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Lisa Irwin 10 Mos. missing. MO
(11-03-2011, 06:26 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: [b][color=#DDA0DD]Lisa is lost [...], lost for a second time.

Indeed. Well put.
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
I love that picture of baby Lisa sitting on the sofa. Just pure sweet innocence.

This media circus needs to end, it is just adding to the pain of the situation.

CNN is not identifying the neighbor, but he is pretty easy to find on FB.

I would love to be wrong, but I don't think this circus will end soon. This couple now has the most unscrupulous legal defense gang money can buy.

If factual truth is the epicenter, and what the police knows is a circle around it, these lawyers will do anything they can invent to keep the circle wide and the radius, or distance from truth, gigantic.

Who on earth is paying a fortune for this thick veil that covers the truth?
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
Who on earth is paying a fortune for this thick veil that covers the truth?

besides the anonymous "benefactor"? i suspect that a certain TV network has a vested financial interest. in photos and oh, say, trick-or-treat video of the other children.

Well, yes, the anonymous benefactor's reward, plus the legal fees. These lawyers are not cheap. I read somewhere that Tacopina charges 750 dollars per hour. This whole show costs tens of thousands. And these guys were struggling with electricity bills, for goodness' sake.

What if, just what if, someone with tons of money (or someone who has done some dark favor in the past to someone else with a ton of money) was actually involved in the disappearance of poor little Lisa--either abducting her, killing her, or destroying her body? Grrr... Anyway, then there would be some rich interested party in this circus. Just a hypothesis, in the middle of my... well, writing a dissertation!
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
i don't think anyone associated with this pair was wealthy.

the only other source of funds could be payment for the baby. do you know what a white American healthy infant is worth on the market?

anyway, i don't for one minute think that is what happened. i think it was as banal as evil and stupidity usually are.

jimspellmancnn jim spellman

Wont be on @HLNTV tonight due to Murray trial. No major news on #babylisa should have more tmr, new developments, new character emerging.

Kansas City police said they are not actively searching for 11-month-old Lisa Irwin. Police also said the parents still are not cooperating in the investigation.
by Karen Yancey/Staff 7:08 PM

Interesting. Is this customary when the police suspects/believes that the missing baby is dead?
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
(11-03-2011, 08:27 PM)poemofpeace Wrote: Interesting. Is this customary when the police suspects/believes that the missing baby is dead?

no. not cooperating to find your missing baby is only customary on advice of parents' scumbag counsel.
you mean LE searching? they have searched everywhere they can. now it's a matter of an accidental discovery of remains. in my opinion of course.
i think they (LE and DA) are prepping/presenting a murder case to the Grand Jury.

(11-03-2011, 08:32 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: you mean LE searching?

Yes, that's what I meant. The grand jury suggestion makes sense.

On a different note, I wonder, if this little baby was incinerated in the dumpster (aah!), could all remains be gone in such a short amount of time? I imagine the police searched that dumpster with everything short of microscopes.
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
i don't think a dumpster fire, even with accelerants, would burn hot enough for 100% disposal. there is always something left, as is seen in cremations.

[Image: deborah_bradley_story.jpg]

(11-03-2011, 09:03 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: i don't think a dumpster fire, even with accelerants, would burn hot enough for 100% disposal. there is always something left, as is seen in cremations.

I agree. And if so I would think the lids would have melted. We went by that dumpster a couple of weeks ago, and only a small portion of the lid was melted. It barely looked torched. Which if they did find articles of clothing, than there is no way a body would have burned that much.
YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!Thumb_smiley-vault-signs-060
Interesting juxtaposition of 3 local news sources made into one MORE timeline...Smiley_emoticons_hurra3

New details about the hours before Lisa Irwin's disappearance have painted a clearer picture of the missing Missouri infant's final night in her Kansas City home.

Stories published by The Kansas City Star, KCTV5 and WPTV offer a possible timeline of the night Baby Lisa vanished .

The information, provided by sources who remained anonymous in each of the news reports, indicates that Baby Lisa disappeared from her crib during a period of between three and four hours, according to her parents' version of events.
OCT. 3

2:30 p.m.
Baby Lisa's father, Jeremy Irwin, returns to his Kansas City home from his day job as an electrician. He has a meal and plays with Baby Lisa, his son and his wife's son, according to KCTV5.

4:30 p.m.
The 10-month-old's mother, Deborah Bradley, and her brother, Phillip Netz, head to a supermarket to buy baby food and boxed wine. A surveillance camera appears to record the couple as they shop at around 4:45 p.m., KCTV5 reports. Samantha Brando, a next-door neighbor who was visiting family's home with her 4-year-old daughter, checks on Baby Lisa in her crib. Jeremy Irwin stays at home with the kids, WPTV notes.

