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She dishonors her son everytime she posts threats, jibberish and lies.
The fact she ignores Lisa's death and the Straub's loss is a slap in the face to Johnny.
But those are the true colors of a criminal and getaway driver mom.
Selfish and self centered.
However . . . I would like to believe Lisa's family and loved ones are extremely grateful that her name is no longer mentioned within Maytee's incoherent and unintelligible ramblings.
IMO - She actually hurts the pursuit of justice, for her son, by her asinine antics and vitriol.
Shameful "grief" behavior.
Especially the continued lies about a reward fund.
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Vicki Daum beautiful.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub She is my beautiful sweet babigirl always ready to take pics omg i have a thousand pics of her and johnny together and with our family always in our house in his room and on many vacations
about an hour ago like
Ask and you shall receive !!!!! This post also had a photo of Lisa & Maytee together. I can say, with almost absolute certainty,that the Straub family would not want Lisa's name connected with Johnny's or Matee's in anyway shape or form ! A news report would be the only exception. Can you imagine how hurtful her actions are to them? She is a liar and very thoughtless. And, maybe (probably) guilty too! Now, her FB page will probably be filled with pictures of her and Lisa.
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Is the 'y' on her keyboard broken? I mean I know it is all street to use 'i' instead of 'y', but she's a fucking moron.
When will there be justice for us Mocktards? We'd like to be rid of this vile sewer rat piece of garbage.
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(04-09-2013, 07:41 PM)Older Than Dirt Wrote: Ask and you shall receive !!!!! This post also had a photo of Lisa & Maytee together. I can say, with almost absolute certainty,that the Straub family would not want Lisa's name connected with Johnny's or Maytee's in anyway shape or form ! Can you imagine how hurtful her actions are to them? She is a liar and very thoughtless. And, maybe (probably) guilty too! Now, her FB page will probably be filled with pictures of her and Lisa.
Thanks for this, OTD.
This proves what everyone has pretty much figured out: She is a disingenuous, skulking, self-centered, lying hater.
There is no Clarke $50K reward.
Hell . . . they don't have two nickels to rub together.
Maytee is so wrapped-up in her obsessive lust for her son and her personal pity-party, she completely and deliberately ignores the fact that Lisa was murdered, too . . . until Mock points it out!
The fact that she stalks Mock and then retools her pages AFTER we point out her insanity should be another example of the bottomless pit of her callousness, selfishness and ignorance.
There's white-trash and then there's MVC . . . "Big John's" criminal spouse.
White-trash is "high brow" compared to the both of them.
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Usually it would be to create an account for their whereabouts
during a certain time frame.
any thoughts?
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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I was replying in regards to Maytee and John riding with Z and Tiff etc.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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Nothing would surprise me in regards to those people.
She thinks people are afraid of her/them & says their fear motivates her. I knew she was dumb but to mistake gut bustin' laughter for fear is retarded. No one is afraid of her, she's nothing more than a keyboard commando with a criminal record a mile long.
Every time she opens her mouth another bat flies out. I have proof -
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(04-10-2013, 05:43 AM)Duchess Wrote:
No one is afraid of her, she's nothing more than a keyboard commando with a criminal record a mile long.
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
2 hours ago via mobile.
More gibberish for Justice!
She's pissed that the truth of the reward fund was exposed.
Since Johnny was all about "makin' the paper", you'd think the family would honor his memory and host fund raisers to push a reward fund to the limits of a Power Ball Jackpot!
But that takes energy and a sincere commitment to honor the departed. She has neither.
I have NEVER found the theme of her posts as anything but a self-serving, attention seeking device for her own edification.
She feeds, like a vulture, on the dead flesh of her son.
And her appetite knows no bounds.
Here's what a supporter of the Justice site thinks:
if your so dang interested in the money then you would give up your little friends but then again which is more important your friends or the money? One thing is for sure you or no one else gave not one care in this world for Johnny Or Lisa or there lives or what you would get in the end. That shadow behind you that you r scared of is Grimm Reaper and if I was you I would tell what I new money or no money. Some people are all about letting the police do there job and do process and others well there like you no continence just one less thug walking the streets. Do you all have a continence cause if you did you would tell the truth. 2013 FULL JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY CLARK AND LISA STRAUB WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another budding intellect!
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Pissed about revealing the non-existent $50K Clarke reward money!
She's now repeating her posts:
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
28 minutes ago via mobile.
Its none of your fkin business MOCKTARDS where the $$$50,000 We are offering is at or came from UNLESS YOU GOT INFO AND DELIVER THESE MONSTERS TO THE POLICE OR US you will never see a dime or have the info now if youre just trolling KILLYOURSELVES#
Please notice how she uses the phrase, "the $$$50,000 We are offering", as if the Clarkes are putting up the money!
Broke-ass criminal trash!
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There was never any $50,000.00 reward. Bwahahahaha! Now EVERYONE knows it is a lie.
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And what . . . another 7 or 8 thousand views of this thread in less than a week?
The word is out.
What little "cred" she had is gone.
"The lyin' never fears . . . "
Maybe my comments are best suited within the "Rantings of a Lunatic" thread.
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(04-10-2013, 02:24 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Maybe my comments are best suited within the "Rantings of a Lunatic" thread.
I think they are suited for both threads. Some people who read this particular thread are unaware there is another thread devoted to her...'s called Rantings Of A Lunatic, people. It's in the "Some Honest Therapy" forum.
You're welcome.
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Justice for Johnny & Lisa
32 minutes ago via mobile.
The nightmares i'll give while lying in bed,the voices you'll hear,from inside your head. The sweats, the shakes,the visions you'll see i will make all your limbs wither, i want you to know these are all gifts from me till you cease to exist!!!!!!!
My mistake . . . she's really a giver!
I wonder if this was a text to "Big John" that was accidentally sent to her "Pity Me!" page?
Too bad she can't get her shit together and establish a legitimate reward fund honoring the memory of her son.
Pocket change and lint ain't gonna get lips moving.
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Continued desperate double-posting about the imaginary reward fund!
And she makes it sound as if there is $50K per head.
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
20 minutes ago via mobile.
$$$50,000 REWARD ON ALL THE HEADS OF THE REST OF THE VILE MAGGOTS THAT HURT JOHNNY AND LISA! deliver them to police or us and collect $$$ no maggots no cash! Thank you
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Maybe I should email the Blade & tell them about Maytee's fifty thousand dollar reward in regards to this case. They can talk directly to Maytee in order to get the pertinent details such as -
What methods of payment are accepted?
What is the current balance of the fund?
Does the fund provide a list of donors?
What are the requirements for one to receive a payout?
Who manages the fund?
Maytee can kill two birds with one stone, she'll be interviewed about her son's murder and it will be getting the word out that Maytee & Big John have such a substantial reward. Thugs/snitches would kill for a payday like that.
Tiki, I took the liberty of using the questions you asked the other day. I think they are valid questions and deserve an answer.
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Great idea!
In fact, I'll provide the links to her pages so they can read and confirm her statements, independently.
Let's get this case on the front burner!
She's obviously too distraught to engage the media to assist in bringing her son's killer(s) to justice.
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That community has probably had enough of that wingnut to last them a lifetime.
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is anybody else with me when I say that , all her ''crazy letters'' is just another message ... I feel that she is saying something but just putting a bunch of other jibberish with it
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 Caption Odvious to the rescue!
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Fuck! Captian. :/