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former Penn. State Coach Sandusky charged in child sex case
That's a hell of a burden to carry. I hope he is able to get over that feeling of responsibility.

What a scumbag I hope he gets killed in prison.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

Some old coaching buddies on the stand as character witnesses today.

Former Penn State assistant coach Dick Anderson, who worked with Sandusky for several years, testified that he and other members of the football staff were present when Sandusky brought young boys into the team's showers.

He said he never witnessed anything inappropriate.

"If Jerry would bring someone in with The Second Mile, they had been working out, for whatever reason they came in, it was not uncommon ... with the other coaches in the shower as well," Anderson said.

Anderson, who coached at Penn State from 1970 to 1983 and again from 1990 to 2011, adults and children often shower together at gyms. He noted, for example, that it's not unusual for him to be in the showers with boys at the YMCA.

Defense witness testimony

There is a possibility that the jury would get the case on Thursday this week. I guess the defense doesn't need an entire week for character witnesses hah Dottie has not testified so far, I look to her being the last witness for the defense unless Sandusky himself takes the stand.

This case is going to come down to "he said/he said". Even McQueary and the janitor's testimony is eyewitness with no forensic evidence or pictures. The jury will have to decide whose testimony is more believable.
oops. Dick-head

Accused Penn State pedophile Jerry Sandusky came off a lot creepier in that exclusive sitdown with NBC last November than anyone knew, but the Peacock Network oddly chose not to air what sounds a lot like an admission of guilt -- and now prosecutors want the whole transcript.

"I didn't go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I've helped," Sandusky told Costas in footage that never made the November airing.

"I didn't go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I've helped."
- Jerry Sandusky, in unaired portion of NBC interview


The disturbing answer first came to light when NBC's "Today" show aired previously unseen transcripts last Tuesday. That prompted prosecutors from the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office to contact NBC lawyers on Friday to request that the network turn over and authenticate the entire transcript from the interview that was used to tape the segment that aired on the news program, “Rock Center with Brian Williams.”

“And I didn't go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I've helped. There are many that I didn't have -- I hardly had any contact with who I have helped in many, many ways," he added.

Dottie has shown up at court.

If they do not lock this animal scumbag away for years, I'll hunt him down myself Bass Ass Grin
He'll get all the anal he wants in prison.
Amendola is an asshat if he puts the 2 of them on the stand. but we already know he's an Asshat for his "histrionic personality disorder" horseshit. that does NOT mean a person doesn't know right from wrong.


Bellefonte, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Jerry Sandusky's attorney told reporters Tuesday to "stay tuned" to see if his client will testify in a child rape case that has upended Penn State University and its football program.

"You have to wait," attorney Joe Amendola said just before entering the Pennsylvania courthouse and calling witnesses for a second day.

Sandusky, 68, is on trial on 51 counts related to accusations of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year span. The former Penn State defensive coordinator has denied the charges.

His wife, Dottie, also entered the Centre County Courthouse on Tuesday, though it is not clear if she will testify on her husband's behalf. Her arrival marks the first time she's appeared at the trial.

While many of the alleged victims testified that they knew Dottie Sandusky, she is not accused of having witnessed sexual abuse.

Closing arguments could begin as soon as Thursday, with the defense expected to end its case midday Wednesday, followed by the prosecution's rebuttal.

now the big question...will he take the stand tomorrow?

When defense lawyers called Dottie Sandusky to the witness stand to defend her husband in the child sex-abuse trial Tuesday, she said Jerry never had inappropriate contact with the boys who stayed at their home.

Dottie Sandusky said their life has always been a busy one, with her husband's coaching schedule and charity work. But when he was home, she said boys from her husband's charity would go with him to football games and then sleep over.

Dottie added that she remembers most of the men who testified during the trial that Jerry Sandusky abused them.

She says there was no inappropriate contact.

She also says that the basement where the boys would stay wasn't soundproof. That contradicts one man's testimony that he screamed during an assault but couldn't be heard.

Her husband was also typically the one to put the children to sleep, she said, telling jurors that "he would go downstairs and tell them good night."


