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Harvest Moon Post #19 Great info., I wondered what employment he had. I saw the JM post also probably John delivered a pizza to his home. Thanks to TW person posting Papa Johns. Papa Johns is in Colorado also maybe a transfer. Davids Bridal is also located there. JM poster also said they knew one of the Detectives on the case and she is a go-getter!! thats great news!
So Katelyn's Father was in the process of moving out to move in with a girlfriend - that would leave Katelyn alone, talk about sad! The boyfriend of course knew and who else?
If you Google Map Satellite View which I did to locate the Church where the festival was - why did the boyfriend tell the 911 operator that questionable people could be there - very strange! I wanted to know if the Church was within walking distance of Katelyn's home - Google provides it all and then roving around there are some of these large apartment complexes. I think people could walk to the Church no problem. Then thanks to google showing apartments nearby I wondered any sex offenders in the neighbourhood sure enough 9 of them within a 1 mile radius. Fortunately someone has posted that on The Katelyn Missing Facebook.
Harvest Moon said...
"Something about the boyfriend seems too methodical. I noticed it in his speech, but also in the way that every thing is planned. He proposed to her on her 21st birthday last year. Last week was their birthday and the one year anniversary of their engagement. They are planning to move to Colorado on Nov. 28 and will marry in two years when he turns 25."
I agree with the above statement!
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Timeline (according to published sources)
Katelyn last seen by John Carter: 11:00-11:30 p.m. 13 August
Last text received by John Carter: 12:52 a.m. 14 August
Katelyn's cell shut off: 12:45 a.m. 14 August
"Good morning" text by John Carter: unknown (he did not give a time in his interview)
John Carter goes to Katelyn's townhouse: 7-7:30 p.m. August 14
John states in his interview, "I keep texting her, I keep texting her no response no response. I call her no response. So then I went to my manager at work and I said 'Is it OK if I go to her house and see if she's OK?'"
It sounds like a rather extreme reaction from him. He actually left work to go to her home when he didn't hear from her. He never mentions calling her job or calling her father or her friends. He automatically assumes the worst and acts on it. Guilty knowledge? Did he want to get the ball rolling by alerting police to her missing?
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i would just love to read poly if he has taken one.
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I transcribed the interview with John Carter (boyfriend) given to WLWT on 19 Aug 2011 either before of after the prayer vigil held on that evening.
The tape starts abruptly, with John Carter talking.
Carter: "I'm sorry, I have, I just got distracted." (his right hand rubs right temple and top of right ear) "I wound-up leaving, then she was texting me about the things I had to do and things like that, and I said uh, uh, OK, well I'll take care of it and all this stuff. She's like, 'Oh I kinda wanted to be there but it's OK and blah, blah, blah.'"
Carter continues: "Then she sent me a picture of herself, it was like a picture of a picture, 'cause she's very artistic and loves to show me her work and stuff like that." "So, uh, Katelyn sent me a picture of her and that was the last message I got and then that night when I got home it was kinda late. I was with some friends after I went to her house and, uh, I was uh watching TV and stuff like that. And, uh, I decided to send her a good morning text message and, uh, uh, normally when she wakes up she's like, (he changes his voice pitch) 'Oh thank you for the message, I love you, I miss you, blah, blah, blah.' And it was like, uh, and, and it, she didn't do that. But I assumed that maybe she had to wake up and go to work really quick, she was gettin' late or something she didn't respond."
This is 1:40 into the interview and he has already given us a ton of information. He states "I wound-up leaving her house." I think there was an argument and he left, not a routine leaving when Katelyn went to bed for the night. If they had said goodnight and he left, why would he say he "wound up" leaving?
He then states, "she was texting me about the things I had to do"
Does he feel that she is telling him what to do?
When he goes on to describe the rest of his night/morning, it doesn't appear that he slept. He says he was with friends and watching TV. I am not sure what the hours are at David's Bridal on a Sunday-but his good morning message would've been around 9:00 a.m. or so, which is 9-10 hours after he states he last saw her.
