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Mickey Shunick, murdered. 22, La. vanished riding her bike
i guess a ws poster was reprimanded for citing me: hah

from ws

Bike was not dropped

(05-29-2012, 06:31 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: i guess a ws poster was reprimanded for citing me: hah

from ws

Bike was not dropped



From the presser (interesting)

The information that you provide for the tips line, because we are following up literally thousands of leads right now. And we're having to prioritize them as to the ones that we feel are the most important. Any other questions?

Q: The handgrips on the bike. You said you found the bike, then you said you found the handgrips. Were they not attached to the handlebars?
A: We found the bike and the handgrips, that's correct
Q: were they together?
A: We found the bike and the handgrips. We aren't releasing the condition of the bike other than the fact it was damaged in the back. But we did find the bike and the handgrips
Q: Were the handgrips attached to the handelbars?
A: We're not releasing that, that information
Q: Is the investigation centered around a certain location?
A: We've obviously spent a lot of time out at Whiskey Bay, so we had to gather a lot of information out there. We feel we searched that area enough that we feel comfortable the we didn't leave evidence out there. Obviously the sherrifs that patrol those areas will continue to search the areas for us. We are centered on the last sighting of Mickey which is off of St. Landry and that particular area and we continue to focus our efforts in that, so we can gather more information.

Q: Where was the bike, in the water, in the fielded area?
A: The bike iteself was submerged in the water, right off of the bank into the (?) ...
Q: what about the grips
A: Again, that was found with or in the general vacinity of the bike.
Q: was it thrown over the bridge?.
A: Right now we don't believe the bike was thrown from the bridge. Once the forensics people with the state PD get a good opportunity to examine the bike very thorougly it will give us a better idea. But our belief currently is that the bike was dumped beneath the bridge and wasn't thrown from the bridge. Alotr of things come into play, the amount of traffic. I-10 is very well traveled, there is no shoulder, those are factors we are taking in to what we believe happened, again we're gonna have to wait until the state police get back to us.

Q: There's another teenage girl missing...she's a runaway but still missing...
A: I don't know for sure if we've been in touch with that agency. I don't know what case you are talking about. A lot of law enforcement agencies have reached out to us as to similarities as to potential cases and we haven't found one yet that we feel is possibly connected but we appreciate the assistance and information they have provided us.
Q: inaudible
A: Right now we can only believe it was dumped there the morning she went missing but I think once the bike is looked at by state foensics, they can give us a better idea, but right now that's our belief is that it was dumped the morning she went missing.
Q: about the report with white truck
A: That's correct, we are reaching out to Ms. Patterson's daughter, the information we've received was there hadn't been a police report filed so we are looking at that angle, yes.

Q: About sexual predators in that area
A: The reality is we are checking those sexual offenders that are registered in the area and we are making contact with each and every one of them so we know when are where they were when Mickey went missing. That is something that we are definitely following up on and looking into.
Q: Can you tell us where it was from the overpass? Is it possible that it was tossed over the overpass and into Whiskey Bay
A: I'm gonna tell you that we do not believe it was tossed from the bridge at this time, we believe the perpetrator, the person went beneath the bridge and dumped the bike in the water.

Q: Talked to the mother of a woman DLT victim (I didn't hear the name) whose body was found there in 2002 under the bridge in Whiskey Bay who said that LE promised their would be a camera put down there so that no one could do that again and it wouldn't be a dumping ground. Why there wasn't a camera there?
A: Again, that's beyond the jurisdictions of the city of Lafayette, I wouldn't have an answer to that question.

Q: Is St. Martin parish settin gup any other investigation in the basin?
A: We're the lead agency in the missing persons case, but St. Martin parish, Iberia parish, Iberville parish have all lended continue to lend resources, watercraft, sonar and helicopters from the state police. So the resources are out there in searching for Mickey.
Q: water dragging?
A: That has been done and if we see a reason for that to continue we'll send resources out there
Q: sonar still being done?
A: The sonar was done of the area and nothing was found.

Q: What makes you not think this is tied to the Lauren Spierer case?
A: based on the, we don't want to release information about our investigation that we're holding onto, based on the conversation the detective had with the authorities over there we just did not feel, currently, that those cases are connected.

Q: Details about the vehicles
A; Well, that's very good. The car is an older model, GMC 80s 90s, it's got bondo on the rear right quarter panel, it's very obvious. That vehicle should be able to be spotted by the public. One truck that turned on St. Landry street directly behind MS is a Chevrolet white Z71 four-door. That picture has been circulated. And of course the truck with the cover on the bed, believed to be possibly a GMC or Chevrolet, which came from the direction from which Mickey had ridden her bike where she was last captured on video, was obviously, a vehicle of interest for that reason.

