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Raising the debt ceiling...
(07-22-2011, 08:47 PM)Maggot Wrote: Hillary will run..............Oh yes she will , mark my words Mockers.

I hope so.

If she will cut spending, she will get my vote. We don't have any good red guys this time. Plus, she is not weak. She would eff somebody up.

(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
One of every four dollars produced by the sweat of American private labor is now taxed and redistributed by 535 men and women in Congress.

Cut the effing budget. Don't give them any more money.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(07-22-2011, 08:47 PM)Maggot Wrote: Hillary will run..............Oh yes she will , mark my words Mockers.

Hell, if she'll overhaul the tax system and trade income tax for sales tax, I'll give her a blow job AND vote for her.

I'd kiss her for a flat tax. Maybe touch her boobs.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(07-22-2011, 08:08 PM)Cracker Wrote: Obama needs to cut the fucking budget already.
Uh-huh. Like he could get that past Pelosi and her cronies. Similarly, Boner can't get any tax reform past his cronies.

Obama could suggest cutting the budget in to tiny little bits and what would that get him (or the country)? His own party would shoot it down in the senate.

I swear, sometimes people think the President is a dictator. I think Obama would (and is willing) to support some middle ground in the debt debate. Guess where that's getting him? Fucked. Ineffectual. Because he somehow can't bring two polar-opposite sides together to come to some agreement.

THAT'S the reality of politics right now. Nothing can get done without bi-partisan support.

The only way a President actually has ultimate power is if his/her party has majorities in both the house and senate. Otherwise, it's all about negotiating.

He's taking flak from both sides; he's not making Republicans or Democrats happy at this point. That's sane to me. If he totally decided to switch sides and take up the Republican/Tea Party agenda his own party would abandon ship. He can't win.

Similarly, no one hard right will win either.

We're fucked. Smiley_emoticons_smile
Commando Cunt Queen
Thank God for Texas! hah
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(07-22-2011, 08:47 PM)Maggot Wrote: Hillary will run..............Oh yes she will , mark my words Mockers.

Maybe 2016.

Commando Cunt Queen
(07-22-2011, 08:42 PM)Cracker Wrote: It's dangerous to compare Bill to Barack. There is no comparison.

I would never do that. Bill is blacker than Barack.

I adore Bill Clinton & mourned when he left office. If Hillary runs, she'll get my vote. I truly hope Maggot is right & she gives it another shot.

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(07-23-2011, 06:01 AM)Duchess Wrote:

I adore Bill Clinton & mourned when he left office. If Hillary runs, she'll get my vote. I truly hope Maggot is right & she gives it another shot.

The only way I see her running is if Obama doesn't.

I'm not looking forward to the campaigns starting again. We need to be paying attention to the running of this country. Focus shifts during election years and bad stuff happens.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
top marginal rate of 39% is what Obama wants, the dems are looking for more bullets, they still have a few that want to shoot themselves rather than have obama as president again.

Harry the tax raiser from hell won't rest until he gets to have everyone paying everything into the government treasury.

Don't worry though you will still be able to buy a loaf of bread for 20 bucks.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-23-2011, 03:36 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Harry the tax raiser from hell won't rest until he gets to have everyone paying everything into the government treasury.

Don't worry though you will still be able to buy a loaf of bread for 20 bucks.

I still think it's fucked up that people have to give 14 to 13 of their income to the government. That is just income tax. If I start thinking about sales taxes and SPLOSTs and transportation taxes and property taxes and fuel taxes and ad valorem taxes and whatever else the fuck I pay, I get completely angry.

I get the benefit of about 20% of what I make. That is beyond fucked up. But most Americans are sheep. They mock the people raising hell about it.

Totally fucking disgusted by most people in this country. They are beyond stupid.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
I don't know the details yet but it sounds like the good news is, my taxes won't go up. If it passes, it sounds like we'll all take a hit on medicare/entitlements (but that's not a tax increase so it's okay somehow).

The GOP. "No new taxes"--we'll just fuck everybody equally.

Why they're going to create this bi-partisan committee AGAIN escapes me. They already had a bi-partisan council that gave recommendations on reducing the debt/deficit. Pete-repeat.

I hate politics.
Commando Cunt Queen
Yup. No worries. It all worked out.

Starting on Aug. 4, no unemployment, no more foreclosures, oil prices will drop, China will return all of our T-Bills and the dead will rise from their graves.

Pleasant dreams, dear.

(07-31-2011, 09:59 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Yup. No worries. It all worked out.

Starting on Aug. 4, no unemployment, no more foreclosures, oil prices will drop, China will return all of our T-Bills and the dead will rise from their graves.

Pleasant dreams, dear.

I have a cheap, golden bridge to sell you. Added bonus: it's a suicide magnet. j/s.
Commando Cunt Queen
Ummmm 8% buget increase per year, 20 billion off the increase?

fucking morons.

who the fuck do the liberals think they are fooling?

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-31-2011, 09:54 PM)username Wrote: The GOP. "No new taxes"--we'll just fuck everybody equally.

I hate politics.

Are you sick of all this already? I am not looking forward to the elections.

I think I might be a "Fair Tax" person. You pay taxes on what you spend. I like that. I at least want to touch my money before it goes away...

It would be freaking awesome not to file a tax return. Fuck the IRS. Get your money from business owners (sorry business owners, YOU figure out how to cheat so I don't have to...). Tiki would make an effen killing.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(07-31-2011, 10:50 PM)Cracker Wrote: Are you sick of all this already? I am not looking forward to the elections.

Yeah, I am. I keep harping back to the bi-partisan commission for reducing the deficit and how their recommendations are largely ignored. Sad.
Commando Cunt Queen
Who cares.

Your fears of global implosion is avoided.

What the fuck more do you want?
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I have to wonder who the 23% are? I figure that number reflects the marxists in our country.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(08-01-2011, 10:09 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: What the fuck more do you want?



I haven't turned on the t.v. yet this morning but it didn't seem to be entirely a done deal. Pelosi issued a pretty curt statement about it and the Tea Party Republicans were opposed. Maybe it won't get passed. Wouldn't that put a twist in Obama and Boner's shorts.

Commando Cunt Queen
The ceiling will either be raised or it won't.

If it doesn't get raised, it will be the first time.

There's your Change. Wish granted!

Given up on the whole Hope thing, huh?
