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New Standards
President Ostupid announced that there will be new C.A.F.E. mileage standards for all American manufactured autos.

These new standards will require the fleet average to be 35MPG by 2016. Increases of a minimum 5% per year are expected.

Now the problem here has just a few facets to it.

In order to make a vehicle achieve better fuel mileage there are several things that could be done.

1. Increase engine fuel efficiency (difficult and costly both to develop and manufacture)

2. Decrease vehicle weight. (fairly easy but may come at the expense of size and
gauge of materials)

Weight reduction will surely be the formula until there is no choice but develop new engine technology.

This means that vehicles will be built out of thinner materials to reduce weight BUT, this compromises vehicle crash worthyness. I'll bet Barack and his entoutrage figure that a few extra dead people are well worth "saving the planet". I mean, why not? They're probably smokers who will put a drain on the health care system later anyway!

Size reduction not only shares some of the same factors mentioned above but also carries the limitation of cargo and passengers that it can carry.

Let's do a little math here. In order to produce vehicles that get 35 mpg they must be pretty darn small. (Think smaller that Ford Festiva, GEO Metro etc) Now these vehicles would only seat 2 average sized adults COMFORTABLY and two more cramped in the back. Ok, the statement "But the rest of the world does it!" will appear here but, THIS ISN'T THE REST OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!! We have, with the exception of urban/suburban dwellers, greater distances to traverse to access what we need and little if any public transportation available. (Public transportation is another subject all together)

Now let's get to that math......shall we? A vehicle as described above will have the cargo capacity equal to about 13 of what my Plymouth Voyager mini van has if I remove the rear seat. This would of course be if the little clown car had only the driver in it, the Voyager could still seat 4 comfortably.

So the Voyager gets an average 22 mpg (pretty good for a BIG POLLUTING MONSTER, don'tcha think?) The clown car gets 35. It will take 3 trips to equal what the Voyager will do in one (bear in mind that the mini van will also accomplish this while retaing the 4 person seating capacity.)

Ok Mini van: one trip @ 22 mpg on a trip consisting of 23 miles to the store and return.
Total miles traveled: 46 MPG: 22 Total gallons used for the trip: 2.09

Clownmobile: 3 trips to the same place @ 35 mpg, Total miles traveled: 138 Total gallons used: 3.94

Convert this to the equivalent usage of a vehicle accomplishing the task in just one trip and you get...... 11.67 avg mpg.

This doesn't EVEN factor in that it will be 3 times the tire wear as well as other normal operating expenses (fluids, engine and drivetrain wear) and not to mention mileage devaluation of vehicle trade-in value. As well 3 times the risk of having an accident by virtue of triple the miles driven. It will also mean that it will take triple the amount of time and force you to split the store order into thirds.

Gas savings to "save the planet" and "reduce dependence on foreign oil"? Guess the math shows differently!

Let's examine "save the planet". Yep, burning more fuel to accomplish the task sure does that! (Idiot)

Global warming/climate change is just a vehicle for the powers that be to frighten the public enough into paying more taxes to "saave the planet". How the fuck will paying for carbon offsets save ANYTHING? Answer: It won't!

Guess the "man-made" climate changes THIS time is different from the ones in the past because before it was those damned T-Rexs and Velociraptors driving their SUV's. ::rollseyes::

A bit of biological and climatalogical history:

"Reduce the dependence on foreign oil": It reduces the dependence on foreign oil by causing even more oil to be used.(Moron)

Want to reduce foreign oil dependence? LOOK DOWN AND DRILL ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!

How about persuing GM's (already in place by the way) Hydrogen car technology? All that's needed is for the support infrastructue to be put into place (hydrogen refill stations) and they already have a working agreement with Shell Corp. to do just that!

Fuck you libertard "greenies" with your child's eye view of the world. Grow the fuck up and grow a REAL set. All this shit will do is reverse the progress and standard of living achieved so far by a couple of decades. Further....what next? "You can't have that 50 inch's too big and we think it's wrong to have."? "Oh, you can't eat that. Eat dried beetle dung and rice instead of that nasty steak. It's good for you. If you eat that steak we will punish you by limiting the health benefits we will provide for you" (Thought it was supposed to be UNIVERSAL asshole!)

