10-15-2012, 12:19 AM
...NOW THIS WOULD MAKE LC SMILE. Lock him up and throw away the key

Johnny S. Clarke & Lisa Straub- young Ohio couple murdered
10-15-2012, 12:19 AM
...NOW THIS WOULD MAKE LC SMILE. Lock him up and throw away the key
10-15-2012, 09:13 AM
PETTAWAY, CAMEO 05/05/1989 12CRA010700101 2903.11 FELONIOUS ASSAULT (F2) $0.00
Loading Case Details... Date Journal Entry 10/15/2012 Affidavit Filed 10/15/2012 00:00. Warrant returned, service made. Defendant arrested and booked into Lucas County Corrections Center on 10/14/2012 08:15, Booking Number LCCC0796547. Scheduled for arraignment on 10/15/2012 09:00 in court room 1. [Clerk entry] 10/15/2012 Bond set from bond schedule at $ 75,000.00 at no percent. [Clerk entry] http://www.oregonohio.org/View_Court_Records.html
10-15-2012, 12:12 PM
BUT....he is in jail. And the bond is $75,000.
I am curious here, does anyone know the stats on retardation causing violence? I would have thought it the other way around... like in Mice and Men.
10-15-2012, 12:23 PM
I worked with the mentally retarded/special ed when I was in high school. I was a teachers assistant. I never ran into any kids that were violent like that unless they had PTSD/ODD. I think he is just a retarded goon with no fucking care in the world.
10-15-2012, 03:58 PM
My daughter is on a bus everyday with the mentally challenged. She is a driver/aid. The customers are legally adults and range from some who are very sweet to the violent. And, I mean violent! It appears to me that they have more rights than the general public !! But, they are not DRIVING or posting stacks of $$$$$$$ on Face Book. Most are sad cases with multiple illnesses and problems ! I also know quite a few who are at home or in group homes and doing well. I suspect Cameo's diagnosis was based largely on a low IQ . ps: They can be very clever and they know it.
10-15-2012, 04:57 PM
10-15-2012, 06:28 PM
So, he can get out @ 10% of $25,000. And Miss Rupert will not show up as the witness/victim. I wish to God that they would subpoena her ass and throw her in jail for contempt if she fails to appear.
We have heard this story before from Mock members.And it makes me sick! Wake-up Woman. You should not get your face smashed in over stupid stuff.
10-15-2012, 07:07 PM
This shit will come back to him. One way or another. He will wind up killing someone AGAIN. He sure as hell hasn't learned his lesson.
10-15-2012, 08:06 PM
It should not have to wait to come back to him. It should slam him right now! this is domestic violence, and he should be charged with that. And the evidence of his violence should not rely on the word of the pussy that he VIOLATED. I don't give a fuck if he was only spending the night, the police need to step-up to the plate and start protecting these dumb-ass women that have shit for brains.
10-15-2012, 08:56 PM
There a just a few prerequisites in our house for our daughters. The number one thing we tell the guy they choose for us to meet is that it is a REQUIREMENT THAT SHE COMES HOME LOOKING THE WAY SHE LEAVES HERE. Meaning there is not a mark on her body. Where is this girls parents, that KILLER CAM beat the heck out of her face? I understand that when your in an abusive relationship you have lost your good judgement. There is noway I would let her NOT PRESS CHARGES. I hope the prosecutor cuts his hands off! They have the proof this time. M.O. He killed Lisa and now has beat up his girlfriend. He (KILLER CAM) needs to be INSTITUTIONALIZE!!
10-15-2012, 08:59 PM
I am with you Adub. I thought in state of Ohio, it didn't matter if charges were dropped,The State prosecutes??? A leopard never changes their spots....his girlfriend is pretty STUPID not to follow thru! Next time could mean a funeral.... would the retard walk again??
10-15-2012, 09:50 PM
This kind of ignorance really pisses me off. I'd like to slap a bitch. Doesn't MW remember when she was the dumb bitch that it was all bc of?! Calling 911, getting baby daddy arrested, refusing to show up at the court hearings, having the charges dismissed. Makes me sick. Wake-up Woman. Cameo Pettaway has issues that need to be addressed in a court of law. GMAFB!
