11-07-2009, 10:58 PM
It wasn't an insult either, Syber. Just an observation! We need another vein popper to round things out anyway.
The NEW and IMPROVED utterly fucking pointless thread
11-07-2009, 10:58 PM
It wasn't an insult either, Syber. Just an observation! We need another vein popper to round things out anyway.
11-07-2009, 11:13 PM
The Antagonist Wrote:It wasn't an insult either, Syber. Just an observation! We need another vein popper to round things out anyway.Dammit Ant!! Don't encourage Dippy! ::bang:: Besides, how can being compared to Liquid be a good thing? ::nuts::
11-08-2009, 12:43 AM
Middle Finger Wrote:Mill had some good lines though ...Yes, if he had simply been coming here to join the forum, have fun, mock and be merry... I would be quite happy with some of his material. The fact, however, that he has chosen this venue to demonstrate the depth of his hypocrisy as a human being, is a bit of a turn-off. I wonder if Mill would be willing to answer some direct questions about his 'beliefs' in order to clear up this low visage he has created for himself?
11-08-2009, 07:29 AM
I feel quite certain that the exceedingly low opinion I have of this person is pretty fuckin' accurate...I did glean it, after all, from watching his performance in a "nice" forum.
11-08-2009, 07:32 AM
Middle Finger Wrote:Mill had some good lines though ...Links to them, please...I read every word of Mock but, these lines you speak of musta got by me. ![]()
11-08-2009, 08:03 AM
SyberBitch Wrote:The Antagonist Wrote:It wasn't an insult either, Syber. Just an observation! We need another vein popper to round things out anyway.Dammit Ant!! Don't encourage Dippy! ::bang:: I've said time and again I don't have a problem with Mill - but if you get Greenslime and Muddsucker in here, well that's a whole 'nuther bag of fun. I think Mill's anger is justified just as I think it would be if the situation were reversed. I also don't care if he has a belief in any god or not. That shit bothers you all more than it bothers me. I don't see all republicans as "the religious right". Granted there are a few that are way out there but all in all the party itself is not [supposed] to be a party based on religion - some of the GOP leadersneed to remember that too, but that's another debate. In regard to the 24 vs Mock shit, I see plenty of hate coming from both sides.
11-08-2009, 08:13 AM
I've never cared if others believe in God or not...To each their own...Don't care about what political party one belongs to either...I go to bed with a Republican, for God's sake ::gigg::....What I do care about is that Mock & Mockers are verbally trashed by the likes of Mill& GoatBitch...People that claim to be God fearing..God lovin' christians...These same people who thought it would be a great idea ifa demented soldier decided to take out our Prez or how wonderful it would be if entire countries were wiped off the face of the earth 'cuz the people that live there have brown skin...Fuck the klan, fuck their families & fuck anyone who is associated with those common motherfuckers.
11-08-2009, 08:28 AM
But would you be so pissed if she made that comment about GWB?
11-08-2009, 08:41 AM
The Antagonist Wrote:But would you be so pissed if she made that comment about GWB?I honest to god think I would've been outraged by her comment no matter who was in office. Now impeachment's an entirely different matter; exile would've worked also. ![]()
11-08-2009, 08:41 AM
And that is exactly why I don't get into those conversations on the mock vs 24 shit.
I also don't like getting into political debates where all I see is politician bashing and nothing of real substance being discussed. Right now the left is venomous to me. If you oppose anything the president wants, you're an instant racist. If you dont' like this health care bill, you're a republican that wants people to die. It's all bullshit. I'd like to have someone tell me how this guy is doing without making an excuse and blaming Bush. I'd like to hear Obama tell me why he can't accomplish anything without blaming Bush!
11-08-2009, 08:45 AM
The Antagonist Wrote:And that is exactly why I don't get into those conversations on the mock vs 24 shit.Yet on the other hand, if you try to keep an open mind and consider some of the possibilities the current administration is working toward, you're called filthy names and instantly labeled a loony lib. It's the extreme polarization of the two main political parties that worries me, it's incredibly divisive to the well being of our country.
