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(06-20-2013, 11:08 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Interested to hear what others think about the jury composition.
I'm really surprised by it.
All women, all but one white.
I know De la Rionda got some of his strikes for cause denied by the judge; a few of the potential jurors he wanted gone were not booted.
You never know what a jury's gonna do and how their interaction will affect the verdict. But, I think O'Mara had a better day in final jury selection than did the prosecution.
On the other hand...all but one of the jurors is a mother.
P.s. Where the heck is Adub? Interested in her take too.
The media was saying, way back when, that the defense wanted a jury of middle aged white women. They got what they wanted, more or less. But, O'Mara did have to play the race card to get it. Questioning why the State was striking all white women lolol. Hello! Maybe because all those white women had made Crackerish bigoted statements while being questioned ?
But it is all good.
George Zimmerman did not shoot in self-defense. Because Trayvon Martin is not/was not a psychopathic killer. Why would TM want to murder George? If anything, GZ shot because he freaked the hell out. That doesn't count in Florida. Florida does not recognize an imperfect defense. Which means you can not freak the hell out and shoot someone because you thought they were the Big Black Kid that had been burglarizing homes ... that your wife witnessed running toward the back gate .... months and months before ...
George Zimmerman screwed up. And these white women are going to hear all about it.
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(06-20-2013, 11:18 PM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: I find it odd that a jury of all women is called a jury of peers, when the defendant is a male. That being said I think that the jury should be able to give a verdict based on the facts that are presented. Sex, race, age, firearm ownership, etc should have no bearing on the verdict . . . I would think not anyway.
Peers just means residents that have drivers license in the same county that the crime occurred. The evidence will speak for itself. George is going to be found guilty as charged.
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(06-21-2013, 01:50 AM)Adub Wrote: Peers just means residents that have drivers license in the same county that the crime occurred. The evidence will speak for itself. George is going to be found guilty as charged.
I hope you are right I really do.
One of my main concerns is the barbituates and amphetamine found in Zimmermans system shortly after the shooting. Do you think the defence might try and claim he was under the influence of prescribed medication and not fully in control or responsible for his actions that night?
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(06-21-2013, 06:50 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: (06-21-2013, 01:50 AM)Adub Wrote: Peers just means residents that have drivers license in the same county that the crime occurred. The evidence will speak for itself. George is going to be found guilty as charged.
I hope you are right I really do.
One of my main concerns is the barbituates and amphetamine found in Zimmermans system shortly after the shooting. Do you think the defence might try and claim he was under the influence of prescribed medication and not fully in control or responsible for his actions that night?
No. The defense will want to downplay that, I would think. They are going with George was doing nothing illegal, George had every right to call NE911, and that the Big Black Scary Kid committed a criminal act when he assaulted George with the intent of murdering him. And, George was forced to shoot the Big Black Kid to save his own life. Simple self-defense.
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(06-21-2013, 08:45 AM)Adub Wrote: No. The defense will want to downplay that, I would think. They are going with George was doing nothing illegal, George had every right to call NE911, and that the Big Black Scary Kid committed a criminal act when he assaulted George with the intent of murdering him. And, George was forced to shoot the Big Black Kid to save his own life. Simple self-defense.
I agree.
The defense will definitely want George's medications kept out (or will minimize their relevance if let in); same as the prosecution's position in regards to the THC in Trayvon's system. If George was altered that night, it works against him not for him; not a defense.
I'm anxious for opening statements on Monday.
Feel like I know what the defense's case will be since they've put so much in the media and on the web. But, the state's shown fewer of its cards and hopefully has evidence not known to the public which will help the jury in reaching a verdict that reflects truth (whichever way it turns out).
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I am going to watch opening and closing statements. Otherwise, I am going to try to ignore the trial.
I have read all of the discovery by the state. The state has good solid evidence that GZ is a big fat liar.
I believe that George Zimmerman has issues with self-aggrandizement. And that Mom and Dad Zimmerman are mortified by what their son did. They are grasping at the "racist" issue to deflect from George's idiocy. They know their son is an idiot. They have probably told him that at every opportunity, throughout the years.
Loving how O'Mara and West are pissing off the Judge.
Judge Nelson reminds of the Cheshire Cat.
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I believe 3 of the women have some health care background. Speculation that they might look more critically at George's supposed "wounds" and "broken nose". We'll see.
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(06-21-2013, 10:44 PM)username Wrote: I believe 3 of the women have some health care background. Speculation that they might look more critically at George's supposed "wounds" and "broken nose". We'll see.
If they get to see those knuckle bandages on the back of the defendant's head the day after... what will the CNA jurors think? That George Zimmerman is a knucklehead?
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(06-21-2013, 10:35 PM)Adub Wrote: I am going to watch opening and closing statements. Otherwise, I am going to try to ignore the trial.
I have read all of the discovery by the state. The state has good solid evidence that GZ is a big fat liar.
So, Nelson ruled on Friday that the state can refer to Zimmerman as a"wanna-be cop" and a "vigilante". (I thought she might ban both of those descriptions.)
Prosecutors can also state that George "confronted" Trayvon and that George "profiled" Trayvon. (No surprise there.)
