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for the most part I had not commented much on maytee's behavior. she's a grieving mother who'd lost her son in such a heinous way, i had kind of just ignored or filtered a lot of the crazy shit she'd been spewing...but my god. have some class and settle down a wee bit. the sideline drama aint helping.
i hope she gets her hands on some valium before the trial(s) actually start.
poor Straubs.
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(12-07-2011, 06:31 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: a reliable report from court yesterday:
Everyone was there and it was very tense for a while. Deputies had to force several people, including John Sr., to move to different seats to avoid a fight after outbursts by family members in the courtroom. John was mumbling threats towards the suspect and his family members, Maytee was instigating and nearly kicked out. A female from Pettaway's family could be seen and heard saying out loud "he did not do it" (addressing John). One male from Pettaway family ejected from court.
Maytee's ridiculous sobbing was so loud you could barely hear the proceedings.
Everyone has been warned to chill or get banned for the entire trial.
williams' lawyer was there observing also.
I bet Maytee ends up getting herself ejected from the trial.
The Judge will eventually have enough of her histrionics and
give her the boot. Grieving doesnt give you license to disrespect
a court of law or a Judges orders/requests to behave. But really, I
cant imagine not knowing how one should conduct themselves in
a courtroom...
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they could be busted for threats also if anyone cares to file charges.
the Straubs of course are quiet and respectful in court.
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Of course they were. The Straubs have shown and continue to show
restraint, dignity and class in memory of their daughter. Apparently,
they were raised well enough to know, that you must behave in public.
I would never have expected less from Maytee and her courtroom
behaviour. Shit, they dont even know to put some damn clothes on
to honor the memory of the dead in a cemetery, or to put clothes on
for the world to see you on television.
My heart is broken for the losses both families have had to endure,
but the dicotomy of the two reactions ocean apart.
Thank you for posting this information LC.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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i have an opinion about the real reason she acts the way she does. it's a smokescreen for something else. but that's all i am going to say about that.
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I agree too.
In normal circumstances, the grief turns to quiet despair in just about
everyone...even the vocally grieving Hispanic, Mid-Eastern and other
culturally "loud" grievers.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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(12-07-2011, 06:45 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: i have an opinion about the real reason she acts the way she does. it's a smokescreen for something else. but that's all i am going to say about that. I agree. I think it's more than just melodrama.
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Did big John have to go out and buy a shirt for court? Did he wear a shirt to court? Did it have sleeves?
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It was shitty and inappropriate for Pettaways gang to say anything to the victims families...
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(12-07-2011, 07:45 PM)FourOneNine Wrote: Did big John have to go out and buy a shirt for court? Did he wear a shirt to court? Did it have sleeves?
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Sorry Mockers......haven't been on here in awhile! Won't stay away too long!!! Interesting read about the antics in court. I wonder if the Straubs were there? They had to have been embarassed if they were. John and Maytee are going to get themselves removed permanately if they are not careful! From court proceedings! I hope it happens!
I will be going home this weekend to Toledo, December 17th. Know some people close to this situation and some LE as well. I will ask to see if there are any developments.
Also when the trial starts, as long as I still have Thurs and Fridays off, I will be going! So I will fill you guys in. One poster awhile ago asked me to take notes and report back in. Will do!!!!
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good to see you back Pico.
yes, the Straubs were there in their usual dignified quiet manner, and did not engage any of the defendant's family members.
they stay as far removed from the clarkes as possible.
i'm glad you'll be there to report on the trial, assuming it goes to trial.
and stop staying away so long! Happy Holidays
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(12-07-2011, 07:15 PM)Duchess Wrote:
She's melodramatic.
Melodrama - Is it a Mock euphemism for a monosyllabic vulgarity beginning with "C" and rhyming with cunt?
"Yes Virginia, Maytee is a cunt."
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Man this thread is dead! Ladycop or Duchess do you think there are any other arrests that possibly might be made?
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I'm the last person to ask that kind of question of. I think 3⁄4 of Ohio should be locked up & Maytee should spend eternity in the slammer for being a drama bitch.
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Duchess, one more taken out of circulation today. In the Toledo Blah (Blade) today...a Toledo Man was sentenced to life in prison for a dragging death at a gas station. Apparently they had words and the person found guilty ran the guy down and then proceeded to drag him down the road. Of course his son that was with him and assaulted another customer at the same time is still running When I was in high school they always said that Toledo and Detroit would one day be one combined large city....not there yet, but Toledo definitely is doing their part on the crime side. What a shame....oh and don't forget the 23 yr old guy that was charged with molesting a 9yr old girl in the Sylvania library....glad to be reading the Toledo news...from afar.
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Sammy Sosa's latest "friend" on facebook is a child rapist.
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(12-15-2011, 08:12 PM)Adub Wrote: Sammy Sosa's latest "friend" on facebook is a child rapist.
I saw that Adub - who the hell would want a child rapist for a friend? Sammy would!! He won't be in Toledo long he got 20 years but, they can keep in touch via Facebook.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau