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i can't recall in which thread we were discussing legal consequences for parents leaving loaded weapons around where there are little kids. this will do.
CONNERSVILLE, Ind. -- Police are investigating the shooting of a toddler in Fayette County, Ind.
Connersville police said Thursday that a 5-year-old boy accidentally shot his 2-year-old brother in a home on Reid Street at about 8 p.m. But on Friday, Police Chief David Counceller said they don't know for certain that the older boy was holding the gun when it went off.
Police said initially that the the older boy got the gun out of a box under a bed in an upstairs bedroom.
"We have our suspicions that the 5-year-old did (fire the gun), but we need to get that confirmed, and we will do that today," he said.
Police said Friday that the slain boy's name was Wyatt Fasbinder. His twin sister was not injured.
Counceller said Friday that the boys' father told officers that the gun was kept loaded, but without a round in the chamber. The chief said the 5-year-old appears to have been capable of loading the chamber.
"He displayed how you can take the gun and pull it back and he described the handgun very well ... Obviously he knew the characteristics of this firearm pretty well. There's a reasonable belief he could have chambered one," he said.
Counceller said he believed the child could have learned how to do so from a variety of sources, such as toys, TV or video games.
An autopsy is set for Friday in Muncie. Counceller said swabs were taken from all three children's hands in an effort to determine who was holding the gun, but that investigators are leaning toward the older child because of his knowledge of the gun and its operation.
Police said they don't expect to file charges at this point, but prosecutors are still looking at the case.
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i'm surprised he's being charged with 1st degree since he probably didn't intend to kill her. just to quiet her. tragic.
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OKLAHOMA CITY – A 13-year-old boy has admitted to shaking his 9-month-old sister, according to court documents. He now faces a first degree murder charge in her death.
Crystian Rivera is in the Oklahoma County Jail, arrested on one count of first-degree murder in the death of his sister. He's being held without bond and being treated as an adult in this case.
A 13-year-old boy has been accused of killing his sister because her crying interrupted a video game he was playing.
Crystian Rivera is alleged to have shaken his nine-month-old sister so hard she suffered a serious brain injury and fractured skull.
The Oklahoma teen allegedly told police he was angry because the baby's cries distracted him from his game and caused his character to die.
She had started crying after falling over in their family apartment, the affidavit said. After violently shaking the infant, named Linda Walleska Beletzuy, he told police he put her back in her cot so he could continue to play on his console.
An arrest report revealed that Rivera said his sister continued to cry and eventually fell asleep.
His parents discovered the seriously injured child when they returned home from work and rushed the baby to hospital.
Rivera was initially arrested on a child abuse charge, but this was upgraded to murder after the infant died on August 19th.
Police had first been called to the Deaconess Children’s hospital in Oklahoma City because the baby's injuries did not match the explanation offered by the parents.
The baby girl had a skull fracture with blood clots that were compressing her brain. Doctors concluded the injuries were caused from her being violently shaken.
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Why was a 13 year old boy babysitting for a 9 month old while his parents were at work?
I agree that 1st degree is a bit extreme, it doesn't sound like he planned to kill her-just get her to be quiet.
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I don't really get how the system can justify charging a 12 year old as an adult. As evil as that kid might be, there is no flipping way a 12 year old is an adult.
I can see it when they're close (16 or so--maybe a bit younger if they have a lengthy history) but 12? Stupid.
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(08-24-2011, 05:24 PM)username Wrote: I don't really get how the system can justify charging a 12 year old as an adult. As evil as that kid might be, there is no flipping way a 12 year old is an adult.
I can see it when they're close (16 or so--maybe a bit younger if they have a lengthy history) but 12? Stupid.
What about the fact that one's brain isn't fully developed until age 25? 18 is just the age that society has deemed one an adult because this is usually the age at which time one graduates high school. Just interesting to me because I don't think many 18 yr olds are making sound decisions and I still consider an 18 yr old a child.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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Update to post 99 about the 12 year old who killed his two year old half brother. Looks like mom was lying. Computer records show she was indeed at home and knew her 2 year old had been given a concussion by her older son. So, what was she doing? Why online banking and visiting internet gossip sites for 4 hours, of course. She later visited sites about how to address the baby's injuries before finally calling for medical help (too late).