*Will continue with the interview in subsequent posts*
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thanks for transcribing Cheyne!
when i interview someone i am leery of waaaaaay too much superfluous detail. but that of course can be attributed to nervousness. or rehearsal. or any number of things.
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Double that thanks for transcribing Cheyne! I have listened to that interview a few times an notice different things every time I hear it.
Notice that he first said it was a "picture of a picture, because she is artistic and likes to show her work" but then he says it was a picture of herself. Well which was it, a picture of her or a picture of a piece of artwork?
That's just one example of why I think he is lying. Is says a lot, even too much about some things, but also glosses over things with the casual "blah, blah..."
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John Carter interview, continued.
Carter: (Rolls tongue around inside mouth)"I keep texting her, I keep texting her, no response, no response. I call her, no response. (Touches right hand to right side of head) So then I went to my manager at work and I said, 'Is it OK if I go to her house and see if she's OK?'
"I went to her house, her car was still there. That made me worried because she should be at work. So I ran inside, I, I, didn't, I mistakenly didn't check to see if the door was locked. I just turned, put my key in and went in. (Right hand in the air as if taking an oath) And went up to her room. And she wasn't there her dog was in there which he's never there. He's, he usually goes into the bathroom where he's got a bed, some food and water and stuff. Ah but he wasn't in there, or he was, he was in her room, umm and uh honestly he went to the bathroom in the room and you could tell it had been there for a while so I knew she hadn't been in her room for a while and, and that freaked me out." (Crushing the water bottle and pounding it into his hand) "So I immediately called friends, family, police, everything I could do to get my fiancee back. Katelyn is the love of my life. I've been with her for six years, we've been engaged for a year today would be exactly a year, um, today's also her birthday and uh, I really miss her. I miss Katelyn a lot and I love Katelyn a lot and I really, really want to see her again. And if anybody can do anything please do something."
This ends the John Carter monolog. At his point the reporters begin to ask questions.
I think he is telling the truth here. He did text and call her, as there would be a record of that on his phone. He did ask his manager to leave, that is easily checked. He did go into the townhouse, he was there when he called 911.
However, he is not telling the whole truth. He's very careful to say that he didn't check if the door was locked-but almost gives away the fact that he turned ("I just turned, put my key in") the door knob and walked in.
He also wants everyone to know that he's done "everything I could do to get my fiancee back" by calling friends, family and police.
He makes a big deal of his emotions and freaking out. This doesn't make a lot of sense, as Katelyn wasn't supposed to be home from her shift at David's until 7:00 or 7:30 that evening-which is the time he was there.
Even thought her car was there, she may have grabbed a ride to work with someone. There are a thousand reasons that her car would be there and she wouldn't be, but he jumps to the conclusion that she is missing and calls everyone including the police.
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John Carter interview, continued. The reporters questions are hard to hear.
Reporter: "Any idea what could've happened?"
Carter: (Right hand touches glasses and right temple) "I, I don't even know that would do that. She's literally the sweetest girl. Um, I mean she's so nice and caring and um, ah, ah, I don't even have any, her friends are my friends and my friends are her friends. Except for the friends that are at her school, but that's school friends. And it just don't seem suspicious to me. I have, I have no one in mind. She would never just leave, she's too pragmatic, she would never just take off and go somewhere. And I just can't explain it, I just don't know.
Reporter: "It must be pretty scary right now."
Carter: "I'm terrified. I'm absolutely terrified, I, I just want to find Katelyn and celebrate her birthday with her and go to Red Lobster like she was planning. That's all I wanna do."
Reporter: "Any signs of like a robbery?"
Carter: (Scratches back of head with right hand) "There was no signs of a break-in, um, when I went into her room. Uh, she has hats on her bedpost, those were knocked-off, and there was a pencil holder that was knocked-off but Murphy was in there. Her dog. And he could've and the pencil holder is right in the front of the window, he could've jumped-up to look out the window and knocked the pencils off and jumped off the bed. I mean he was there for a long time, it seemed."
