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NHL Finals
Game 6.... refs seriously cheating in favor of the penguins. Lots of bad calls. All in the penguins favor.

Ya know, I wouldn't mind if the Wings lose... as long as its proper loss because the other team just outplays us. But this "call everything in the penguins' favor" cheating on the part of the refs is just moose shit.

Right from the get go, calling Zetterberg for Goalie interference when he was crosschecked and shoved in. The call should have been against the penguin who shoved him in.

The only calls so far against the penguins are because the hits caused injury so they had no choice. Its WRONG.

Cheating fucking Cockwads!!!
They've been favoring the Dirty Birds from the start you know. Always did.

You're looking like you're going to game 7 in Detroit.

And now I'm off here to go finish watching the game.
The Antagonist Wrote:They've been favoring the Dirty Birds from the start you know. Always did.

You're looking like you're going to game 7 in Detroit.

And now I'm off here to go finish watching the game.
Especially on their pond. Bullshit. Its just a huge pile of bullshit. Several members of my family are doing recordings for Fanarchy. I'll let you guys know if/when we get up.
Well, la de fuckin da. Cheaters won... 2-1. Asswipes. I'm so pissed off I can barely string together a coherent thought (fucking Irish temper). Someone come over here and be my punching bag.
Are you up for the kuckle biter back in Detroit?
You guys looked like shit there last night.

4 penalties the whole game is pitiful for playoff hockey too.

Let's see how much they cheat on game 7. When is that? Saturday?
I watched an ice hockey game once, drunk.

It was still incomprehensible and baffling.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
I don't even think I'd watch it drunk, good revenue for the city though with the next game being here
Friday Ant. And we actually played good (not our best definitely, but good), I think we just got discouraged with all the bad fucking refereeing. Soooooo many uncalled Cross Checks it wasn't funny.
Quit'cher whining about the bad calls. Whenever your team plays anyone else they're usually favored.
The Dirty Birds have the Mario advantage. Can't say anyting bad about "Mr. Nice" nor his team of cheaters now can we?

They were all over you like flies on shit last night and it had nothing to do with the bad calls. That goalie interference call was bad but it would have been called no matter what teams were playing. I've only seen that kind of thing go overlooked so rarely that I can't even remember the last time it was! But that was the beginning of all the slashes, elbows, and trips not called.

The last game the Dirty Birds got away with murder too. I saw deliberate stick holding, boarding and other calls go ignored while Detroit got tagged nearly every time.

I just wish the announcers would shut the fuck up and actually call the game instead of blabbing about stupid bullshit that is irrelevant to what's happening on the ice.
LOL Ant. It should have been called as a crosscheck, not as goalie int. And yeah, in playoffs the other team is almost always favored. Yet the Wings have the 3rd highest amount of cups. That says a lot about the skill level of the team throughout the years.

And I really have no problem losing when it is an honest loss. Which we do often enough.