We already have them making trans-fats "illegal" to consume at fast food restaurants. Now am I against reducing trans fats in the diet. Not really but, don't fucking force me to not eat it by banning it and limiting my choices. ALLOW me to make that choice by providing information. If I chose to eat gobs of it then it's my fucking heart attack and I want it now.

But I digress. Returning to C.A.F.E. standards.

The Prez stated that the extra estimated $1,300 cost added to the vehicle could be made up by the consumer in gas savings over 3 years of ownership. This ASS U MEs of course that you would pay the car off in 3 years and maybe keep it a little longer before making the next vehicle purchase. (Like THAT happens on average!)

Ok....let's see......lower gas consumption (hahahahahahaha) would result in lower tax revenue from fuel taxes. OH NOES!!!!!! Gotta raise the fuel taxes to make up for it. So much for the extra $1,300 being made up!

This shit will only, in the end, line the pockets of politicians
(from both sides of the aisle)
and their lobbiest's cronies. ::fuck::

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Ok at the risk of getting mocked for agreeing with you, have you thought of sending this exactly as you have it written to your congressman?

Then send it to your state senators?

I've had a lot of success getting two laws enacted here and quite a bit of other things done through my congressman and state senator. I'm right next door in the Republik of NJ too.

Right now I've been keeping my helpful officials in the know about breed specific legislation they keep trying to bring into effect and so far, the last 4 years has been shot to hell time and again due to it being against the state constitution.

Sometimes all it takes is for someone to point out things in plain language rather than their bullshit political conversations.
Well....I'd really have to change the Ostupid and leave a few other comments out.

Another problem is: I don't want to be put on a terrorist watch list. With the current administration, how likely is it that I would be from sending this opinion?
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Change the Ostupid and take out the fucks - but leave it in plain language.

It's highly unlikely you'd be put on any kind of terrorist watch list.

Like I said, pick your local officials to get the ball rolling, don't go right to the top.

I would send it to one of each party, find a Democrat and a Republican congressman and see what happens in the way of a response. Add your sig line of something along the lines of, "I look forward to your opinion and further conversation with you on this". Works like a charm.
I'll consider it.
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The Antagonist Wrote:It's highly unlikely you'd be put on any kind of terrorist watch list.
Are you sure of that?

Have a look at this.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some conspiracy nutcase but I DO think it's possible to wind up on some damned list for ridiculous reasons.

Maybe I'll clean it up and send it to my local asswipe state senator.
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
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Take thee sweet ass over to 24...You can be their new hero...They will love what you have done with our Prez's name & be beside themselves with the thought of having a new recruit in their midst.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:Take thee sweet ass over to 24...You can be their new hero...They will love what you have done with our Prez's name & be beside themselves with the thought of having a new recruit in their midst.
But what's in it for me? Smiley_emoticons_wink
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
Duchess Wrote:Take thee sweet ass over to 24...You can be their new hero...They will love what you have done with our Prez's name & be beside themselves with the thought of having a new recruit in their midst.

Better yet, just spam this to FGP via her email and she'll post it like all the other shit she gets...and of course, lean toward it being her original idea.

Have you noticed how those freaks over there haven't an original idea or thought? They just regurgitate what they see and hear that comes close to their own perceived and filtered 'reality'. It must be wonderful looking at the world through a cardboard tube you find in the center of your paper towels... Hey, with two you could see in stereo :shock:
Fug duh kund
Luke Warmwater Wrote:
Duchess Wrote:Take thee sweet ass over to 24...You can be their new hero...They will love what you have done with our Prez's name & be beside themselves with the thought of having a new recruit in their midst.

Better yet, just spam this to FGP via her email and she'll post it like all the other shit she gets...and of course, lean toward it being her original idea.

