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(12-18-2011, 01:07 AM)blueberryhill Wrote: America has had an on-going love affair with firearms~~and supporters like to spout that they need them to protect their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in some cases this is so.You call it a Love Affair, I call it responsible gun ownership and training
However, in most cases the carrying of firearms by our "citizens" more often results in the taking away the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from others.They may be Citizens, but 99% of them are just criminals with a gun and no CCW, CCW people are not the ones commiting crimes
Do you think the number of people carrying firearms to protect themselves is that successful? Yes, How often do you hear of a CCW person being mugged?
More often, the weapon is in the hands of the bad guys. True, so get the criminals off the streets, there are a lot fewer of them than there guns
Yikes! My area permits concealed weapons and a local restaurant here has posted a "no weapons" sign in front (they do sell alcohol). I personally do not want to be around someone who is drinking and
carrying a weapon. Most states that issue a CCW already prohibit carrying and drinking, you get your CCW revoked and you go to jail if caught drunk and carrying and we know this as it is part of the CCW training. Also, Federal law already prohibits carrying a weapon anywhere that serves mostly alcohol.
No wonder USA has such a high number of fatalities via guns. In and around the city, there have been numerous shots in the dark, shots at stoplights, shots at people walking, running. driving, sitting and minding their own business. Again, get the criminals off the street, get involved, report assholes on the street, arm and train responsible citizens, support the police instead of calling them pigs.
Recently a road rage incident involving two men resulted in one shooting the other. (He died) Is this what you mean when you say you need to protect your right to life, etc. Did either one of them have a CCW? I doubt it, so they started the day br breaking existing laws by carrying in the first place. Its not the guns, its the criminals

(12-18-2011, 01:18 AM)Cracker Wrote: I'm more worried about severe weather and black people. As soon as the flood/blizzard/fire/earthquake hits, blacks go shopping in closed stores and other people's houses.

If they had a trade-a-gun-for-a-darkie program I would do it.

All too true, its happened in the US everywhere everytime there has been any sort of disaster, L.A. after the Rodney King trial, SF after the earthquake, New Orleans after the hurricane, Miami after the hurricane, on and on.
Now take a look at Japan after their latest adventure, the people there were returning items they found to the people and places they belong to.
(12-18-2011, 01:14 AM)username Wrote:
(12-18-2011, 12:30 AM)pyropappy Wrote: I will be happy to enlighten both of you. The second amendment has nothing to do with protecting yourself and your family from crime. It is about protecting yourself, your family and your property from an over bearing government. You myrmidons have swallowed the progressive lies hook, line and sinker.

Our fore fathers had just finished fighting a war of oppression by an out of control government. That government usurped the right of free men to peaceably assemble, removed their right to have a say in their government and attempted to remove their means to defend themselves. Read the Declaration of Independence sometime it is very enlightening.

Have you read the papers lately? Congress is in the process of passing legislation allowing the DOJ to arrest and detain America citizens, indefinitely, without trial, they deem a threat. Congress is declaring America a battlefield. This is the scariest piece of legislation I have ever heard of.

It most certainly is not “retarded” to expect every citizen of this country to be prepared to defend our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you choose to ignore that obligation then I would say that is the ultimate of irresponsible behaviors.

If you think it can’t happen to you, or this is America, it will never happen here I would suggest you reread your history. During WWI Woodrow Wilson created internment camps for German Americans. During WWII Roosevelt created internment camps for Japanese Americans. We won’t even mention Lincoln suspending the “writ of habeas corpus” during the civil war.

Being prepared against violent felons is only a tiny part of my argument; you had better be prepared to fight off an invasion of anarchists, communists, radical Muslims and progressives trying to fundamentally change our system of government. What they have in store for you will make you pray you were just the victim of a crime.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating, if you have not read “The Coming Insurrection” you had better do so yesterday and prepare yourself and your family for what awaits.

This world is changing, and not for the better.

You're a worthless piece of monkey dung and a paranoid freak to boot. Go ahead and live your life under your tin foil hat. I hope, btw, that you've built a radioactive proof bomb shelter too since you're so worried about all the possibilities.

You think we're going to repeat the Japanese or German internment camps? If so, I guess if I were a Muslim in America I might arm myself...

People like you are what is all wrong with America. Freaking fanatical dingnuts. Jesus.

