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OK it's the Enquirer. but they often get it right.
is Michelle an expensive First Ho? 
i had a thread a couple years ago with many of her clothes, i liked them. very tasteful and pricey.
10 million??
The Obamas' summer break on Martha's Vineyard has already been branded a PR disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets.
But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances.
White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations alone in the past year.
Branding her 'disgusting' and 'a vacation junkie', they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.
The 'top source' told the National Enquirer: 'It's disgusting. Michelle is taking advantage of her privileged position while the most hardworking Americans can barely afford a week or two off work.
'When it's all added up, she's spent more than $10million in taxpayers' money on her vacations.'
The source continued: 'Michelle also enjoys drinking expensive booze during her trips. She favors martinis with top-shelf vodka and has a taste for rich sparking wines.
'The vacations are totally Michelle's idea. She's like a junkie. She can't schedule enough getaways, and she lives from one to the next - all the while sticking it to hardworking Americans.'
While the President and his wife do pay for some of their personal expenses from their own pocket, the website says that the amount paid by the couple is 'dwarfed by the overall cost to the public'.
The magazine also reported that Mrs Obama, whose fashion choices are widely followed, had been going on 'wild shopping sprees', much to the distress of her husband, who, its sources reveal, is 'absolutely furious' at his wife's 'out-of-control spending'.
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in Spain
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Suntan lotion aint cheap!
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(08-24-2011, 08:54 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: [b][color=#FFDAB9]OK it's the Enquirer. but they often get it right.
is Michelle an expensive First Ho? 
Did you expect anything less? I found another article about it from the Washington examiner:
For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity
By: Byron York | Chief Political Correspondent | 08/13/10 3:00 AM
After a widely admired start in the White House, first lady Michelle Obama's popularity is falling and, if the current downward trend in her approval ratings continues, could touch lows not seen since the scandal-tainted days of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 50 percent of those surveyed say they have a positive opinion of Mrs. Obama. That's down from 64 percent in April 2009 and 55 percent in January of this year. The first lady's positive rating is barely ahead of her husband's personal approval figure, which stands at 46 percent in the new poll.
The survey was taken from Aug. 5-9, which happened to coincide with Mrs. Obama's vacation in Spain, where she, along with daughter Sasha and several friends, stayed in a posh five-star resort. It was a luxurious getaway for the first lady of a nation with nearly 10 percent unemployment and widespread economic anxiety, and it fed an image of extravagance that Mrs. Obama has created by, among other things, patronizing chichi restaurants and wearing $775 boots to break ground at her White House garden. A new name -- "Michelle Antoinette" -- was born.
The first lady's falling numbers stand in opposition to the still-strong belief among some Washington political insiders that she will be a big asset for Democrats on the campaign trail this fall. After the Spain trip brought the first extended bad press of her time as first lady, the White House, and some of its allies in the press, pushed back by claiming Mrs. Obama will still be much in demand. News accounts suggested her "sky-high popularity," her role as "cultural and fashion icon" and her "incredible force" will boost Democrats across the country. Now, with the Wall Street Journal/NBC numbers, that's not so clear.
Mrs. Obama's ratings are decidedly different from predecessor Laura Bush. In December 2001, as George W. Bush's popularity soared after the 9⁄ 11 attacks, Mrs. Bush's positive rating stood at 76 percent in the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Nearly four years later, in 2005, it was 65 percent. Still later, when President Bush's job approval rating hit bottom, Mrs. Bush fell briefly to 54 percent -- still above where the current first lady is today.
Even after Mrs. Obama's European vacation, some former Bushies are slow to criticize the first lady. "I defended her on her trip to Spain because the first wave of anger was about the cost of her friends' travel expenses, which wasn't the case," says former Bush White House press secretary Dana Perino. "But then I realized -- and I was surprised by how strong it was from the Left -- that people were mad about the appearance of it. And I don't think that's about her trip in particular. I think people seized on the trip to channel their more general anger and frustration with the administration's policies and approach."
Perino is probably more understanding than the public as a whole. In the coming campaign, Mrs. Obama's expensive tastes invite the charge that the Obama White House, with its fondness for Wagyu beef, glitzy parties, and celebrity hobnobbing, is out of touch with regular people. That can hurt at a time when 66 percent of those surveyed in the new poll believe President Obama has fallen short of their expectations for dealing with the economy.
Where do Mrs. Obama's ratings go from here? The White House is certainly hoping she won't end up in the territory last occupied by Hillary Rodham Clinton, who began her time in the White House with a 57 percent positive rating but quickly fell into the 40s after the Travelgate scandal and into the 30s with the Whitewater investigation.
