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A good case in favor of the death penalty...
Authorities were called Dec. 16 to the home of Elizabeth Calvo and 25 year-old Adam Garber (pictured above). It was reported that there was a child at the home in Gwinnett County who was having seizures and coughing up blood.
The mother, 21-year-old Elizabeth Calvo, told responding emergency officials that their son, Aiden Calvo, had a diaper rash and had been bruising easily, police said.
Police found that little Aiden had injuries all over his body and found blood splatter on his bedroom wall, according to reported police records.
Aiden was transported to a hospital where doctors reportedly found bruises on his body, bite marks on his fingers and bleeding in his nose and stomach. He also had a fractured skull, evidence of possible scalding and traumatic brain injury.
Aiden died on Dec. 22 as a result of his injuries. RIP AIDEN CALVO.
The two parent blamed one another for the child’s injuries in subsequent police interviews, police records reportedly indicate.
The charges against the couple were upgraded today to felony murder. The couple is currently being held at the Gwinnett County Detention Center without bond. They are due to appear in court Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.
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Another story that makes me sick to my stomach.
Why is it so hard to simply put a bullet in each of their heads upon conviction?
Then, just put 'em out with the trash at the end of the driveway.
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Have you ever been inside of a court room and heard a child rapist/molester confess while pleading guilty? I have and it's really weird. If they plead guilty, they have to admit what they did to the Judge verbally. It can be very disgusting. What I find even more disgusting is when they are given a slap on the wrist and given 120-days or just probation.
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(12-29-2013, 03:21 AM)Miss Vickie Wrote: Have you ever been inside of a court room and heard a child rapist/molester confess while pleading guilty? I have and it's really weird. If they plead guilty, they have to admit what they did to the Judge verbally. It can be very disgusting. What I find even more disgusting is when they are given a slap on the wrist and given 120-days or just probation.
No. I don't think I could stop myself from beating the freak to a bloody pulp.
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(12-29-2013, 03:21 AM)Miss Vickie Wrote: Have you ever been inside of a court room and heard a child rapist/molester confess while pleading guilty? I have and it's really weird. If they plead guilty, they have to admit what they did to the Judge verbally. It can be very disgusting. What I find even more disgusting is when they are given a slap on the wrist and given 120-days or just probation.
I can remember seeing the BTK killer giving evidence and confessing to his horrendous crimes like he was reading out his grocery list. He talked about tying a young girl up hanging her by her neck and masturbating over her as she slowly choked to death as if he was telling somebody a recipe for chilli. No emotion whatsoever.
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(12-29-2013, 01:45 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: I can remember seeing the BTK killer giving evidence and confessing to his horrendous crimes like he was reading out his grocery list. He talked about tying a young girl up hanging her by her neck and masturbating over her as she slowly choked to death as if he was telling somebody a recipe for chilli. No emotion whatsoever.
I've seen the tape of his confessions, too. Totally blank and monotone - no remorse.
Dennis Rader. What a creepy POS he is.
And, yet, he hid that side of him from his family and community for decades.
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Father kills son with ax
Gary Sherrill, 51, charged with 1st degree murder
Sherrill and his ex-wife shared custody of their 13-year-old son, David Sherrill.
Witnesses contend that mother and father had a tumultuous relationship and that David was caught in the middle.
One of his neighbors told reporters that Gary Sherrill had been acting odd recently and had been screaming at a tree (drugs or mental illness?).
When Sherrill didn't return the boy to his mother's home on New Year's Eve, she called Phoenix PD and they went to Gary Sherill's home to investigate. Sherrill initially told PD that the boy wasn't there, but eventually let police in the home where they found David dead, with multiple stab wounds and lacerations to his body.
Gary Sherrill reportedly confessed that he'd killed his son because he was afraid the boy was going to kill and eat him. Jesus.
RIP David Sherrill.
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Poor little boy must have been so scared.
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Holy crap. Already setting up for an insanity defense.
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(01-02-2014, 03:49 PM)Duchess Wrote: Poor little boy must have been so scared. 
Too sad for words. This one, as well.
3 year-old Broderick Cramer and his killer / father Jeremy Cramer
Jeremy Cramer took his son back in July in what police called a "custodial dispute" with the boy's mother.
Cramer then took Brody for a walk in a field and put the boy on his shoulders.
Then, he stabbed the baby with a knife, beat his head in with rocks and left his son laying dead in the field.
He says Brody was his best friend and he doesn't know why he killed him other than Brody felt like a different kid against his neck.
Cramer confessed to his dad on a jailhouse phone after he was arrested for not putting his clothes on when someone called cops because he was washing blood off himself in a public bathroom. He had an empty bottle of Adderal which had been filled with 60 pills just 3 days before.
Cramer's a Mormon who asked to speak with a higher up at the LDS church right after his arrest, but wouldn't tell where his son's dead body was located. Police found the body shortly thereafter.
Cramer's brother says he used to be a meth head.
Anyway, Jeremy Cramer finally pleaded guilty two weeks ago and the death penalty was taken off the table. Sentencing is forthcoming; likely to be LWOP.
RIP Brody Cramer.
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Fucking hell.
