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Thats right bitch, fuck you and all your camel humping turds that bend over in front of you. Better yet bend over yourself Mu. These idiots that are burning shit down and stomping their feet because of a stupid movie should be the last straw. Every fucking filmaker and every editor to any newspapers in the free world should make films, draw cartoons showing that iconic bearded fuck screwing every pig, goat, camel, frog anything that moves on the front page in every paper. Filmakers should show this muhammad fuck in the real light. a fag fucking grinning bi-polar idiot with a beard.
Maybe if every media outlet started showing some balls and plastered a picture or movie denouncing this guy, all the muslim heads would explode and we could all go back to being normal again. All of them. lets show some solidarity against these backwards sand paper asswipes. What are they gonna do? Kill everyone? They already want that.
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I'm with you Maggot.
I applaud the French Magazine Publisher who decided to do just that either today or yesterday.
(Didn't look for the link, but I think it was on the Today Show earlier).
Bring it on, you backward fucksticks!!
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To tell you the truth I thought Americans had more balls. WTF are they gonna do? I wanna make some shitpaper with his head printed on it, what a great selling idea!
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All that pc bullshit is going to be the death of us.
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(09-20-2012, 04:25 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I'm with you Maggot.
I applaud the French Magazine Publisher who decided to do just that either today or yesterday.
I read about that as part of a related story this morning. Despite bomb threats, Charlie Hebdo publishing in France released a cartoon showing his backside (not labeled as "Muhammed", but clearly meant to be inferred as the Prophet).
The German satirical magazine Titanic is moving forward with a cover depiction of the the Prophet (again, not labeled but easily inferred to be inferred as Muhammed) in an issue next week mocking political use of Islamaphobia.
Regardless of how one believes the Islamic protestors should be handled, it's good to see press outlets demonstrating that freedom of speech and expression (and freedom to mock!) won't be thwarted by threats of violence.
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I can't imagine living in a society where people go nut fuck crazy over a picture (or a movie trailer or whatever). No concept of free speech where they are, apparently.
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(09-20-2012, 04:48 PM)username Wrote: I can't imagine living in a society where people go nut fuck crazy over a picture (or a movie trailer or whatever). No concept of free speech where they are, apparently.
That kind of repression leads to the narrow-minded intolerant mindset that we're up against now, imo. I don't think it's the prophecies of Muhammed or the religion that has created these terrorists, but the tunnel-vision purposely caused by extremist leaders bastardizing a religion for political/domination goals. I haven't read the Koran and I'm not well versed on the contents, so this is only my opinon based on research here and there over the last couple of years.
There are so many funny, disrespectful, praising, etc... depictions of Jesus, God and other biblical figures posted side-by-side all over the internet and print media. We have the freedom here to laugh at them, get indignant, argue publicly or privately about them, whatever... Hard to imagine the chaos if the Chrisitian world went apeshit everytime a new Jesus mock popped up. I guess maybe some Muslims think that going apeshit will deter such depictions - chicken and egg. If that's the case, it's not working so far. What a fucking mess...
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There's a train of thought that before you can change the direction of Islam, you're going to have to kill a few million of the jihadi types. Along with leveling their most sacred holy sites.
Now....I'm not against that at all. Because at some point if that doesn't happen, you can bet your sweet ass we here in the USA are going to see a big f'n mushroom cloud over one of our cities.
And then watch out! Because killing a few million won't be enough at that point.
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Mebbe all the countries should put something on the flag.
There's nothing wrong with believing anything you want (I suppose) but when you try imposing your bullshit on other people through force it is evil. I'll bet even Mohammad knew that.
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Well Maggot, when you start a thread you don't beat around the bush. I think it's fair to say that your message is really clear. This could bring Mock into primetime yet.
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(09-20-2012, 04:13 PM)Maggot Wrote: Maybe if every media outlet started showing some balls and plastered a picture or movie denouncing this guy, all the muslim heads would explode and we could all go back to being normal again.
Daniel Pipes is president of the Middle East Forum at Fox News. Today they ran his brief (but fairly interesting, imo) editorial. He's pretty much on the same page with you and thinks Western press should publish a famous Danish cartoon depiction of Muhammed every day.
So, this is my plea to all Western editors and producers: Display the Muhammad cartoon daily, until the Islamists become accustomed to the fact that we turn sacred cows into hamburger.
Read more:
The editorial didn't feature the Danish cartoon referenced, but here's one that was very controversial:
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I'm with Maggot!
I'm a firm believer in: Do unto others, before others do unto us!
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Pakistanis are nuts anyway, one just has to look at what happened when they seperated them from India.
But let's put this somehow into perspective. Here in Sana'a we had about a thousand people going nuts. That's about 0.004% of the population. People who are easily manipulated by the ones taking advantage of exactly those issues. You have a small crowd, you find 4 to 5 Al Qaeda guys among them, who will then start the spark. And it happens each and every time. And each and every time people die. Many times innocent ones as well.
