09-29-2011, 12:21 PM
Johnny S. Clarke & Lisa Straub- young Ohio couple murdered
09-29-2011, 12:27 PM
Oh my gods! That's so cheesy. That crazy old bat doesn't have an ounce of good taste. I saw the pj pants, I saw her in court wearing a hoodie for christssake, I saw her old man shirtless on camera. They have no couth, none. The Straubs must be absolutely mortified to be associated with that family. ![]()
09-29-2011, 12:46 PM
(09-23-2011, 08:37 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: Taking the candles and voodoo dolls she planned to set out on her porch last night, Maytee visited her son’s grave at Ottawa Hills Memorial Park. His grave site, visible from space, was lit by solar-powered lights in the shape of flowers and candles. here it is at night Duchess...minus the tasteful beer cans that were allegedly stolen. the other residents are turning over in their graves. ![]()
09-29-2011, 01:07 PM
I can't stop thinking about those grave site photos. I'm appalled. I haven't seen many graves, do people really do that now? It seems so over the top & garish to me. ![]()
09-29-2011, 01:17 PM
![]() Justice for Johnny & Lisa Say whatever you want bottom feeders you cnt phase me you evil trash i will continue to BE THE VOICE FOR JOHNNY AND LISA AND GO TO EVERY COURTDATE SINCE NOONE ELSE DOES AND BTW YES EVERYONE KNOWS THAT IF JOHNNY NEVER WENT TO THAT DAMN HOUSE TO HELP HIS GF WATCH THE HOUSE HE WOULD STILL BE HERE WITH US TODAY your opinion doesnt count everyone that knows my son knows the truth if he wasnt there trying to make sure she was ok HE WOULD STILL BE HERE its very unfortunate HE WAS THERE FOR HER BECAUSE HE LOVED HER JUST LIKE SHE WOULD MUCH RATHER LIVE HERE WITH US THEN OUT THERE ummmmm what does that say??? Obviously SHE FELT LOVED HERE 7 minutes ago Justice for Johnny & Lisa LISTEN YOU SICK EVIL LYING BOTTOMFEEDERS I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR JOHNNY N LISA i will be at every courtdate when noone else is i will be their voice when noone else speaks and YES BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT IF MY BABIES WERE HERE THAT FATAL NIGHT AND NOT THERE THEY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE TODAY!!!!!!!I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DELUSIONAL FOOLS THINK OF ME AND MY FAMILY IT DOESNT AFFECT US WE WILL CONTINUE TO SPEAK OUR MIND AND FIGHT FOR JUSTICE if you dont like what we say or write take your nosey old hag asses elsewhere!
09-29-2011, 01:32 PM
Well you gotta admire her dedication...if anything.
09-29-2011, 01:35 PM
I drive down Talmadge Rd. twice a day , Johnny's gravesight looks like a damn airport landing strip at nightime . I usually chuckle a bit then I say a silent prayer that Johnny rests in peace and that his brothers grow up to have a normal life . Hoping my prayers are answered .
09-29-2011, 01:36 PM
what happened to her eyebrows?
![]() i don't have to 'admire' anything about the lying criminal. and a Judge will shut her up in time. the poor Straubs just do their best to avoid her skank ass. i believe she's scared shitless about what will come out about her.
09-29-2011, 01:46 PM
Where is the dog now and was it at Longacre on that night?
Also,who first stated that the killers may have been looking for a safe ? and how would they know what they were looking for or doing there. Did it come from Johnnys side of the family?
09-29-2011, 01:49 PM
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
FREEDOM OF SPEECH " I SAY WTF I WANT WHEN I WANT HOW I WANT" AND TO WHOEVER DONT LIKE WHAT I SAY OR WHAT WE DO SIMPLY DO NOT READ HERE OH AND BTW IM NOT UPSET JUST TELLING IT LIKE IT IS TO ALL YOU BOTTOMFEEDER NO LIFE HAVING FOOLS ![]() ![]() SJBL- I hope they all DIE!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() I like how she acts like she has more of a life than we do. She sits here and reads everything we write, and then posts about it on her page. Yes Maytee, your life is so much more exciting than ours.
09-29-2011, 01:50 PM
the dog was a little puppy pit bull. i believe Lisa's sister has it. not 100% sure.
the story that they were looking for a safe came from Lisa's uncle, it seemed that was determined by damage at the house. there was no safe.
09-29-2011, 01:53 PM
Johnny didn't die because he stayed over in a nice house. He died because he brought hoodrats in and partied with them and probably sold them percs and other things that needed bagging and weighing. It's his lifestyle that killed him. And it was a lifestyle he learned from his parents.
09-29-2011, 01:54 PM
How can he rest in peace with all those damn lights on and that endless caterwauling?! Shut yo damn mouf, woman. Go make a sammich or something. A Cuban, perhaps.
09-29-2011, 02:01 PM
oh Fibo! i LOVE Cuban sandwiches! grew to love them and good fresh Cuban bread in Miami. yum! Cuban coffee too, and plantains! all that stuff, i make arroz con pollo too sometimes.
![]() ![]()
09-29-2011, 02:20 PM
(09-29-2011, 12:09 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: [quote='Nina' pid='192730' dateline='1317242241'] Im surprised that this cemetery allows this level of gravesite "decorating". Even in the small town I live in, they have standards that all must adhere too, or the stuff gets picked up and thrown in the trash. Wonder what will happen if the cemetery workers did just that? Oh God...could you hear the injustice of making only Maytee follow the rules? even when she clearly has license to do and say what she wants... whenever she and wants and to whomever she wants?
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
09-29-2011, 02:22 PM
(09-29-2011, 12:46 PM)Lady Cop Wrote:(09-23-2011, 08:37 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: Taking the candles and voodoo dolls she planned to set out on her porch last night, Maytee visited her son’s grave at Ottawa Hills Memorial Park. His grave site, visible from space, was lit by solar-powered lights in the shape of flowers and candles. Did anyone else notice that her phone is STILL in her hand? Along with her cigarette? Nice.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
09-29-2011, 02:28 PM
Hey look! Maytee has an Iphone!
I find it funny that she rants on about protecting Lisa in her home, and watching her parents house. If the south end wouldn't have been taken to the suburbs...there might not have been this problem.
09-29-2011, 02:30 PM
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
Sweet beautiful johnny n lisa i know you felt safe and loved at our house...the love that you lacked elsewhere ;,,((( im sorry girly i remember many nights hugging you while you cried and all the stories you shared with me and your TRUE LOVE JOHNNY i will always treasure all our sweet memories because you were part of our family too Wall Photos Like · · Share · 16 minutes ago via Mobile
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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