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Robert Wood Jr., 9 . VA. autistic boy. FOUND ALIVE!!
this does not appear to be a criminal matter, but another autistic child missing. he is non-verbal but "noisy". it's cold out at night, he needs to be found quickly.

Robert Wood Jr., 9. VA.

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Richmond Times, Sunday

A 9-year-old autistic boy on a walk with family disappeared into North Anna Battlefield Park on Sunday afternoon while his father, brother and an adult woman stopped to take a break.

Robert "Robbie" Wood Jr. was reported missing at about 2:45 p.m. after he wandered away and left the trail.

Robbie, who is non-verbal, is a student at The Faison School for Autism in Richmond.

Michael Trice, a spokesman for the Hanover County Sheriff's Office, said air crews would continue searching for the boy throughout the night, as would searchers on the ground, including dogs.

"We have dozens and dozens of people looking for him," he said.

Hanover fire and EMS crews as well the Virginia State Police and the Caroline County Sheriff's Office were assisting with the search. Low temperatures through Sunday night were expected to be in the low to mid-40s, according to the National Weather Service.

Because the 80-acre park is not fenced in, there is a concern that Robbie could wander off the property, Trice said.

Citizen volunteers will be accepted Tuesday in the search for a missing Caroline County boy with autism.

More than 300 deputies and public safety personnel searched the area Monday surrounding the 80-acre North Anna Battlefield Park in Hanover County.

That is the last place 9-year-old Robert “Robbie” Wood Jr. was seen when he was touring the park with his family on Sunday afternoon.

According to Capt. Mike Trice with the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, the boy was walking along a trail with his father, his father’s girlfriend and his younger brother, who is also autistic.

The father, Robert Wood Sr., said the older boy ran off the trail into a wooded area after 2 p.m. He said he tried to chase after him, but he eventually lost sight of him.

The boy was reported missing to police about 2:45 p.m. Sunday.
Robbie is a nonverbal student at The Faison School for Autism in Richmond. He enrolled in the school in August.
Two of his teachers, Ashlea Krouse and Beth Newcomb, came to the scene Monday to help.
Krouse said it is not unusual for Robbie to run off.

“He doesn’t usually sit still, even in the classroom,” she said. “I’d imagine he’d be on the move the entire time unless he is injured.”

While Robbie doesn’t talk, she said he is not quiet and makes a lot of noises.

She said he most likely won’t respond to someone calling his name.

Trice said the family has been very cooperative and “is having a very understandably difficult time.”

Robbie lives in the Ladysmith area with his mother. His parents are separated.
Robbie’s challenges and the rough terrain of the area have made the search more difficult.

Trice said the Civil War battlefield is narrow and surrounded by a wooded area that is filled with brush, briar, ruts and valleys. It also borders the North Anna River.

HANOVER COUNTY, VA (WTVR) - The Hanover Sheriff’s Office is telling people who want to volunteer and search for missing nine-year-old Robbie Wood Jr., to not show up at the search site but rather at King's Dominion Tuesday morning.

i have noticed the marks on his face, but active children do get scrapes and bruises.

i am surprised he got so far away from his dad so quickly.

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Why could he not catch his 9 years old son, what the fuck is up with that? hope the kids ok.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

the parents have 2 autistic sons. must be difficult.

i hope there are a lot of boots on the ground this morning.

he likes water but can't swim, that's worrisome.
he has to be cold and very hungry. :(

missing in this park:

Dorothea Norman, who drives Robbie daily to and from school, said he has no speech communication ability, but can only shriek.

"I'm afraid if he gets scared he would just hide," Norman said. "He's a wonderful little boy. My heart just goes outto the family."

Because the 80-acre park is not fenced in, there is a concern that Robbie could wander off the property, Trice said.

The area about 3 miles west of U.S. 1 has several quarries. A Martin-Marietta quarry official said workers were given a description of Robbie and instructed to keep on the lookout for him.

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(10-25-2011, 07:24 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: i have noticed the marks on his face, but active children do get scrapes and bruises.

i am surprised he got so far away from his dad so quickly.

Depending on the level of Autism~he could have put the marks on himself~Autistic children tend to get incredibly strong when they are in a "Meltdown mode". I'm also not surprised he got away from the Father so quicky~his father was entertaining a new love interest, and/or his other son may have been distracting him.
video reports here:

HANOVER COUNTY, VA (WTVR) - The Hanover Sheriff's Office says it has enough volunteers for the day.

Shelby Brown, who is reporting from the Kings Dominion parking lot, says there are between 300 and 500 people waiting in line to volunteer.

Those volunteers must be trained before being allowed out in the woods to help in the search for Robbie Wood.

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Im sorry but that child could not outrun/get away from me. fact.