Have you noticed how those freaks over there haven't an original idea or thought? They just regurgitate what they see and hear that comes close to their own perceived and filtered 'reality'. It must be wonderful looking at the world through a cardboard tube you find in the center of your paper towels... Hey, with two you could see in stereo :shock:
Its called binocular vision. ::lmao::

If this is the case at 24, I reiterate, what's in it for me?
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
'scusa me...i have original thoughts. ::showass::

jackboots Wrote:'scusa me...i have original thoughts. ::showass::
But do they extend beyond "Since I'm ambidextrous, I think I'll masturbate left-handed today." ?
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
jackboots Wrote:'scusa me...i have original thoughts. ::showass::
I'm talking about the Asses of Evil, you know, out rightie brothers and sisters without jobs.
Fug duh kund
LKTraz Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:It's highly unlikely you'd be put on any kind of terrorist watch list.
Are you sure of that?

Have a look at this.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some conspiracy nutcase but I DO think it's possible to wind up on some damned list for ridiculous reasons.

Maybe I'll clean it up and send it to my local asswipe state senator.

I wouldn't worry about that.

Like I said start low, your congressman. Although he's above your state senator, he's federal and has a voice in congress. Your state senator only can regulate in your state. Don't get your senator you elected to go to washington mixed up for the one who legislates in your state for your state.

I should have added (but I gather you understood anyway) that depending on the reply that appeals to you most is the one you continue the conversation with. Sometimes it takes several tries to get things rolling. Make sure you follow up every month or so too.

Also, when you reformat your diatribe, throw in some language saying you're all for new and renewable energy but in reality the use of petroleum products can never be abolished (you know, like how freaking plastics are made? damn near everything is made of fucking plastic).

Energy independence and alternative fuels and all that good ol' hippie shit is just not feasable if they're going to continue to use plastics and other petroleum based products. Just think how many things are made of plastic!!

You see where I'm going with this.
LKTraz Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:'scusa me...i have original thoughts. ::showass::
But do they extend beyond "Since I'm ambidextrous, I think I'll masturbate left-handed today." ?
yes....i can shoot with both hands. ::lmao::

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[user=20]The Antagonist[/user] wrote:

I wouldn't worry about that.

Like I said start low, your congressman. Although he's above your state senator, he's federal and has a voice in congress. Your state senator only can regulate in your state. Don't get your senator you elected to go to washington mixed up for the one who legislates in your state for your state.

I should have added (but I gather you understood anyway) that depending on the reply that appeals to you most is the one you continue the conversation with. Sometimes it takes several tries to get things rolling. Make sure you follow up every month or so too.

Also, when you reformat your diatribe, throw in some language saying you're all for new and renewable energy but in reality the use of petroleum products can never be abolished (you know, like how freaking plastics are made? damn near everything is made of fucking plastic).

Energy independence and alternative fuels and all that good ol' hippie shit is just not feasable if they're going to continue to use plastics and other petroleum based products. Just think how many things are made of plastic!!

You see where I'm going with this.

Oh yes, must stroke the PC side of the coin in order to weasel the true points in.
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This is where the money and initiative should go.

Put the fucking money into the infrastructure and you have the answer. That's right, just start swapping out 1:1 hydrogen stations for the dinosaur juice stations. Yeah, it's gonna cost big bucks initially but it costs money to save money. And this isn't even addressing the positives for the environment.
Fug duh kund
That's precisely what I was getting at Luke.

GM already has the infrastructure set to launch in an agreement with Shell.

That would be the ground floor and as other companies joined in, gasoline would slowly slip away as the main fuel.

Dependence on oil will never go completely away as we depend on so many products that are made with petroleum derivatives and petrochemicals.

But this would be a great way to retain larger vehicles which are capable of transporting a fair amount of cargo/passengers in relative comfort as opposed to forcing people to drive tin can clown cars that in the end just fuck with the numbers on the surface and make everyone miserable!

(How's that for a run on sentence?)
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Always start from the bottom up, it is amazing how far you can get with just 15-20 people hounding your state Rep and Senator. Especially if you have a good idea that they can call their own. I have always said take care of your town and city politics beforebitching about the big boys and girls. ButI guess it is easier. They do not look at social forums for guidance. You may as well be talking too a wall.::bang::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Right. That's why I hesitate to even bother trying to run it up the flag pole. The likelihood is that the fucker is getting a kickback from some interested party and it will just reach the round file.

I doubt if I could find a politician who would actually be receptive to my explanation/ideas.
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