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i have reached the point in this case where i care about only 2 things, my bottom line as it were.
1. recovering the baby.
2. someone being charged, with good evidence.
anything else, i have wiped out of my mind, it's a cluster fuck and charade.
but i will say this...ol' drinking buddy samantha brando has been glued to deb's fat ass.
more    ------>
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Sad to say but it looks like "recovery" of a body is the most likely scenario at this point. I tried to believe that somebody who desperately wanted a baby arranged to have her stolen. That hope is now gone, just as the circus comes to town, and than leaves for the next town.
On the other hand, aside from the MSM stations paying for pictures and access to the older boys on Halloween, who is footing the bill? Who is this mysterious benefactor?
If this disaster ever comes to trial, will that kind of information be disclosed?
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I've pondered the same thing, a couple of times in this forum. Who is paying? The $100,000 reward plus the lawyers' compensation is a huge total. It would more than double the amount of the reward. I don't think the TV networks are paying this.
Plus, how did these people get in touch with lawyers like Tacopina? I can't imagine Deb or her boyfriend sitting down with a comprehensive plan of searching for the best legal representation, and after deliberation, choosing strategically. Somebody with means to pay and connections mediated it. But why...?
This is a strange case, really.
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
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just another addition to the cast. i haven't seen a pic yet of his wife, samantha the drinking buddy.
A man who lives next door to the home of baby Lisa Irwin says he has met repeatedly with detectives and passed a polygraph.
CNN interviewed Wednesday the husband of Samantha Brando, who is good friends with Debbie Bradley and spent much of the evening Oct. 3 drinking and smoking cigarettes with Bradley. CNN is not identifying the husband, who declined an on-camera interview.
Reporter Jim Spellman said a spokesman for the Kansas City Police Department confirmed that the neighbor has been cleared of any involvement in the disappearance of baby Lisa. The spokesperson said the department "has moved on from him," according to CNN.
Representatives for the Kansas City Police Department did not immediately respond to requests from KCTV for comment on Thursday.
The then 10-month-old infant was reported missing about 4 a.m. Oct. 4 when Jeremy Irwin arrived home from performing electrical work at a Kansas City Starbucks and discovered his daughter was not in her crib. Irwin and Bradley say that their daughter was kidnapped while she was sleeping.
However, Bradley has said she expects police to arrest her in connection with her daughter's disappearance.
Police focused on Brando's husband because he had moved out of his home just hours before Irwin went missing, CNN reported. The couple had marital problems.
Brando and her husband met with a marriage counselor in the early afternoon on Oct. 3. The counselor suggested that the couple attempt a trial separation and the husband left the home about 5 p.m. Oct. 3, CNN reported. He then went to a friend's home.
James Brando profile pic from FB
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So the mom & her friend were drinking on the porch while Lisa was in her crib and the other boys were playing inside. Wonder if the boys got baby Lisa out of her crib? Is there a door out the back of the house? Is it possible baby Lisa made it out the door & the boys didn't notice? Just trying to think outside the box.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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This article seems like an attempt to call for compassion, telling parts of the larger story of Debbie's life and family, including the fact that she was orphaned (her mother died), and that there were multiple family dysfunctions, only matched by pretty little education across the board. It also includes some information (whether accurate or not) about how the police manipulated and verbally abused her, such as calling her "while trash," telling her they found Lisa and demanding a confession on that account, telling Jeremy separately that she had confessed that he is not the father. All this does not mean she is innocent, (or the reverse), but it does add a more humane dimension to what was portrayed more like a "case" in the media. However, my intuition is that this is part of a PR campaign on the part of the lawyers.
"In the evening of life you will be judged on love."
(Msgr. Oscar Romero)
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Lisa Irwin's first birthday, less than a week away, will be "the oh-my-God moment" for the missing baby's Kansas City family, her grandfather said.
Lisa, whose parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, reported her missing a month ago, turns 1 on Nov. 11. Bradley's father, David Netz Jr., told The Kansas City Star that the date will be a wrenching milestone for the family.