You keep right on thinking that silly shit. News flash darlin, the democrats and liberals have changed this country, there is no chance in hell of an interment camp for muslems. This country has gotten so PC they are now strip searching grandma and her mastectomy bra instead of Profiling for assholes Just so they don't run any chance of offending muslems. The TSA continually upgrades to more and more invasive proceedures and continually invades the privacy of ordnery citizens in order to make flying "More Secure and Safe". Its in the paper every week, whats never in the paper is some Muslem protesting about his colostomy bag being violated at airport security, just the white folks, why do think that is?
What you also don't see is the Muslems in this country standing up and denouncing the actions of their brothers in other places. Here they quietly applaud the actions of their brothers, and No one here is doing or saying anything about it.
And the best shot you have is to call a guy monkey shit?
Why fight with words? Break out the guns!
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Dick, you say that you can always spot a liberal, it never changes. I feel the same about narrow minded, blames everything on Gov't, believes everything they read, radical, tight assed, pistol toting right wingers.
A friend (another right winger) said she would pray for me because i don't watch Fox news. You right wingers are all the
same. Full of doom and gloom and I want you to think carefully about all the programs that are funded by the US Govt,
from educational loans, money to research diseases, better roads, unemployment benefits, food inspections, etc, funds
to help disaster victims. I certainly get upset at all the Gov't waste, and over spending and giving $900,000 to North
Korea to help them out due to disaster in their country recently. To me. that was over-kill (love thy enemy). I am fighting a disease with a medication that Government monies helped make possible so quit your bitchin and quit watching Fox news. There are so many Gov't grants out there that almost anyone can qualify for something (another waste of taxpayer
money~in my opinion).
Guns do not kill people. People kill people. With that said I have no problem with anyone that does not like guns, it would be wrong to let nervous people own one anyways. As it is I will continue to circumvent government intrusion. I also do not think "the government" has its shit together enough to have some "agenda". It is selfish, greedy polititians that vote for bills that only puts money into their pockets. Term limits of say 8 yrs max just like the president would stifle alot of this money making behind closed doors. Although most would probably then vote for things that would be industry specific, then go into that field when they left.
Humans will be humans that will never change. It is always about money in the end the rest is all bullshit.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(12-18-2011, 04:15 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: A friend (another right winger) said she would pray for me because i don't watch Fox news.

*snicker* What the hell do you say to something like that?

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(12-18-2011, 01:07 AM)blueberryhill Wrote: America has had an on-going love affair with firearms~~and supporters like to spout that they need them to protect their
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in some cases this is so. However, in most cases the carrying of firearms by our "citizens" more often results in the taking away the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from others.

I think your facts are off. I think you'd find, if you really looked into it, that over a million rapes, murders, assaults, home invasions, etc. are prevented each year due to the defensive use of firearms. You just don't see many of those news stories and many are not officially reported. In addition, how often you see the tool being used well does not negate, in any way, one's right to the tool to protect their family, property, safety, or freedom. It's also a deterrent for unknown future situations. It is not a love affair but a respect for what our Founders said about firearms being the key to protecting the other rights. The right to effective self defense and the private ownership of firearms is also a basic way to not become defenseless victims to the bad guys who history shows get emboldened - whether home invader or invading tyrant. Do some research.
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(12-18-2011, 01:18 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: You keep right on thinking that silly shit. News flash darlin, the democrats and liberals have changed this country, there is no chance in hell of an interment camp for muslems. This country has gotten so PC they are now strip searching grandma and her mastectomy bra instead of Profiling for assholes Just so they don't run any chance of offending muslems. The TSA continually upgrades to more and more invasive proceedures and continually invades the privacy of ordnery citizens in order to make flying "More Secure and Safe". Its in the paper every week, whats never in the paper is some Muslem protesting about his colostomy bag being violated at airport security, just the white folks, why do think that is?
What you also don't see is the Muslems in this country standing up and denouncing the actions of their brothers in other places. Here they quietly applaud the actions of their brothers, and No one here is doing or saying anything about it.
And the best shot you have is to call a guy monkey shit?

You fucking tard, you don't even know how to spell Muslim, why do you think I'd listen to anything you have to say about them?

I don't give a shit if sane, responsible people want to own/carry guns. I do have a problem with the suggestion that it's "irresponsible" not to carry one. That's bullshit.

I don't know how the hell you digressed in to a conversation about grandma's bra at the airport.
Commando Cunt Queen
(12-18-2011, 04:55 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(12-18-2011, 04:15 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: A friend (another right winger) said she would pray for me because i don't watch Fox news.