KD posted to MW 3 hours ago via mobile. Omg this whole thing is crazy blown up MW All bc of that dumb bitch. 3 hours ago via mobile..
10-15-2012, 10:13 PM
I feel your anger Adub, I just don't think she needs to be slapped any more. She is in a jackpot! I wish I could help her get the fu** away from this KILLER. I have no clue who she is, however I wish I could help her. I can only hope she doesn't end up like Lisa.
Does anyone on her know who she is?
10-15-2012, 10:34 PM
I honestly can't remember her username, if that is what you are asking.
But you can do an eeny meeny miney mo on this link IRL. In fact you can catch two niggers by the toe, iykwim. http://www.northwestohio.com/news/story.aspx?id=637238
10-15-2012, 11:34 PM
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Christina 35 mins ago+1 Share | Flag as far as i am aware of...in instances of domestic violence the state is the one pressing the charges not the victim....once your name goes in the system for that he will be prosecuted for that...im sure the girl's testimony will help him get a lesser sentence but i dont think you can get off just because she doesnt want to press charges. dave 3 hours ago+3 Share | Flag I think someone should inflict some street justice to this useless piece of trash. ex-coworker 4 hours ago+9 Share | Flag Dear Sarah: You are a terrific person and you deserve a much, much better person in your life and around your children. You have been allowing this man to control you for too long. You HAVE to get away. You obviously do not see the implications of his actions towards you and others, but everyone else around you does see. The minute you started hanging around with him, everyone could see the changes in you, and they were not good changes. Many have tried to steer you in a different direction, but you are stubbborn and refuse to see what is happenig to your life. GET OUT. PRESS CHARGES. MOVE ON. Calling 911 was your first step, don't say things are blown out of proportion. None of your former co-workers wanted to be hearing about you on the news this morning, and none of us want to be reading your obituary in the newspaper, kiddo. You love your kids, GET AWAY FROM HIM. out in holland 4 hours ago+5 Share | Flag What's sad is when the charges are dropped and he ends up beating her even worse, or killing her, is that people will say, "Why didn't the police do something?" Racquetbll 4 hours ago+6 Share | Flag The State's Attorney's Office should prosecute this case notwithstanding the victim's cooperation, as they should in all extreme domestic violence cases. The State's Attorney represents the people of the state first, and an individual second. The State's Attorney should be accountable to the people who elect her, before she is to an individual victim. There is certainly probable cause to indict this case. You have a tape recording of the victim during the beating, and her documented injuries. As a voting citizen that the State's Attorney's Office represents, I insist on prosecution in this case. Scott 6 hours ago+11 Share | Flag It sounds like the girlfriend needs to find the inner strength to continue with the charges and put this dirt bag behind bars where he belongs. If he beat on her enough that she felt the need to call 911, how long till he kills her? There is no excuse for what he did, and I hope the prosecutor continues with the charges. Comments from some locals. Channel 13 Toledo. ![]()
10-16-2012, 12:15 AM
Her name is Sara, I'll go look for more info. For tonight all I can do is pray she doesn't do anything stupid, like come up with the 10% to get KILLER out. Good night all.
10-16-2012, 01:39 AM
Ohio is different... some cities if you don't show up for a domestic violence case after 3 attempts to get in contact with the victim and 3 appearances in court for the defendant, the case will be dropped. That is unfortunately the way it works in Toledo court. But in smaller outside cities surrounding Toledo (Maumee, Sylvania...etc) if the.victim does not appear they do get a warrant out for their arrest. I know all this because I myself was a victim of domestic violence for 7 years. I finally moved out of state to get out of that situation. As far as Oregon court goes, I am pretty sure it will not just get dismissed. She will tell that she wants charges dropped, state will more than likely pick up and he will take a plea bargain. Just my thought
10-16-2012, 02:27 AM
Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub I have no sympathy for SARAH RUPERT she covered up for him for what he did to my johnny and lisa and she failed lie detector test she knows everyone that was in lisas house that hurt johnny and lisa and stayed quite and she is just as guilty for knowing and the epitamy of evil for covering up for this monster evil murderer so SHE GETS BEAT TO A PULP AND ITS KARMA FOR HER TOO hahahaha im glad they are all paying in one way or another
THIS FROM MAYTEE Sunday at 10:30pm via mobile ยท Like ![]() |
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