He makes a point that her school friends are unknown to him. The biggest red flag in the interview, imo, is when he says "she's too pragmatic she would never just take off and go somewhere". He states later in the interview that they had been talking about going to Colorado "for days" maybe she told him she wasn't going to Colorado with him in November.
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John Carter interview, continued. The reporters questions are hard to hear.
Reporter: "So what's the timeline, what time did you leave her from hanging out that night?"
Carter: (Left hand touches left side of face and head) "I left, I left at around eleven, eleven-thirty something like that."
Reporter: "Saturday night?"
Carter: "Saturday night, yes."
Reporter: "Then, um, you were like running errands for your trip?"
Carter: "I um, um, to be honest she wanted me to burn some legal documents for her. She didn't want anyone to get them out of the trash or anything like and, uh, she doesn't have a fire pit. So I was going to my friend's house to burn those documents and it was just bills and her class schedules and stuff like that. Just stuff that she didn't want anyone to take and find out."
Reporter: "Things you would normally shred."
Carter: "Exactly." (Pushes glasses up with right hand)
Reporter: "And what time did you get the text photo from her?"
Carter: (Touches right side of nose with right hand) "Uh I got it, I remember looking at it, it said twelve fifty-two but to be honest, those photos come in so slowly it could've been way earlier than that that she sent it, and I just got it at twelve fifty-two, you know." (Right hand touches right ear)
Reporter: "What was it a photo of?"
Carter: It was just a picture of her. I can, I can pull it up, it's on my phone."
Reporter: What was she doing and where was she, do you know?"
Carter: "She was at her house, she was about to go to bed, um."
Reporter: "Can you tell us a little bit about her, she had two jobs, right? She was a student."
Carter: (Messing with his phone to pull-up the last message Katelyn sent) "This is the last message. And it was just this picture of her and it was a picture her boss took from her co-op job. And, uh, she just wanted to show it to me. And, uh, I don't know if I can turn it sideways." (Turns phone sideways) "That." (Right hand touches right ear) "Yeah, uh sorry, I just that, that was the last thing she sent." (Shrugs shoulders and smiles briefly) "Um, other than that she was like, uh, the messages before it were ya know, I just wrote, 'I just burned them, blah, blah, blah.' And she was like, 'I kinda wanted to be there to see it, blah, blah, blah.' (Right hand touches left side of face and digs in the left ear) And, I, uh, and then you know she sent me that picture message after that and nothing." (Shrugs shoulders) "Just nothing. And I assumed she was asleep at the time, I mean it's of course."
I believe he did burn the documents. If his friend was at his home with the fire pit, JC establishes an alibi for the time he claims he left. How does JC know that Katelyn is at her house when she texts him? He just says that she texts that she wanted to be there when he burned the documents.
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John Carter interview continued.
Reporter: "She definitely wasn't going through a depression or anything like that?"
Carter: "Not at all, not at all. I mean she was geared-up to graduate, she's ready for her birthday, she's ready for, for everything. And, and ya know, we've been talking about going to Colorado for days. If she was scared she would have said something. But..."
Reporter: "And Colorado was a trip?"
Carter: "We were gonna try and move there for a couple years, ya know, kinda push ourselves out into the world and start growing up and stuff like that. It was, it was time. We're in the safety net of our parents and all that stuff and we wanted ta, we wanted ta get out. We wanted to be that way."
Reporter: "A little bit of excitement for her..(couldn't hear the rest of her response).
Carter: "So, (shrugs shoulders) pretty much that's all it was."
Reporter: "So you feel like since she was so organized and everything there has to be something suspicious..."
Carter: (Uses left hand to dig in left ear) "Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, I don't know who would do it or if anyone did it. I don't, I don't know and it's so up in the air. I just want Katelyn back."