The 12 year old is being charged with murder for slamming his little brother's head into a book shelf and causing him to die from trauma. The boy had previously broken his little brother's leg and had a history of violence. Mom is being charged with manslaughter.
![[Image: Biannela+Susana+Christian+Fernandez.jpg]](*264/Biannela+Susana+Christian+Fernandez.jpg)
Susana Biannela, mom ............Cristian Fernandez, son
Both this mother and son have had terrible lives, as outlined in post 99. She gave birth when she was 12, they were abused by her partner (the boy's stepfather), the stepfather killed himself in front of the family when police came to arrest him, etc... Man, what a vicious cycle...
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see prior posts
![[Image: FLadult_20111019_143836.gif]](
In the Florida courtroom, the first-degree murder defendant is dwarfed by the cops who surround him. In the interrogation room, he can barely sit still or stay awake.
This defendant is 12 years old and, if convicted, could spend the rest of his life in prison.
His name is Cristian Fernandez, and he is the youngest person to be charged with murder as an adult in Jacksonville's history.
“Yes, I have compassion for Cristian Fernandez, but it's not my job to forgive,” State Attorney Angela Corey said. “It's my job to follow the law."
Police say the crime was premeditated, that Fernandez intentionally killed his 2-year-old brother, David, by violently shoving him into a bookshelf twice, causing a skull fracture and massive internal bleeding.
The medical examiner ruled David’s death a homicide, caused by blunt-force trauma. Their mother, Biannela Susana, was not home at the time of the incident. Police say as David lay on his bed unconscious, his older brother called their mother, who then came home.
What happened next is very much at issue.
Susana, 25, is charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child and felony child abuse. She remains in jail on a $1 million bond and, if convicted, faces up to 30 years in prison.
Police say they have a confession from Cristian, but the case still has sparked international outrage. More than 170,000 people have signed an online petition urging the prosecutor to treat the 12-year-old as a juvenile, not as an adult. The prosecutor disagrees and says she is following Florida law.
The Sunshine State sends more juveniles into the adult prison population than any other state. In 2009, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 393 Florida juveniles entered adult prison. Florida was followed by Connecticut with 332 such cases, North Carolina with 215, New York with 190, Arizona with 157 and Texas with 156.
“He’s just a kid,” said Alicia Torres, whose son was a classmate of Cristian's. She signed the petition, too. "He's got a baby face. ... He doesn't know -- he doesn't know what's going on."
Complicating the Fernandez case is the role of Susana. Police say during the several-hour window between when she came home and drove David to the hospital, her laptop shows that she searched “when some (sic) gets knocked out” at 10:54 a.m. “When your unconscious for hours” at 2:15 p.m. At 2:38 p.m., “concussions on children.”
Then there were online searches for a Wachovia Bank account. At 2:39 p.m., the search was for “” After that, according to the police report, someone downloaded music, searched popular screen savers, went to YouTube and then finally “St. Luke’s Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida” at 3:07 p.m.
A doctor at St. Luke’s told a police officer that had the toddler been treated sooner, he may have survived.
Cristian Fernandez’s public defenders argue all of the blame belongs with the mother, and Fernandez does not deserve to be prosecuted in the adult system.
"I think many would argue that she's the most culpable when it comes to the death of this child," Matt Shirk said.
In light of a plea deal that may spare this 140-pound murder defendant from the adult system, Fernandez will next be in court Oct. 31. His trial date has not yet been set.
The mother is scheduled to stand trial starting Feb. 27.
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I don't care that he's only 12, lock him up. I knew goddamn well the consequences of my actions at that age & I think it's a crock of shit when the weepers come out of the woodwork in defense of some of these kids. Lock the mother up too, obviously she was aware there was a big problem.
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and florida WILL imprison him for life. they aren't kidding. even though this kid had a crap life. it was almost predictable.
