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Would you leave your child in the care of this winner?
Some poor 14 year old boy has parents moronic enough to consider this upstanding gentleman their friend. A friend who is fit to host sleep overs with their son.
What do you know? Poor kid is forced to watch porn movies all night while mom and dad's friend masturbates non-stop. Later, the dirt-bag sexually assaults the boy twice in his bed.
Police and doctors have confirmed the boy's claims and arrested the child rapist.
It appears the parents considered this degenerate a friend and did not fear leaving the child with him. When mom found out what went down at the sleepover, she reported it to the police. Admittedly, for all we know, the parents love their son and are just completely fucking clueless.
But, come on. The fact that this boy was left in the care of this dude is just not okay. Not a crime, and not necessarily neglect if the parents trusted this guy and had no idea. I don't think the automatic answer is removing the boy from his parents unless there are indicators that he is unloved, abused or otherwise neglected. Getting thrown into the DCS/CPS system can sometimes be be worse than the problem it's intended to alleviate, imo.
Question Is: What, if anything, can/should be done about this seemingly growing epidemic of shit-for-brains parents (without inflicting more pain on the children?).
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i have begged various legislatures to make extreme stupidity a felony. they never listen to me.
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i want to see the mug shots of the parents. i mean what the hell, this guy certainly looked like mary poppins.
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The names of the parents and child haven't been released. The rapist is William Bass.
I know the ability to make babies has nothing to do with the ability to raise children. I'm not at a point where I think functional human beings, albeit functioning at a base level, should be prevented from having children.
But, I am sick and tired of seeing cases where children are raped, killed, decapitated... We keep seeing the same shit, more frequently. Why? Maybe there should be required courses for those who will be bringing children into this world. Required for all first-time mothers, fathers, grandparents, and family caregivers. Hosted by: Law Enforcement. These courses focus on how to never leave your child alone with anyone other than a family member, secret code words for older adults, sad and scary real-life cases that occurred as a result of not following the LE-recommendations. After that, if a parent does some stupid shit that jeopardizes a child,a probation for parenting rights is invoked and strictly monitored. 2 strikes, you're out.
Maybe it would help prevent these common parental misjudgments:
They leave a toddler unattended on the block for more than a second and the child is abudcted/killed.
They entrust their child to a sitter or new "love interest" whom they know and like, but have never vetted or background checked and the child is raped.
They drop their son off at altar-boy initiation without ensuring anyone other than the religious representative is present and the boy is sexually assaulted.
Mom takes her child to the pediatrician, who tells her the exam will take about 15 minutes, so she has time to run to the Walmart for milk. During which time, the trusted pedia/pedo rapes the poor child while mom is in the dairy section.
It's pissing me off. It's not the parents' fault that there a predators at every turn. But, fuck, how disassociated as a non-tard parent/guardian do you have to be to be unaware of the risks of leaving a child alone with anyone other than your family?
We bitch about the problem of child predators every damn day. Justifiably so. It's not going away. What are some possible solutions?
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In reality there is nothing that can be done until after they screw up, unless of course you see with your own eye's kids that are at risk, then the ends of the earth are the limit.
I know personally I would have no problem standing in the middle of that shit should I see see it.
sometimes the way to a kid is through personal intervention, but when you look around you see people just sitting on their asses to absorbed with their own bullshit to be concerned with what is staring them in the face.
It's a societal break down, it's reverse evolution, it's a fucked up world.
I long for the days when a neighbor would whip my ass and send me home to another whipping because he called my dad and that shit just wasn't cool it was necessisary to a civilized society, but our liberal government has taken all that away and now the kids pay the price.
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John Adams
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(08-28-2011, 01:04 AM)IMaDick Wrote: In reality there is nothing that can be done until after they screw up, unless of course you see with your own eye's kids that are at risk, then the ends of the earth are the limit.
I know personally I would have no problem standing in the middle of that shit should I see see it.
sometimes the way to a kid is through personal intervention, but when you look around you see people just sitting on their asses to absorbed with their own bullshit to be concerned with what is staring them in the face.
