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Der Spiegel publishes U.S. soldier "kill team" warning-graphic
a different soldier is recognized~~


A British army medic who put herself in "mortal danger" to treat a wounded Afghan soldier under heavy Taliban fire has been awarded the Military Cross.

L/Cpl Kylie Watson, from Ballymena, Co Antrim, gave medical care in exposed open ground for 20 minutes.

Her citation spoke of her "immense courage" and "inspiration" to her platoon in Helmand province last year.

L/Cpl Watson is believed to be only the fourth woman to receive the MC, the third highest award for gallantry.
'Absolute bravery'

On another occasion L/Cpl Watson, of the Royal Army Medical Corps, ran 100 metres in full view of the enemy under sustained fire to give life-saving first aid to an Afghan soldier who had been shot twice in the pelvis.

Her citation read: "Watson's immense courage, willingness to put her own life at risk and absolute bravery saved the life of one warrior and acted as an inspiration to her platoon and their Afghan National Army partners."

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

That's awesome!
Commando Cunt Queen
I'm just glad to see shitstorm isn't fooling anybody with her blatantly obvious anti-Jew/anti-Israel shit.

She probably drinks the Al Jazeera koolaid and wears an "I love Hamas" button.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(03-27-2011, 03:04 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: a different soldier is recognized~~


A British army medic who put herself in "mortal danger" to treat a wounded Afghan soldier under heavy Taliban fire has been awarded the Military Cross.

L/Cpl Kylie Watson, from Ballymena, Co Antrim, gave medical care in exposed open ground for 20 minutes.

Her citation spoke of her "immense courage" and "inspiration" to her platoon in Helmand province last year.

L/Cpl Watson is believed to be only the fourth woman to receive the MC, the third highest award for gallantry.
'Absolute bravery'

On another occasion L/Cpl Watson, of the Royal Army Medical Corps, ran 100 metres in full view of the enemy under sustained fire to give life-saving first aid to an Afghan soldier who had been shot twice in the pelvis.

Her citation read: "Watson's immense courage, willingness to put her own life at risk and absolute bravery saved the life of one warrior and acted as an inspiration to her platoon and their Afghan National Army partners."

Or as quacker would refer to her "a coward".

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(03-27-2011, 03:12 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Or as quacker would refer to her "a coward".

Let's look at this lie you are telling, even putting it in your signature:

Here is MY EXACT QUOTE "I'm not understanding how someone from Britain can question ANYTHING we do in the US. At least we do *something* to help. You fuckers sit at home and find yourselves superior. I think you are fucking cowards. If you don't fight, you don't get an opinion. Who wants to listen to a pussy? You are NOT brilliant, you are chickenshit.

Stay safe, OP. The world needs more pussy."

That lady wasn't sitting on her fucking couch at home like YOU are. She was doing something to help. I called YOU a coward for sitting on your couch and spouting your bullshit. There, now your lie doesn't have any power. You are fucking pathetic sometimes...

How dare you act like you support her for doing what she did. Fucking two-faced hypocrite goes on and on about the war being bad until you can use someone else's bravery as your own red badge of courage. Disgusting, even for you.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Don't lie, you were calling the British as a whole cowards, trying to watch you try and wriggle out of it now is pathetic and hilarious!

Like I've said before you CAN support the troops without supporting the war they are fighting.

She is a hero risking her life to save someone else, unlike those sick fucks in the original post leering over the bodies of civilians they have just murdered (also known as the day to day work of the "warrior" according to resident retard dick remember?)

You know what the fact your son is serving abroad says about "you"?

Fuck all bitch.

Now wind your neck back in.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Read and understand, stupid fucker. I was calling all you liberal, anti-war, against-the-efforts-in-Iraq/Afghanistan, sitting-at-home-on-your-fucking-couch people COWARDS. And you are. Until your country does something good that makes the news, then all of a sudden you support the efforts. Nobody believes it that can read.

You can't twist my intent. You should really fight with someone who is as stupid as you are.

You are a punk bitch. You have no real convictions. I was married to a soldier, numbnuts. Want to see the pic from the newspaper of us when he deployed? You have no honor. And you're an idiot.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
You DID call all British people cowards, fuckwits like you always try and back down and do a half arsed damage limitation exercise when they get called on something they have said, you then try and dishonestly justify yourself by manipulating and changing the intent of what you said to try and sound like less of a cunt.

You didn't say all the liberal, stay at home, socialist, gay pussies were cowards, you called the British cowards, you didn't discriminate or identify a particular type of Brit you meany all Brits, I saw it, you saw it, everybody saw it.

You are fooling no one with your complete 180 degree turn of hypocrisy vinegar tits.

Smiley_emoticons_smile ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(03-27-2011, 02:46 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(03-27-2011, 02:18 PM)username Wrote:
(03-27-2011, 02:01 PM)Cracker Wrote: Somebody hates Jews, and it isn't OP...

I'm sure it's okay if they choose to be Jewish in the privacy of their own home.

I think she would get more bang for her buck if she decided to hate Catholics or Muslims...

I don't care for Zionism or Islamic theocrats. Or fundy Christian war mongering neocons. Doesn't mean I hate individuals who happen to be born Jewish, Muslim or Christian. I don't like Marxism, either, and one of my best friends is an avowed commie. Suffice it say, we have some heated arguments. :O

I'm sure if I ranted about Muslims I wouldn't be called an "anti semite", even though Arab Muslims actually are semites!

