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Reminds me of that brilliant idea in Mexico where they put add's in the papers about jobs in the States. The people apply, are hired, put into a car and told they will meet their new employer in the parking lot of San Diego's Wal Mart.
The ones who get their are being told "Sorry, but the job has been unfortunately canceled, here is a hundred bucks to see you get home on a bus."
The ones who don't make it find themselves in a very surprised state in a State Prison due to their car being somehow loaded with "fun stuff".
Now THAT's entrepreneurs!
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Well an American prisoner is worth quite a bit of money. Jobs for guards, sundries, inexpensive labor, phone cards etc. An American prisoner is an integral part of our economy. Which is fine with me. Everyone contributes. One way or another.
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(04-19-2012, 09:42 AM)Riotgear Wrote: We don't really need the people who are stupid enough to not move out of tornado country so it all kind of works out.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(04-19-2012, 09:42 AM)Riotgear Wrote: We don't really need the people who are stupid enough to not move out of tornado country so it all kind of works out.
And just where in the hell would we all move to? hurricane country?...blizzard country? country?...flood country?...drought country?...
Where exactly is a safe place to live away from mother nature?
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this looks pretty interesting! Maggot collects stuff, anything haunted Maggotyboo? ooooooooooooooooooooo
Do you ever feel like the eyes of a portrait might be following you across the room? Or, did you notice that a pen has mysteriously shifted from the location you last placed it? Sure, it could be a coincidence...or it could be paranormal. Ghosts and spirits inhabit more than just homes and buildings - they can live in objects, too. This summer, John Zaffis and his family are on a mission to ease your suspicions.
The Zaffis family are renowned paranormal investigators, tracking down haunted items like paintings, guns, jewelry and dolls. Once identified, these obscure items are collected and stored in the family's museum, helping John's clients bring normalcy back to their lives.
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Sounds like Syfy's Warehouse 13 only not as good, and faker.
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That could either be the BEST museum ever... or the absolute worst.
I'm fascinated by whether ghosts are real or not. But I'd have to fall back on science a little here and say that given our current technology we should have a good way to prove it by now. Despite the fun shows they put on TV, I've not seen much in the way of definitive proof to convince me.
But like Fox Mulder, I want to believe.
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(05-28-2012, 03:41 PM)Jimbone Wrote: I'm fascinated by whether ghosts are real or not.
R.L. Stine really affected your psyche.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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we have a ghost at Emily's bridge in the Hollow. Gets pretty noisy there some nights with all the moaning and thrashing.
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He was a little after my formative years.
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(05-28-2012, 04:52 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: we have a ghost at Emily's bridge in the Hollow. Gets pretty noisy there some nights with all the moaning and thrashing.
Is that a well known haunt in your neck of the woods?
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So I looked it up... it's so haunted it has its own website!
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(05-29-2012, 11:14 AM)Jimbone Wrote: So I looked it up... it's so haunted it has its own website!
i did too...i LOVE haunted New England stories!
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It's a great story:
In the nineteenth century a beautiful young woman named Emily grew up in the town of Stowe. She came from an abusive and overprotective family.
The family was so overprotective that they would not allow Emily to be courted by any of the young men in town. However, one day a handsome young man came across Emily's path while she was doing chores. He instantly captured her heart.
Madly in love Emily introduced the young man to her parents. Her parents, deciding the young man was too poor and uncivilized, forbid Emily to ever see him again. Emily's parents had the young man dragged from their home while Emily watched in despair.
The young man could not be dissuaded. He met Emily while she was away from the house doing chores. Their love deepened and the young man asked Emily to elope. Emily's heart overflowed with joy. Not only would she be marrying the man of her dreams, but he would be taking her away from this oppressive life. They rushed off planning to meet at The Gold Brook Bridge the following night.
Unfortunately, Emily's parents discovered her plans. On the night that Emily was to elope they sent a couple of local thugs to find the young man and beat him unconscious so he would not make the rendezvous. They hoped Emily would believe that the young man had gotten cold feet and abandoned her. They received their wish.
Emily made her way to the bridge and waited. The night grew cold and her lover never came to claim her. Emily collapsed and began to sob, the thought of returning to her abusive parents entered her head and she became angered. She began to pound the sides of the wooden bridge until her hands were bloodied. Unwilling to return to her living nightmare Emily untied the rope that she used to bundle her belongings. She tied one end of the rope to a rafter of the bridge, the other end she tied around her neck.
She hung herself in the cold night. In the morning her lover finally arrived. Horrified, her lover cut her down and buried her near the bridge.
Today, locals know The Gold Brook Bridge as Emily's Bridge because Emily's angry spirit haunts it. Many people have experienced a disturbing phenomenon that has resulted in large scratch marks appearing on their cars. Others that have walked through the bridge have been clawed by Emily. They described it as if a pair of long nailed hands digging their way into their back and scratch down. Upon exiting the bridge they have bloody scratch marks traveling the length of their back, yet their shirt is not torn.
Some have reported hearing the sound of something dragging across the roof of their vehicle as they drive across. Upon investigation they see nothing. It's assumed this is the sound of Emily's feet dragging across the roof.
Others have reported seeing a white apparition inside and around the area of Emily's Bridge. Typically, the apparition is seen at night. Along with the apparition people have heard sounds of Emily sobbing; others have heard a helpless voice crying 'Help!’
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So have you ever been, and have you ever experienced?
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LC, you've got some places near you to check out I think:
An aside... ever had ice cream from Four Seas?
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Jim: ever had ice cream from Four Seas?
possibly long ago, i don't remember.
that book looks promising. 
Ma i want you to do this for us...around midnight one night, walk through Emily's bridge then tell us about it. OK?
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(05-29-2012, 11:50 AM)Jimbone Wrote: So have you ever been, and have you ever experienced?
Ive seen whatever it is. There's fucking something in that area. It's a wicked shortcut through the Hollow to get from GoldBrook to the center of town if you're coming up 100, but I won't use it at night, I just come around on the highway. I've never heard the scratching noises and nothings ever happened to my car personally, but I've seen something floating around in there and the noises are what chills me. Lots of moans and shrieks, and they aint raccoons.
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LC I'm good friends with this guy Joe Citro,he and our mutual friend Steve Bissette collaborate on stuff like this every Halloween. Back in the glory days of comic books Bissette used to do stuff with Alan Moore (Swamp Thing) and did some work with Clive Barker and Neil Gaiman. Great stuff, and there's a bunch of other books besides this one. But these are all the folk monster stories we Vermonters know about.
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(05-29-2012, 12:13 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: Ive seen whatever it is. There's fucking something in that area. It's a wicked shortcut through the Hollow to get from GoldBrook to the center of town if you're coming up 100, but I won't use it at night, I just come around on the highway. I've never heard the scratching noises and nothings ever happened to my car personally, but I've seen something floating around in there and the noises are what chills me. Lots of moans and shrieks, and they aint raccoons.
Hmmm, any chance it's echoing or reflection from the water below? And are the noises a regular occurrence? Can someone go any night and expect to hear it?
Also, that comic book cover to the book looks awesome.