It seems likely that 12-year-old murder suspect Cristian Fernandez will not be offered a plea deal.
This means the boy, if convicted, could be in prison for the rest of his life.
On Monday, a judge in Jacksonville, Fla., set February 27, 2012, as the trial date for the youngest person ever to be charged as an adult with first-degree murder in that city.
Fernandez is accused of pushing his 2-year-old brother David so violently into a bookshelf that the youngster never woke up and could not be saved by the time he got to the hospital.
The prosecutor had offered a plea deal several weeks ago. Under that deal, the boy would have to admit to murder. Then, when he turns 21, he could be set free.
But for Fernandez’ defense team, that deal is unacceptable for two reasons: it would mean their client would have to admit to murder, and that it's possible Fernandez would have to spend the final three years of that sentence in an adult prison. The defense had been hopeful that the state attorney would come back with a new plea deal offer, but that has not happened.
Fernandez’ mother, who was 12 years old when she became pregnant with Cristian, is also being held in prison without bond. She’s charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child, culpable negligence, because an investigation by police of her laptop shows a Google search for “when some (sic) gets knocked out” at 10:54 a.m. Then “concussions on children” at 2:38 p.m.
Those searches were followed by activity checking the family bank account, downloading of music, and then, finally, at 3:07 p.m., the first search for the location of “St. Luke’s Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida.”
A doctor at the time told detectives that had the 2-year-old been rushed to the hospital immediately, he could have been saved.
The evidence -- not all of which is open to the public -- was weighed by a grand jury, which determined 12-year-old Fernandez should be tried as an adult.
Also in court today, the boy’s defense attorneys made a brand new motion to have the judge dismiss the entire felony murder case, saying the conditions of these charges is not applicable.
Both Cristian Fernandez and his mother, Biannela Susana, remain held without bond.
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WTF is a 12 year old girl doing having a baby? How does a child retain custody of another child? How does she support the child? Where do they live? I thought the earliest a minor could be emancipated was age 15.
"Mason said Fernandez was found naked and dirty wandering in a hotel parking lot when he was 2 years old. Since his guardian was arrested on charges of neglect and possession of drugs and his mother was only 14, both Fernandez and Susana were placed in foster care."
So Fernandez had a guardian and both he and his 14 year old mother were in foster care? Good Lord, that boy should have been given up for adoption at birth. How can anyone expect a 12 year old girl to raise a baby?
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This actually happened on a road I take daily. I was wondering, who the fuck could of killed this lady? WELP! here ya go...
Shooting victim knew killer; relative says
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
By Clint Confehr, Senior Staff Writer
Penny Coyle
The Verona Caney Road woman found shot to death in a car Monday night probably knew her killer, according to her stepdaughter.
"I just think it has to be somebody she knew... somebody she trusted... or she wouldn't have pulled over," said Robin Coyle, 24, stepdaughter of Penny Blackwell Coyle, 51.
Arrest made in murder investigation
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 ~ Updated 3:44 PM
Marshall County Tribune
A young man who was 17 at the time of the shooting, but has since turned 18, was arrested today in connection with the death of Penny Blackwell Coyle on Nov. 21.
According to a press release from Sheriff Norman Dalton, Detective Bob Johnson served "a juvenile petition for criminal homicide" on the young man.
"The court will be asked to transfer the juvenile to an adult court at a later hearing," wrote the sheriff.
This is an on-going investigation, and anyone with information is asked to call the CrimeStoppers Hot Line at 359-4867.
One of the Blackwell's is a local Sheriff, too. Hope it's not a relative of his.  If so, MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU LIL" MOTHERFUCKER!!!
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Why should kids get a pass if they kill someone? The parents should receive the same sentence for raising the little fuckers and not supervising them.
If you kill someone, you killed someone. That doesn't change based on your age. Fucking crazy ass motherfuckers start younger now because half the people in this country are fucking bums raising criminals. This is what happens.
I wouldn't care how old someone was if they killed one of my children. I don't think you would, either, if it came right down to it.
