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Some one dropped a bollock.
[size="+2"]Plano teen eats fetal pig parts on classmates' dare[/size][size="-1"]

09:09 AM CDT on Saturday, May 30, 2009
[/size][size="-1"]By MATTHEW HAAG / The Dallas Morning News

[/size]Some kids will do anything for money.
Last week at Shepton High School in Plano, a ninth-grader agreed to eat parts of a fetal pig ⿿ and not just any parts ⿿ for $50.
The second-period biology class was wrapping up a third session on dissection when a couple of students proposed the dare.
"What was I eating?" the boy recalled asking.
Testicles, the students replied.
He gulped them down one at a time, he said, trying not to bite down.
"It was just like swallowing a pill," said the 15-year-old, who is not being identified because of his age. "It wasn't that bad."
School officials, who declined to comment, apparently took a different view, especially because the pigs are soaked in formaldehyde, a toxic chemical used to preserve the tissue.
They called the boy's mother, who couldn't be reached for comment, and a trip to the hospital followed.
"She said, 'How could you be so stupid?' " the boy said.
After the hospital, he said, he went home and brushed his teeth ⿿ three times.
He said he collected $40 but owes his mom $100 for the hospital visit.
"It wasn't very smart," the boy said.

Ops :Blush:

Why ...why the fuck would you even think about eating something like that.
Sick little fuckers::bvomit::
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

I remember having to dissect a frog in high school and that sucker was like rubber from being soak in formaldahyde... I can't believe that stupid kid actually swallowed something that reeked of that crap.
Agreed!! that's disgusting.

I once chopped up and wore some pigs' aorta(s) as rings. I got excluded for 3 days because I refused to take them off for about 3 hours Smiley_emoticons_biggrin I got solitary confinement while I decided, it got pretty smelly in there and the flesh on my fingers was disgusting. But, I was young and rebellious - I didn't even have an aim in the whole situation, how rebellious is THAT!

[Image: 22711.jpg]
I'd say wearing that for three hours would've been punishment enough, you weirdo.
I stole an ear from the fetal pig I dissected in biology and placed it on a chef's salad in the cafeteria as I was going through the line. I never heard who ended up with it for lunch.
Fug duh kund
LW, you're one sick bastard.
Thank yuh...thank yuh very much...:cool:
Fug duh kund
[user=154]Luke Warmwater[/user] wrote:
Quote:I stole an ear from the fetal pig I dissected in biology and placed it on a chef's salad in the cafeteria as I was going through the line. I never heard who ended up with it for lunch.

As frank would say.....

[Image: borndragon.gif]
My frog dissecting days are over.....:Blush:
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
But, can you say the same regarding chipmunks ?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:But, can you say the same regarding chipmunks ?
I have never dissected a live chipmunk.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Oh yes, of course you're right...You just murder 'em in cold blood. 21
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:Oh yes, of course you're right...You just murder 'em in cold blood. 21
No I toss them over da fence into the other guys yard. (I have poisoned a few that came back) My house is now a chipmunk free zone.::banana::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.