At this point the tape is snipped. The interview continues, as this man just can't shut up.
Carter: "No, the last time I talked to her was Saturday night and then uh, (Uses left hand to dig in left ear) uh, I left at around eleven-thiry and then we were texting Saturday night about the document and stuff like that."
Reporter: "When did you go over to her townhouse to check on it-you found the dog and everything?"
Carter: "Around seven, seven-thirty."
Reporter: "The next day, Sunday?"
Carter: "Yeah because she was supposed to get back form work at around seven, seven-thirty."
Reporter: "At night?"
Carter: "Yeah."
Reporter: "OK."
Carter: "Yeah."
Reporter: "So all day long she..."
Carter: "Yeah, yeah and it..."
Reporter: "You'd been calling her, couldn't get in touch with her. I imagine that you guys are young and you text.."
Carter: "Yeah.'
Reporter: "All day long to each other."
Carter: "Yeah and I, I sent her so many texts. I mean after the good morning message I was a little worried but I, you know, I just figured she was busy, it was just a busy time for her, so." (Uses right hand to dig in left ear)
Katelyn was already grown up. She was graduating from college, with two jobs. She was responsible. It sounds like JC was the one who needed to move to grow-up. Notice that they had only been talking about moving for days, not weeks or months. I don't think Katelyn was scared to move to Colorado, she just flat-out didn't want to move there and told him so.
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John Carter interview continued.
Reporter: "Was her wallet missing?"
Carter: "No, her purse was in her room, her keys were in her room, her purse in her room, and her purse in her room along with everything she would (uses right hand to touch nose and glasses) normally take with her when she leaves."
"Eh, except for, it was her, her cellphone. The only things that were missing I, I, yeah"
Reporter: "Have they been able to locate her cellphone on the GPS tracking device?"
Carter: "Not at all. No, they weren't able to ping it. Uh, if anyone knows how to ping a phone with it being turned-off, that would be the greatest thing ever-so..."
Reporter: (says something I can't hear) "She ran out of juice or something on the phone?"
Carter: "I guess, I guess or something happened to it or whatever."
Reporter: "What was the last hour of (unintelligible) with her like? Were you guys, were you talking about your future?"
Carter: "Yeah, um, I mean we were talking about Colorado and all that stuff and (clears throat) we were talking about, uh, uh, just, uh, the documents, buh, her wanting me to do this things for her. And ah, ah, ya know even if I worked a ten, eight hour day I'd still come back and do anything (crosses arms over chest) for her, always clean-up for her. You know vacuum her house anything like that. 'Cause she's way more busy than me. She has two jobs and she goes to school. And she deserves to be taken care of and that's how I feel about it."
Interview ends (or cameraman runs out of tape). It was over 9 minutes long.
Any comments on John Carter and the possible role he plays in this case are welcome.
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thankyou again for all that work on transcribing Cheyne!
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You are welcome LC. Going to go grab a glass of iced tea, a smoke and let my fingers rest  .
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Holy crap! I was re-watching the video footage LC linked in post #8 on the prayer vigil.
At :51 on the video, a reporter states: "Katelyn Markham's fiance John Carter, also the last person seen with her, says he's doing what he can to help police and says like most everyone else who knows her well that her disappearance is a mystery."
At 1:05 John Carter states: "Um, I, I, I really did not want this to get this far, I really wish that she would've been home by now you know. I, I didn't, I wish this could've just been a party for her being home instead of what it is, ya know?"
Holy sheep shit Batman! That sounds like a statement of remorse, and a confession. How many times doesn't a murderer state, "I really didn't want it to go that far?" or some variation thereof?
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Cheyne, Thank-you! for transcribing that lengthy interview! What an awesome job you did!
The whole interview just annoys me period! I didn't see a teardrop - I didn't see a frantic pleading fiance - most people would be climbing the walls!