It's a societal break down, it's reverse evolution, it's a fucked up world.
I long for the days when a neighbor would whip my ass and send me home to another whipping because he called my dad and that shit just wasn't cool it was necessisary to a civilized society, but our liberal government has taken all that away and now the kids pay the price.
Do you think that a kind of Parenting 101 highlighting the common mistakes and repercussions of non-diligent parenting would make an impact. Imo, it might help prevent crimes against chidren, the ultimate goal. But, these courses, imo, would need to be hosted by compassionate but no bullshit LE
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No, it would have no affect on the loonies. They will always be fucked up ,there is no magic cure for the crap in todays world.
I don't talk alot about my personal experiances, but I have seen shit that would make most people puke and not be able to stop.
the system is screwed up, I applied as a safe house, I never heard back from the state, i sent multiple requests, no response.
when the sytem is screwed even good people don't stand a chance.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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(08-28-2011, 01:04 AM)IMaDick Wrote: In reality there is nothing that can be done until after they screw up, unless of course you see with your own eye's kids that are at risk, then the ends of the earth are the limit.
I know personally I would have no problem standing in the middle of that shit should I see see it.
sometimes the way to a kid is through personal intervention, but when you look around you see people just sitting on their asses to absorbed with their own bullshit to be concerned with what is staring them in the face.
It's a societal break down, it's reverse evolution, it's a fucked up world.
I long for the days when a neighbor would whip my ass and send me home to another whipping because he called my dad and that shit just wasn't cool it was necessisary to a civilized society, but our liberal government has taken all that away and now the kids pay the price.
Dick, do you think that a kind of REQUIRED Parenting 101 course highlighting the common mistakes and repercussions of non-diligent parenting would make an impact? Imo, it might help prevent crimes against chidren, the ultimate goal.
If the concept holds any merit, these courses, imo, would need to be hosted by compassionate but no bullshit LE officers, those who have seen the causes and effects of crimes against children first-hand. No pop-psych "touch me softly" bullshit. Not necessarily a fear tactic, but an honest, "this could happen to you" worst case scenario presentation by professionals who have lived the heartbreak.
What do you think? Would LE possibly support the minimal up-front cost to help prevent crimes against children? It could be done in the hospital before the mother and child head home. It could be presented almost as a party for the concerned "family team". Those who would be expected to care for the child (to any degree) and didn't agree to attend the quick course could be really made to feel like dog doo and hopefully talked into it (like LE has a way of doing). Of course, it couldn't be mandated, but just offering it and taking it to the recipients might go a long way. A quick power point and some cup cakes, with a message that resonates.
A possibility?
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Oops sorry Dick, I think you responded while I was editing and got another response. Server has been a little wonky lately.
I agree the loonies are probably not going to benefit from preventative education. But, what about the overly-trusting or just plain ignorant? Do you think a required preventative education program might help, even a little?
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LE is a reactionary force in most cases, crime prevention is limited.
This is why i always tell people to protect themselves, LE are report takers on violent crime, the only way that is changed is if someone reports a child in danger/at risk.
at risk kids get a visit from a social worker who's job it is to keep the family together, removal is rare and requires extreme circumstances, they ar required to make an appointment in most states to visit the home,This si one reason I joined the SD, I had some descretion in my investigations.
in other words I didn't have to drop the case just because I was ordered to. once I was on a case it was mine.I owned it.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
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I get it, thanks Dick. I would like to think that LE agencies would be receptive to cost-effective preventative measures that would ultimately lower the number of crimes against children (and save the LE/CPS agencies a lot of $$$ in investigative costs, punitive actions, etc..). I do however understand that there is a lot more to it and it would involve changing the current mode of operations. SIGH..
P.s. I'm naked and barefoot (but not pregnant). Calling it a night. Thanks for the input, you Liberal Prick (don't get mad, just going off your own avatar).
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The avatar is for the liberal asses, I'm still waiting for my check. those fuckers will help anyone but white male,working motherfuckers like myself.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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(08-28-2011, 01:52 AM)IMaDick Wrote: The avatar is for the liberal asses, I'm still waiting for my check. those fuckers will help anyone but white male,working motherfuckers like myself.
