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please jesus...
make them stop posting every fucking email they get!! ::doh::

Someone we know?
you got my vote. ::thumbs::your reply was excellent.

hey email posters! have an original thought!!

That fucking bitch... I swear to god, I would SO punch her in the nose if I ever met her.
By the way... stop making me look over there! It just pisses me off and I have to comment.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:By the way... stop making me look over there! It just pisses me off and I have to comment.
i know. you're so cute when you're mad. :kiss::::bravo::::lmao::

Yeah, fucking adorable.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Yeah, fucking adorable.

you LOVE the bitches from hell. :kiss::

Frankhas a woody for the far right morons. There's no other explanation. ::aww::
Frank has a woody? ::pdance::

I will toss a chipmunk at her window tomorrow for ya MF..........::bigg::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Maggot Wrote:I will toss a chipmunk at her window tomorrow for ya MF..........::bigg::
and i'm putting a fat cat and 3 squirrels in your car. ::showass::

jackboots Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:I will toss a chipmunk at her window tomorrow for ya MF..........::bigg::
and i'm putting a fat cat and 3 squirrels in your car. ::showass::
Yahoooooo! A snack!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Fuckhead aka Frank is about to ban me at 24...I can feel it in my non Republican bones.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Fuckhead aka Frank is about to ban me at 24...I can feel it in my non Republican bones.
christ i hope not. i have spent half my life begging admins not to ban you. ::blink::::lmao::

LuMPyPussy Wrote:Fuckhead aka Frank is about to ban me at 24...I can feel it in my non Republican bones.

He's definately having one of his manchild periods.

Its a tough job defending racists and xenophobesfrom people with wit and intelligence you know?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
jackboots Wrote:make them stop posting every fucking email they get!! ::doh::
Shes quite willing to take credit for some of the mass E-mail shit as well if she doesn't admit that she didn't write it.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The herd is swarming on some of my posts, voting for anyone that disagreed with me yesterday.

Hive mind.
"We are the bore-g, you will be assimilated lumpy, your individuality and intelligence will be added to ourown which is severely limited".
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Hey, if I look like Alice Krige, I'm there!