"That's gonna be the oh-my-God moment," said the 48-year-old Netz, weeping. "I can't even imagine what that day will be like. What will we do? How will we get through that? I don't even know how to ask Debbie and Jeremy what we should do or how to help them through that."
People are judging whether Debbie's crying enough, or if she's crying too much, or if her lip curls up in some body language secret, or if Jeremy doesn't show enough emotion," Netz told the newspaper.
He said having the media camp out at the homes of family members has also been troubling.
"My God, Debbie and Jeremy can't even relax and smoke on the back porch without seeing hidden cameras popping out of brush. It's horrible," Netz said.
Attorneys for the family will no longer allow reporters to interview Bradley and Irwin.
Netz doesn't believe that his daughter, Bradley, would have tried to hide an accidental or negligent death of the baby.
"No, she didn't do this. She's not hiding anything. She's told the whole world about her drinking. .," he said. Bradley has said she was drunk the night before the child was reported missing.
"If they knew how Debbie prayed and prayed for a baby girl ever since her mother died because she wanted to name her Lisa," Netz said, "then they would know there is no way she could do anything to the baby, or God forbid, if something horrible happened, she wouldn't be able to keep that secret."
He said his granddaughter, Lisa, is out there somewhere.
"They can take her away, but they can't take away her memory. She is so special to us," he said.
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well that's the third time that's been posted.
i think KMBC has stopped with the useless live updates.
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Sorry, I looked...and didn't see it. :-(
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happens all the time. no problem.
no news, it's frustrating.
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brief live report on Fox says megan wright and her former boyfriend jersey are known drug dealers and that the 7 people staying at her crash pad/flop house deny they ever used/answered her phone. the implication IMO is that deb called that phone to score.
HLN after days of hype about new news coming, reported absolutely fucking nothing. HLN bites donkey dick.
taco has NOT scheduled interviews with the children and LEOs. as he claimed to do.
jersey in court, unrelated matter. facebook nazi wrote 'patsy' on pic.
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(11-08-2011, 02:36 PM)Lady Cop Wrote:
HLN after days of hype about new news coming, reported absolutely fucking nothing. HLN bites donkey dick.
On another note, I think it was the neighbour SB she was drinking with that may have made that to Megan’s phone. I think she has more to do with it then is being said.
Question: I am assuming the nothing was found re: the cadaver dog hot when they did the extensive search of the house, otherwise would they have not had to take something for testing (carpet/wood/flooring) something and would it not be noted in the search warrant with items seized?
This may have been answered, so sorry if it has I must have missed it.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
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wow. just wow. they should never have released a thing like this:
i suspect and hope it's BS.
jimspellmancnn jim spellman
troubling assesment“There’s no case...If it gets solved,it’ll get solved years from now”Jim Roberts,Clay Co Prosecutor’s #babylisa @HLNTV
11 seconds ago
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On air now 5:10 pm ET
HLN Vinnie Politan has local CNN reporter, Jim Spellman on site. Reporter says Shane Beasley new neighbor 2 doors down came out to smoke and he was called over to Deb's porch, he was with Deb and S Brando until 8-9 pm.
Came out of his house again at 10-10:30, Sam is on her own porch smoking. Deb gone. He never saw Lisa during that time and Deb never left the porch to check on the kids while he was there from 7p till 8-9 pm. Shane states he was questioned by LE and Secret Service ?? LE took his DNA and home searched early on, LE won't comment.
Spellman with Megan says Dane Deglar had her phone that night, stayed 1 1⁄2 week after police contacted her. Dane was getting so many text messages that night that another resident of the Megan flop house couldn't use Megan's phone.
Man Motorcycle guy ID'd has no alibi.
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JVM and NG on Baby Lisa tonight.
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Trying to find this: FOX 4 just stated they are going to do an interview with the brothers sometime this week. Trying to find link!
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i'll eat my combat boots if taco allows kids to be interviewed. i don't care what Fox reports. nothing but crap reporting everywhere on this case, i believe NOTHING unless LE says it.
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I still think it's possible that baby Lisa was let out of her crib by the other kids while the mom was outside drinking.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.