5 p.m.
Deborah Bradley finishes shopping and returns home with her brother, according to WPTV.

5:30 p.m.
Jeremy Irwin leaves to take on a night gig doing electrical work at a nearby Starbucks. Deborah Bradley's brother also departs the home, KCTV5 reports.

6 p.m.
Samantha Brando heads out to purchase more alcohol, according to KCTV5.

6:30 p.m.
Samantha Brando returns and her daughter sees Baby Lisa, according to WPTV.
Deborah Bradley puts Baby Lisa in her crib. (The Kansas City Star has Deborah Bradley putting Baby Lisa in her crib at 6:40 p.m. and Samantha Brando returning around 7 p.m.).

The older children play inside while Deborah Bradley and Samantha Brando sit on the front porch, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Between 6:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., Bradley reportedly consumes between five and ten glasses of wine.

10:30 p.m.
Deborah Bradley turns off the lights and goes to sleep. The boys fall asleep in her bed, according to The Kansas City Star. Baby Lisa's door is closed. Samantha Brando stays on the porch until 11:30 p.m. chatting with another neighbor, KCTV5 reports. She tells authorities she notices nothing out of the ordinary.

OCT. 4

3:30 a.m.
After work keeps him longer than expected, Jeremy Irwin returns home to find the lights on and the screen damaged, according to WPTV (KCTV5 has Jeremy Irwin getting home at 3:45 a.m.). He also notices that the front door is unlocked and a computer room window is open.

Frustrated by the lights being left on when money is tight -- and angry about seeing a stray kitten at the foot of the bed -- he wakes Deborah Bradley, according to The Kansas City Star.

A groggy Deborah Bradley realizes she hasn't checked on Baby Lisa, KCTV5 reports. She finds the crib empty. (WPTV reports that Jeremy Irwin is the first to realize Baby Lisa is missing).

Jeremy Irwin runs to Samantha Brando's house next door, but his neighbors say Lisa isn't there, WPTV. He realizes that the family's three cellphones are missing from a counter and dials 911 on a mobile phone he keeps for work.

Officers dispatched to the house are given the following message, according to KCTV5:

[H]e noticed that his 10-month-old daughter is missing and he's not sure how long she's been gone. And the screen is busted and he didn't witness anything.
This story has changed so many times. Now there may have been another neighbor there on the porch until 11:30 drinking with Samantha Brando?

When the story was first told, it was Debbie, Lisa and the two boys at home. No drinking, no brother, no neighbor(s). I feel for LE trying to get to the bottom of this story.

I would have bet the farm that Deb killed Lisa, but now I am not so sure. (But I am sure she knows what happened, as she at least helped to cover it up.)

My guess would be that there was a party (or pseudo-party) with Deb, Samantha, brother and at least one other person drinking on the porch. Deb goes in to the house at 10:30 and passes out. The call at 8:30 was to purchase drugs to go with the booze. Who knows how many people were at the house that night, drinking. Someone besides Deb could have taken or caused harm to Lisa, esp. if Deb passed-out from drinking.

My opinion only.
kcpolice Kansas City Police
Police are still actively searching for #LisaIrwin. We've gotten 1205 tips & have cleared 959.
43 minutes ago


Cheyne said: Now there may have been another neighbor there on the porch until 11:30 drinking with Samantha Brando?
Deb, Samantha, brother and at least one other person drinking on the porch

"another neighbor" my first thought was WTF? Where are the reports to LE about that important fact, if true?

Even if the brother was not there wouldn't the neighbors have noticed 3 people drinking, partying etc on that front porch? The houses are fairly close and neighbors did state they saw a man with a baby in the middle of the night. Weren/t they seeing and/or hearing the party on the porch? Is that a sham too?
LC said:


Early on when TE was needed and if the family, benefactor or the 3rd year law student aunt Irwin were making the decisions that could have been counter productive to their apparent wants/needs. Because they would have found her most likely. JMO

IMO Seems the defense team is just dragging more "characters" into the picture every day, setting up for reasonable doubt. Now going into the weekend there will not be much new "news" released until Monday. The lawyers like to take weekends off. Bullshit
Yes, that's exactly what seemed to me to be going on on the part of the lawyers: creating layer after layer of reasonable doubt. And I know the power of well constructed arguments even when arising out of empirical crumbs. They can produce that sort of doubt, even if not always. It's pretty ridiculous.
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
Joe Tac wants to be the next Jose Beeyatch...after all poor Joey has been a talking head for years, he deserves his pay off Smiley_emoticons_kotz