I can't comprehend or understand such a level of violence shown towards children especially your own.
It just boggles the mind.
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(01-03-2014, 03:00 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: Fucking hell.
I can't comprehend or understand such a level of violence shown towards children especially your own.
It just boggles the mind.
I know you see some shit when it comes to domestic violence in your work. The cases in this thread are some of the worst of the thousands of domestic violence situations that go down here monthly - all ages, races, locations.
Sometimes it's hard to even post this stuff; don't wanna think about it. But I believe that LadyCop was right about the importance of not looking away, increasing the awareness of just how serious people can be when making threats in family disputes, and honoring the little victims.
This one will likely make you mad and sad at the same time. It does me, at least.
This is baby Mia ^, RIP. Her mother is Kim Phanthavongsa, pictured in the top row center.
This is Mia's father ^, 22-year-old Merrick McKoy, with baby Mia.
Mia's mother had a restraining order against McKoy. It was put into place after a domestic incident in September. He was arrested, but posted bond and was out free.
Kim was allegedly planning to take Mia to Laos for a family visit at Christmas, which angered McKoy.
He broke into Kim's apartment just before Thanksgiving, held Kim at gunpoint, shot Mia to death, then shot himself (he lived and at last report was in critical condition).
Before killing the baby, McKoy posted a picture of himself and Mia on Facebook and a message about how he had no choice, he was making a point and taking Mia with him, he shouldn't be judged, blah, blah, blah.
Definitely a mind boggling level of depravity.
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Yeah obviously if the mother of my child was planning on going abroad for Christmas my only choice would be to shoot the baby then turn the gun on myself.
Makes perfect sense.
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(01-04-2014, 05:25 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I know you see some shit when it comes to domestic violence in your work. The cases in this thread are some of the worst of the thousands of domestic violence situations that go down here monthly - all ages, races, locations.
I haven't dealt with cases as bad as the ones here yet but I've been trained how to handle and deal with them when I do. I was told in no uncertain terms it was more a question of when than if.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(01-05-2014, 07:16 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: I haven't dealt with cases as bad as the ones here yet but I've been trained how to handle and deal with them when I do. I was told in no uncertain terms it was more a question of when than if.
I hope you never have to witness something so terrible, but it probably is likely if you're working with distressed people and abusive family members for a long period of time.
This is another sad horror story that's developing out of New York City. Torturing a 4 year-old in order to gain control of him? That's what 37 year-old Janaie Jones (stage name Kryzie King) did to little Myls Dobson. He was found dead in her Ritz Plaza Manhattan apartment this week.
Myls Dobson, 4 - RIP
The murdering bitch
Jones at first claimed that Myls had fallen from a counter into an empty bathtub, but under interrogation, she admitted to torturing the boy for days.
The poor kid had been removed from his mother for neglect. His father Okee Wade, 37, had custody of the boy, but he was arrested in mid December for skipping court dates in a bank fraud case against him and twenty two others. Wade asked Jones, his girlfriend, to take care of Myls while he was incarcerated.
"I was giving him corporal punishment," , 37, allegedly admitted to police while being questioned about the death of Myles Dobson. "I was trying to control him."
Dobson was covered in cigarette burn marks all over his body and had lacerations on his arms, legs and genitals when he was found inside Jones' apartment at The Ritz.
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said at a police promotion ceremony in Queens, adding the child endured "horrific injuries over a period of days."
Under questioning at the Midtown North Precinct station house, Jones admitted that she had carried out a series of increasingly-brutal abuses in an effort to control the boy's behavior.
She said she beat him with belts and hangers, and burned him, starting on Dec. 28 2013. She also locked him inside the bathroom alone for long periods of time, police sources said.
The Administration for Children's Services said Wednesday that it was investigating the case. On Thursday, ACS officials referred calls to the NYPD.
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Aniston Walker is 7 weeks old and missing...
"Aniston's mother claimed she had not seen the baby since leaving the home to drop an older child off at school. She allegedly left Aniston with a caregiver, but authorities are saying that the stories are conflicting.
It was later discovered that Walker left the baby and her 3 year old toddler at home alone while taking her other child to school. It has been discoverd that the 3 year old was again left at home when Walker went to look for the baby.
Andrea Walker, 33 years old, has been charged with "2 counts of aggravated child abuse and 2 counts of aggravated child neglect or endangerment." It is said that she called the baby's father before notifying the police that Aniston was missing."
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It's pretty difficult for 7 week old kids to walk out of the house themselves. Good on LE for charging the mother with child endangerment and abuse. If they find Aniston's body they can always up the charges. I wish more LE agencies would nail the parents with endangerment charges as soon as a kid goes missing.
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Post 335 Update
Kryzie King, aka Janaie Jones, pleaded not guilty at her arraignment in Manhattan on Friday. She's not charged with murder (yet), autopsy pending. She's currently charged with first-degree assault, first-degree reckless endangerment, endangering the welfare of a child and unlawful imprisonment for her treatment of 4-year-old Myls Dobson, who died from his injuries.
On this one, I really hope prosecutors seek the death penalty. It's beyond cruel what she did to the little guy. I'd like to beat the shit outta her, personally.
