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Has anyone else thought that maybe she was not only saying 'no' to moving to Colorado, but was also calling off their engagement? Maybe she had found someone else.
He sounds insecure enough, that that may have pushed him over the edge. He's guilty. It's just a matter of time before they find her, and, in turn, have enough evidence to convict him.
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(08-25-2011, 04:03 PM)Cheyne Wrote: Nancy Grace is airing the case tonight. While I hate her interviewing tactics (it's all about her dontchaknow) I am hoping she will have some news on the case.|head
Not a fan of (dontchaknow) LOL Looking forward to your comments about iinterview.
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Spy: He sounds insecure enough, that that may have pushed him over the edge. He's guilty. It's just a matter of time before they find her, and, in turn, have enough evidence to convict him.
you proclaimed someone guilty in another case right away, and were wrong. wait a bit.
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(08-25-2011, 06:48 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: you proclaimed someone guilty in another case right away, and were wrong. wait a bit. [/b]
You're right. I was wrong in the case where the woman ran away with her 4-year old, but, I was right in the Michigan case where the married woman was having an affair with her Fugly cousin. 50% is pretty good where I come from.
I actually read all the transcripts of his interviews, and he's the only logical reason why she'd be missing. I was just looking for motive. I think she was actually breaking up with him. Isn't it fun to postulate?
Pretty boring just chatting about it. I'm throwing my 2 cents out there!
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if you're the 50% that's locked up for life and innocent, it's not that good a stat. 
of course it's fun to speculate, and he may well be the likely suspect. i just like to keep my stronger opinions to myself as a matter of professional responsibility. but sometimes i do come right out and offer to double-tap the fucker.
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Thanks for the insights, I never considered Aspergers, or autism. I really don't know much about the syndrome.
We don't know if Carter attended or graduated from college, but I don't hold that as a sign of intelligence. He isn't as articulate as he wants people to believe, in his interviews there are a lot of "ums, ahs," and repeated words.
Every time I listen to him talk, I get the feeling that he thinks he is out-smarting everyone (and so far he is). I am sure that LE in Fairfield are watching him closely and analyzing his statements. They are privy to a lot of information that we don't have access to. Many things he has publicly stated are easily checked. Verifying that he was with friends after he left Katelyn's home on Saturday night, what time he left work on Sunday to "check on her", where he lives in relation to Katelyn.
Looking at him sitting on the couch in the latest interview, I believe he lives with his mother (I think his parents are divorced) and stepfather(?). That looked like a rather large home for a 23 year old pizza delivery man.
I have a theory I'm working on, but I want to see what Nancy Grace has to say-see if there is any more information coming down.
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LC, you have a reputation to uphold.
I'm just a bum with access to a forum.
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Breaks his silence? Bwahaha! He hasn't been silent since the vigil.
And I hate how they are calling her a bride-to-be. Katelyn is a (graduating) student, artist, and hard working responsible young woman, not merely John Carter's financee. UGH!
They weren't even planning on getting married for two years for chrissakes, the wedding wasn't next week.
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Very interesting. With such little information we can speculate so much. Here are a few of my thoughts:
Did she have any type of mental issues that would require medication which she quit taking thereby leaving her in a state of confusion, etc.
Does she have any type of history of running away or disappearing in the past.
Though friends and family haven't admitted to problems with fiance -could there have been past episodes of arguing, breaking up/making up.
Disappearing and leaving behind everything to me means -- suicide (walked away and committed the offense); murder (boyfriend would have to be suspect).
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WCPO Channel 9 Cincinnati, OH
Ring could lead to missing woman
There is a Video here in the link, you can see Katelyns boyfriend briefly at the begining of the video plump fellow, plaid shirt & he's smoking and then you see him again at the end of the video on the right smoking. The family wanted a picture of Katelyns engagement ring out there for the public to see it, they believe it may help locate Katelyn.
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yes, i posted close-up pic of her ring in post# 10.
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Hello again. I am not from the Fairfield area, just saw it on the news.
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There are several things that bother me about this case.
1) John Carter said on Nancy Grace last night that he took a polygraph and passed it, but no where else does it state that he passed it and the police have not come out and said he passed it.
2) If he was trying to reach her all day and she wasnt answering her phone or texts and she was suppose to be at work, instead of him leaving his job to check on her why didnt he call her at the job?
3) He said that he took documents to a friends house to burn them, Who is this friend and did he confirm that John was there burning these items and if so at what time?
The Observer
I am a Fairfield resident, and I live within a few blocks of Katelyn's townhouse. I have never met Katelyn or John, but have taken up a keen interest in the story. It hits too close to home, literally.
My wife and I attended the prayer vigil last Friday and we came away saddened, and also very suspicious of John Carter.
