06-01-2012, 10:32 PM
I am reminded of some sage advice I was given that is appropriate for either gender: "Nothing good ever happens on the streets at two am."
Mickey Shunick, murdered. 22, La. vanished riding her bike
06-01-2012, 10:32 PM
I am reminded of some sage advice I was given that is appropriate for either gender: "Nothing good ever happens on the streets at two am."
06-02-2012, 07:26 AM
Oh i know thatby talking on the phone itcouldnt have helped her but maybe it could have!
She could say hey B someone is following me or like Christie he could have heard what happend, a struggle a crash something and LE would have been looking for her alot sooner then they were. If his phone died all you have to do it plug it in you can still use it!
06-02-2012, 11:38 AM
For eight days Texas EquuSearch helped the Shunick Family try to find answers as to where Mickey could be. But Tim Miller and his team are now leaving, since there have been no new leads since Mickey's bike was discovered. Miller can't stay in one place for too long, because his work is never done. "We've got one in Meridian Mississippi that we're going to be going up on...it never ends." EquuSearch searched both the land and water, using sonar equipment from both in and out of state. Even though Texas EquuSearch is leaving, they're leaving behind the hope that Mickey Shunick could be found."
06-02-2012, 02:15 PM
Hi, Eileen, and welcome to Mock
![]() Some of you guys need to get over Brettly the fact that lots of people simply don't check in when they arrive someplace. These are also young people (not parents!) and they just think the world is a good place where they can do what they do what they want, when they want, without much worry. This is also their hometown and to hear some people talk about Lafayette, you'd think it was Mayberry. Sadly, they'll never be able to look at their little town in the same way. What a bummer that Equusearch is leaving but it's understandable. This has been a huge search effort. I don't think I've ever seen one like it and that's mostly thanks to Mickey's friends who initially organized the volunteers. Thousands of people searched. Then Equusearch finished it with the professionals. Nothing more can be done, now, except hope that someone who knows something, and you can bet that someone does, comes forward with information. Edit: The strangest part, to me, is Mickey's mother not worrying about where Mickey was on Saturday, before the little brother's graduation.
06-02-2012, 08:18 PM
(06-02-2012, 02:15 PM)shitstorm Wrote: Hi, Eileen, and welcome to Mock You would think alarm bells would go off with her mother, unless she stays the night over here and there with college friends and the mother just assumed she'd show up for the Graduation, who knows! I don't know where Mickey's real father lives yet, where does Mickey keep the pets at her Mother's home or dad's home? she may go back and forth and then it sounds to me like daddy is paying for all this Horse boarding etc., so it could be shitstorm Mickey is closer to her father than to her mother. I just found out he is a Paleontologist he is the President Lafayette Paleo Labs, INC. at his web side believe it or not more white trucks but, not the one police are looking for. Does her dad hire grunt workers? out on those oil rig platforms or does he have a separate platform out there near the rigs or what?
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
06-02-2012, 08:31 PM
Just found this article and Mickey's dad is a native of Monmouth, Illinois.
Galesburg.com Monmouth native’s daughter missing Michaela ‘Mickey’ Shunick missing since May 19 MONMOUTH — The daughter of a Monmouth native has been the target of an extensive manhunt in Louisiana. Tom Shunick’s daughter, Michaela “Mickey” Shunick, went missing May 19, according to her aunt, Ann Shunick, who still resides in Monmouth. The Huffington Post reported Wednesday afternoon that Shunick’s bicycle was found by fishermen beneath the Whiskey Bay I-10 Bridge in a remote and swampy part of Iberville Parish, about 25 miles east of Lafayette. The bike was damaged and mostly submerged. “We just hope, somehow, they find her alive,” Ann Shunick said. Tom has lived in Louisiana for “25 or 26 years,” she said. He graduated from Monmouth College and was a geologist/palentogist for Texaco. The family lived in Lafayette. Mickey, who went missing two days before her 22nd birthday, studied anthropology. Another aunt who also resides in Monmouth, Peggy Harris, said it is hard being several states away while the search is ongoing. “All we can do is pray. I feel helpless,” she said. Harris said Mickey’s sister, Charlie, has been a pillar of strength since her sister disappeared. The 24-year-old has set up a Facebook page and web page and has been conducting interviews, all to keep her sister in the public’s eye and spread the word. “She knows in her heart Mickey is OK,” Harris said. “She spearheaded everything.” The family knew something was wrong when Mickey missed her brother, Zach’s, graduation. That set off the alarm bells, Harris said. According to the website findmickeynow.com, Mickey was last seen at about 2 a.m. riding her bicycle from a friend’s home in the Saint Streets area of Lafayette. Ann Shunick said the family “is just praying and wishing for the best.” They pass their time checking internet and news reports and staying in touch by phone. There is a Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/#!/findmickeynow, dedicated to finding Mickey that the family is checking frequently. Both sites have been updated frequently. According to a posting on the pages the family has hired a private investigator, John Abdella. Anyone with information is asked to contact him at (337) 235-0270 in conjunction with the police tip line, (337) 291-8633 or the police can be reached at (309) 291-8600. Email is also available at findmickeyshunick@yahoo.com. Mickey was described as 5-feet-1 inches tall, 115 pounds with shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes. She has a small tattoo of a bicycle on her right outer ankle and a nose ring in her left nostril. A $25,000 reward has been established. Volunteer searches resume today in Louisiana. “We are just praying and wishing for the best and thanking people for their interest,” Ann said, Harris said the volunteers, police and professional searchers, “have been wonderful.” “Please keep us and our family and Mickey in your thoughts and prayers,” Harris said. http://www.galesburg.com/newsnow/x183295...er-missing
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
06-02-2012, 09:05 PM
What is known about the male that Mickey's sister initially called after the graduation to find info about Mickey's location? This guy knew that Brettly was the last person to see Mickey.