However, prosecutors are to avoid stating that George " racially profiled" Travyon.
Nelson still hasn't ruled on whether the voice recognition technology and state expert witnesses will be allowed at trial. That decision is expected on Monday.
I think that jury composition could be a bigger issue for the state than do you, Adub, though I agree with you and F.U. that if the evidence is strong enough and clearly presented, it shouldn't matter.
If a lot of the evidence remains open to interpretation however, the jurors' life experiences/views could be a very big deal in deliberations. Imo, this jury composition makes it even more critical that the forensic witnesses and testimony be really tight, with definitive conclusions that remain solid under cross-examination.
With this particular jury, If I'm the prosecutor, I'm working my opening statement to revolve around the theme that Trayvon Martin was a "son" who was taken from him parents wrongly and prematurely. I'm also making sure that Trayvon's parents, Sebrina and Tracy, are well prepared for their testimony and not afraid to show raw emotion on the stand.
Monday opening statements will be very interesting...
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I'm not concerned with an all woman jury. Although, I do think the defense played a fast one challenging the States right to use preemptory strikes. That was probably a plan laid out by that $10k a day jury consultant.
West is trying to get some of the defendant's statements allowed into opening statements. He filed a motion yesterday. But the judge ruled on this a month ago and said *denied* I doubt she will change her mind. What they want is statements that GZ made at the scene about yelling for help, and another statement GZ made about getting beat up. Looks to me like West filed an improper motion. He filed a response, when it should have been a reconsideration.
And, the Expert testimony from Reich and Owen is excluded. Judges order. I say good riddance.
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(06-21-2013, 10:35 PM)Adub Wrote: I am going to try to ignore the trial.
That surprises me. Out of everyone who has participated in this thread I would have thought it would be you most of all who would be riveted to this trial.
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(06-21-2013, 10:35 PM)Adub Wrote: I am going to try to ignore the trial. [size=medium][i]
 Good luck!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(06-22-2013, 02:06 PM)Maggot Wrote: (06-21-2013, 10:35 PM)Adub Wrote: I am going to try to ignore the trial.
Good luck!
I'm going to Disneyland on the 26 th for 5 days. I probably will be taking lots of hotel breaks, though
Don West is going to give the opening statements. I swear that guy has early onset dementia. He pisses the Judge off with his slow processing of information. And refusing to let her have the last say.
I also want to know what the hell that brown shit is he keeps plugging into his cheek. Disgusting. Is it chewing tobacco? The camera's have caught him a couple of times. I've never seen him spit so he must be swallowing? Mainlining nicotine?
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(06-22-2013, 12:45 PM)Adub Wrote: West is trying to get some of the defendant's statements allowed into opening statements. He filed a motion yesterday. But the judge ruled on this a month ago and said *denied* I doubt she will change her mind. What they want is statements that GZ made at the scene about yelling for help, and another statement GZ made about getting beat up. Looks to me like West filed an improper motion. He filed a response, when it should have been a reconsideration.
And, the Expert testimony from Reich and Owen is excluded. Judges order. I say good riddance.
Thanks, Adub. Just read Judge Nelson's ruling today not to allow the voice recognition technology and experts at trial.
Given that, it will be interesting to see how much focus is placed on the 911 screams/audio by both sides.
The prosecution now needs to minimize in its case the importance of who was screaming under any scenario. IMO.
I think the defense, however, will want to focus heavily on it, even moreso IF Judge Nelson changes her mind and allows in Zimmerman's statement at the scene about having screamed for help. Without the voice recognition experts, there's nobody but Trayvon's parents to say that's not true.
P.s. Disneyland during school break for 5 days. Fun times, but lots of hotel breaks almost required for sanity retention. They let you bring your own food into the park these days. Good thing, it saved me like $50 a day last time I took my niece.
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I don't think the State needs the evidence of who was screaming help. Zimmerman does. Zimmerman needs it bad. O'Mara is equating the screams for help by George as George's inability to retreat. Only the initial aggressor has to prove that they tried to retreat, and couldn't. George really, really needs to prove that he tried to get away before pulling out his weapon and shooting Trayvon.
My thoughts are why did the screaming end with the gunshot? Especially considering that George said  he didn't know if he had shot Trayvon. George also said  that he didn't even know that Trayvon had died until later when officers told him at the police station. Now, If I had just shot someone in self-defense, and I didn't know if they were dead or not, I would not jump on their back and start trying to restrain them. I would probably hold the gun on them and keep screaming for help ...
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GZ better get nailed for this otherwise there is going to hell be on. My worry is there are going to be people like sixfootersex, FU and maggot on the jury.
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(06-22-2013, 11:47 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: there are going to be people like sixfootersex, FU and maggot on the jury.
Yeah, I'm hoping the jury is filled with people who use their heads too.
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Yeah having three gun nuts on the jury who have all supported zimmerman and denounced martin as a wannabe thug in this very thread would be a great way to get justice dumbass. The three gun nuts I mentioned would have never got past the jury selection process anyway and rightly so.
Jesus the gun nuts are slowly but surely bringing you down to their intellect level, you have made some really stoopid posts in the last week or so. The one above is another prime example.
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