I know. Please think about all the cases you worked where a child was hurt because the parents were ignorant, not necessarily evil. I trust you. Tomorrow, I want to check back and see if you think it's possible that any significant portion of them (10% or more) could have been prevented by simply educating the ignorant would-be parents of the possible dangers in waiting. I have some ideas about how to start up a program that wouldn't put any cost on LE, but could still utilize the minimal LE time required. I have a friend who is a lobbyist in Sacramento who's coming to have lunch tomorrow. He might have some ideas about how to push non cost-bearing changes forward too (or not, he might tell me to STFU and watch the sea lions - fickle bastard)...
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(08-27-2011, 09:14 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Question Is: What, if anything, can/should be done about this seemingly growing epidemic of shit-for-brains parents (without inflicting more pain on the children?).
There isn't anything that can be done about shit for brain parents. We live in a very selfish society. Mandatory parenting classes will not help (just because there is a class does not guaranty the parent will learn anything).
Look at this case-why would any parent leave their child with a single man that has no children? Did the parents want the kid out of the house so they could do drugs or party?
There might not be any reason at all, but the parents certainly didn't look at the big picture. (gross looking old man wants to take my kid for the night? What could possibly happen?)
How many parents actually pay attention to their childs' environment?
It seems like more and more parents are losing their common sense, and getting a free pass for it.
Just this week, an 8 month old baby drowned in a bathtub:
At what point do you throw your baby in a tub and walk away????? People actually feel sorry for this woman-(she'll have to live with this for the rest of her life, you know).
FUCK THAT-I have no sympathy for her, her other kid is in danger, and as far as I'm concerned, the woman should be arrested for murder.
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(08-28-2011, 12:40 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: These courses focus on how to never leave your child alone with anyone other than a family member
That's bullshit & I would never support anything like that.
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(08-28-2011, 02:23 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: it's possible that any significant portion of them (10% or more) could have been prevented by simply educating the ignorant would-be parents of the possible dangers in waiting.
Consider this-The state of NH mandates that a couple divorcing with children involved must take a 3 hour "parenting class" that is supposed to teach you how to 'put your differences aside-for the sake of the children"
Last year I did a study for my Psych class, which involved surveying couples with children who divorced over the past 5 years. 78% of those who completed the survey stated that they've 'used a child' to get a certain reaction from the Ex-spouse.
Now-these classes are mandatory (Yes, I have been through one), and the subject matter and materials taught in the class are all common sense-yet when emotion is concerned, common sense goes right out the window.
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You cannot tell people how to raise their children that go by guidelines that you set. As long as we live in a free society that will never change.
I'd love to tell people how to raise their kids. Hell, I'd love to tell people to read a fuckin' book or to stop applying makeup with a trowel, along with get a decent haircut, buy a fuckin' bra that fits & take the goddamn gum out of your mouth.
Shit, let me come into your house & tell you I don't like what you feed your family, get rid of the meat, the soda, cupcakes & chips.
I don't like that children are being hurt but don't start dickin' around with things that have to do with our rights.
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When you have a baby they give you a parenting handbook of things you should and shouldn't do, like never leave the baby alone in the tub or lock them in a hot car while you go shopping at the mall for example. I guess they need to add in there not to let your kid spend the night with the creepy looking dude down the street.
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This is just a symptom of the selfishness that has invaded our society. The parents wanted a night without the kid, so they leave him with whomever, doesn't matter.
Why should people have to come with instruction books? Doesn't maternal and paternal instinct protect kids? It should. Unless you get fucked in the parent lottery and end up with some self-absorbed jackass.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(08-28-2011, 05:57 AM)Duchess Wrote:
That's bullshit & I would never support anything like that.
I agree. I'm not related to half the people in my family. I take in strays and worry about every child I see that doesn't look happy.
The problem is figuring out who is a piece of shit and who isn't. With the guy pictured above, you can tell by looking. No excuse for that one.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.