*snicker* What the hell do you say to something like that?

You say, "Pray for me because I have a disease."

I will pray it isn't Gonorrhea.

I imagine lefties feel the same about NPR or CNN. When someone bitches about something someone else does, they always neglect to point out their own foibles. It's human nature.

They are both crazy as fuck. Vote for whomever will steal less, take less from my own table to give to lazy fuckers, and not let other people harm us. That's pretty much my platform.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-18-2011, 05:15 PM)username Wrote: I don't know how the hell you digressed in to a conversation about grandma's bra at the airport.

Tits: Never far from a man's mind.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-18-2011, 04:30 PM)Maggot Wrote: Guns do not kill people. Black people kill people.

I agree.

(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Ohhhh, Cracker...


Commando Cunt Queen
Middle Finger,
Why don't you do your research. You spout all the same old crap that
you good ole boys and girls continue to spread. Where are you getting
your information? I have probably lived a lot longer than you and i
think from your comments, i am better educated. I am not going to
argue with a dumbass. Do your OWN research and see what country
has the highest murder rate on the planet. And the statement that
guns don't kill people, people do, (you didn't say this, someone else did), i am so sick of hearing that. You people who rant and rave about
the Founding Fathers, need to progress to this century. We are no longer
at war with the British. And yes, criminals do need to be locked up,
but noone wants to pay for larger jails and prisons and due to crowding,
they have to release them back on the streets.
You can wear yourself out getting criminals off the street, but they will
be out in a few days, weeks, months, etc. When they do get out, they
have easy access to weapons. Yes, knives, and other weapons can be
used, but a gun is cleaner and leaves less evidence (normally). Back to
my chores~~~~~~~~don't piss me off again!!!!!

Cracker, no STD (darn it, at least i could say i was sexually active) Actually it is breast cancer.I told my friend that i had programmed my computer to junk all Republican, stupid emails so while she is praying for me,
her email is going to junk mail where it belongs. Seriously Glen Beck is her hero. That is just sad. What gets my dander
up is she and many others do not check to see if this crap they are forwarding through internet is true. Noone checks to see
if there information is correct. Such garbage goes through cyberspace and it is insulting to anyone with a mind I suppose i will now be attacked by all Republicans, however, i have to say that there are some issues
in their platform that i totally agree with, For ex, illegal means you are here illegally. i could never stay over in another
country without a visa. so i am not a 100 percent democrat. also, i want to apologize for making this political but gun control seems to come up in these discussions.
(12-18-2011, 06:09 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: i want to apologize

Stop here Blasphemy!

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]

You are funny! If an intruder was trying to stab me with one of my kitchen knives, i would apologize
for having such dull knives.
(12-18-2011, 05:53 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: And the statement that
guns don't kill people, people do, (you didn't say this, someone else did), i am so sick of hearing that.

There are two extremes in this are at one end.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(12-18-2011, 05:53 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: You people who rant and rave about
the Founding Fathers, need to progress to this century. We are no longer
at war with the British.

The rest of your post was either childish or just plain ol stupid, so I picked the one part I feel like commenting about because it is so often used in a froth of ignorance. In fact, before I got educated on the issues surrounding firearms, I used to feel a similar thing. If you think the only principled reason bearing arms is in the Constitution is due to a need to fight something akin to the British, then you have done zero quality research into what the views of the Founding Fathers actually were regarding the right to bear arms, and have done zero research into why such a right would be deemed key by them. And I do mean ZERO since only an ignorant bitch would actually use the "we need to move on, we aren't fighting the British any longer" bullshit.

I don't like guns, really. But what I hate more is a bunch of defenseless and helpless people who embolden the bad guys and who do not take responsibility for their Government, their safety, or their freedom.

Like I said, there are risks and costs to freedom but you do not take away a basic right because there are accidents and abuses. It's as simple as that, sheep bitch.

Here's the most important point: stop being fooled by the guns. You are being distracted from the real problems. The real problems behind the violence is not the availability of guns - weapons, including guns, were more available as you go back in decades - even through mail order. When you put blame on the guns, you not only engage in ignorance, you decrease the chances of the real problems getting fixed. The more people blame guns, the less of a spotlight gets places upon the real problems.

In other words, your type of stupidity helps ensure that no real dent will be made in the general occurrences of violence because you work to allocate time, energy, and resources to things that are not actually the problem.

86 112
Crying-into-tissue ..... That was beautiful.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.