06-27-2012, 01:23 PM
![[Image: Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System.png]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System.png)
Damn, on the bottom again.
06-27-2012, 01:23 PM
06-27-2012, 07:12 PM
And now the people on the bottom have to have two or three jobs.
There's an even lower level now comprised of "illegal" immigrants who can't even complain about being mistreated or will get deported. As long as they work and shut up they are just as "legal" as anyone born in south LA. ![]()
06-27-2012, 08:06 PM
@clad. RG's a fan
06-27-2012, 08:19 PM
Wahhhhh, capitalism is bad.
Capitalism, it's faults included, has done more to improve the world than any other "ism". Everyone opposed to capitalism should fuck off and go live where it doesn't exist - then start bitching about it. But to complain about capitalism whilst sucking at its tit and benefitting from it is ridiculous. In countries where people live the worst, it's not because of capitalism. It's because of corruption, hegemony, or cruelty.
06-27-2012, 09:05 PM
Fuck them all. make picnic tables, sell hotdogs, T-shirts, get off your lazy asses.................get mad, make money you lazy fucks! Holy shit.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
06-27-2012, 09:07 PM
(06-27-2012, 08:19 PM)Jimbone Wrote: Wahhhhh, capitalism is bad. Capitalism no longer exists. It's been taken over by cronyism and the Era of Greed. If there were still such a thing as capitalism they'd pay interest at the bank instead of giving it all to the CEO. Companies would compete by improving their products instead of having their buddies in government legislate them away. Every product in the store and most services wouldn't be garbage in a race to the bottom. Capitalism is dead. Reagan stuck a shiv in it and Congress twisted it. ![]()
06-27-2012, 09:11 PM
Quit yer sniveling ya whinny little snots! Go put on your eyeliner and panty hose..........flimsy hot air and crying, grow a set of balls and fucking get out there and fight you stupid fucks.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
06-27-2012, 09:24 PM
(06-27-2012, 09:07 PM)cladking Wrote:(06-27-2012, 08:19 PM)Jimbone Wrote: Wahhhhh, capitalism is bad. If a person does quality work there will always be a nitch for them. Make things that will last for 100 yrs and you will get calls every day. There is still a very big market for a well made American product., especialy at a local level. China be damned, the work is out there. I know guys that work every day on jobs that are complete word of mouth jobs. Hell my company is a 80 mil dollar per year company and has a one line telephone number in the yellow pages. Are you idiots just going by what you see on the internet? Well get off your collective asses if you are, fuck what the bonehead bloggers say. Get out in the real world ya bunch of Ham sandwiches.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
06-27-2012, 09:32 PM
I'm deeply disturbed by the roughly 47% of the population who pay NOTHING in taxes.
I've mentioned this story before but long story short, those that HAVE at my kids' school contributed and paid for those that didn't for ALL kids to attend a week long science camp/field trip. MANY families didn't contribute a dime (despite large advance notice) so the PTA (the "haves") basically paid for those kids to attend. That's in addition to the income taxes/property taxes/school bond measures we already pay to support those that don't have. Everyone should contribute something. If 47% of the population contributed $5.00 fucking dollars a year, that would be a huge amount of money. I don't expect my taxes to get reduced in this type of economy but I'm getting really tired of being asked to pay more when so many people contribute nothing and actually get refunds when they've basically paid...nothing. We paid close to 6 figures in taxes last year not to mention all the voluntary donations we made. California wants to raise our taxes and Obama wants to raise them more. I'd go along with that if everyone was contributing something. I don't think something is too much to ask.
06-27-2012, 09:37 PM
I don't know what you fuckers are on about. I just thought the picture had rich colors.