Q: Was that the last camera that's seen her that came out of city hall? No other camera was in that direction?
A: No other camera that we have found has captured her on video. You know it's possible that someone in one of these vehicles may have saw Mickey turn off on a side street, which would assist in the investigation. That's why it was so important initially that we asked all businesses and all residents that have a video equipment at their location to review them during that timeframe in hopes of maybe capturing her so that we could establish a direction. Initially, based off of friends and family we were told that Congress was probably her major route. Whereas we were able to finally find some video footage of her and get a direction of travel of where we have her captured in front of city hall.

Q: is the FBI involved?
A: FBI, state police, all the sherrifs agencies around here, city PD, University of Lafayette police, Patterson PD. We just feel so fortunate to work in a community where law enforcement have overwhelmingly sent their resources to assist us. Because, you know life goes on in the city of Lafayette as far as calls for services. We still continue to serve the city of Lafayette, yet we feel we are giving out best effort in locating Mickey.

Q: How long it will be for the state police crime lab to get any results?
A: We were told, and they are working with us, they were going to do the quickest turnaround possible. obviously we want them to take their time with that type of evidence and as delicate as it can be, so it's important to us that they do that and when they get the information out to us, if we are able to, we'll release it.

Q: How many pieces of security video have you looked at, are you worried there are others out there that haven't come out and can you subpeona them?
A: We probably reviewed, I would say over 50 pieces of video from different locations and remember that was early on in the investigation when we thought her route was going down Congress street and we reviewed a lot of video in that case. And yes, that's why we continue to stress if you have a video camera anywhere near St. Landry and St. Mary either in a business or residence, then we want you to review that video so that hopefully you captured Mickey travelling and that will give us more direction as to following her path before she went missing.

There won't be another briefing unless I send out an email.
(05-28-2012, 06:35 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: that i'm a retired LEO

LC, I am going to tell you the truth, you are probably going to want to taser me after this, but it's been on my mind and I think you should know.

When I first read that you were a LEO. I thought to myself, "I thought that LC said she didn't believe in that stuff?" Then I realised that LEO is abbreviated and stands for Law Enforcement Officer. Just thought you should know.
[Image: FB786284ED1F212AA5B8833F4F759329_584_584.jpg]

Since volunteer searches are suspended, the Find Mickey Now Campaign is no longer asking for donations like food, drinks and materials.

Benefits already scheduled will still take place. Some donors have asked where the money is going. We asked that question today.

According to Mickey's sister, Charlene "Charlie" Shunick monetary donations are for expenses that arise for the family. They have not worked since Mickey went missing. sorry, i am cold to that. Money also is used for search efforts like helicopter and fuel costs.

sister's facebook:

***Use this website to donate meals to the Shunick family! E-mail to sign up for lunch and/or dinner donations to Mickey's family; a good meal can go a long way, friends!***

The more I read the more I believe Mickey was taken by someone she knew. I don't think the person got her to go with him voluntarily though. I think he hit her with his car from behind, and got her that way. I think he had to dispose of the bike because hitting her with the vehicle probably left evidence from his car, and for obvious reasons, one wouldn't want it traced back forensically (I'm thinking paint chips and crap like that). Forgive me, but my #1 suspect is Brettly. He doesn't strike me as an authentic co-op hippy guy, but rather someone who wants people to think he's a hippy. He's very awkward- uncomfortable, even- to watch and listen to. Reminds me of a little kid trying on new identities in an effort to fit in... except he's not a little kid. Maybe she rejected him and he lost it... Maybe she knew a secret and he was afraid she'd spill, who knows, but my money is on Brettly at present.

If it was a random stranger thing, why bother disposing of the bike? The only reason I can think one would do that is if they were so close to the victim that it was reasonable to think the cops would be around to notice. Otherwise, just leave it on the side of the road and go about your business. No reason to take the risk of being seen getting rid of the thing unless that bike could easily lead LE back to that person.

Does Brettly have a vehicle? Any of Mickey's friends have a white GMC truck?
Well behaved women seldom make history Smiley_emoticons_wink
(Sticking my butt rudely in the conversation) I agree with the above about taking the bike out to dump it. Why bother to even take the bike at all? Just grab the girl if you are a sick eff.

What does Brettly drive? I hope his neighbors were asked if they heard a car leave his driveway early that morning. It is really unfortunate and worrisome IMO that Brettly's phone died that early morning. The fact that Mickey took an odd route back to her home makes me wonder if she was trying to ditch Brettly. He may be a great guy as his friend has stated here, but I think his man card should be revoked for not following behind Mickey as she rode home that evening or, at minimum, texting her or calling to make sure she got home.