So since we know this happens each and every bloody time, why the fuck do people keep doing it? Just so they sit at home far away and laugh when they see all the action on a TV? Why the fuck do they want to get us killed here? Anybody putting up pics of Jesus in a gay bar? Sucking off a goat? No.
We living here just shake our head. Who is more stupid? The 0.004% of Muslims reacting or those who know exactly what will happen when they put up that shit?
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What the .004% don't seem to understand is that we have no way of preventing this type of thing without passing laws that infringe on our right to free speech (which I pray to Muhammad won't happen). There are tons of pictures mocking Jesus, I'm sure. What sane people realize is that they're just pictures.
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I don't share the view that killing all Muslims is the answer and agree that it's likely a minority portion of the Islamic population that fans the flames and encourages violence and death against those outside the Islamic order.
There are batshit crazy Christian fundamentalists here who peddle hate like it's candy too. The fear of condemnation and repercussions from the majority of the population and its authorities should be strong enough to minimize the influence of extremists, for those who don't see martyrdom as the ultimate honor yet. We don't hear much about what's being done to stop these Islamic extremists locally, but doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a question, not a claim that it's not happening.
Why should Western media halt its non-violent freedom of speech and expression via the press to satisfy terrorists and violent extremists? Of course I don't want to see innocent Muslims or non-Muslims killed during protests. But, to give up our own freedoms to avoid that type of threat/manipulation would be caving-in and demonstrating a weakness that would make many more people vulnerable to increased violence, imo.
I'm not laughing at any of the reactions personally and don't find the depictions particularly humorous, but will defend the right for them to be released (along with any other form of non-violent expression) all the way. Oppression due to fear is a recipe for disaster and just makes it easier for the extremists to gain the power and control that they seek, imo.
It took me less than 5 minutes to find these depictions of Jesus which have all been published; they are everywhere. There were thousands and thousands more.
Jesus the pedophile
Gay Jesus
Jesus and bestiality?
Jesus, Moses, Buddha and Ganesha in a gang bang (from Sept 13 2012 by our friends at The Onion)
Mo, while I simply don't know if there are many blasphemous depictions of Jesus or other religious figures originating in the Middle East, I do know that there has been plenty of anti-Western (religious and otherwise) rhetoric publicly released from some regions there. Some probably valid, some extreme and for the purpose of inciting hate. I equally support their right to non-violently express themselves.
I wish the hate, violence and terrorism would end. Whether these kinds of depictions could really incite any of that if it wasn't already a goal is debatable, imo. Giving up our freedom of non-violent expression and satirical protest certainly won't stop it and may even encourage it - of that I'm convinced.
Stay safe and smart, as always...
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There is one single thing that pisses these people off. And that is anything to do with their prophet. Trust me, I would be very surprised if any of those Jesus pics would originate here.
What is so difficult not to do it when you know exactly what's going to happen? I don't call that freedom, I call that some spastic who giggles from behind his safety far away trying to provoke. And trust me, the one doing it surely knows he is provoking as the end result always had been and will be the same.
Now being here in the middle of it all, just as I said, it is a vast minority, but just like in movie halls in the States, it takes a single idiot to ruin your day.
And that is how we see it here. We don't see it as celebrating freedom of speech but as some idiot trying to provoke. Kinda like Bruce Willies walking around in the Bronx with a bill board around his neck saying "I hate niggers!", only that this time Bruce got a neat flashing billboard with a remote control, sitting comfortably in his Malibu Villa, once in a while pressing that button. If they would have done that in the movie he sure wouldn't have looked that cool.
But yeah, our world is full of idiots all over and it will be impossible to put a stop to them no matter what.
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(09-22-2012, 01:49 PM)Mohammed Wrote: There is one single thing that pisses these people off. And that is anything to do with their prophet. Trust me, I would be very surprised if any of those Jesus pics would originate here.
What is so difficult not to do it when you know exactly what's going to happen? I don't call that freedom, I call that some spastic who giggles from behind his safety far away trying to provoke. And trust me, the one doing it surely knows he is provoking as the end result always had been and will be the same.
I understand both points of view and agree that just because we can do something doesn't mean we always should. It's incredible to me that any satire, provocative or not, is used by some as justification to kill. But, freedom of expression is essential in minimizing the power of violent extremists looking to manipulate others with narrow goal-serving religious interpretations, oppression, and intolerance imo.
Is Daniel Pipes correct when he asserts that running Islamic satirical cartoons every day will desensitize Muslims to them and eventually reduce violent protests? IDK. Maybe some Muslims, but probably not the extremists and terrorists who likely spur others to act violently imo.
I found it interesting that after French Charlie Hebdo staunchly defended its decision to exercise free speech and run the Muhammed cartoons this week (in order to "laugh at all extremists, rather than to provoke"), the French Foreign Minister publicly disagreed (he shares your opinion). Foreign Minister Fabius declared:
"I am against all provocations, especially during a period as sensitive as this one. I do not see any usefulness in such provocation," he told the radio station France Info. "There must be freedom of speech, but I am absolutely opposed to any provocation."
Sincerely hoping that there are no violent acts after German Titanic releases its Islamaphobia edition next week.