06-28-2012, 12:02 AM
(06-27-2012, 09:24 PM)Maggot Wrote: Are you idiots just going by what you see on the internet? Well get off your collective asses if you are, fuck what the bonehead bloggers say. Get out in the real world ya bunch of Ham sandwiches. Well that's fine if you're one of the few who can surround themselves with quality but most of us can't. I used to live in that world but there's not really much left if you look around a little more closely. The supermarket sells you contaminated products in ever smaller packages to try to fool you. Communication companies suck (don't even think about uverse). It used to be easy to live in the old 1950's version of America but there's not much left. Now days the insurance industry openly brags that they "lobbied" Congress for 5.5 billion dollars and no one even thinks there's something akilter about it. I'm reminded of when a coin company bragged about returning stolen coins tothe DuPont estate and then added they didn't even want a few thousand dollars compensation for what they paid on a half million dollars worth of coins. But people noticed this. MF Global goes down and customer funds and property were transferred to MS yet no one goes to jail and the CEO gets a promotion (And probably his golden parachute). We still know what capitalism and quality are; they just don't have much bearing on things now days. We still know what liberty is and they still feel up grandmothers at the airports. They still put cameras everywhere and now they are appearing in the sky. They don't lock up the criminals so it's just assumed that we are all criminals. ![]()
06-28-2012, 12:03 AM
(06-27-2012, 09:37 PM)Riotgear Wrote: I don't know what you fuckers are on about. I just thought the picture had rich colors. I just like the pyramid shape. ![]()
06-28-2012, 12:12 AM
06-28-2012, 06:32 AM
Capitalism is a GOOD thing. I used to feel sorry for those who didn't have a pot to piss in, I don't any more. I don't think there is a limit to what one can have as long as you're willing to work for it. I want it all. ![]()
06-28-2012, 11:15 AM
(06-28-2012, 06:32 AM)Duchess Wrote: AMEN! People who don't have anything, might need some help - and it is certainly provided by our government and charitable groups. If given the hand up they still insist on the hand out, fuck them. The world needs ditch diggers too. Anyone who doesn't make it has themselves to blame. We've just turned into a country of pussies who like to blame everyone else. In the meantime, all you crybabies and government confiscators should just stay out of the way of people like Duchess, Maggot, and me. We've got real work to do and real money to make to spend on ourselves because WE FUCKING EARNED IT!
06-28-2012, 12:25 PM
I'm a capitalist through and through; nothing better.
I worked non-stop for over 20 years in the corporate world and then opened a business that has profit potential and a growing client base. I do well, but it's almost impossible to make what I need to sustain a living given what's been imposed on me by the government. San Francisco has a minimum wage that's $1 higher than the rest of the state of California (I pay way over minimum, but MW is my baseline gauge). San Francisco has had mandatory employer paid health care since 2007. The bill was widely expected to fail when I opened my business in 2006, but it passed. To stay in a business that provides a care service to those who really need (and deserve) it, I have to keep my employees below a certain number to avoid paying that mandatory healthcare expense which would essentially put me out of business because my client bases won't bear the increase in price to cover the increase in cost and it's a low profit margin industry. So, my growth potential is thwarted and thus the number of people that we can assist is also limited. I do care about my employees and offer a 50⁄50 employer/employee shared cost health plan which saves my over a $1 per hour as compared to the city plan. 2011 was the first year that I had over $350k in payroll which meant I had to pay nearly $5k in payroll tax. My 5 month semi-sabbatical is over starting July 1st and I will be back in Sacramento a lot fighting against proposed industry legislation that would again raise costs to small business owners; thereby reducing the number of elderly and disabled persons that we can assist, inhibiting growth, and causing the number of high quality providers in the industry to further dwindle. Granted, part of it is because I choose to be in San Francisco which is much more employee-oriented than employer-oriented when it comes to legislation and our specific labor regulations supercede those of the state of California. I may well need to leave in the not too distant future or get back into corporate executive management (I miss the money, but definitely not as personally rewarding for me and I don't miss the corporate politics); not because I don't do well and work hard (and delegate to someone who also works hard), but because too much is being heaped on employers, imo. I am far from alone. Local and state regulations all addressing the same issues (and sometimes conflicting) sitting on on the plates of many of us small to medium sized employers. Now, I need to analyze the impacts of today's federal USSC Obamacare ruling on the future of my business; its employer mandates crash into the existing county mandates which were never state mandates. ![]() Not whining; I swear. I will work it all out and stay on top - never have had a problem with transition. Just sharing and maybe venting. Having said all of this, I'm glad that I have the opportunity to be an entrepreneur and to move on and make a living in another capacity if need be. Capitalism. ![]()
06-28-2012, 12:28 PM
Can your company do what does in a more friendly state?
06-28-2012, 12:29 PM
I can't wait to pay my fair share and the fair share of several other people who can't afford it.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
06-28-2012, 12:30 PM
Jimebone: In the meantime, all you crybabies and government confiscators should just stay out of the way of people like Duchess, Maggot, and me. We've got real work to do and real money to make to spend on ourselves because WE FUCKING EARNED IT!
ah hem....I work too and earn and pay my own way. Don't forget the little people Jim. :/
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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