11-08-2009, 08:56 AM
You're exactly right.
Both sides need a check. The left went too far left and the right is way too far right now. Both sides are nothing but awful name callers. We need someone in the middle that isn't willing to take anyone's bullshit and keep us free. That health care bill passes the senate, we lose the first chunk of our freedom. It'll be the first time in our history we are forced by the government to purchase something - and from the gov't no less! Health care needs improvement but not this bill. It's not well thought out.
11-08-2009, 10:54 PM
Duchess Wrote:People that claim to be God fearing..God lovin' christians...These same people who thought it would be a great idea ifa demented soldier decided to take out our Prez or how wonderful it would be if entire countries were wiped off the face of the earth 'cuz the people that live there have brown skin...Fuck the klan, fuck their families & fuck anyone who is associated with those common motherfuckers.Yep, exactly.
11-08-2009, 10:59 PM
The Antagonist Wrote:But would you be so pissed if she made that comment about GWB?Of course not. (j/k) Actually, as far as I'm concerned, it's not a matter of being angry at someone for being an asshole and saying that they want people to die, it's more the matter of them being such hypocrites. I might be pissed at someone for saying that they like to bash puppies in the head, but if they own up to being a psycho asshole as well, I think that would be more respectable than pretending to be a 'good person'.
11-08-2009, 11:05 PM
The Antagonist Wrote:That health care bill passes the senate, we lose the first chunk of our freedom. It'll be the first time in our history we are forced by the government to purchase something - and from the gov't no less!In most states, people are 'forced' to pay for vehicle insurance if they want to drive. That's a far bigger waste of consumer money than health insurance would be, and it's not even adjusted to your income. Worst of all, if you CAN'T pay your insurance and it gets dropped, what do they do? Raise the price!! Hell, let's get rid of mandatory auto insurance and put that money toward our healthcare instead.
11-09-2009, 07:13 AM
SyberBitch Wrote:You won't be saying that when some jerkoff hits your car and has no car insurance and it'a all your bill.The Antagonist Wrote:That health care bill passes the senate, we lose the first chunk of our freedom. It'll be the first time in our history we are forced by the government to purchase something - and from the gov't no less!In most states, people are 'forced' to pay for vehicle insurance if they want to drive. That's a far bigger waste of consumer money than health insurance would be, and it's not even adjusted to your income. Worst of all, if you CAN'T pay your insurance and it gets dropped, what do they do? Raise the price!!
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
11-09-2009, 07:36 AM
SyberBitch Wrote:The Antagonist Wrote:That health care bill passes the senate, we lose the first chunk of our freedom. It'll be the first time in our history we are forced by the government to purchase something - and from the gov't no less!In most states, people are 'forced' to pay for vehicle insurance if they want to drive. That's a far bigger waste of consumer money than health insurance would be, and it's not even adjusted to your income. Worst of all, if you CAN'T pay your insurance and it gets dropped, what do they do? Raise the price!! So you're saying you're willing to give up a bit of your freedom to save some money? Car insurance is not mandatory by the FEDERAL government but by each state. This bill forces you to purchase insurance from the federal govt and if you do not you face a large fine or jail time. In 10 years this bill will force all private insurance companies out of business. I don't know about you but I do not want that kind of intrusion of the gov't into my life. Besides the fact it's unconstitutional and they've found a workaround using the consumer clause in the Constitution. You can't raise the issue of Constitutionality unless you are indeed arrested or fined for not purchasing the big gov't plan. But You CAN if you are and you will win. I plan on trying my hardest to get arrested.
11-09-2009, 08:57 AM
Most companies pay at least 50% of the cost for health care, what will happen when they decide not to and the government gets saddled with paying for it. I know quite a few small businesses that will just drop the coverage. This will be a mess. Another payroll deduction likeS.S. and medicaid. And what kind of doctor will accept "welfare" coverage? With all the hassles that come with it. Try and find a dentist that uses "healthy kids" coverage, not many do. This plan needs to be revised and tweaked.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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