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Mickey Shunick, murdered. 22, La. vanished riding her bike
If your child does not come home and u think something is wrong u call LE, ok sooooo LE cant do anything but they do know to look for her.
She is on a Bike!!!!
I think time is of the essence!

How many of these cases have u read about?
Most involve young women out alone.
Unfortunately these men sieze that moment!
So how do we fix it?
Safety in numbers!

My kids all have 5 star emergency response
and mace! I had my daughter take boxing lessons!
you have to learn to fight back and scream loud once your in that car
your dead!

Should have, could have, would have..... Sadly not everyone is so accutely aware of the dangers out there as some others especially when it comes to young adults. Nobody did anything wrong except for the person who took Mickey.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

(06-03-2012, 04:55 AM)shitstorm Wrote: I believe that Mickey's parents are married to each other and reside at the same address. It was a little confusing because the first mention that I saw of her mother was by another last than Shunick. Later I read that she and Tom are married. Kind of weird lack of clarity on that.

The guy that Charlie first called IS Brettly.
I found it. First the sister, Charlie, called some friend who then called another friend named Nick. Nick had Brettly's #. I wonder who told Charlie that Brettly was the last person to see Mickey. Who texted Mickey last?

“And then about 5:00 o`clock, my mom texted me and said, Hey, you know, have you heard from Mickey? And I was, like, No. So we -- my friend called her friend, Nick (ph), and he gave me Brettly`s number because he`s the last person who saw her.”
i don't know, haven't met, any parent who immediately thinks kidnap and/or murder when their adult kid is late. except maytee.

(06-03-2012, 04:16 PM)Eileen730 Wrote: If your child does not come home and u think something is wrong u call LE, ok sooooo LE cant do anything but they do know to look for her.
She is on a Bike!!!!
I think time is of the essence!

How many of these cases have u read about?
Most involve young women out alone.
Unfortunately these men sieze that moment!
So how do we fix it?
Safety in numbers!

My kids all have 5 star emergency response
and mace! I had my daughter take boxing lessons!
you have to learn to fight back and scream loud once your in that car
your dead!


Safety in numbers on a bike late at night especially! it was not Denmark or Holland where bikes are a dominant mode of transportation. Nothing wrong with some self defense lessons, think like Police they tell you to be aware of your surroundings etc., just read up a bit and try to use common sense.

With out being Sgt. Major mama hah on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate you a 10, you've got common sense!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau

I don't like that some are viewing her family as being lackadaisical in their response.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(06-03-2012, 04:50 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: i don't know, haven't met, any parent who immediately thinks kidnap and/or murder when their adult kid is late. except maytee.

OMG, that's right hah hah the paranoid mother!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
Thanks for that correction on calling Brettly, Nurse.

See, some think that Brettly should have driven Mickey home or waited for a text that she got home safely, and others find it weird that her mom wasn't worried in the morning. I guess this just attests to the fact that we're all different and there was really nothing so weird that went on among Mickey's friends and family. Everyone just assumed she was okay. Seems Mickey was an independent girl and everyone was used to that.
Brettley looks just like Woody Allen!

Acually i think the family thought she was staying with a friend!
Im not saying the family did anything wrong!
We dont think this stuff can happen to us but it can!

When sheet like this happens it should make others think about their own faimlies and daughters and
do things to prevent it from happening to them.

I think so guy saw her and saw his chance!
Perfect opportunity!
Pretty blonde 2am on a bike not many ppl around!
Shame the cameras didnt help!

Maybe they can get prints off the bike!
So I have to ask... what's with all the exclamation points? Do you speak as excitedly as you type?
It might be her 1st time.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

What does this investigator know that makes him think Mickey could be in Florida? (I need to go check to see if the direction from where her bike was found is a highway which leads to Florida.)
(06-04-2012, 06:47 PM)HellNurse Wrote: What does this investigator know that makes him think Mickey could be in Florida? (I need to go check to see if the direction from where her bike was found is a highway which leads to Florida.)

HellNurse found this on News Blaze, you have to wonder about a lone dude travelling across I-10 and he has a Circle K card he likes Circle K IMO.

From News Blaze
"As far as connecting Mickey's case to other unsolved cases of missing girls goes, I think the best source for some significant tie-ins is being generated by a private investigator out of Sarasota, Florida, Bill Warner. Bill has appeared recently on Jane Velez-Mitchell's HLN talk show, and as far as I can tell, has made perfect sense. I-10 is the key, and a traveling construction worker (who doesn't have to account for his time to anyone) is crucial here too."
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
I-10 runs East to Jacksonville Florida on the Atlantic coast.

I don't fault Mickey's parents with not raising the alarm sooner. At almost 22 years old (when she went missing) Mickey is an adult responsible for her own actions. My 22 year old son is serving in the Air Force. He certainly doesn't call me every night to check in, nor am I privy to what he does on a daily basis, and I don't want to be. His life/his choices.

The focus of the investigation in the media seems to be on the white truck they haven't ID'd. As someone who rarely flies but travels a lot, I have been through many cities/towns very early in the morning. If my vehicle was caught on surveillance in a town 700 miles from home I wouldn't know that LE was looking for me if I wasn't paying attention to a missing persons case. The white truck may be involved, but it may have just been a random person passing through on their way to wherever.
(06-04-2012, 11:07 AM)Jimbone Wrote: So I have to ask... what's with all the exclamation points? Do you speak as excitedly as you type?

I was thinking maybe Nancy Grace snuck in here.
After LE found her bike mangled under that bridge I just have a feeling it's a local, who likes to fish. Fishermen found the bike, suggesting it's popular with local fishermen. It just seems like a strange place for someone unfamiliar with the area to dump the bike 28 mi. away
there is an entire rollcall of missing children in my forum. and missing adults like this. so many. and so many more i never even posted about. i'm just one person and there are hundreds. or maybe thousands.

i know when it's time for me to move on to the next one.

this girl is dead.

(06-05-2012, 12:03 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: there is an entire rollcall of missing children in my forum. and missing adults like this. so many. and so many more i never even posted about. i'm just one person and there are hundreds. or maybe thousands.

i know when it's time for me to move on to the next one.

this girl is dead.
So sad I really do think she is. I can't imagine though what some of these parents go through. I can't imagine what it must be like to not know what happened to your kid, or brother, or sister.
I pray shes dead, coz if shes alive, boy she will be ruined for life.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

(06-04-2012, 11:07 AM)Jimbone Wrote: So I have to ask... what's with all the exclamation points? Do you speak as excitedly as you type?

Lmao i started wondering the same thing