Stay away from crazy people and hope like hell they don't move into your neighborhood. Protect yourself and worry about the PC crap later if they keep the yard up and don't steal your shit.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Teenager accused in Coyle murder
Friday, December 23, 2011
Marshall County Tribune
By Karen Hall
Staff Writer
A young man who was 17 at the time of the shooting, but has since turned 18, was taken into custody Tuesday in connection with the Nov. 21 shooting death of Penny Blackwell Coyle.
Jerron Braden of Lewisburg appeared shackled in Juvenile Court in front of Judge Lee Bussart Bowles. Standing with him was a representative of the department of Children's Services and a court appointed attorney.
Edit: Jerron's fb page (public)
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Teen accused of familicide
A few days after his 16 th birthday, Adrian Navarro-Canales was being sought by Las Vegas police. He was missing and police (reportedly) feared that he'd been abducted or killed by whomever stabbed his mother multiple times in the bathroom and stabbed his 9 year-old brother once in the bathtub (and then set the family's apartment on fire).
Adrian was located a couple of days later sitting in the food court of a nearby mall. He's being charged as an adult in the murder of his mother and brother.
Navarro-Canales is being represented by a public defender; his preliminary hearing is scheduled for October 30 th.
No details yet regarding his possible motive, any history of mental illness, etc...
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Jesus, another teen suspected of killing his mom and younger sibling...
Victims of murder by arson
The house fire was started using an accelerate.
Mr. Vonachen was at the home in Hutchinson, Kansas too (but escaped the fire; said he was awoken by fire alarm, went to get the phone, and was forced outside by the fire). 14 year-old Sam Vonachen was not at the house when firefighters and EMTs arrived; he showed up a few hours later.
11 year-old Audrey died at a Hutchinson hospital just a short time after the fire started. 47 year-old Karla died in a Wichita hospital later in the afternoon.
Sam sure doesn't seem broken up about the deaths of his family members, judging by his Facebook posts.
Regarding the fire and deaths of his mom and sister:
![[Image: 400x225]](
14 year-old Sam Vonachen was arrested just hours after his last post on Thursday, 9/26/13. He is charged with aggravated arson, the murders of his mother and 11 year-old sister, and the attempted murder of his father.
He waived preliminary hearing on Friday and the next hearing has not yet been scheduled.
The prosecutor is recommending that Sam be tried as an adult; he could face life in prison. If the judge rules that he should be tried as a juvenile instead, he would be released by age 23 if found guilty.
(Edited to correct date)
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(10-02-2013, 05:19 AM)Duchess Wrote: Whatta little psycho.
There have always been cases of kids who kill, but I've been following crime for a long time and it's definitely happening more frequently as of late. What the hell is going on?
Two kids killed their mothers and younger siblings last month.
This month has been a bad one for math teachers. First, math teacher (and military vet) Michael Landsberry was shot to death by his 12 year-old student in Sparks, Nevada on Monday. The kid killed himself immediately thereafter.
Then, yesterday, math teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24, was reportedly killed by a 14 year-old male student at the high school where she taught in Danvers, Mass.
Blood was found in the school bathroom and Ritzer's body was found in the woods behind the school. The suspect was located wandering along Route 1 and arrested shortly thereafter. He's being arraigned today in juvenile court. Details as to how Ritzer was killed have not been released.
Neither suspect is being named in the media due to their ages.
RIP Colleen Ritzer and Michael Landsberry
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Morals are not taught at the level it was years ago, it will get worse. I really hate the world as it is now I say hang the little fucker in the town square.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(10-23-2013, 12:47 PM)Maggot Wrote: Morals are not taught at the level it was years ago, it will get worse. I really hate the world as it is now I say hang the little fucker in the town square.
These are some generalizations along the lines of what Maggot is saying:
Kids don't sit down to dinner with their families anymore. They spend way too much time playing violent video games (and surfing the net alone, which is loaded with porn). They don't interact with people as much as they used to, again due to the advancement of wireless technology.
And with more and more people being raised like this, we're bound to have more loose screws loose in society.