The administration is also hoping Mrs. Obama doesn't get an extended version of the treatment handed to first lady Nancy Reagan. There's no comparable polling from that era, but during the economic downturn of the early 1980s Mrs. Reagan's image was hurt by relentless criticism from the press. The New York Times lashed out at her for "exercising her opulent tastes in an economy that is inflicting hardship on so many."
Back then, the pundits didn't hit Mrs. Reagan for the mere "appearance" of extravagance. So far, Mrs. Obama has mostly escaped that kind of searing criticism. But one more lavish outing and nobody will be talking about her as the White House's best asset.
Byron York, The Examiner's chief political correspondent, can be contacted at [email protected]. His column appears on Tuesday and Friday, and his stories and blog posts appears on
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Maybe they should rent out the "Lincoln Room" to pay for their next vacation?
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She's gettin it while she can, she realizes there may not be a next term!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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(08-24-2011, 08:54 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: . . . and has a taste for rich sparking wines.
Cold Duck makes dem panties drop!
Andre by the gross.
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some Obama illegal relatives. living off public largesse. our idiot Gov. likes illegals. here! have some free money! and housing! and anything else you want! goddamn Mass. i used to be proud of this state.
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Onyango Obama, a long-lost relative of the president who moved to the U.S. in the 60s, posed for a mug shot after his drunk-driving arrest
Australian Times
BARACK Obama's long-lost "Uncle Omar" has been arrested for alleged drunk-driving outside Boston and detained as an illegal immigrant, The Times can reveal.
The arrest ends a mystery over the fate of a relative that the US President wrote in his memoir had moved to America from Kenya in the 1960s, although the circumstances of his discovery may now prove to be an embarrassment for the White House.
Official records say Onyango Obama, 67, was picked up outside the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7.10pm on August 24. Police say he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4x4 into a patrol car, and then insisted that the officer should have given way to him. A report filed with the Framingham District Court said that a breathalyser at the police station registered his blood alcohol at 0.14mg/100ml of blood, above the state limit of 0.08mg.
According to a local newspaper, Mr Obama was charged with driving under the influence and driving to endanger, as well as failing to use a turn signal. He was detained as an illegal immigrant because the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has an outstanding warrant for him because he was previously ordered to be deported to Kenya.
The Times has established from his birthdate that Mr Obama is the Uncle Omar mentioned in President Obama's best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father. In the 1995 book, President Obama writes of "the uncle who had left for America 25 years ago and had never come back".
In 2008, The Times mounted a search for Uncle Omar. Instead of finding him, we discovered his sister, President Obama's Auntie Zeituni, who was living as an illegal immigrant on a Boston housing estate. Uncle Omar and Auntie Zeituni are the children of President Obama's grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama, by his third wife Sarah, the woman President Obama calls "Granny", because she raised his father, Barack Sr, who was Hussein Obama's son by Hussein's second wife, Akumu.
The 2008 investigation unearthed public records naming an O. Onyango Obama, born on June 3, 1944, living at a house in the Boston suburbs, where he was known as Obama Onyango. Framingham police records list the man arrested last week as Onyango Obama, with the same birth date, June 3, 1944.
According to local reports, Officer Val Krishtal and another driver had to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting Mr Obama's car, which rolled through a stop sign and took a quick left turn. Mr Obama allegedly told the officer he had right of way and said he doubted the officer was forced to brake hard as he did not hear his brakes squeal.
Mr Obama pleaded not guilty at his remand hearing, but was held in custody because of the immigration warrant. He now faces a legal battle. His sister Zeituni eventually won the right to live in America despite an earlier deportation order. Margaret Wong, the Cleveland lawyer who successfully represented Zeituni, confirmed through a representative last night that she has also been retained to defend Mr Obama.
"Before he went to America, we all knew him as Omar. But he dropped that bit, changing it to Obama Onyango, because he said he preferred his African name," said Nelson Ochieng, a cousin in the Kenyan city of Kisumu.
Mr Obama's landlady in Boston went to court to evict him in 2000 for non-payment of his dollars 500-a-month rent. He was also a partner in a convenience store that was set up in 1992, and was attacked in a robbery at the shop in 1994 by two men armed with a sawn-off rifle.
nasty welfare leech who felt ENTITLED to live here for free
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President Barack Obama's aunt, welfare leech Zeituni Onyango, at a closed immigration hearing last year. Onyango, half-sister of Obama's late father, moved to the United States in 2000 and she was ordered deported in 2004. AP
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(08-25-2011, 10:07 AM)Carsman Wrote: She's gettin it while she can, she realizes there may not be a next term!