It would be interesting to know what Mickey told her parents about Brettly. Did he hit on her?
(05-29-2012, 08:33 PM)chaze77 Wrote: The more I read the more I believe Mickey was taken by someone she knew. I don't think the person got her to go with him voluntarily though. I think he hit her with his car from behind, and got her that way. I think he had to dispose of the bike because hitting her with the vehicle probably left evidence from his car, and for obvious reasons, one wouldn't want it traced back forensically (I'm thinking paint chips and crap like that). Forgive me, but my #1 suspect is Brettly. He doesn't strike me as an authentic co-op hippy guy, but rather someone who wants people to think he's a hippy. He's very awkward- uncomfortable, even- to watch and listen to. Reminds me of a little kid trying on new identities in an effort to fit in... except he's not a little kid. Maybe she rejected him and he lost it... Maybe she knew a secret and he was afraid she'd spill, who knows, but my money is on Brettly at present.

If it was a random stranger thing, why bother disposing of the bike? The only reason I can think one would do that is if they were so close to the victim that it was reasonable to think the cops would be around to notice. Otherwise, just leave it on the side of the road and go about your business. No reason to take the risk of being seen getting rid of the thing unless that bike could easily lead LE back to that person.

Does Brettly have a vehicle? Any of Mickey's friends have a white GMC truck?

My money is on Brettly also. Most people I know are discounting him due to Mickey showing on camera. That just makes his alibi stronger IMO. There would be nothing stopping him from letting her leave, jumping in his car and taking her down later. His attempts at being a "hipster" are just strange, especially all the pictures of food and Mickey. Maybe those are the two things he wants most in life and can't have? (Dude is so skinny he seriously needs a cheeseburger).
i didn't like Brettly from the start, but then changed my thinking after i saw she did actually leave his house at 0130.

i honestly don't have a firm conviction about this. or him. maybe i should always go with my first instinct.

but i don't believe she's "alive and being held". i can understand why her family would want to believe that.

my post # 38 on May 23:

ok this will seem farfetched...

i just listened to Brettly on JVM. JVM asked him if they were romantic. he said he used to date a friend of hers. it didn't work out. and he and Mickey got "closer" but it was "platonic which was OK"... so my mind went right away to she rejected him romantically. fill in the rest.

Why did Mickey's abductor choose the same spot to dump her bike that an infamous serial killer chose to dump a body? Don't real copycat killers usually follow the same MO as their role model, but not dump in the same dumping ground?
I agree- she isn't likely to be alive at this point. Crass as it sounds, I can't think of a reason for the perp to keep her. Just increases the likelihood of getting caught. We haven't heard of any ransom demands and she clearly didn't take off on her own. What does that leave?
Well behaved women seldom make history Smiley_emoticons_wink
(05-29-2012, 08:33 PM)chaze77 Wrote: The more I read the more I believe Mickey was taken by someone she knew. I don't think the person got her to go with him voluntarily though. I think he hit her with his car from behind, and got her that way. I think he had to dispose of the bike because hitting her with the vehicle probably left evidence from his car, and for obvious reasons, one wouldn't want it traced back forensically (I'm thinking paint chips and crap like that). Forgive me, but my #1 suspect is Brettly. He doesn't strike me as an authentic co-op hippy guy, but rather someone who wants people to think he's a hippy. He's very awkward- uncomfortable, even- to watch and listen to. Reminds me of a little kid trying on new identities in an effort to fit in... except he's not a little kid. Maybe she rejected him and he lost it... Maybe she knew a secret and he was afraid she'd spill, who knows, but my money is on Brettly at present.

If it was a random stranger thing, why bother disposing of the bike? The only reason I can think one would do that is if they were so close to the victim that it was reasonable to think the cops would be around to notice. Otherwise, just leave it on the side of the road and go about your business. No reason to take the risk of being seen getting rid of the thing unless that bike could easily lead LE back to that person.

Does Brettly have a vehicle? Any of Mickey's friends have a white GMC truck?

Great post, makes me re-think this Brettly boy, he's a strange one! He told authorities after Mickey left he closed his door and locked it. Your possibly saying he didn't do that right? so what did Brettly do? OK, pretend Mickey leaves on her bicycle and goes left and she pedals away and then she's caught on camera, Brettly leaves his house and goes right and takes some other back route no cameras and catches up to Mickey? Brettly has already timed her route he's got it all figured out in his head.

I think he's smart enough he would know all about the serial killer and Whiskey Bay Exit. If it is Brettly he's done a good job at fooling us all.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
In this article Brettly mentions that he saw her to the end of the driveway.
This statement makes it seem that he walked outside with Mickey (maybe he watched from his window). In other interviews he said she left out his back door and he locked it omitting watching her get to the end of the driveway.