I am wondering if Katelyn ever got home at all Saturday Night. What if the poor girl never got home at all. Did she work at Davids Bridal at this Mall until 9 p.m.? Does anyone know? What if the fiance is lying about the time she got home (this is my opinion only). The dog locked up in her bedroom doesn't add up to me, then her hats are knocked off the bed and pencils knocked down (sounds like a frantic fiance to me there). If Katelyn answered the door to an intruder a stranger like that would make sure that dog is in her bedroom? the stranger would grab her and go I'd think and the dog would be running around all over. Most people walk their dogs the night before they go to bed so the pet will be bathroom safe. Most people brush their teeth before they retire for the night (the detectives will note that) all kinds of things the alarm clock - some people have automatic coffee makers Katelyn's father has that info.
Cheyne yes I think possibly a big row about Colorado.
Cheyne any thoughts on above?
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Journal News
Reward increased for missing woman
12:01 PM Wednesday, August 24, 2011
FAIRFIELD — A reward being offered to anyone with information regarding the disappearance of Katelyn Markham has been increased to $5,000.
The reward is being contributed from an anonymous donor. Markham was last seen Aug. 13 and was reported missing Aug. 14.
As more time passes since Katelyn Markham was last seen, authorities say they are preparing for the worst-case scenario.
“We hope for the best, but we’re preparing for the worst,” said Fairfield police Chief Mike Dickey. “Clearly on this spectrum, it’s possible we’re going to end up in a worst case scenario here. Are we headed in that direction? I think we have to think about it that way.”
Dickey said there’s still no evidence of foul play, but “it’s clear the longer this goes on without locating her, in any condition, it doesn’t help the situation.”
Anyone with information is asked to call Fairfield police at (513) 829-8201 nor CrimeStoppers at 513-352-3040.
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A search is being organized for Katelyn I copied this off Facebook...
Facebook Bring Katelyn Markham Home Page
"About the search tomorrow at Gilmore Ponds Preserve Metropark at 5pm in Hamilton. There is very little parking there on the Gilmore entrance but there is another entrance to the park off of Symmes right next to Quality Publishing on Berk Blvd. There is not much room to park there either. There are a few businesses on Gilmore and Symmes that may allow parking if they are asked. There is also a Nati...onal Guard on the corner of Gilmore and Symmes. Not sure who is heading things up but maybe we need to call and see if they will allow parking? I saw a couple there just now when I went to check things out and they were also scoping out the parking. They told me they were there to check things out for their daughter who was searching for Katelyn. So, people DO care and are looking for her!!!!"
39 minutes ago
Information on Gilmore Ponds Preserve Metropark
Gilmore Ponds
Interpretive Nature Preserve
Fairfield, OH, Butler County
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I am not on Facebook, but I have clicked on the Missing, bring Katelyn Markham Home page. Someone is deleting comments by posters (anything even hinting of John Carter's possible involvement is quickly removed) but one person posted that there was a big thunderstorm on Saturday 13 August during the Sacred Heart festival. I checked the weather archives for that night and there was rain/thunderstorms from 11:17 p.m. to 2:53 a.m. Sunday morning.
If there were thunderstorms and on/off rain in the area, it would be difficult for John Carter to burn documents. However, with rain and wind closing the festival down early and everyone getting into shelter-there would be less witnesses outside in Katelyn's neighborhood to see him if he moved her/her body.
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I read somewhere on here that someone on the facebook page was deleting anything against John Carter....Yes they are. When I stated anything about him I was attacked by those close to him. I said what if he had her phone and emailed the pic to his own phone - somewhere I read that he said it was an old pic. Nothing that he says makes any sense and he also stated that he felt that she " was close by" That is exactly what Casey Anthony said about Caylee.
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He was also quick to turn the attention to the festival : Carter also said in his 911 call, "A Sacred Heart Festival is going on right up the street, and there are a lot of questionable people there."
Carter explained that statement to FOX19, saying, "I don't think it draws shady, sketchy people, but there were so many people there you don't know everybody's intentions there."
Why would you throw this into the 911 call?