07-20-2012, 05:55 PM
Wow mustang. You need to write a book. Excellent.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!

Johnny S. Clarke & Lisa Straub- young Ohio couple murdered
07-20-2012, 05:55 PM
Wow mustang. You need to write a book. Excellent.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
07-20-2012, 06:15 PM
How creepy for the Straubs having to still live there after this happened. I don't think I could go back into that house, let alone live there..now the jury is going through it...could you guys move back into a house where something like this happened to a loved one? The Straubs must have a lot of guts.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
07-20-2012, 07:00 PM
(07-20-2012, 06:15 PM)pspence Wrote: How creepy for the Straubs having to still live there after this happened. I don't think I could go back into that house, let alone live there..now the jury is going through it...could you guys move back into a house where something like this happened to a loved one? The Straubs must have a lot of guts.I couldn't imagine dealing with the loss of a child and to something so horrific, I wouldn't be able to be in that house but to some people I guess its the good memories and the feeling of leaving those behind by moving..
07-20-2012, 07:30 PM
07-20-2012, 07:56 PM
(07-20-2012, 03:39 AM)YourOtherLeft Wrote: TW, AC do you know whats irronic with this case & being that TW && AC are involved some how...when TW sons dad was murdered AC and TW was big questionable people at first AC was even arrest for obstruction of justice on that case...weird. scary part about this as a teenager into later teen years i hung out with these two girls. They were always trouble and big in the street life and drug ring. Not proud to admit i even know them thank god I grew up and got away from that life. I am not suprised these two are involved knowing what i know about them & them being involved in the case of donalds death (TW sons dad)
07-20-2012, 08:03 PM
(07-20-2012, 07:30 PM)misshmarie23 Wrote:(07-20-2012, 02:40 PM)Duchess Wrote: . They shared a smoke. You have to get a subpoena to take DNA, which means that you have to have probable cause. This is America. Some individuals volunteered. Would be interesting to know who refused. If anybody. To refuse would be a big red flag. But, it looks like the investigators got "lucky" with the stupid cigarette butt. And we can assume that the other two? The male and female? Have no serious criminal history. Or their DNA would have come up in the data base. Probably just some hoodrats. It is hard to believe that Sammy Sosa was the mastermind. Hoping for some cell phone pings.
07-20-2012, 08:08 PM
misshmarie23, be advised Tiffany is a member here, even though she has not posted in a long time. so we are circumspect about what we say about her or her personal information. unless it is mainstream media/public reporting.
07-20-2012, 08:08 PM
(07-20-2012, 07:56 PM)misshmarie23 Wrote:(07-20-2012, 03:39 AM)YourOtherLeft Wrote: TW, AC Miss Alex Cousino has sure managed to dodge the bullet more than once.
07-20-2012, 09:29 PM
(07-20-2012, 08:08 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: misshmarie23, be advised Tiffany is a member here, even though she has not posted in a long time. so we are circumspect about what we say about her or her personal information. unless it is mainstream media/public reporting. Speaking of Tiffany, after watching the Cameo videos, its starting to make sense why she did things the way she did that night. The scales had "marijuana seeds next to it" along with "some knives". To top it off, the scale's surface tested positive for marijuana residue. Honestly, if that were me on the phone with Johnny and I heard something suspicious, I would have kept calling back frantically as well, but not thinking the worst just yet. The last thing I would have thought was "oh @#%@ my friend is probably getting murdered." So I would have been confused as hell trying to figure out what I should do. Along with that, its quite understandable now why she waited so long to contact anyone... You can't call the police (your friend is cutting up weed at the house), and you can't call Johnny's mom for the same reason. So you pace for a while trying to figure out what's going on...probably even calling around to other friends to see if they are at Johnny's or have gotten in touch with him. Once that's exhausted, you drive to the house. After no one answers the door and she sees the house ransacked, she gets desperate and asks someone to get in touch with Johnny's mom. On the surface I always found her actions very suspicious, but I think now there's reason to believe that all she was trying to do was keep her friends and herself out of trouble with the police. If it was more than that, hopefully that will be brought to light in the trial
07-20-2012, 09:46 PM
07-20-2012, 11:20 PM
Mustang, yes sir you did a grand job of reporting! A+ I say! We have been so fortunate on Mock to have you. We needed local people and we have got the best!