You would have to be seriously negligent for his to get far enough away so u could not catch him.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

they HAVE to find him today! how far could he have gone unless he fell in a quarry or is so frightened he's hiding.

the dad had his 2 sons with him, both autistic. they stopped to rest and the boys wandered off to play or whatever. one returned.

so how the hell far did he go??

I hope he's hiding! In another recent case of a missing autistic boy they used recordings of his favorite music to coax him out. I wonder if there is something similar they can use in this case.


More than a thousand potential volunteers assembled early Tuesday morning to join the search for young Robbie Wood, missing now for almost 48 hours. Late Monday evening the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office had sent notice that they would finally accept citizen volunteers.

The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office fielded thousands of calls from citizens interested in helping with the search. Today so many people gathered to help--and just kept coming--with the operations that the Hanover Sheriff's Office said they already have enough volunteers.

Volunteers were told to meet at the main parking area at 9:00 a.m. at King’s Dominion. It was a packed house, with long lines that usually form at the theme park, this time for a different occasion.

Police had asked that volunteers bring photo identification and emphasized that not all volunteers might be deployed. Potential volunteers would be turned away if they do not meet the required criteria.

People came from as far away as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. People took off work to help search.

“I have two autistic nephews so it hit close to home for us,” said Lawrence Brooks. “People definitely care.”

Once checked in and credentialed, volunteers received a briefing on the operations. They were then bussed over to the search zone and paired up with an experienced rescue worker.

The search for Robbie began early evening Sunday over land, air and water. Only emergency professionals and trained volunteers were deployed in the first 30 hours.

Much of the terrain that stretches through the 80-acre North Anna Battlefield Park is considered difficult, with ravines, cliffs and woods that could challenge searchers.

“Extremely thick woods,” Hanover Fire Chief Willie Jones said, urging searchers to be cautious.

Police also said that in the initial hours it was important that efforts stay coordinated to prevent accidently disturbing search trails and confusing search dogs.

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oh, this is not good.
YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!Thumb_smiley-vault-signs-060
Damn! i want to see him found before nightfall!

A landslide of well wishes, prayers, and questions has arisen from the concerned public. At Firehouse 4 in Doswell, Vir., people are donating food and drinks to the volunteers that search for Robbie

And tonight there will be a candlelight service, organized by a Hanover resident, Denise Powell.

“I just wanted to do something,” Powell said, who has children of her own and a 9-year-old granddaughter.

Joining together to support one another “is a big thing,” she said. “I felt that there were so many people out there looking that maybe I could get people together to pray.”

As a country resident, Powell said that supporting neighbors is a way of life. “We live in the country—where people like to help one another.”

That includes the Ashland Wal-Mart, she pointed out, who will help by donating candles for tonight’s service. The big store has also donated supplies for the volunteers.

“If they have candles they can bring them, but candles will be there,” said Powell.

Powell is glad that the search has been opened up for “the community to get involved.”

i do not think they used heat-sensing/thermal imaging helicopters last night, they need to.

it's going to be dark before long. :(

At a 3 p.m. news conference Tuesday, Oct. 25, Hanover Sheriff Col. David K. Hines said, “I’d like to be before you today to tell you we’ve found Robbie, but that is not the case.”

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then they should be able to track him! it's night now!

Hanover Sheriff David Hines says dogs have picked up Wood's scent, and they believe he is in the 80-acre park. He says Virginia Emergency Management personnel will search overnight in hopes of finding the boy. They are also asking volunteers to return tomorrow to help once again in the search.
the youth has “absolutely no awareness of his personal safety concerns.”

me: this needs to be a search AND a parallel investigation.

i woke up at 0430 today with this little boy on my mind, and he's still not home safe and warm. this is bad to go so long. :(
i can only hope he is found first thing this morning.

Search for Robbie expands to crawl spaces and attics

vigil last night, parents did not attend.

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I rekon this ends badly, i hope not, but i dont fancy the chances of the autistic boy who loves water but can't swim, i wish him luck.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

Any news yet? I'm at work and haven't heard anything as of today. I find it strange that the father didn't keep running after his son. How fast can a 9 year old be? If that was my child I would not stop running until I caught him, something sounds strange. It's not like a dog and you just get tired of running and give up and say "oh, he'll come back" this is a child, you go until you can't go no more.
(10-26-2011, 01:51 PM)pplrcrazy Wrote: Any news yet? I'm at work and haven't heard anything as of today. I find it strange that the father didn't keep running after his son. How fast can a 9 year old be? If that was my child I would not stop running until I caught him, something sounds strange. It's not like a dog and you just get tired of running and give up and say "oh, he'll come back" this is a child, you go until you can't go no more.
I agree.

I'm hoping though that the presence of the girlfriend and the other son kept things on the up and up.

I really don't want to read of another dead kid today.
bloody hell! either he is in that river or there is something very strange going on here. i just got back here, am trying to catch up. this boy stays on my mind today.

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