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'I would have heard screams if someone was sexually abused in my basement': Dottie Sandusky takes the stand and brands her husband's accusers 'conniving and clingy'

(06-19-2012, 06:53 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: ...She also says that the basement where the boys would stay wasn't soundproof. That contradicts one man's testimony that he screamed during an assault but couldn't be heard.

How sad that the victim thinks the reason Dottie didn't help him was because she didn't hear him scream. She heard him - she just ignored it.
This bitch is just as guilty as her pedo husband, IMO.
I love this tidbit:

However, in court Tuesday, Dottie, who has been married to her husband for 45 years, said she goes into her basement at least once a day because her freezer is down there. hah

What does this have to do with anything? Is she trying to establish her presence in the basement? She doesn't admit to being down there while the boys were in bed or when Jerry was with them.

Christ I hope this jury is smart enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. Every bit of testimony from the defense has been bullshit, including Dr. Elliot's "histrionic personality disorder" crap. I believe Jerry suffers from a psychiatric disorder, it's called pedophilia.
defense has rested. noon Wednesday.

surprise surprise-- jerry didn't take the stand.

closings tomorrow, thursday 0900.

Dottie arriving at the courthouse:

[Image: article216178513b0176f0.jpg]
He did not go on stand because he knows he is fucked..literally. As for Dottie...I am thinking of those three monkeys. If she claims she did not see or hear anything, she can then get away with not saying anything.

[Image: monkeys4.gif]
the jury may well get it this afternoon. i'd love to see a friday verdict.

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Three more criminal counts have been dropped against former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, who still faces 48 more in his child rape trial.

The announcement was made Thursday, as closing arguments were set to begin in the high-profile case.

The case has been handed to the jury.

Let's hope they get this one right, or we'll be reading about more charges in time.
adopted son did not testify. but if there is a sentencing hearing, i suppose he could.

Matt Sandusky, one of Jerry Sandusky's adopted children, has said that he was molested by the former Penn State defensive coordinator, according to a statement from his lawyers.

The allegation comes as Sandusky is awaiting the verdict in his child rape trial. Matt Sandusky, who has defended his father as he faced child rape charges, said through his attorneys Andrew Shubin and Justine Andronici that he met with prosecutors this week to tell them he was a victim for the first time.

"During the trial, Matt Sandusky contacted us and requested our advice and assistance in arranging a meeting with prosecutors to disclose for the first time in this case that he is a victim of Jerry Sandusky’s abuse," Matt Sandusky's lawyers said in a statement obtained by InSession. "At Matt’s request, we immediately arranged a meeting between him and the prosecutors and investigators."

No further details were released about the circumstances surrounding the alleged molestation or when Matt Sandusky claims the abuse occurred.

"This has been an extremely painful experience for Matt and he has asked us to convey his request that the media respect his privacy," a statement from Matt Sandusky's lawyer said. "There will be no further comment at this time."

Adopted son now says Sandusky molested him

Matt Sandusky, one of Jerry Sandusky's adopted children, has said that he was molested by the former Penn State defensive coordinator, according to a statement from his lawyers.

...Matt Sandusky, who has defended his father as he faced child rape charges, said through his attorneys ... that he met with prosecutors this week to tell them he was a victim for the first time.

"During the trial, Matt Sandusky contacted us and requested our advice and assistance in arranging a meeting with prosecutors to disclose for the first time in this case that he is a victim of Jerry Sandusky’s abuse," Matt Sandusky's lawyers said in a statement obtained by InSession. "At Matt’s request, we immediately arranged a meeting between him and the prosecutors and investigators."

No further details were released about the circumstances surrounding the alleged molestation or when Matt Sandusky claims the abuse occurred.

"This has been an extremely painful experience for Matt and he has asked us to convey his request that the media respect his privacy," a statement from Matt Sandusky's lawyer said. "There will be no further comment at this time."...
Sounds like this goose is just about cooked.

Don't forget the lube Jerry. You're about to find out what it's like to get raped by another man.
adopted son Matt, 33, was prepared to testify for the prosecution at this trial. but he was not put on witness list. i suspect the DA/prosecutor is saving him in case this jury fucks up and they want to re-try jerry. it would be a separate case, not double jeopardy.


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