Four people that knew Katelyn spoke. A co-worker, her father, John Carter, and then a classmate/close friend. The one that didn't seem right was Carter. The other three had visible tears streaming, and tremor in their voices. They were shaken. Carter was different. He sounded very rehearsed. Calculated. I saw not one visible tear, though he repeatedly stuck his fingers up behind his glasses as if he were wiping tears. My wife said "he is a bad actor", and I agree 100% with her. He was acting.
I hope the police/investigators are playing some head games in the media, and that Carter is in their crosshairs. Too much is being given as fact, facts that come solely from Carter's testimony. He says she was last seen at her townhouse and he says there was no argument and he says he could never hurt her and so on. What if he is lying about everything?
Here is my theory:
Katelyn is blossoming as a young adult. She is a success at work and in school, and her career is about to take off. This has made Carter insecure in general as his personal future doesn't seem as bright. Somehow she set him off. Maybe she didn't want to move or tried to call off the engagement, etc.
He goes off. He can't imagine life without her. They've been together for 6 years, he knows nothing else, and he has big plans to move with her (take her away perhaps?) to Colorado. All of these plans are threatened by something that she did or said and he completely loses it.
I think he killed her at a location, not her townhouse or either of their cars, and then dumped her/hid her somewhere not very close to the townhouse, and then planned the coverup. He drops off his phone at home (he is aware of the ping system) to put himself at his home, goes to her townhouse and collects items that could alert police as evidence that something had been rotten in Denmark. Written notes/journals, etc. He texts himself the picture (anyone with access to the phone could have done as much) to put her in the townhouse around midnight (when he was at home) and then turns off her phone and dumps it, puts the dog in the bedroom so there is some sign that something went wrong there.
Then he goes to burn up the collected items/potential evidence, cementing the alibi that he was not at the townhouse. He continues to text her the next day because he knows if he hadn't it would be later questioned. He rehearses the 911 call over and over and then calls and tries to deflect interest by mentioned the church festival.
He is active in the search as he is very comfortable with people searching the area around the townhouse. He knows she isn't there. He openly tells of burning documents as he knows it is suspicious especially if he doesn't come forward with it. He thinks he is very smart, actually is he smart by most definitions IMO.
He has an ego for sure, but unfortunately he is a "bad actor" and I predict he ends up playing the role of murderer before too long.
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(08-25-2011, 04:45 PM)Harvest Moon Wrote: [quote='Cheyne' pid='185718' dateline='1314284235']
Asperger syndrome or Asperger's syndrome or Asperger disorder (play /ˈɑspərɡərz/[1] or /ˈæspərɡərz/[2]) is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported.[3][4]
My nephew has Asperger syndrome.
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welcome to Mock Observer, and thanks for posting 
please read:
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Welcome Observer! Nice post, you make some interesting observations.
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I transcribed the entire Nancy Grace interview last night. However, it was just a re-hash of everything John Carter has previously stated. The last question and his answer are interesting though. Notice how he doesn't really answer the question-it's all about him until the last three sentences.
Grace: "...But it is unusual according to reporters you have spoken of her in the past tense."
Carter: "I have spoken of her in the past tense because she is currently missing. And I only use the past tense because I just, I don't know what else to use and it's really confusing when I'm talking to so many people about it. You know, what direction I can go. And, and, it's, it's insanely hard to deal with a lot of this stuff, so I deal with a lot of stress. I just want to re-iterate the fact that, I just want Katelyn home and that's all that matters to me. I don't care if people are, you know, talking about me, whatever. As long as we're focused on Katelyn Markham and bringing Katelyn Markham home that is all I want.
There is no hard evidence that Katelyn is dead. She is missing. Innocent family members and friends will speak of a missing person in the present tense. This usually is due to no evidence of death, and hope that the missing person is still alive. If a close family member speaks of a missing person in the past tense they usually know more than they are admitting to.
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To The Observer: Wow, that is a great theory. You are correct, the media (and public) are treating Carter's statements as facts. I do note that he has not publicly stated what time he arrived at Katelyn's home on Saturday. She works at David's Bridal, I checked the hours and the store closes at 7 p.m. on Saturday. Even with an hour's drive, she would be home by 8 p.m. If he did leave the townhouse at 11:30 to burn "documents" and establish an alibi with his friends, that left him approx. 3.5 hours to kill her and dump her body.
My understanding (correct me if necessary LC) is searches start nearest to the last known area the missing person was seen, then fan-out from there. He does seem very comfortable with the searching and posting of fliers, which leads me to believe either he had nothing to do with her disappearance, or he dumped her away from Fairfield.
Please keep us updated on anything you hear locally. Local people have their "ears to the ground" so to speak and definitely have a different perspective.
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If she was at work, her last known place would have been work, not home.
They would be searching from work toward home first the route she drove, the side roads and vacant places between work and home.
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John Adams