That is kind of bizarre that his Instagram account had lots of photos of Mickey, but not photos of his girlfriend. I wonder if Brettly watched Mickey all the time and this is why he didn't think to mention to some interviewers that he watched her get to the end of the driveway?
Shitstorm, post #162 thanks for the press release!

What do you make of the handle bars and grips on the bike? it sounded like they may have been removed to me. Well there would be no need to remove anything driving a pick-up, just throw the bike in the back. Now Brettly already stated Mickey's bike wouldn't fit in his car, I wonder would it if he took the front wheel and handle bar off. He would more than likely have bicycle tools, since he had an old bike himself. Maybe LE is concealing if the front wheel was removed IMO.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
Not one ounce of me thinks it's Brettly. It is some sick psychopath that will be caught soon.
and I think the reason they disposed the bike instead of "just leaving" it there, is because the perp had to look it over first to see if there was any evidence left on it, and if there was.. to wipe it off.

To me it's the white truck, that is screaming at me. How has it not been identified or the owner come forward by now, if he is innocent?
Owl: What do you make of the handle bars and grips on the bike? it sounded like they may have been removed to me.

If they were removed that may have been done to take something unique to its owner like a name tag or hanging decal off that was being held on to the handle bars by the grips.
If the psycho was worried about fingerprints, he could have wiped the handlebar grips while they were on the bike or took them off and destroyed them. Instead he took them off and left them somewhere that LE could find them. Why do you think he did this?
(05-30-2012, 12:33 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: Owl: What do you make of the handle bars and grips on the bike? it sounded like they may have been removed to me.

I think they may have been removed to take something unique to its owner like a name tag or hanging decal off that was being held on to the handle bars by the grips.

They were removed, but found.
(05-30-2012, 12:36 AM)HellNurse Wrote: If the psycho was worried about fingerprints, he could have wiped the handlebar grips while they were on the bike or took them off and destroyed them. Instead he took them off and left them somewhere that LE could find them. Why do you think he did this?

Personally, despite what the cops are speculating, i think the bike was thrown from the bridge. That caused the handlebars to break off upon landing. I think the perp wanted to get rid of it and the fastest way was to throw it off the bridge.. not get all the way down to the bottom and just place it there. Makes no sense to me

furthermore.. there are three suspect vehicles. I'm pretty sure none of those are Brettly's, and if it was him that did this, chances are his vehicle would have been captured on video too. besides, do you really think that skinny little kid could overpower that girl, and take a bike, break it apart (if what the cops say is true).. nah, not a chance. Part of me thinks this was actually two people. Where was Mickey while the perp was supposedly disposing the bike down under the bridge? Someone had to have been holding her.. or perhaps she was unconscious in the vehicle (I do not think she was dead, if they dumped it that same morning).

Purely my opinion only!!
(05-30-2012, 12:24 AM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: Not one ounce of me thinks it's Brettly. It is some sick psychopath that will be caught soon.
and I think the reason they disposed the bike instead of "just leaving" it there, is because the perp had to look it over first to see if there was any evidence left on it, and if there was.. to wipe it off.

To me it's the white truck, that is screaming at me. How has it not been identified or the owner come forward by now, if he is innocent?

The rear wheel on the bike could have been banged up purposely to make it look like someone hit the bike, the forensic lab boys can determine if the bike was hit by a car or if someone faked it.

They want to find the owner of the white truck and the others because they appear about the same time as Mickey, the police already stated they are not suspects they just want to talk to them.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
(05-30-2012, 12:50 AM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote:
(05-30-2012, 12:36 AM)HellNurse Wrote: If the psycho was worried about fingerprints, he could have wiped the handlebar grips while they were on the bike or took them off and destroyed them. Instead he took them off and left them somewhere that LE could find them. Why do you think he did this?

Personally, despite what the cops are speculating, i think the bike was thrown from the bridge. That caused the handlebars to break off upon landing. I think the perp wanted to get rid of it and the fastest way was to throw it off the bridge.. not get all the way down to the bottom and just place it there. Makes no sense to me

furthermore.. there are three suspect vehicles. I'm pretty sure none of those are Brettly's, and if it was him that did this, chances are his vehicle would have been captured on video too. besides, do you really think that skinny little kid could overpower that girl, and take a bike, break it apart (if what the cops say is true).. nah, not a chance. Part of me thinks this was actually two people. Where was Mickey while the perp was supposedly disposing the bike down under the bridge? Someone had to have been holding her.. or perhaps she was unconscious in the vehicle (I do not think she was dead, if they dumped it that same morning).

Purely my opinion only!!
I read that the police stated that only the handgrips were removed. Did you read that the entire handlebars were off the bike?

Why was Mickey taking a dangerous route through an area that was more unsafe than other routes? Many young adults don't think that bad things can happen to them, but it was almost 2:00 am in a city that is not known for safety.