We didn't get to see the picture yet of Lisa in court they used but, the picture of Johnny was really good and your heart breaks for the Straub's and Clarke's we have 2 different families with different values, that aside for now neither family deserved this. Mustang you gave us information on what the Judge had to say, and the jury very good description, enjoyed your write up on the Prosecutor and what your opinion was of him. Big John showed up but, he is a witness so not allowed just all the little details, Williams family sounds like his mother was there but, they didn't sit in front row. I really cracked up at the low count cotton shirt Williams had on, it didn't impress you one damn bit ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
07-20-2012, 11:27 PM
07-21-2012, 12:23 AM
(07-20-2012, 09:29 PM)Aberlin Wrote:(07-20-2012, 08:08 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: misshmarie23, be advised Tiffany is a member here, even though she has not posted in a long time. so we are circumspect about what we say about her or her personal information. unless it is mainstream media/public reporting. I have thought from the beginning it was Lisa's boyfriend Benjamin Dennis I kept on and on about him, I knew about kids and partying and drugs but, who would do such evil as this with plastic bags and duct tape. Maytee said Johnny didn't have any enemies and Lisa didn't have any,. so I thought it was a very angry, jealous & violent ex-boyfriend and he had an attitude, if I cannot have Lisa no one will. Maytee was positive it was that skank she called her Tiffany Williams and her boyfriend Aaron Griffin I thought this is a mistake with Tiffany because she wouldn't want to call the police if they were doing pot and pills they would be the last people you'd want to telephone if you are in their shoes. No one knew until Court that Lisa was locked in her bedroom and the door was kicked in, this was fascinating news.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
07-21-2012, 01:57 AM
(double post)
07-21-2012, 01:58 AM
(07-21-2012, 01:57 AM)Aberlin Wrote:(07-21-2012, 12:23 AM)NightOwl Wrote: That's an interesting thought because I for one keep focusing on Johnny as being the main target. I mean what if it really was Lisa? (Just entertaining every possibility here...drives me nuts to wait until next week) In fact, usually weird brutal crimes (just running with some thoughts here) are done by males against females. Dudes usually just shoot or stab each other. When a guy has serious female issues and goes on a killing spree what's the typical M.O.? Strangling. Jealousy is a great choice of words because I've dated a girl years ago whose ex tied her up and locked her in the trunk till she admitted she was cheating on him (which she wasn't). Yes I know, it sounds so crazy its almost unbelievable but "when he got in his jealous mood, he became someone else." I never thought much about Lisa's door being locked but now that you mention it, if you see Johnny get into a fight with a few guys is not too unrealistic to think that she would just distance herself but watch/scream in horror from a distance. Maybe even try to reason with the guys. I mean, when have you ever seen a brawl between some guys and the girlfriend just runs off? Usually the girl is right there screaming "STOP IT!" Again, just entertaining a thought here...I'm using this board as my mental scrap book ![]() One undeniable fact, something about these guys made Lisa immediately freak. Them saying Johnny died first would make sense. Kind of like "you're going to watch him die #%@&!" Sick, but this crime was sick. Of course all of this can be explained away if: 1. Lisa freaked when she saw Johnny getting tied up and ran away, 2. they saw her, 3. they couldn't allow her to escape and get help so they chase her, kick in the door, etc. Personally, I don't believe Lisa was already in her room. Lisa's door was the only one kicked in (sure, probably the only one locked), but they sure as hell knew exactly where to go and exactly who was there. Thanks for laying a good one on me when I'm supposed to be going to bed lol
07-21-2012, 03:53 AM
Amazing reporting and posts from fellow Mockers!
Doesn't surprise me that Aaron was the perc dealer. Perhaps Tiff was making the delivery that night. Lisa hiding in her bedroom is so scary. Probably chose not to call 911 because of the drugs and not knowing how bad it would get. She must have been terrified when someone kicked in her door. Owl, that's really interesting that you have these thoughts about Lisa's ex. Does that mean you think W&P were not involved and that the butt was there from another night? I have to think the cops must have asked the ex for a DNA sample. I really want to know who the unknown DNA belongs to. They would be the killers. W&P may or may or not have been in on it, but I want the main culprits found and charged. This is really bothering me. No, I could not live in a house where ANYONE was murdered, let alone my daughter and her boyfriend.
07-21-2012, 07:14 AM
(07-20-2012, 09:46 PM)misshmarie23 Wrote:(07-20-2012, 08:08 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: [b]misshmarie23, be advised Tiffany You didn't do anything wrong , LAdy Cop was trying to give you a heads up to prevent...
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
07-21-2012, 08:05 AM
(07-21-2012, 03:53 AM)shitstorm Wrote: No, I could not live in a house where ANYONE was murdered, let alone my daughter and her boyfriend. The Straubs are good hardworking people, but probably like most everyone else...live from paycheck to paycheck. Patsy Ramsey had the financial luxury to be able to say," I'm never going into that house ever again..." That was a dream house they built on a truck driver and nurse's income...I'm just saying my husband and I both have decent jobs like the straubs and if in similar situation (God forbid)we wouldn't have a choice to leave or not. We would either have to stay or we could lose everything we had worked hard for....couldnt sell market is so lousy, stretched with expenses of life, couldn't afford to walk away and pay rent too...I could see my husb and I being like the Straubs and eventually saying it is what it is we'll deal with God's help... I don't think we have anything at all to worry about it with this case. If we were on that jury and all the physical evidence they have is the butt but hear the prosecutors play the tape of the idiots talking in some kind of (probably) dumbass code on the jail tapes of their conversations..."ahhh what do you think they got on us for ...uhhh. ...killing the can opener and the detergent?" Either that or they just come out and discuss everything and don't even realize the jail conversations are recorded. Dying to know whose DNA or was it prints on tape...this case just keeps getting weirder and more complex. Interesting thoughts about Lisa being target by x jealousy..but to me it's 99.9 percent Johnny was target. Drug dealer, owed LOTS of people $$, these guys were pisst. Fascinating how with what info has come out explains Tiffany's behavior....or does it in some ways make it more mysterious (why not meet big John there)... ![]()
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
07-21-2012, 09:47 AM
Can't imagine that they (SW/CP) wouldn't know that phone convos are recorded in jail. After all---not the first time they've been in trouble. Of course---one of them IS certifiably retarded---maybe they tested the wrong guy!!!!!
07-21-2012, 11:45 AM
I can't imagine how tragic for the defendants mothers and families... probably single parents busting their butts to provide...in many metropolitan cities in certain areas something like 2.5 out of every 7 children born - will be in a gang. Sometimes you can be the best single or healthily married parents in the world but lose a kid with those odds.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
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