The innocent victim in the middle, the mother who lost him due to neglect on the left, the felon father on the top right, and the father's child-abusing girlfriend who killed the boy on the bottom right.
King told police that on December 29 she removed a hot rack from an oven with a glove and allegedly placed it against the boy's right leg, leaving linear burn marks, the complaint said. The next day, she told police, she allegedly struck him about his body five to six times with a belt, leaving bruises and scars.
The complaint said King admitted that from December 30 to January 4 she allegedly tied the boy's wrists and feet together with shoe laces and gagged him with a piece of cloth. She told police that resulted in scaring on his wrists and ankles. On the day she freed him, the complaint said, King allegedly beat him twelve to thirteen times with a belt.
On Tuesday, during subfreezing temperatures, King told police she allegedly locked the the child, wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, outside on a balcony from 20 minutes to an hour, the complaint said. That same day, she allegedly locked the boy inside a dark bathroom for about three hours.
King told authorities that the boy was "being very difficult eating and that the last full meal he ate was on December 26, 2013; after that he would only pick at his food," the complaint said. The last time the boy ate or drank anything was on January 3.
Aside from her comments about the child not eating well, King gave no indication in the complaint of what might have prompted her purported actions. (HOTD: as if there's any reasonable explanation or justification.)
Since arriving at King's home on December 17, the complaint said, Myls Dobson lost 20 to 25 pounds.
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So many people would have been over the moon for the opportunity to love & care for that little boy.
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(01-12-2014, 08:34 PM)Cheyne Wrote: Aniston Walker is 7 weeks old and missing...
"Aniston's mother claimed she had not seen the baby since leaving the home to drop an older child off at school. She allegedly left Aniston with a caregiver, but authorities are saying that the stories are conflicting.
It was later discovered that Walker left the baby and her 3 year old toddler at home alone while taking her other child to school. It has been discoverd that the 3 year old was again left at home when Walker went to look for the baby.
Andrea Walker, 33 years old, has been charged with "2 counts of aggravated child abuse and 2 counts of aggravated child neglect or endangerment." It is said that she called the baby's father before notifying the police that Aniston was missing."
Read more
It's pretty difficult for 7 week old kids to walk out of the house themselves. Good on LE for charging the mother with child endangerment and abuse. If they find Aniston's body they can always up the charges. I wish more LE agencies would nail the parents with endangerment charges as soon as a kid goes missing.
I read that cadaver dogs didn't hit at the house and police called off the search after 3 days of looking in essentially all of the obvious places.
Pretty easy to hide a 7 week old body. Sucks typing that.
This reminds me of the early days of Baby Elaina's case.
Sad as hell.
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A Mesa, Arizona Kindergarten teacher was booked into jail on 25 counts of indecent exposure and one count of child abuse after police said he removed a 6-year-old girl's shirt as a form of punishment.
Thomas Washburn, 54, (pictured above) a teacher at Adams Elementary School, was arrested Wednesday when the incident reportedly occurred. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said Friday that Washburn has since been released from jail as he awaits his court date.
Police said something upset Washburn, who started shouting in the classroom filled with more than two dozen youngsters. "She told me yesterday that he was really aggressive - telling them to shut up - real aggressively," said Israel Gonzalez, whose daughter was also in Washburn's class but is not the victim in this case.
The outburst frightened the victim and she hid her face in the top of her shirt, officers said.
The victim's mother said her daughter was born prematurely and is "developmentally delayed," according to a police report.
Officers said Washburn told the girl to take her face out of the shirt and when she did not comply, he went to her and completely removed her shirt, leaving her naked from the waist up in front of her classmates for about 10 minutes.
The girl broke down crying, police said. Washburn eventually returned her clothing. When the victim's mother arrived after school to pick up the child, Washburn told the parent what he had done, police said.
"It doesn't appear that he thought he had done anything wrong," said Mesa police Detective Steve Berry. "He was simply going to tell mom what he had done to discipline the child."
The mother was extremely upset and immediately contacted the principal's office, officers said. Detectives arrested Washburn, who was taken to Mesa Police Headquarters for an interview. He declined to answer any of the detective's questions.
Washburn was booked at that time for one count of child abuse and one count of indecent exposure. Police said at the time of the incident, there was one adult aide in the classroom. On Thursday morning, detectives continued their investigation and added an additional 24 counts of indecent exposure, one for each of the students present at the time of the incident, police said.
"Our first priority is the safety and security of our students. Mesa Police Department is leading the investigation, and we are working cooperatively with them.
A profile of Washburn on the school's website quotes Washburn saying, in part:
"Having been certified for foster care and licensed for adoption, I am looking forward to becoming a single father for the first time and am waiting the placement of children in my home. In the meantime, I have enjoyed the opportunity of taking care of several children on a respite basis." (HOTD: Kiss those adoption dreams goodbye if you're convicted, asshole.)
Full story:
I haven't seen a case like this before, where someone is charged with indecent exposure for partially undressing someone else, and an additional count of indecent exposure for each person who witnessed the incident.
In any event, this dude should never have children in his care - either as a teacher or a foster parent. IMO.