08-17-2011, 09:11 PM
this would be the proper evening attire for you skanky-ass hos.
Johnny S. Clarke & Lisa Straub- young Ohio couple murdered
08-17-2011, 09:13 PM
(08-17-2011, 09:03 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Tiki,so that means you're going to the grieve feeding too? How 'bout you, Hair? I'm thinking about some spongebob pajama pants. Or maybe Betty boop. I just don't want to clash with anyone. I'll be at the grieve feeding, but I've got to fog the trailer first. I'm wearing my rainbow tube top with the faux shoulder straps and my white hooker heels. I'm a killer you know, so I'll be wearing my Mountain Dew pj bottoms, the one's with the inside pockets. Perfect for concealing weapons in case we meet up with any other posters whose opinions differ.
08-17-2011, 09:13 PM
I thought that was Sunday brunch attire, LC...
Hair, ![]()
08-17-2011, 09:16 PM
Nah . . . Khaki shorts and white socks with hiking shoes don't pay the rent.
Gimme a Co'-Cola Logo tube top, flannel bottoms and ugly shoes! Cha-ching!
08-17-2011, 09:18 PM
Y'all are gonna look so spiffy. Ima look like common Ohio trash....wait..
08-17-2011, 09:19 PM
you will be needing these for the march on Toledo...made with real sacrificial hoodoo snakes.
08-17-2011, 09:20 PM
Bitch stole my shoes!
08-17-2011, 09:22 PM
Make sure you wear comfortable hooker shoes. Figure we'd join the walk after the grieve feed.
Edit: LC read my mind (and stole Tiki's shoes!). She's been practicing that voodoo magic - it's all in the investigative report...
08-17-2011, 09:23 PM
Ya'll have fun now ya hear!
![]() Because I'm staying home with my babyboi, waiting on the FBI. ![]()
08-17-2011, 09:27 PM
08-17-2011, 09:29 PM
Group rate and munchies!
BTW - Not a threat . . . a suggestion. Re-read some of your shit and tell me you kiss your children with that mouth. Justice Will Prevail for Johnny and Lisa This sick MOCK sight is gone out of their way to slander abuse and harrass my family and my minor kids...now they threaten me to call csb well go ahead we have nothing to hide we have a clean home fridge full of food my kids have never been abused or beaten and we are all in grieving therapy for the loss of my beloved son.oh and btw my sis best friend works for csb and my other cousin does too so f off all of you lying mockers LEAVE US ALONE 9 minutes ago via mobile
08-17-2011, 09:29 PM
08-17-2011, 09:37 PM
does she mean SITE? or sight, like vision? this is a web SITE (for the stupid illiterates over there.)
it takes more than a full fridge to take care of children when one is a dangerous lunatic. and calling Childrens' Services is not a threat. i don't make idle threats. they are mandated to investigate once i call with my information. i am still waiting to learn how anyone has harassed and emailed her kids. that's just another maytee imaginary load of crap. so call the FBI and the police...all of whom have blocked your fucking calls you dumb wetbrain.
08-17-2011, 09:39 PM
(08-17-2011, 09:29 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Group rate and munchies! I just don't get it. Throw the first punch over and over and then play the victim card, over and over. It's getting sad and boring. Nobody from Mock is knocking on her door (and what a fine upscale door it is). She keeps keeps commenting about Mock, all day long. Don't like it, don't read it. LEAVE US ALONE, hard to do when someone keeps scratching up your backside all day long.
08-17-2011, 09:51 PM
you know what i will enjoy? when there are arrests made in this case, EVERYTHING will come out in trial. all maytee's background and record. all the testimony of people who KNOW stuff.
08-17-2011, 10:13 PM
And then...it will all be hind sight, as opposed to mock sight.
08-17-2011, 10:13 PM
Blue Tiki, The Prince of Darkness is TW's baby daddy(AP or AG) Last I checked, the owner of XXXX Hill Ave Lot xx has been owned by Vasquez-Clarke Maytee since 3-16-2000 . Previous owner was same last name(probably her father). I don't know if she ever lived there, but she doesn't now. My info is public knowledge on Lucas County's website.