The bottom line is I think the truth matters, always - no matter if it's PC or not.
(03-27-2011, 04:31 PM)shitstorm Wrote: I don't care for Zionism or Islamic theocrats. Or fundy Christian war mongering neocons. Doesn't mean I hate individuals who happen to be born Jewish, Muslim or Christian. I don't like Marxism, either, and one of my best friends is an avowed commie. Suffice it say, we have some heated arguments. :O

I'm sure if I ranted about Muslims I wouldn't be called an "anti semite", even though Arab Muslims actually are semites!

The bottom line is I think the truth matters, always - no matter if it's PC or not.

Perhaps I misjudged you.

Only time will tell I guess.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(03-27-2011, 04:11 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: You DID call all British people cowards, fuckwits like you always try and back down and do a half arsed damage limitation exercise when they get called on something they have said, you then try and dishonestly justify yourself by manipulating and changing the intent of what you said to try and sound like less of a cunt.

You didn't say all the liberal, stay at home, socialist, gay pussies were cowards, you called the British cowards, you didn't discriminate or identify a particular type of Brit you meany all Brits, I saw it, you saw it, everybody saw it.

You are fooling no one with your complete 180 degree turn of hypocrisy vinegar tits.

Smiley_emoticons_smile ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not even a good try. I am not a fake, psuedo-lib like you. I have not waivered from day one. I stand firm in my convictions and behind my words. I know what I posted and what I meant. You did, too. Your only option is to try to fit my words to your agenda, unsuccessfully.

You liberal fucks are cowards. You can't weasel out of that. You are a fucking coward. Live with it.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
OP, you are a classic case study of the tiny, angry man who uses psychological projection to compensate for personal failings. Instead of correcting yourself, you try to project all of your stupidity onto others. When you are caught by your own mistakes, you become agressive and lash out.

You are Mock's psychological lab rat.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(03-27-2011, 05:11 PM)Cracker Wrote: OP, you are a classic case study of the tiny, angry man who uses psychological projection to compensate for personal failings. Instead of correcting yourself, you try to project all of your stupidity onto others. When you are caught by your own mistakes, you become agressive and lash out.

You are Mock's psychological lab rat.

Quacker calling me angry?!


No one at Mock is more angry, virtriolic, self loathing, hypocritical, overbearing, arrogant, self deluded, hate filled and full of fucking horseshit than you.

Other members here are actively giving you and your posts a wide berth because they honestly believe you are about to have some kind of fucked up psychotic episode live on the internet.

Did you know that?

People like dick and maggot fawn around you like two flies hanging around a big offensive stinking pile of decaying vomit.

You still constantly project your negative character flaws onto other people and then berate them for it.

You are a menopausal psycho bitch plain and simple.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
I have really mixed feelings about soldiers. I know that most of them think they're doing the right thing. Society is steeped in this thinking - so much so that people are willing to see their children sacrificed for things that have nothing to do with American national security. Soldiers are young, without much life experience behind them. As a result, they don't really think about what they're doing and the implications, until they're in the middle of war and getting PTSD. By then it's too late. Some just go nuts and see anything that moves as a target. If they have latent psychological problems, they're made worse. Some probably go in as sadists, like the ones who shoot dogs, throw puppies off cliffs, and rape young girls. The military has recruited gang bangers, too, so that's another element of degenerate.

Posing with kills is sick, yes, but that Wikileaks video of Americans shooting reporters and innocent people from helicopters is just as sick. It's so removed and clinical. It's like kids stepping on ants and laughing about it. Guys like that will come home and be called heroes and lauded as patriots. Look again and see if you think these guys aren't committing cold blooded murder:
That footage was broadcast on UK TV in a documentary called "Iraq - the war you don't see on the news".

It is basically a massacre of a marketplace full of innocent civilians, men, women and children.

The sickest part is the voice at the end when the massacre is over saying "........nice".

That footage probably gives people like dick a maggot an erection "fucking ragheads".
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
It's just awful to watch. That poor man who could barley crawl because he was wounded. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Commando Cunt Queen
War is Hell.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(03-27-2011, 06:48 PM)Maggot Wrote: War is Hell.

True that. One thing I will say (and yeah, I'm armchair quarterbacking) is that it did look like that one guy peeking around the building might have had an RPG. And unfortunately, I can see where they mistook the camera for a weapon.

That said, the very casualness of the way they were walking around (despite the fact they must have known the helicopters were circling) indicates innocence (to me).

The commentary is disgusting but I can't disparage them too much for that. Totally different world. I'm sure emergency room doctors make sick comments. I think it's a coping mechanism. If they were up there being sentimental, how could they ever pull the trigger?

Commando Cunt Queen
(03-27-2011, 07:09 PM)username Wrote:
(03-27-2011, 06:48 PM)Maggot Wrote: War is Hell.

True that. One thing I will say (and yeah, I'm armchair quarterbacking) is that it did look like that one guy peeking around the building might have had an RPG. And unfortunately, I can see where they mistook the camera for a weapon.

That said, the very casualness of the way they were walking around (despite the fact they must have known the helicopters were circling) indicates innocence (to me).

The commentary is disgusting but I can't disparage them too much for that. Totally different world. I'm sure emergency room doctors make sick comments. I think it's a coping mechanism. If they were up there being sentimental, how could they ever pull the trigger?

The feeling I got was itching to shoot. One guy even said said something like "let me shoot". It's very much like a video game which I'm sure they all grew up playing.

Interesting article here about the history of the military and video games (simulated killing and warfare) -