06-02-2012, 09:17 PM
great. the poorly-stated original press release that said the 2 white trucks were not the same (same street going different directions in front of gas station). now the police say it is the same damn truck. so why did they release that 2 vehicles were ruled out?? this is too damn confusing. i've had enough of BS lousy reporting.
after thousands of pages of useless internet speculation, i don't give one rats ass about the truck.
06-02-2012, 11:36 PM
(06-02-2012, 02:15 PM)shitstorm Wrote: Hi, Eileen, and welcome to Mock That's true about the mother.. yet everyone seems to be so suspicious about Brettly not checking up/worrying/alarming someone. not even the family really seemed to notice. so yes, people need to get over it! unless they want to accuse the family also! and you are right also about them thinking their town was harmless. It probably was. this guy is not from there. (methinks)
06-03-2012, 04:55 AM
I believe that Mickey's parents are married to each other and reside at the same address. It was a little confusing because the first mention that I saw of her mother was by another last than Shunick. Later I read that she and Tom are married. Kind of weird lack of clarity on that.
The guy that Charlie first called IS Brettly.
06-03-2012, 05:03 AM
If I had not come home at Mickey's age, and my parents had no idea were I was, my parents would have been frantic. I do not understand waiting until late afternoon to call the cops.
06-03-2012, 08:48 AM
I don't find it unusual at all that her family didn't contact police until much later in the day. She's a grown woman, not 12. I think some of you over think things. Unless one is consumed with paranoia daily there would have been no reason to think the worst. ![]()
06-03-2012, 09:09 AM
i agree Duchess. i only would have begun to worry (or even be pissed off) when it became evident she would not be at her brother's graduation.
06-03-2012, 01:33 PM
My son is 22 and lives at home!
I do request from him if he will not be comming home to let me know.Call or text! Its really not difficult to do! And saves alot of worrying! IWould not be able to sleep if i knew my daughter didnt arrive home. i would be calling her or texting her if i got no response id be looking for her esp if she is out there on a bicycle!
06-03-2012, 01:44 PM
I think this was a crime of opportunity!
She was there! She was alone! Its 2 am in the morning and she is on a bicycle! Its probably someone local and knows the area!
06-03-2012, 01:48 PM
(06-03-2012, 01:33 PM)Eileen730 Wrote: i would be calling her or texting her if i got no response id be looking for her esp if she is out there on a bicycle! ...but that's you, that's not everyone & it's not even the norm. The average person does not expect something like this to happen, this happens to other people & other communities. She was about to turn 22 & by all accounts is a very responsible young person. There was no good reason to immediately become alarmed. ![]()
06-03-2012, 02:14 PM
(06-03-2012, 01:48 PM)Duchess Wrote:(06-03-2012, 01:33 PM)Eileen730 Wrote: i would be calling her or texting her if i got no response id be looking for her esp if she is out there on a bicycle! Well! Yes its my opinion! I see many mothers dont keep track of their daughters! We dont think this will happen to us but none of us want to be a member of that club no one wants to join! This stuff does happen and it happens alot. Our daughters go missing off our streets!... We have to make them less Availabil! I would not want my daughter out on the streets at night on a bicycle at 22 32 or 42. She wasnt out riding in a car! JMO
06-03-2012, 03:01 PM
She was almost 22 years old, you never think of the dangers that could happen to you at that age. I think back to when I was in my late teens/early twenties and all the potentially dangerous situations I put myself in and it scares the shit out of me now, but back then I never really thought about that stuff. She is a busy young women with a lot going on her life, her mum may have thought she got up early and went to do errands or what not. Hindsight of course would make you do or look at things differently. If they had called the police earlier I don't think much would have been done straight away due to her age.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
06-03-2012, 03:59 PM
(06-03-2012, 05:03 AM)shitstorm Wrote: If I had not come home at Mickey's age, and my parents had no idea were I was, my parents would have been frantic. I do not understand waiting until late afternoon to call the cops. The Police are not going to race out there and do anything, not right away. Common sense needs to be used and was not that night. You're asking for trouble riding a bike at 2 a.m. a lone female, there are too many freaks around. If Mickey had been riding her bike with another person or 2 more people I don't think there would have been a problem. Glad to know Mickey's Mother and Father are not divorced.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau |
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