08-17-2011, 10:40 PM
It's fucking strange.
She trash talks TW's mothering abilities and JsMom's, too. She accuses one of having her son killed and the other of being negligent and causing a child to die. In her mind . . . that's Okay. That's because she's special. She labels a person, A BLACK PERSON, the Prince of DARKNESS because of his criminal activity yet avoids the reality of her own son's criminal past. Hell . . . she refused to talk about it JVM. Instead, she associates Lisa with a another prison guest, deliberately diverting attention away from her own son's armed robbery conviction. Class! Pure class! And yet, when someone comments on her foul, hateful and lunatic rants and raves it is lies, attacks, harassment and stalking! For Justice readers, stalking is pronounced like stocking. She claims she doesn't read here and yet, she is obsessed with what is said here and beats the drum to silence all who speak within a site SHE DOESN'T VISIT! She and she ONLY speaks the truth . . . everyone else who doesn't fall down at her feet are liars, devils, demons blah, blah, blah. Not to mention skank and lard asses. Or hookers. And let's not forget the wishes of horrible deaths for some of our member's children. And now she uses her children as targets for threats. To me, this is the equivalent of her throwing Lisa under the bus to divert attention, away from her son. This time it appears the intent is to draw attention away from her actions and posts. But then, she was hinting at this in the Blade article. She expressed fear for her children in the Blade article. That's confusing. She never mentioned that her children were targets of Mockers more than 48 hours ago. Is this Mock "threat" just an extension of an existing paranoia or a damned lie? Yeah . . . sister. You’re coming across as ‘rock solid’. Just like your case against Mock. I’m gonna wager, if I printed out all of your posts (yes, including the ones you have cowardly removed) and showed them to strangers, they would make the hairs on the back of their necks’ stand up. And then, telling them you have young children at home, wanna bet they’d probably call CPS, too? Sure, babe . . . keep convincing yourself we ‘edit’ your posts and tell lies about you. That what happens when you forget what stories you’ve told. But hey, it’s tough enough for A List actors to remember their lines, too. This site, like yours, is public. Door swings both ways. You want to make yours exclusive, then make it private. You don't want to read here, then don't. But you will. You are obsessed with attention. You'll take it any way you get can get it. It's like a drug to you. Besides, you need something or someone to throw under the bus. You can’t stand on your own and face reality. That’s your karma. Now you know what this hooker thinks.
08-18-2011, 07:33 AM
(08-17-2011, 05:31 PM)FutileResistance Wrote: First of all, when Maytee talks about “our “ families. She does not speak, talk, or communicate with the Straub family. She is prohibited from any form of contact. Its going to stay that way! She won’t tell you that! But she acts like the family is just a part of her life. NOT! this post i quoted was worth repeating. ![]() we had our fun last night with a little maytee-baiting, but this is a serious case. we won't stop hoping for its resolution. i do believe maytee is afraid of the truth coming out. which is why she tries to deflect upon everything else, like this forum. we never did anything to harm her, in fact we have kept the case alive. unlike stellar publications like the blade. there are so many members here from the area in Ohio, she has no idea who they might be, other than the killers and child molesters we are harboring of course. but i know who they are and i know a lot more than i post. ![]() i won't stop hoping for the killers to be caught. and they will have plenty to say when the time comes, to save themselves from death row. they will spill their guts. about everything and everyone. maytee's real game is to obstruct justice.
08-18-2011, 07:52 AM
Karen Bland Oh my. I had no idea they were emailing your sons. 15 hours ago and this one who sent us a similar silly email: lorie born do you gullible fools over there really believe this? i mean REALLY? if so, make her tell you names, IP addresses and email addresses. she's a goddamn liar, don't you understand that? i want to see the emails anyone from here sent to her or her kids. demand it. then you will know you are being manipulated, used and deceived by an unstable psychotic drama queen. |
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