Personally I think she is already consulting her interior designer about the next four years.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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nasty entitled illegal fuckers. (see above story post 7)
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Boston Herald
Obama Onyango told cops he wanted to “call the White House” after he was nabbed for OUI Aug. 24 after nearly plowing his SUV into a police cruiser. He was arraigned Thursday and was ordered held without bail because he was wanted on a federal immigration warrant, officials said.
Mike Rogers, a spokesman for Cleveland immigration attorney Margaret Wong, who is representing Onyango, confirmed that the 67-year-old is the president’s uncle. Wong is the same lawyer who represented the president’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, in her fight to win asylum last year.
Reached at her apartment in a South Boston public housing complex today, Zeituni Onyango said of her brother’s arrest: “Why don’t you go to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washingon, D.C. and ask your president? Not me.” She then hung up on a reporter.
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Mother in law is living in the White House. Kinda like foods stamps with a chef.
I'm sure there's enough room for ObaMao's uncle.
Vittles, too.
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The entire family has problems with immigration status.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Mass. has gone straight to hell!
President Obama’s accused drunken-driving uncle — who was busted after a near collision with a Framingham cop — has had a valid Social Security number for at least 19 years, despite being an illegal immigrant ordered to be deported back to Kenya, the Herald has learned.
The president’s 67-year-old uncle, Obama Onyango, has had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license and Social Security number since at least 1992, said Registry of Motor Vehicles spokesman Michael Verseckes.
see posts 7 & 9
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What did he have prior to 1992 ? he moved here in the 60's so around 30 years what did he have ?
Deport the illegal kenyan.
Ha, he pulled the president card, and so did the arrogant illegal auntie.
fuck all three of them.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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(08-30-2011, 10:07 AM)IMaDick Wrote: What did he have prior to 1992 ? he moved here in the 60's so around 30 years what did he have ?
He had his skin color, Parks, Selma, King, LBJ and Bobby.
The good ol' days . . . when the feet of Clay became ambassadors for Islam.
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"An uncle of President Barack Obama who was arrested last month for allegedly operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol has been released from custody.
Onyango Obama was freed from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody on Thursday under an order of supervision, according to a statement Friday from Brian P. Hale, director of public affairs for ICE. He will be required to check in regularly with immigration authorities, Hale said.
Obama was arrested in Framingham, Massachusetts, on August 24 after failing a field sobriety test, police Lt. Ronald Brandolini told CNN.
An officer in an unmarked police cruiser stopped Obama after he failed to make a proper stop at an intersection, according to a statement from Framingham police.
The arresting officer, Val Krishtal, said Obama had red and glassy eyes, slurred speech and appeared unsteady on his feet, according to the statement. Obama told Krishtal he had consumed two beers, and then failed "several" field sobriety tests, the statement said.
Obama was arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, failure to yield and operating a motor vehicle to endanger, the statement said.
According to a a federal law enforcement source who spoke on condition of not being identified, Obama was not legally in the United States and previously has been ordered removed from the country"
Explains why our nation is suddenly soft on illegal immigration. If the number one has no respect for the laws of the land, we can't really expect the little people to give a shit.
I'm completely disgusted. If your nephew is president and you STILL can't be here legally, then WTF? I mean really, WTF? He must have a criminal record.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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A giggling Onyango Obama -- the president’s illegal-alien half uncle -- made a brief appearance in Framingham District Court today on charges he was drunk when he nearly struck an unmarked police cruiser last month.
Obama, 67, was visibly amused at the media spectacle, stifling laughter several times before his 30-second court appearance where a judge set a Nov. 17 pre-trial conference.
Obama did not acknowledge a Herald reporter’s question upon arrival at Framingham District Court and neither he nor his lawyer made any comment on his way out where they were following to the parking lot by a horde of media.
i'll get some photos later
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(09-29-2011, 02:15 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: ugly bugger
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Obama's suit fits him pretty good don't you think?
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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Did the Black Panthers provide security?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Onyango, who had a valid driver’s license and Social Security card when he was arrested last month, was in the U.S. illegally having already faced a 1992 deportation order. Immigration officials have ordered him to “check in” with them.
When he was arrested by Framingham police on suspicion of drunken driving Aug. 24, he suggested his first call should be to the White House. A spokesman for the president told the Herald that call was never made. He actually called his boss at Conti’s Liquors.
Middlesex District Attorney Gerard T. Leone has also vowed to prosecute Obama to the fullest extent possible on the OUI charge.
Dude works at a liquor store. We voted trash into the White House. How can you be illegal and have a driver's license and Social Security card? WTF?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.