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You planning on watching the debates?
(10-04-2012, 07:34 PM)Carsman Wrote:
(10-04-2012, 07:23 PM)Maggot Wrote: You have to remember he is still a pup compared to many who have been career polititians much longer. They should all have 6 yr term limits at best anyways but thats a different thread.

Very true! And now more then ever in these difficult turmoil times, we (America) need a ballsy, savvy, shrewd leader. Which BHO is far from any of those attributes. Unfortunately, the Mittler (as Ms D calls him) may not be any better. We're doomed!

Talking about being doomed, it absolutely applies if BHO does get back in. And then BHO gets sick & dies, and Biden becomes leader! 25
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!



DENVER—Following last night’s nationally televised presidential debate, President Barack Obama’s 11-year-old daughter Sasha reportedly asked her father why he was “acting like such a goddamned pussy up there.” “Daddy, how come you were being such a little bitch?” asked the sixth-grader, who told the president she was “genuinely worried” that maybe somebody had “cut Daddy’s balls off” right before he took the stage. “What happened, Dad? Were you on your period or something? Maybe the next time you’re in front of the entire country for an hour and a half you should try not letting another man spank you on the ass like that.” Sources added that Obama’s youngest daughter then offered to help the president go “look for [his] dick, because apparently it’s gone missing.”

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Al gore says Denvers mile high altitude is why Barry did so bad...... and the beat goes on.......
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(10-05-2012, 10:51 AM)Maggot Wrote: Al gore says Denvers mile high altitude is why Barry did so bad.

That's pitiful. He needs to just shut up.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(10-05-2012, 07:47 AM)Duchess Wrote:


DENVER—Following last night’s nationally televised presidential debate, President Barack Obama’s 11-year-old daughter Sasha reportedly asked her father why he was “acting like such a goddamned pussy up there.” “Daddy, how come you were being such a little bitch?” asked the sixth-grader, who told the president she was “genuinely worried” that maybe somebody had “cut Daddy’s balls off” right before he took the stage. “What happened, Dad? Were you on your period or something? Maybe the next time you’re in front of the entire country for an hour and a half you should try not letting another man spank you on the ass like that.” Sources added that Obama’s youngest daughter then offered to help the president go “look for [his] dick, because apparently it’s gone missing.”


Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
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Next up: Biden vs. Ryan on Thursday, Oct. 11. Should be a good one; pundits expect Biden to come out swinging extra hard to make up for Obama's missed debate opportunities.
Biden will give himself a shiner. he does have more experiance debating though. Hmmmmmm. Diaf
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Who is the ref tonight?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Martha Raddatz.

The debate is tomorrow night.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Crap I have the crackers all ready.........
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Ms. Raddatz is a correspondent for ABC News; she's pretty tough. I think she's a good choice, but I've seen some hemming and hawing in the political pages because Obama was on the Harvard Law Review with her first husband back in 1990 and he attended their wedding.

Always something...

DANVILLE, KY—Lying fully nude with his wrists and ankles tied to the corners of his hotel room bed, an intense, sweat-drenched Paul Ryan reportedly told his staffers today that the only way he could prepare for Thursday night’s vice-presidential debate was if they slapped his naked, bound body harder and harder.

Slap my face as hard as you can and tell me how much you want bigger government,” the bound Wisconsin congressman is said to have shouted through gritted teeth as his aides recited Obama budget proposals, which he then rebutted with conservative talking points between screams of “more” and “faster.” “Oh, God, yes, tell me what loopholes we have to close for our tax plan to remain revenue neutral! Tell me the loopholes!”

According to sources, Ryan then insisted that aides rake their fingernails across his chest and spit in his face while calling him a “filthy liberal slut.”


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[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(10-10-2012, 05:36 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Ms. Raddatz is a correspondent for ABC News; she's pretty tough. I think she's a good choice, but I've seen some hemming and hawing in the political pages because Obama was on the Harvard Law Review with her first husband back in 1990 and he attended their wedding.

Always something...

There's so much press about this right now I would expect her to over compensate and come down harder on Biden. We'll see.
VP debate winding down.

Biden served the Democrats much better than did Obama imo (despite Biden's irritating condescending grin while Ryan was talking).

I thought Raddatz did a good job moderating as well.

Ryan was sharp and well-composed, but too vague on some issues and drew from too many personal stories imo.

While abortion rights isn't my top priority, it still irked me when Ryan spoke about it. I agreed more with Biden whose religious beliefs (Catholic like Ryan) oppose abortion but who doesn't want to force those views onto others.

Biden took this one, imo, but not by a landslide. Good debate.
You are a great commentator, HotD. I only saw parts of the debate but from what I saw, I'd give Biden the win. We'll see what the pundits say tomorrow.
Commando Cunt Queen
Being Catholic myself, I so very much appreciated Biden's response to the abortion question. I wish the Church held the same philosophy.

I don't even like that the government feels that abortion is their business. It's not, I don't care what their argument is about it, it's something that should be between the woman & her healthcare provider.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I think Biden could have won the debate, but snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with his condescension. It made him look small, smarmy, and unlikeable.

Sure, it was red meat for his base... but I imagine independents will be turned off by it.
(10-12-2012, 10:21 AM)Jimbone Wrote: Sure, it was red meat for his base... but I imagine independents will be turned off by it.

I'm an independent and was indeed turned off by it, especially at the start of the debate when Raddatz asked about the killings at the Libyan Embassy. Ryan took that topic hands down, imo. Biden looked small by smiling through Ryan's comments and responding that if Intelligence was asking for more security beforehand, "they" didn't know it. Well, yeah Joe, that's the problem. While Biden pointed out that Ryan voted for cutting Embassy security costs, I think Ryan started off strong by winning that topic.

I don't think Ryan got crushed later, but Biden was able to back up his condescension with facts/opinions when it came to Medicare changes, unemployment, abortion, foreign policy... Whether you agreed with his facts/opinions or not, he stated them clearly in a way that made Ryan's opposing position look questionable, imo.

It bothered me that, just like Romney in the Presidential debate, Ryan wouldn't/couldn't answer the question of how their deficit reduction plan is going to equate to 5 trillion over 10 years by closing tax loopholes rather than raising taxes (he said they didn't want to say because they want to wait til it's bipartisan or some such thing). That question needs to be answered before the election - it's a major point on their ticket for some of us independents. I was very disappointed to see it side-stepped again.

I thought it was a really good debate and Biden did make up for some of Obama's debate lethargy. He probably didn't attract many independents, but he may well have strengthened the commitment of some wavering Democrats. On the other side, I don't think Ryan helped or hurt Romney with his existing base or undecided independents last night. JMO...
(10-12-2012, 10:57 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: he said they didn't want to say because they want to wait til it's bipartisan or some such thing

I think that's a ridiculous comment to make in the middle of a debate when people like me are trying to have some of their questions answered. There isn't a better time than right now to answer it.
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