM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: Wow...seems the "shyt" is really rolling right now.
Guess it goes to prove that people that live in glass houses...
should never throw stones.
Looks like theres gonna be alot of broken glass when this clears.
I for one, am glad to see it. Once someone starts talking, then
others will talk. Its only a matter of time.

We do have to keep in mind that it only takes one person to start a rumor or state their own opinion and others will follow weather is fact or not... We dont know anything for sure until LE anounces something...